Panther Commando

Chapter 5705: gunshots inside the post

Remember [New] for a second,! On the dim hillside, the black figure above Wanlin just raised the pistol in his right hand, and a crisp sound of hitting has already sounded from the hillside below. The body just blocked his muzzle.

The boy ignored the flying companion. He slammed his feet on the rock under his feet, and threw his body diagonally toward the hillside in front of him. The muzzle of the pistol raised in his right hand moved down the hillside.

On the dim hillside, Wan Lin threw out the opponent in front of him with a whip. He kicked the rock with his right foot and threw his body to the side at the same time. His left hand stretched forward and grabbed the little monk who was falling on his back.

Wan Lin's movements were extremely fast. He knew that the steel needle he threw out only hit the body armor of the opponent's chest, and did not make the opponent lose their combat effectiveness. The opponent would definitely raise the muzzle and launch a counterattack.

So he grabbed the falling monk and grabbed it under his ribs. He kicked a raised rock on the hillside with his left foot, and his whole body was like an arrow from the string, and it was aimed at the little monk who had just drilled out. Jump under the rock.

At this time, there was a gust of wind in the darkness, and the two leopards, which were thrown from the top of the rock, appeared like lightning above the heads of the two boys on the hillside above.

"Pop", "Pop", two deafening beating sounds, resounded from the top of the two shadows at the same time, the two hard helmets were torn apart under the claws of the two leopards, and the two boys seemed to be hit by the air Like a thunderbolt, he fell headlong toward the rock.

The two leopards had already seen the figure of the little monk being shot down, and their right paws raised in rage slapped the top of the two boys' heads vigorously. The two boys didn't say a word, their heads were torn apart with the hardness, and a strong smell of blood rushed into the darkness immediately.

The two leopards killed the two enemies in front of them with one claws. They raised their heads and looked up the hillside. A light suddenly flashed in their eyes. They ran up the force from their claws and went straight to a rock above the hillside. Go down.

At this time, Wan Lin had already pounced under the rock on the side with the little monk between his arms, and then he heard two loud noises from the hillside above the side, and out of the corner of his eyes he also saw the lights emerging from the eyes of the two leopards .

He didn't care to check the little monk's condition, and pressed the little monk under the dark rock. He had already understood from the sudden light in the eyes of the two leopards that there must be an enemy on the hillside above!

Just as Wan Lin was anxiously looking for a weapon, his eyes suddenly saw that a long barrel was quietly protruding from the rock above his head!

His eyes flashed suddenly, his right hand raised to grab the barrel, and he dragged a long sniper rifle in front of him. Wan Lin recognized at a glance that this was the sniper rifle that he had given to the little monk. The little monk must have been sniping the enemy here, and then the enemy discovered and sent someone to touch it quietly.

At that time, he only gave the little monk two spare magazines. This kid has no combat experience. He must have not considered the ammunition consumption during the battle. He fired all the bullets without any scruples, and then had to put down the sniper rifle. He took off the melee weapon he was carrying.

Wan Lin quickly pulled the sniper rifle in front of him and pressed his right hand on the gun body. The moment the magazine slipped from the gun body, his left hand quickly took out a spare magazine from the tactical vest and inserted it into the gun body. .

He quickly turned the muzzle of the gun in both hands, and pulled the bolt with his right hand. Just as he raised the muzzle upwards, "Da Da Da" "Da Da Da", a series of rapid gunshots suddenly sounded on the steep mountainside.

Wan Lin saw through the scope in the sound of the gunshots that several black figures were scattered and rushed towards a raised building on the mountainside, and the fire from the muzzle was flashing from the front of the several black figures.

Wan Lin just stretched out the muzzle from under the rock, when the frontier guard post platoon leader Zhang's hurried report sounded in his earphones: "Report Zou Brigade, the post was attacked! Are we opening..."

Before the platoon leader could finish his words, a faint fire suddenly flashed from the dimly lit mountains at the side of the mountain, and a dark shadow on the mountainside rolled down the steep hillside.

Wan Lin saw the fire flashing from the side of the mountain, and immediately understood that the sniper Lin Zisheng had detected the enemy's movement, and shot and killed an enemy who rushed to the post in time.

His muzzle also spurted a faint flame of fire upwards. After pulling the trigger, he raised his right hand and quickly pulled the bolt. The muzzle of the gun then shot up a faint flame of light, and he commanded at the same time: " Platoon Commander Zhang, I am Leopard Head, and I order you: If suspicious persons approach the post, shoot immediately."

On the dimly lit hillside, amid the rapid gunfire from Wanlin's sniper rifle, three black shadows rushing towards the halfway up the mountainside rolled down the steep hillside almost at the same time. Several muzzle flashes that were spraying towards the outpost also disappeared in the darkness at the same time.

Wan Lin saw that the enemy had disappeared into the darkness, he quickly pulled the bolt of the gun, and then moved the muzzle to aim at the post halfway up the mountain.

At this time, two explosions of "Boom" and "Boom" suddenly rang from the hillside above. In the burst of fire, a few shadows followed from under the rock on the mountainside, and the fire from the muzzle flew straight to the post above, and a fire also flew to the hidden mountains of Wanlin at the same time~ Lin didn't care about the gravel shot by the bullet around him, he pulled the trigger at a shadow on the mountainside, and then he lay down under the rock and pressed the little monk tightly Down.

Several shadows have appeared beside the stone-built bunker of the outpost, and two shadows have jumped up and rushed towards the outpost. Wan Lin's muzzle quickly spewed out a flash of fire, and a black shadow who had just climbed over the bunker plunged into the bunker.

In Wan Lin's earphones, the urgent call of platoon leader Zhang of the post rang out at the same time: "Report Zou Brigade Leopard Head, the enemy has rushed into our post, requesting support!" A burst of "da da da" gunshots, and then from the post sounded.

Wan Lin pulled the trigger and heard the sound coming from the earphone. He didn't wait for Zou Tao to reply, and he shouted sharply into the microphone: "I'm a leopard head, fire now! We'll be there soon." Then it sounded: "Platoon Commander Zhang, follow the command of Leopard Head!"

In Zou Tao's hurried voice, a loud gunshot had already sounded from inside the post, and a piece of sparks was immediately hit by bullets fired from the post on the dark rocks around the post.

Wan Lin gave the order, and he was about to get out from under the rock when a string of bullets whistled and swept from the mountains behind him. On the rocks on the hillside around Wan Lin and the little monk, Immediately, a cloud of dust hit by bullets splashed.

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