Panther Commando

Chapter 5954: ugly smiley face

When Qi Zhijun heard Xiaoya and Wan Lin's suggestion, he slapped the conference table in front of him suddenly: "Yes, if this old fairy comes out, he will definitely invite the old master and the others! The old man is the current head of the Wan family. Men, he is the first person in the martial arts, Master Changtian will definitely give this face."

Ye Feng also said with glowing eyes: "That's right, a few of us followed the old man to visit the old master. We are sincere and sincere, and the old master will definitely teach the unique skills of Lingyi Temple to our warriors!"

Wang Tiecheng also said loudly: "Yes, let's accompany the old man together." He followed and looked at Wan Lin and said excitedly: "Wan Lin, what does the old master like? I will order someone to prepare it now."

Qi Zhijun also looked at Wan Lin and asked, "Yes, yes, you must have an attitude when asking for help. Wan Lin, please tell me quickly, what do the old mage and his two masters like? We will prepare immediately, and we will leave tomorrow."

Ye Feng saw the urgent look of the two of them, he looked at Qi Zhijun and said with a smile: "Minister Qi, you can just bring your weasel smiling face just now, the old master felt a chill on his spine when he saw your smiling face, he is sure You will be invited."

In Ye Feng's ridicule, there was already laughter in the video room. Amid the laughter of the crowd, Qi Zhijun raised his hand and slapped Ye Feng's shoulder heavily, cursing, "You old boy don't learn."

He then looked at Wan Lin with a smile and asked, "Wan Lin, I'll leave tomorrow, can you see?" Wan Lin saw the smile on his face, and unconsciously took a half step back, his face full of horror With an expression on his face, he exclaimed, "Minister Qi, you better order me. I feel very uneasy when you smile."

"Hahaha..." There was a burst of laughter in the video room, and the two staff officers sitting in front of the computer and standing at the door couldn't help laughing.

Ouyang Shan, the commander of the Southwest Military Region, was a famous black face and ruled the army extremely strictly. Since his grandson was sacrificed in battle, the commander's face has seldom seen a smile, and the people around him are trembling, lest they make mistakes in their work.

Qi Zhijun is Ouyang Shan's favorite general. As the head of the war department, he follows Ouyang Shan's character closely.

These two staff officers really did not expect that since Ye Feng and Wan Lin appeared here, Commander Ouyang Shan actually pulled the little monk with a smile, and also liked to recognize the bald boy as his little grandson.

Even Qi Zhijun was in front of Wan Lin and the others, and he lost his usual dignified expression, which made the two staff officers of the war department couldn't help laughing.

Qi Zhijun couldn't help laughing when he saw his two subordinates also lowered their heads. He stared at them and shouted, "What are you two laughing at? Was my smile not kind just now?"

When the two staff officers heard Qi Zhijun's roar, they quickly stood up with flushed faces. The two of them didn't answer. Ye Feng had already suppressed his laugh. You must not tell lies.”

Wan Lin and Xiaoya, who were standing at the table, also restrained their smiles and looked at the two staff officers.

Standing at the table, Staff Liu was about to answer "kindly" against his will, but when he heard Ye Feng's words, he hesitated when he saw the gazes of Wan Lin and the others.

He raised his hand and touched his head, looked at Qi Zhijun with an embarrassed look, and replied, "Report to Minister Qi, actually..." Before he could finish his words, Wang Tiecheng had already forcibly laughed, glared at him and shouted, "So much nonsense, it's beautiful. It’s good-looking, it’s not good-looking, it’s not good-looking, just say it!”

Staff Liu, who was hesitating, heard Wang Tiecheng's roar. He looked at Qi Zhijun like a machine gun and shouted: "Report to Minister Qi, your smile is unkind and gives a gloomy feeling. Maybe we rarely see it. Your smile, so when we see you smiling, we feel chills down the back of our spines!"

Before he could finish his sentence, the room was already laughing loudly. Xiaoya and Lingling laughed so hard that they both squatted on the ground with their stomachs covered, tears in their eyes.

Qi Zhijun stared at Staff Liu in a stunned manner. He was stunned for a moment before scolding: "Stinky boy, who is your soldier?" Staff Liu replied with a blushing face: "Minister Qi, I... I'm telling the truth. Honestly."

Ye Feng and Wang Tiecheng also laughed and laughed, Wang Tiecheng grabbed Qi Zhijun's arm and said with a smile, "Hahaha, Minister Qi, this is your fault, Staff Liu is telling the truth, why don't you let others tell the truth? It doesn't matter whose soldier it is."

Ye Feng also leaned over and smiled: "Yes, yes, that's how your smile feels. You still rely on others to tell the truth?" As a soldier, you should tell the truth.”

Qi Zhijun pushed Ye Feng and the two away: "You two have no good intentions!" He then glared at Staff Liu and shouted: "Stinky boy, are you telling the truth like this? Go, quickly prepare Leopard Head and the others to rejoice. Clothes." He followed with a wry smile and whispered: "Grandma's, I really can't laugh in the future."

"Yes." Staff Liu shouted with a smile, and hurried to the door.

Amid the laughter of the crowd, Wan Lin and Cheng Ru smiled and pulled up Xiaoya and Lingling who were squatting on the ground, Wan Lin looked at Qi Zhijun and said, "Minister Qi, we finally came here, can we go to Lingyi Temple the day after tomorrow? go?"

"Why?" Qi Zhijun stared at Wan Lin and asked. Wan Lin quickly explained: "I have to tell my grandfather about this matter. Master Changtian of Lingyi Temple is a senior in martial arts and the head of Lingyi Temple. If I want to invite him out of the mountain, it is best for my grandfather, the Wan family. The head of the first school came We are all juniors, and the weight is still too light."

Wan Lin said, looked at Ye Feng again and said, "My younger brothers and sisters are all trained in your special school. It is rare for us to come back, so I want to visit them tomorrow."

Ye Feng replied: "Yes, yes, you should go and see your younger brothers and sisters." He then looked at Qi Zhijun and Wang Tiecheng and said, "Minister Qi, Wang Brigade, several junior brothers and sisters from Wanlin are training at my place. , in the last action against Razor, Wan Lin said to see them, but he has not spared time, this time I must go and see, the time to go to Lingyi Temple will be pushed back a day?"

Qi Zhijun quickly replied: "No problem, those few Wan family disciples are precious, Wan Lin must go and see, then the day after tomorrow we will go to the mountain to pick up the old man, and then go to Lingyi Temple together."

Wang Tiecheng followed suit and said, "It doesn't matter if it's one day earlier or one day later. Wan Lin, you haven't said that we will go to see the old mage. What should we prepare? When we meet for the first time, we can never go there empty-handed."

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