Panther Commando

Chapter 5696: Insidious plan

"Panther Commando(

Wan Lin has had countless dealings with Yamaguchi security guards, and he knows very well the person of Kuroda, the boss of Yamaguchi security guards. He knew that Kuroda was a selfish person like the black snake. For their own sake, they would never care about the lives of those around them.

Although Kuroda attached great importance to the black snake and regarded this kid as his right-hand man, in fact, he only valued the extraordinary skills of the black snake and this kid's famous reputation in the mercenary world.

He tried his best to win over the black snake, just to use the reputation of the black snake to make a well-known employment organization for his Yamaguchi security guard, in order to attract more illegal business and earn more money.

But even if Kuroda attaches great importance to the black snake, he will not mobilize so many elite militants into China. These tough mercenaries are the foundation of his Yamaguchi security mercenary group to settle down. Hei Snake's life was not worth the amount of money he paid for the security of Yamaguchi.

Now, Kuroda actually sent so many elite subordinates, which only shows that Kuroda already hated his leopard army.

The ultimate goal of Kuroda's operation is to take the opportunity of the black snake to attract his leopard troops, gather his most capable men of Yamaguchi security, and sneak across the border to secretly sneak into the mountains.

Although this mountain is the territory of China, Kuroda understands that it is impossible to have a large Chinese army in this dangerous mountain. He wants to send his own elite troops and his own in this barren mountain. The Hua Leopards will fight to the death, waiting for the opportunity to kill their own Huaxia troop, and clear the roadblocks in front of him!

In the dimly lit mountains, Wan Lin heard the sound of gunfire suddenly resounding in the mountains in front of him, and when he saw the beams of fire spewing from the muzzle, he immediately understood the sinister plan of Kuroda, the Yamaguchi boss.

Wan Lin knew that Heotian must not have expected that these mercenaries who were good at hiding in the mountains would be discovered by two fierce little leopards in the dark night, and suddenly launched a fierce attack on them.

As a last resort, these mercenaries could only expose their figures, raise their weapons, and pulled the trigger on the two leopards who suddenly attacked them.

Now, the shadows of these mercenaries hidden in the darkness have been completely exposed in the precipitous mountains ahead, and the hidden ambush plan plotted by Kuroda has been exposed by the sound of gunfire.

Wan Lin realized Kuroda's plan in the dimness. He didn't pause in the dimness. He slammed a hard rock under his feet, and slanted toward the dark ditch in front of him. The flickering muzzle flash looked up.

At this time, the muzzle flashes in the dimness ahead came one after another, but every time the muzzle flashed, it flashed randomly towards the surroundings.

Obviously, after the two agile leopards killed the two enemies, they immediately rescued the cover of the night and the complex terrain in the mountains, ran quickly around the enemy, and appeared beside the surrounding enemies from time to time.

Now, these two extremely ferocious leopards have already made the group of mercenaries in front of them have scruples. They can only keep raising the muzzle and pulling the trigger at the leopards that flashed around to avoid being approached by these two beasts. around.

Wan Lin knew that in this dim mountain, there was no one enemy who dared to let these two ferocious leopards get close to him. Now, the two leopards have perfectly contained the enemies in the mountains ahead, and these enemies are temporarily unable to approach the area where he and the black snake are.

Wan Lin saw the muzzle flashes in the mountains in front of him, and immediately rushed straight to the side of the ditch like black smoke. His figure was like electricity, and then he flashed under a towering rock at the edge of the ditch, and quickly disappeared into the darkness. in the ditch.

He has rich practical experience. He has already judged that the black snake fleeing in the deep ditch must have heard the gunshots in front of him at the same time. This kid must be pleasantly surprised to realize that his reinforcements have arrived in the mountain in front of him. .

Now, the black snake will definitely jump out of the ditch in wait for an opportunity, and then use the cover of his accomplices to escape the border. Once this kid escapes from the dark and narrow ditch, in this dark night and in the mountains where bullets are flying, it will be very difficult to find this **** with excellent skills again.

Therefore, Wan Lin did not care about the mercenaries who suddenly appeared in the mountains in front of him, but jumped directly into the deep ravine in front of him without hesitation.

He knew that this was the best time for his leopard head to kill this black snake! As for the mercenaries in front, there will naturally be comrades-in-arms with rich combat experience, such as Chengru and Fengdao, who rushed to the mountains in front to clean them up!

Just as Wan Lin silently jumped into the deep ditch, the sound of "bang bang bang" and "da da da" suddenly sounded from the mountains in front of the side, and Lingling's hurried report followed from Wan Lin's door. The earphones sounded: "Leopard head, we have reached the mountains in front of are attacking the enemy!"

Lingling's hurried report was followed by a deafening leopard roar in the mountains ahead. At this moment, Wan Lin's figure was already clinging to a raised rock beside the ditch and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

The nervous look in his eyes suddenly disappeared at this moment, and his eyes were calm. He already understood that Cheng Ru, Feng Dao and the others had already arrived in the mountains ahead.

The two leopards also roared in the fierce gunfire, indicating that the two supernatural partners had quickly left the battlefield in front of them at this moment to avoid being accidentally injured by the bullets fired by Chengru and the others.

These two leopards were all battle-hardened, and from the sound of gunshots that suddenly sounded from the side, they already knew that their comrades had rushed to the battlefield, and their task of containing the enemy had been completed.

Therefore, under the cover of rocks in the mountains, they quickly left the battlefield in front. Wan Lin knew that the two leopards must be worried about him now, and they must be running towards the mountain where he was.

In the darkness, Wan Lin jumped into the dark ditch, clinging to a rock that bulged at the edge of the ditch. He raised his left hand and quickly grabbed a finger-sized crack in the ditch wall. Sweep around quickly.

There are jagged rocks protruding from the black lacquered cave wall, and black cracks are scattered across the hard cave wall. The deep ditch beside it is four or five meters wide. It was three meters deep, and the ditch was pitch black.

With the help of the night vision goggles on his face, Wan Lin quickly observed the surrounding dark rock walls. He then took a deep breath and gently released the crack he was holding with his left hand.

His figure was like a gecko clinging to the rocks around him, slowly falling to the bottom of the pitch-black ditch below, and in the blink of an eye he had already fallen to the bottom of the deep ditch.

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