Panther Commando

Chapter 5693: life in desperation

The latest website: At the moment when Wan Lin shot back and his eyes flashed with despair, he suddenly saw: a spark suddenly flashed from the top of the dark rock in front of him.

"Crack!" With a crisp sound, the black lacquered gun barrel that was aimed at Wan Lin on the top of the rock suddenly flew sideways amid the splashing sparks.

On the dim rock, a long sniper rifle spun and flew from the top of the rock. Among the sparks bursting from the top of the rock, the long sniper rifle in front of Black rolled from the top of the dark rock and fell towards the rock.

"Clap", the second sound of hitting followed, and at the same time, several stones hit by bullets splashed on a rock that was raised on the top of the rock.

The little monk's urgent voice came from Wan Lin's earphones: "Leopard...Leopard head, I...I'm here! Right...just..."

The boy's voice didn't fall. Lin Zisheng's voice also followed: "Leopard head, I'm five hundred meters behind you. Jingheng, be careful!" Wan Lin's earphones were followed by two sounds of pulling the gun bolt.

Wan Lin was overjoyed, knowing that he had come out of nowhere! At the critical moment when he was about to be hit by the black snake bullet, the little monk and Lin Zisheng had already appeared at the scene. The two snipers, one big and one small, pulled the trigger of their sniper rifles almost at the same time.

Wan Lin's combat experience is extremely rich, as can be seen from the two clusters of sparks splashing from the top of the rock in front: the long sniper rifle in front of the black snake must have been shot by the little monk who rushed to the side of the mountain first! This kid was running very fast in the mountains, and Lin Zisheng must have been pulled behind by this kid.

Lin Zisheng, who arrived later, also quickly judged the position of the black snake's stealth at the moment when he rushed over. He and the little monk pulled the trigger almost at the same time, and shot a shot on the top of the rock where the black snake used to hide.

The little monk and Lin Zisheng, the two comrades-in-arms, pulled the trigger almost at the same time and rescued his leopard head from the Jedi targeted by the black snake sniper rifle!

Wan Lin fell under the rock behind him, not bothering to answer the sound from his earphones, he didn't say a word, his eyes flashed with anger, a carp jumped up from under the rock, and went under the black boulder in front of him like lightning. rush away.

At this moment, a black shadow flashed on the top of the rock in front, and a dull explosion sounded under the rock in front. A cloud of yellow smoke rose from under the rock, and the shadow on the rock disappeared into the thick smoke.

Wan Lin rushed under the boulder where the black snake was hiding, and he followed him into the thick smoke that had just risen. At the same time, his left hand swept across his waist, and he rushed out of the side of the boulder more than two meters high like lightning.

In the diffuse smoke, the smoke around the rocks is rolling upwards, and in a blink of an eye, the surrounding dark rocks have been shrouded, and the surrounding mountains are hazy.

Wan Lin was rushing out from the side of the boulder, his left hand slammed forward, a steel needle in his hand, whistled and flew into the surging smoke ahead. At the same time, his right palm was raised upwards, and a powerful internal force also followed from his palm vigorously.

Wan Lin's movements were extremely fast. He threw out the steel needle in his hand, and his right hand followed with a strong palm force. Then, in the roaring palm wind, he slanted to the side and rushed under a rock that was blurred in the smoke. go.

He was in the air, his eyes fixed on the thick smoke ahead. The ferocious palm was like a gust of wind rising from the ground in the smoke. The thick smoke in front rolled forward and rushed forward, and blocks of dark rocks appeared immediately in the diffuse smoke.

The moment he threw himself in front of the rock in front of him, his eyes suddenly saw that a black shadow flashed away in the smoke more than 20 meters away. On the rock behind the shadow, there was the sound of "pop, pop, pop" being hit by a steel needle.

Wan Lin saw the vague figure of the other party and knew that the black snake was in front of him! He rushed out from the side of the rock with a sway, and then in the diffuse smoke, he rushed under another rock in front of the side like lightning.

He squatted under the rock, his left hand swept across his waist quickly, a few flashing steel needles quickly appeared between his fingers, his right hand quietly stretched out from the side of the rock, a strong infuriating energy, silently forward in the smoke.

At this moment, a burst of gunshots rang out from the mountains in front of "da da da" and "da da da", and a piece of bullets roared and flew.

A few bullets flew over the top of Wan Lin's invisible rock with a sharp wind sound, and at the same time, there was a sound of being hit by bullets on the towering rocks shrouded in smoke.

Wan Lin hid behind the rock. At the moment when the bullets whizzed past him and the gunshots stopped, he kicked his left foot hard under the rock, and he went out like lightning in the diffuse smoke. He leaned to the side where the gunshots sounded. Rush through the mountains ahead.

At this time, Wan Lin already understood that the black snake had roughly determined where he was from the sound of the steel needle hitting the rock from behind him, and it was right behind him.

Therefore, this kid took off his spare weapon in panic, turned around and swept out a shuttle of bullets. Now this kid must be escaping to the front of the mountain quickly, while quickly replacing the empty magazine on the MP5.

Wan Lin seized the opportunity for Black Snake to change the magazine, decisively drilled out from under the invisible rock, and rushed straight into the smoke in front of him. He knew that although this kind of pungent smoke was the talisman of the black snake, this kid used the thick smoke to escape from his hands several times.

But this kind of thick smoke is also a double-edged Although the thick smoke covers up the whereabouts of the black snake, it also prevents the black snake from seeing the position of the opponent behind him. It is impossible to determine the exact location of Wan Lin.

At this time, Wan Lin was completely provoked by the black snake! The insidious black in front of him not only escaped from him several times, but almost shot him just now, so he rushed out extremely fast in extreme anger, and in the blink of an eye he rushed out of the diffuse smoke.

When he rushed out of the smoke, he saw that among the jagged rocks more than a dozen meters away, a vague figure was running quickly towards the dimly lit mountains ahead.

The speed of the black shadow is extremely fast, like a black smoke flowing in the darkness, appearing and disappearing from time to time among the jagged rocks. Wan Lin saw the blurry figure in front of him, and a cold look suddenly flashed in his eyes.

He kicked a rock in front of him vigorously with his feet, and his body rose into the air. Like a ghost, he jumped over a rock that was more than half a person high in front of him. He landed and charged diagonally to the mountain in front of the shadow to the right.

At this moment, the shadow in front suddenly drilled out under a rock, and the shadow raised his right arm to the side and rear. Wan Lin saw the opponent's movements in the dark. He swung his left hand forward vigorously, and at the same time, he threw himself under a rock in front of him.

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