Panther Commando

Chapter 5712: excellent special forces

Remember [] for a second,!

In the dim post, Wan Lin glanced at the machine gun that had been buried by the collapsed stones, grabbed the assault rifle in Zhang's hand and said, "Lend me your gun!" He followed and ran to the side bunker. .

At this moment, a low gunshot sounded from the side of the darkness, and the little monk exclaimed in surprise: "Leopard...head, I...I've killed one...a brat, and...there is another one. In his voice, he pulled the bolt again with a "crash".

At this time, Lin Zisheng's voice also sounded from Wan Lin's earphones: "Leopard head, the two shadows who attacked at the foot of the post have been killed at the same time, and no abnormality was found around."

"Now the enemy has rushed through the mountains on the side of me, Xiaohua and Xiaobai are rushing to the front of the mountains to intercept, and the first, second and third groups have caught up from the side and the mountains at the back. How is the situation at the post, do you need support?"

The little monk also shouted: "Leopard...Leopard head, Lin...Senior brother...has already killed that...that bastard, he...he is really fast, I...I haven't had time to aim."

When Wan Lin heard the reports of Lin Zisheng and the little monk, he immediately understood that the two enemies who had quietly approached the mountain just now had been killed by the little monk and Lin Zisheng, two snipers.

He immediately commanded into the microphone: "Zisheng, the enemy who invaded the post has been wiped out! You immediately approach the border and support Xiaohua, Xiaobai and Chengru to stop the enemy, and Jingheng and I immediately follow. Chengru , Fengdao, the enemy is likely to be ambushed near the border, you must be prepared in the pursuit!" "Yes!" The voices of Zisheng, Chengru and Fengdao followed from his earphones.

Wan Lin issued an order, looked at Platoon Leader Zhang standing beside him, and said in a low voice: "Platoon Leader Zhang, order all the posts in the mountains to stick to their posts. Once suspicious personnel are found approaching, they will be killed immediately. You don't care about the battle in the mountains. "He knew that this mountain is not suitable for daily patrols due to the dangerous terrain, so there are several outposts in the surrounding mountains.

After Wan Lin gave the order, he stretched out his hand and said, "Give me two more magazines." "Yes, I will immediately pass the order to the surrounding posts." Platoon Commander Zhang quickly took out two magazines from the tactical vest and handed them over .

Wan Lin took the magazine and stepped over to the little monk who was still lying on the bunker and ordered, "Jingheng, go!" "Wait...wait, I...I just aimed at an enemy...person!" The little monk lay down He shouted motionless behind the sniper rifle.

Before the boy could finish speaking, his finger had already pulled the trigger, and a low gunshot followed. Wan Lin and Platoon Leader Zhang looked down the mountain ahead.

Under the faint starlight, among the rocks about 600 meters away in the mountains on the left front, a cluster of Mars was flying past a figure. behind the rock.

With the sound of the little monk's sniper rifle, the black shadow pulled behind him quickly got into the undulating pile of rocks, and the boy followed it out from under the dark rock, rushing towards a towering boulder in front of him. In a blink of an eye, the boy had already rushed out a distance of about 100 meters.

"Little brat!" The little monk cursed angrily, raised his right hand with a "crash" and pulled the bolt again. He knew that one of the bullets he had shot had emptied and did not hit the target.

Just when the kid aimed at the other person's figure again, Wan Lin had already put down the assault rifle in his hand and snatched the sniper rifle from the little monk's hand.

Wan Lin stood behind the bunker and quickly put the sniper rifle on his shoulder.

"Pfft", a low gunshot followed from the sniper rifle in front of Wan Lin. Among the rocks in the distance, a vague figure who had just emerged from the darkness fell headlong under the boulder in front of him under the sound of gunfire.

Platoon Leader Zhang held up his binoculars. He looked at the fallen shadow and said in a low voice in astonishment: "In such a dark night, one shot killed a target 800 meters away. Leopard head, are you... you too? Sniper?" He then put down his binoculars and looked sideways.

At this time, the little monk had already stood up, and he heard Platoon Leader Zhang's question, and he immediately replied: ", this benefactor of nonsense...words, he...he master, can... Could it not be a sniper... sniper? By the way, you are not... a benefactor, but... is the elder brother of Zhang Pai..."

Wan Lin pulled the trigger and ignored Platoon Leader Zhang's question. He quickly shoved the sniper rifle into the little monk's hand, and then picked up the assault rifle on the bunker. He jumped straight from the ground, jumped over the bunker in front of him and landed on the steep hillside below, rushing down the hill like smoke.

The little monk took the sniper rifle and stammered in his mouth: "Zhang... Platoon Commander, then...bye, next time I...I'll come to see you." In the voice, the boy had already rushed up, Following Wan Lin, he rushed towards the hillside below.

In the darkness of the night, the figures of the two of them on the steep hillside were extremely light, rising and falling like fallen leaves. blink of an eye. The backs of the two have disappeared under the dark rocks on the hillside.

Platoon Leader Zhang widened his eyes in looked at the two figures disappearing on the hillside below like black smoke. He went up and down this steep hillside carefully every day, but he never saw him. Such a light figure.

At this time, a soldier with a bandaged arm, leaning on an assault rifle in one hand, limped to Platoon Leader Zhang's side. He looked at the dim hillside below and asked in a low voice: "Platoon commander, who were those two people just now? We didn't kill those **** with so many people, and these two people came up and killed them all, it's amazing !"

He followed and looked around in horror and said: "By the way, the kittens that glowed in their eyes just now were too fierce. I only saw a red and a basket of two beams of light flashing, and the two kittens had already pounced on them. Killed the two **** in front of us."

He sucked in a breath of air and continued, "It was very dangerous at the time, if it weren't for these two kittens, squad leader Xu and I would have been hanging by the knives of those bastards. What kind of animal is that? Yes? Come on, who is that kid? Come up and save Xiao Wang and Xiao Li, that kid's darts are really accurate, and he killed an enemy in a blink of an eye!"

Platoon Commander Zhang heard the soldier's questioning voice. He raised his hand to take the assault rifle in the soldier's hand and replied in a low voice: "I don't know who they are. But I know that they must be the best in our army. Special forces, and two snipers! I firmly believe that no enemy can escape from these special forces!"

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