Panther Commando

Chapter 5670: don't shoot

In the dimly lit mountains, Fengdao and a group of people ran extremely fast, but they ran about ten kilometers and still did not find the little monk and Xiaobai. Only three or four kilometers away in the dim mountain, stood a steep mountain.

The mountains at night were very quiet, only one or two mournful wolf howls could be heard from time to time in the distant mountains, and a few faint starlights had already revealed in the dim sky.

At the moment when the wind knives and several people drilled through a piece of undulating rock, a bright red beam of light suddenly flashed from the mountains in front. "Hidden!" Xiaoya's hurried shout came from everyone's earphones.

The wind knife swooped under the rock in front of him, and shouted at Zou Tao who was on the side at the same time: "Hide!" At this moment, Zou Tao also turned around and rushed under another rock in front of him.

Just as Zou Tao rushed to the side, "Whoosh", a sharp air-breaking sound suddenly sounded from the air in front of him, and a bullet with a hot wind whistled past the side of his helmet.

Several people with the wind knife threw themselves on the surrounding rocks, and several people pulled the bolts at the same time, and then they lay down under the dark rocks and stretched out their muzzles. The wind knife pointed at the microphone beside his mouth and shouted nervously: "Jingheng, there are enemy snipers in front of you, hide now!"

The wind knife just issued an order to the little monk, a red light has flashed from the dim mountain in front, Xiaobai burst out of the darkness in front of a lightning, a white light and shadow flickered among the rocks, and went straight to the front. Rush at the foot of the mountain!

Following the figure of Xiaobai rushing out like lightning, a faint fire suddenly flashed on the dark hillside in front of him. Xiaobai, who was escaping from under a dark rock, suddenly changed direction in the air. It fell to the side of the rock like lightning, and a bright red beam of light followed from the rock. "Ow," a furious leopard roar followed. Sounds in the dark.

The wind knife was shocked when he saw the faint fire suddenly flashing in front of him! He shouted sharply into the microphone: "Lin Zisheng, suppress the opponent's snipers, and cover Xiaobai and Jingheng."

In the roar of the wind knife, "Pfft", a low-pitched sniper rifle shot has already sounded from a rock behind Xiaobai's side, and on a rock halfway up the mountain in the distance, a cluster of sparks shot out by bullets followed. .

In the dim mountains on the side of the wind knife, the sound of Lin Zisheng's sniper rifle also sounded, and Lin Zisheng's hurried reply sounded from the earphone of the wind knife: "The opponent's position has been locked!" With his response, "Pfft, pfft", two low gunshots followed from the side of the mountain where he was.

In the faint starlight, on the steep hill in front, a few clusters of dust and mist shot by sniper bullets rose. In the sound of successive shots from sniper rifles in front of Lin Zisheng, a small black shadow suddenly emerged from the dark rocks in front of him. The little monk followed Xiaobai, who rushed out, and rushed straight to the foot of the mountain in front of him.

"Da da da", a series of rapid flames spewed from the muzzle of the MP5, and at the same time flashed from the figure of the young monk, and a burst of flames was hit by bullets on the dark rock on the mountainside in front of him.

Fengdao saw Xiaobai and the little monk rushing out of the hidden mountains in rage. He shouted in a low voice: "Zisheng, do your best to cover Jingheng and Xiaobai, and the rest of the staff!" The side of the rock rushed out.

Following his roar, "Pfft, puff, puff," Lin Zisheng's sniper rifles sounded one after another, and clusters of sparks flashed on the dark hillside rocks in the distance.

In the surrounding mountains shrouded in darkness, Xiaoya and a few others followed. They stared at the assault rifles on their shoulders and quickly rushed to the foot of the mountain ahead.

At this time, the mountain where Feng Dao and the others are located is about 1,500 meters away from the hidden **** of the enemy in front. The distance between the enemy and us has far exceeded the effective range of their assault rifles, so they all The trigger was not pulled.

They knew that by shooting in such a dark night, they would not only be unable to effectively kill the hidden enemy, but also cover the Xiaobai and the little monk who rushed out in front, and would also reveal their location.

Now, only the firepower of machine gunners and snipers can provide cover for Fengdao and Xiaobai in front, but Kong Dazhuang and Wang Dali, the two machine gunners, have been assigned to Zhang Wa's group and Cheng Ru's group. Three groups.

The second group only had Lin Zisheng's sniper rifle, which could provide them with accurate cover. Although the current distance has exceeded the effective range of Lin Zisheng's sniper rifle, several snipers of the Huabao Commando are all special shooters, and the bullets he shoots can still hit the young monks and wind knives who rushed forward. Provides effective fire cover.

At the moment when the wind knives rushed out, on the dim hillside in front, a faint fire suddenly flashed, and the little monk, who was running forward, slammed down the side rocks in the flash of fire.

A furious roar followed from the foot of the A bright red beam of light rushed up the steep hillside like lightning. "Da da da", a series of gunshots rang out from under the rock that the young monk rushed towards.

The little monk disappeared under the rock, and then drilled out from the other side of the rock. He rushed diagonally to the foot of the side mountain, and then disappeared under a dark rock.

At this time, the hillside where there was a faint flame of fire just now, at this time, the dense bullets that had been swept out by the little monk shot out a cloud of dust.

The bullets of the two sniper rifles shot by the sniper Lin Zisheng also flew over the heads of the wind knives in a whistling, and the bullets flew diagonally toward the dim hillside in front.

Zou Tao followed the wind knives and rushed to a rock about 400 meters away from the hill in front. He followed him and lay on the rock, raising his gun and pulling the trigger on the dim hill in front.

At this moment, the wind knife on the side shouted hurriedly: "Brigade Zou, don't shoot! Xiaobai and Jingheng have already gone up!" He followed and jumped out from under a dark rock on the side. The people around Xiaoya didn't stop at all, and rushed straight to the foot of the mountain in front.

Zou Tao was stunned for a moment when he heard Feng Dao's shout, and he quickly rushed out from the side of the rock with his gun, carrying the gun and chasing behind Wan Lin and the others.

He already understood that Xiaobai let out a roar in his rage and rushed up the dark hillside in front of him at this moment. And the little monk also disappeared among the dark rocks at the foot of the mountain, this reckless boy must have rushed up the mountain now. No wonder Fengdao and Xiaoya did not raise their muzzles at all, but rushed directly to the foot of the mountain in front.

At this time, once Xiaobai and the little monk were not aware of the location of the shot, he was likely to accidentally injure the two little brothers, Xiaobai and the little monk, in the dark, so he quickly picked up the gun and rushed to the foot of the mountain in front of him. go.

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