Panther Commando

Chapter 5740: Teacher and apprentice love

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The night was already dark, and it was pitch black outside the meditation room. The small oil lamp on the coffee table flickered with a small flame, and the chirping of nightingales could be heard from time to time in the distant mountains. The dilapidated gate of the monastery made a "bang bang" sound in the whistling mountain wind.

Wan Lin was standing next to Master Changtian and said, he turned his head and glanced at the sleeping little monk, he followed and looked at Master Changtian and said, "Senior Changtian, in our leopard army, Jingheng calls us Everyone in the team is a brother and a sister. In our hearts, he is our little brother and a little comrade-in-arms! Therefore, Jingheng's teacher is our teacher, and his teacher is our teacher. The matter of your Lingyi Temple , is the matter of every member of our leopard team!"

He grabbed the old mage's arm and shook it vigorously, and said emotionally: "Don't worry, since you have handed over the most proud disciple of Jingheng to me, then I, Wan Lin, promise you that we will definitely I will assist Jingheng, let your martial arts of Lingyi Temple carry forward, and let your martial arts of Lingyi Temple become famous all over the world with Jingheng's military achievements!"

The next day just after dawn, Wan Lin and Master Chang Tian walked out of the meditation room, their eyes were slightly red. Last night, the two had a long talk all night, and Wan Lin carefully introduced the situation after Jingheng joined the army to the old mage.

In his narration, he also said some interesting stories about this kid, as well as the love of the leaders and comrades around him for this kid, which made the old mage smile. In the second half of the night, he had a long talk with the old senior, and exchanged their experience in martial arts.

As soon as the two walked out of the meditation room, they saw that a smoke from cooking was rising from the roof of the hut on the side of the courtyard. The smell of rice had already filled the temple, and the woods outside the courtyard were ringing with crisp birdsong.

Standing at the entrance of the meditation room, Wan Lin took a deep breath. He looked up at the distant mountains and sighed, "What a fresh air, this is the taste of the mountains, and the mountains are our real home!"

Master Chang Tian laughed when he heard Wan Lin's sigh: "Yes, although this mountainous area is surrounded by mountains and mountains for hundreds of kilometers, but our Lingyi Temple is the only place full of vitality, here is everyone who cultivates. A dream land."

The old master said, then raised his finger to the towering peaks outside the temple and said: "Lord, look, this is not only a good place to practice, but also a training ground for those of us who practice martial arts!"

Wan Lin followed the old mage's fingers and looked around, and he followed up: "Yes, these inaccessible places are good places for these martial arts practitioners to practice martial arts."

He then looked at Master Changtian and said, "Jingheng's Qinggong is extremely accomplished, so you should have brought him along and practiced it in the mountains, right?"

The old master laughed when he heard Wan Lin's approving question: "Yes, in fact, the martial arts of our Lingyi Temple are not known for light work, Jingheng is because he ran wild in this mountain since he was a child, and combined our light work and mind method. in every mountain

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