Panther Commando

Chapter 5681: close combat

The latest website: Two groups of firelights that suddenly burst out in the dark, suddenly illuminated the surrounding mountains with a dark red. In the flames of the explosion, pieces of rubble roared and fell towards the surrounding mountains.

Before the flames of the explosion were extinguished, Zou Tao and Feng Dao were angered in their eyes. Suddenly, half of their bodies were protruding from the rubble that fell above their heads, and two assault rifles stretched forward at the same time.

"Da Da Da", "Da Da Da", two strings of bullets were ejected from their muzzles, and the bullets whistled towards the two shadows exposed in the firelight.

The two of Feng Dao shot two short bursts, and then they rushed under the rock on the side. At this moment, a gunshot rang out from the mountains in front at the same time, and a bullet hit the rock beside them with a "smack, slap, slap".

The wind knife threw himself under the rock on the side, turned his head to look under the rock where Zou Tao was, and shouted, "Brigade Zou, cover me!" He followed and tumbled out from under the rock.

Hearing the roar of the wind knife, Zou Tao immediately put the assault rifle he was holding on the rock with his left hand. He reached out and grabbed a grenade on his shoulder. His left arm, which had been stained with blood, slumped weakly beside him.

"Boom", with the sound of an explosion, he leaned out from under the rock, the assault rifle in his hand rested on his left shoulder, and his left hand quickly pulled the trigger. The assault rifle followed and swept a rain of bullets forward, fully covering the air knife rushing out from under the rock.

In the light of the sudden burst of fire in the mountains ahead, Feng Dao carried an assault rifle and rushed down a few rocks in front of him diagonally. The flames of the explosion disappeared in a flash, and the air knife rushed under a rock in front of him, raising his gun and aiming forward.

"Da da da", "da da da", a string of fire suddenly flashed out from a rock thirty or more meters in front of the side, and a string of bullets roared towards the hidden mountains behind Zou Tao.

The air knife moved extremely fast. When the muzzle was stretched out, the trigger was pulled against the fire in front of the side. The fire of the opponent's muzzle was extinguished immediately, and a figure flickered and quickly disappeared into the darkness. The air knife released the trigger, twisted and jumped forward from the side of the rock.

At this moment, a dark figure suddenly leaned out from under the rock in front, and the muzzle of an assault rifle aimed at his chest at the same time.

Feng Dao was shocked when he saw the figure suddenly appearing in front of him! He slammed his left foot on a dark rock on the side, his body suddenly changed direction, and he slanted down another rock in front of him.

At the moment when the wind blade suddenly changed direction, a string of flames had already emerged from the muzzle of the opponent's gun. In the sound of "da da da", several bullets whistled past the wind blade.

In a hot wind coming from behind, the wind knife dashed towards the rock in front of him like lightning. The moment he threw himself in front of the rock in front of him, he suddenly released his tightly gripped assault rifle.

He stretched out his right hand and slammed the side of the rock, and threw his body sideways on the rock on which the opponent was lying. A touch of cold light from his left hand flew out, and a flying knife flew straight towards the shadow in front of him.

Lying on the black shadow on the rock, seeing the opponent dodging the bullets fired by him like lightning, then he saw a cold light flying straight towards him! He responded quickly and let go of the assault rifle that was about to move the muzzle, twisted and threw himself towards the side of the rock.

This kid just jumped out of the rock, "Dang", a flying knife has hit a little spark on the rock in front of this kid, and the flying knife jumped up from the rock, bringing a cold wind from the kid flying overhead.

The boy moved quickly during the save. He pulled out the pistol on his leg with his right hand, and pulled the bolt with his left hand before falling. deduct.

Just as the boy pulled the trigger, the figure of the wind knife had already rushed to his side with the sound of the wind. His right hand grabbed the pistol raised by the other party and pushed it up sharply.

"Clap", the opponent's pistol sounded at the same time, and a bullet flew out from the helmet of the wind knife. The air knife pushed the opponent's pistol away, grabbed the opponent's barrel with his right hand and twisted it vigorously.

The other party groaned, his right hand suddenly released the tightly gripped pistol, and he rolled to the side when he landed. At this moment, his left hand raised upwards at the same time, and a sharp saber stabbed straight at the rushing wind knife! A hoarse cry came out of his mouth at the same time.

The boy's reaction was very fast. At the moment when the pistol in his right hand was dropped by the opponent, he had already pulled out the saber with his left hand and swung it backwards vigorously. Under the helmet, the face with the high cheekbones was hideous, and the little boy under the thick eyelids was hideous. There was a look of panic in his eyes!

At this time, this kid already understands that life and death are just the description of the current scene! He already knew from his opponent's lightning-like figure that one of his feet had stepped into the gate of hell. The figure of the opponent in front of him was like lightning, and he was a master fighter he had never met before! Therefore, his right hand pistol was seized, and his left hand immediately pulled out the saber from the scabbard on his leg,

In this kid's extremely fast movements, the wind knife had already rushed behind this kid in the dark. Facing the cold light that was inserted into his shoulder, he grabbed the barrel of the pistol snatched from the opponent's hand with his right hand, and used the handle to "be ' The slammed slam on the stabbing blade.

The pistol and the blade suddenly flashed a cluster of sparks in the darkness, and a strong force suddenly came from the saber in the boy's hand. His left hand became numb, and the saber flew out of his hand.

Fengdao followed to one side, letting go of the opponent's suddenly raised right leg, and a cold light flashed from his left hand at the same time A flying knife was caught between his fingers, and he slammed into it with a loud bang. into the opponent's raised right thigh.

A scream followed from the front of Feng Dao, and the boy in front of Wan Lin let out a scream.

A cold light flashed in Feng Dao's eyes, and the flying knife drawn from the opponent's thigh flew out from between his fingers. The cold light flashed by in the dark night, and then disappeared in the opponent's throat with a "pop".

An incredible light flashed in the other's eyes, and his head twisted to the side. At the same time, he screamed at the rock on the side.

At the moment when the boy screamed to the side, Feng Dao's eyes flashed, he fell on the rock beside the boy, and the left hand that just threw out the flying knife grabbed the chest of the boy beside him.

He grabbed the opponent and threw it out to the side of the mountain that he was looking at.

"Da da da", a series of deafening gunshots sounded at the same time, the boy in the air shivered a few times, and then fell from the air in front to the dark rock.

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