Panther Commando

Chapter 5685: emergency help

The latest website: In the sudden burst of fire in the mountains, the dark night sky was immediately reflected in a dark red. The dazzling fire flashed away, and Wan Lin shook his body vigorously under the rock at the moment when the fire was extinguished, and then raised his head from the falling moment.

Shaking off the rubble and dust from his body, he grabbed his sniper rifle and stooped to his feet from under the rock, twisting to throw himself under another rock in front of him.

Just when he was about to save the rock, "bang bang bang", "da da da", a burst of gunshots suddenly sounded in the mountains not far away from him, and bullets flew towards him.

On the dark rocks beside Wan Lin, sparks splattered, rubble fluttered, and dust and mist flew. He quickly stopped and pressed his body tightly against the dark stone wall of the rock, with an anxious look on his face,

In the rain of bullets whistling around, he couldn't reach out to fight back, and he couldn't stop the enemy from fleeing towards the border. In anxiety, he turned his face and looked towards the mountains behind.

In the dim mountains two kilometers away, there were flashes of fire from the muzzle. Wan Lin saw the situation in the mountains behind, and his lips that he opened to call for support immediately closed.

He knew from the muzzle flashes behind him that Chengru and Fengdao were leading the other leopard team members to fight fiercely with the enemy behind him who was responsible for blocking. Not even able to relieve their own urgent needs.

Just as Wan Lin was anxiously observing his surroundings, looking for an opportunity to escape his stealth spot, a faint fire suddenly flashed from the dimly lit mountains in front of him, and the sound of machine guns echoing in the mountains on the side of Wan Lin stopped abruptly!

The bullets that had just shot around Wan Lin suddenly disappeared, and the mountains where the gunshots were loud suddenly became deadly silent. After a short silence, the sound of gunfire resounded again in the night, and a rain of bullets roared towards the mountains in front of Wanlin.

Wan Lin is overjoyed! He immediately realized that the enemy's machine gunners had been killed, and his own snipers had appeared in the surrounding mountains. This sniper must have been from the side of the mountain, perfectly avoiding the hidden mountains of himself and the enemy, and rushed to the front silently.

This man's ability to covertly act surprised even the leopard head of him. He had been paying attention to the surrounding mountains with his zhenqi just now, but he did not sense that someone had sneaked past him from the side of the mountain.

Now, this sniper must be lying on a towering rock in front of him, sniping at the enemy in the mountains on his side, and killing the machine gunner who is the most threatening to him with one shot.

The rest of the enemies must have been in astonishment, and quickly determined the hidden location of the sniper. The gun in his hand immediately turned the muzzle and swept towards the mountains in front of him.

Wan Lin knew that no one dared to easily appear under the muzzle of the opponent's sniper rifle in this kind of mountain battle. The surrounding enemies could only quickly turn the muzzle, suppress the opponent with ferocious firepower, and speed up their escape at the same time. .

Wan Lin reacted quickly. The moment the enemy's bullets disappeared from his side, he slammed on the ground with both feet and threw himself under another rock on the side.

He fell under the rock without stopping, and then jumped up from under the rock, jumping under several dark rocks on the side in a row, and then he rushed to the dark mountain in front of him.

Wan Lin rushed out extremely fast, and in a blink of an eye he appeared under a towering rock two hundred meters away. He crouched in the darkness behind the rock, quietly extending the muzzle forward, while turning his head to the fire that flashed just now. Looking forward.

Just as he turned his head from under the rock, he saw that on the rock where the faint flames flashed just now, sparks shot by the enemy's bullets were splashing. And on the top of a rock where the sparks were scattered, a faint flame flashed again.

Wan Lin was shocked! He did not expect that the sniper who came here would dare to stretch out the muzzle and pull the trigger even in the midst of the enemy's intensive firepower. This is tantamount to exposing his sniper position to the enemy's muzzle.

He hurriedly shouted into the microphone beside his mouth in a low voice: "Zisheng, hide now!" He thought that the comrade-in-arms who rushed in from covertly was the three groups of snipers sent by Fengdao to support him, Lin Zisheng.

As soon as Wan Lin made a sound, there was a stammering response from the earphone: "Yes yes... yes, I... I am... I am... hiding!"

At this moment, a bright red beam of light flashed out from the enemy group in the mountains on the side of Wanlin, and a scream sounded at the same time. The fierce gunfire of the enemy suddenly faded away, and the muzzle fire that had just shot at the mountain in front of the side also swept away to the mountain where the red light was flickering.

Wan Lin suddenly heard the little monk's answer, and then saw the red light flashing from the mountains in front of him, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Wan Lin widened his eyes and shouted sharply at the microphone beside his mouth: "Jingheng, hide now!" He immediately jumped out from under the invisible rock, and slanted to the side and under another rock that was as high as one person. .

At this time, he understood from the sound from the earphones that the sniper in front of him was actually a little monk, and Xiaobai also rushed to the battlefield at the same time! Just now, he always thought it was the sniper Lin Zisheng who came from the mountains behind to help him get rid of the predicament of being suppressed by enemy fire.

But he never thought that the sniper who killed the enemy's machine gunner, attracted the enemy's firepower, and let him successfully transfer the sniper position was actually a little monk!

Wan Lin followed and The little monk must have quietly carried his sniper rifle while Fengdao and the others were fighting the enemy, and followed Xiaobai from the mountains behind to chase after him and Xiaohua.

Wan Lin's movements were extremely fast, and the moment the enemy turned his gun, he sprang out from under the invisible rock. Under the cover of the night and the surrounding rocks, he rushed out a distance of 100 meters to the side of the mountain like a smoke. He followed and disappeared under a rock, and quietly extended the muzzle to the side.

In the sound of gunshots, five or six black shadows were rushing towards the mountains in front of them, and the mountains behind them were flashing with three or four fires from the muzzles, the enemy machine guns that had just disappeared. The sound also sounded at the same time, and the ferocious fire of a machine gun whistled and swept to the side of the mountain. Around the rock where the little monk was invisible, a piece of sparks shot by bullets splashed again.

As soon as Wan Lin stretched out the muzzle, the little monk's anxious shout came from the earphone: "Leopard...Leopard, leopard head, I...I hide...behind the rocks, all around me... It's all enemy bullets, and it's's impossible to move."

"Right now... I am... I can't stretch my gun out... please... please... urgently... emergency support, you... you hurry up... help me, let... let me out ... get out!"

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