Panther Commando

Chapter 5663: footprints in the ravine

The little monk squatted under the rock and heard Wan Lin's laughter and scolding, he quickly replied, "Yes yes yes!" He then buckled the helmet hanging behind him on his head.

He grabbed the sniper rifle leaning on the rock, rolled his eyes, and placed the sniper rifle on the rock beside him. He lay on the ground and looked at the people around him, and said in a low voice, "Senior brothers and sisters, you... Your kung fu is... all very high, you also... teach me too, I will kowtow to you as a teacher, you all... be my masters!" He slammed his head against the hard rock.

The surrounding Zou Tao and Xiaoya looked like they were lying on the ground, and everyone's eyes widened. None of them thought that this kid would be so greedy, and he was lying on the ground and kowtowing to them.

Zou Tao raised his foot in anger, kicked the boy's **** and cursed: "Stinky boy, you are too greedy! You can't learn Wan's kung fu in your life, and you still think about us. Kung fu done! Go, get ready for action."

In Zou Tao's raised feet, the little monk was lying on the ground under the rock, like a big toad. The boy was lying under the rock, turned his head to look at Zou Tao, he grinned and said, "Zou... brigade, yes yes yes, prepare... prepare for action, I... I also feel that I am a little... greedy!"

Seeing the appearance of this kid, all of the people around couldn't help laughing. Zou Tao bent down and lifted the kid down from the rock, with a smile on his face.

He followed and grabbed the sniper rifle standing on the rock, stuffed it into the hands of the little monk and scolded in a low voice: "Grandma, you stinky boy, no wonder you have a headache when you see your leopard head, your boy is indeed a headache. !"

The little monk took the sniper rifle and glanced at Wan Lin, who was lying on the side of the rock and was raising his gun to aim at the mountains in front. He whispered, "Zou... Brigade, keep your voice down, don't... don't let the leopard head. Hear, if he... he really... really annoys me, then... don't teach me." With that, he ran down the side rocks with his sniper rifle.

Zou Tao looked at the boy's back, then turned to look at the wind knives who were squatting beside him and smiled: "This boy has such a big idea, no wonder Leopard frowned when he saw this boy. It's only been two days, I Seeing this kid gives me a headache."

Several people in Fengdao laughed, and Chengru laughed in a low voice: "Haha, this kid looks stupid and has a big idea in his heart. This kid is addicted to martial arts, and he will pester us to learn kung fu if he has nothing to do."

Fengdao also smiled and said: "This kid is too smart. He has been pestering us for a while, even coaxing and deceiving. He doesn't need to be a teacher, so he will steal all of our kung fu."

"Hahahaha..." Several people around covered their mouths and laughed. Zou Tao glanced at the little monk who was already lying on a rock on the side, staring at the scope, he said with a smile: "Haha, it seems that It's better for me to be safe, I don't follow this kid every day, if I let this kid entangle me, it won't give me a headache."

As soon as Zou Tao finished speaking, he suddenly put away the smile on his face, raised his hand and said "shh" to the surrounding Feng Dao people, he lay on his stomach and listened to the sudden sound from the earphones.

He listened for a while, and whispered into the microphone next to his mouth: "Yes, you should strengthen your vigilance. If you find suspicious people hiding close to your post, I authorize you to fire immediately, don't hesitate!"

"Yes!" An answer came from his earphones immediately, and he followed the order: "Platoon Commander Hao, you are closely monitoring the surroundings, and report to me immediately if there is any situation!"

Several people around had heard Zou Tao's low voice, and they all lay on the surrounding rocks with a solemn expression. They raised their guns and aimed at the surrounding mountains.

Wan Lin also turned to look at Zou Tao from the rock on the side. He asked in a low voice nervously, "Brigade Zou, did they find the black snakes at the border post?"

He knew that the border post was on a steep hill near the border, and if they found a black snake, it meant that the black snake had fled to the border.

And the officers and soldiers of the border post found the black snake, and it was difficult for them to intercept them. These masters who had undergone strict special warfare training. As a result, their mission of chasing and killing the Black Snake in this trip will be in vain, and the efforts of the previous stage are all in vain!

Zou Tao heard Wan Lin's hurried questioning, he turned his head to look at Wan Lin and replied in a low voice: "Leopard head, the border guard post reported that just now, when they sent people to patrol the mountains near the border, they were on a dangerous cliff. They found that some of the rocks they prefabricated had changed, and they thought that someone had smuggled into this mountainous area."

When Wan Lin heard this, he leaned over the gun and stared at the mountains in front of him and asked in surprise: "Prefabricated rocks, what do you How do they judge that someone smuggled in?"

He followed the microphone to his mouth and commanded in a low voice: "Every team pays attention, the border guards report that there may be people smuggling into the country, strengthen the vigilance, and closely monitor the surrounding mountains."

Wan Lin issued an order, and then looked at Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa lying on the rock next to him and ordered: "The two of you immediately return to the hidden position of the group and closely monitor the surrounding mountains." He then shrank back under the rock and turned his head. Looking towards Zou Tao.

This mountainous terrain is extremely complex, with ravines, rocks and cliffs all over the mountains, and it is difficult to find those stowaways trained in mountain special operations. The report from the border post stated that they did not find the figure of the stowaways.

Now, these border guards are only judging by the clues that someone smuggled in, so Wan Lin must figure out the basis for the judgment of the border guards and soldiers, in order to infer whether there are really stowaways, and the identities of those stowaways.

When Zou Tao heard Wan Lin's question, he immediately understood the meaning of Wan Lin's question, and he quickly replied: "When I brought my men down here for training a few years ago, I asked the soldiers at the border post, in such a complicated situation In the terrain, you can't conduct daily patrols along the border like other border guards, so how do you find someone smuggling in this terrain?"

As he said, he lay down on the rock again, moved the muzzle to aim at the side hillside, he stared at the scope and said: "At that time, the squad leader of a post replied that they have installed some surveillance cameras here."

"At the same time, they preset some rocks that are easy to flip in some monitoring blind spots such as ravines and cliffs. Once they find that the positions of these rocks change frequently, they will immediately send people to carefully search the surrounding mountains, so that they can be based on the scene. traces, infer whether someone smuggled into and out of the country.”

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