Panther Commando

Chapter 5958: flying man

Everyone around was stunned, all stared at the strong man who flew out in an arc in the air, and everyone followed and looked into the field.

Only then did they see clearly that the man who kicked the sturdy tiger with one foot was actually a child with a bald head. This sudden child, with his left arm wrapped in bandages and hanging on his chest, and his right hand holding a black and yellow tabby cat, kicked the tiger away with one foot, and was running to the recruit in the field.

Wan Lin frowned when he saw the kid suddenly come out, he frowned and said in a low voice, "Why are you here, Commander?" "Si... Commander is... at the back, I... I was at the gate of the shooting range just now, See and Minister Qi."

He followed and looked at the crowd on the sidelines and said, "There are so many people suddenly surrounded by... I... I knew, you... you must have fought... with others... I... I'm here to support you, that If the big man dares to scold you, I...I'll kick him out."

The boy said, looked at the back of a battalion commander who was walking to the sidelines and shouted, "Then... that major, you... you stop for me!"

The people around saw this bald boy kicking the tall tiger out with one kick, and now he stammered and stopped the battalion commander with his eyes wide open. Everyone looked at this stunned boy and couldn't help laughing. stand up.

The first battalion commander couldn't help laughing when he heard the shouts coming from behind him. He had just seen this stunned boy kick the tiger out with one kick.

He turned around to look at the little monk, raised his finger and pointed to the tip of his nose and asked with a smile, "Little brother, are you calling me this major?" Wan Lin suddenly saw the little monk calling a battalion commander, and his face suddenly became nervous. look. He grabbed the little monk's arm and whispered, "Shut up! Don't look for me..."

Before he could finish his words, the little monk stared at the first battalion commander and shouted, "You... you just... scolded my brother for coming? I... I... kicked you too, come here!"

In the stuttering cry of this kid, there was already a burst of laughter around. At this time, they already understood that this bald boy was the junior brother of the recruit in the field, and he came to occupy the field for his junior brother.

A group of female soldiers in the communication battalion on the side of the field also burst into laughter. The female major standing beside Qi Zhijun and the second battalion commander also looked at this kid with love. She followed Qi Zhijun and asked, "Minister Qi, where are you? Such a small living treasure?"

At this time, the first battalion commander who had already walked to the side of the field laughed at the little monk's shout. He rolled his eyes, raised his finger and pointed at the second battalion commander who was hugging the flying tiger son and replied, "Little brother, I didn't scold your brother, it was the major who called your brother a recruit."

This battalion commander is extremely flexible. He has seen this stunned boy kicking a strong man, and he immediately understands that this boy and the recruit next to him have superb martial arts. Otherwise, Qi Zhijun, the head of the Operations Department, who was standing on the sidelines, would not have said nothing to stop the tiger from rushing towards the recruits on the field.

So he immediately transferred the stunned boy's artillery fire to the arrogant second battalion commander on the sidelines. After he finished speaking, he walked quickly to the sidelines with a bad smile.

The people on the sidelines heard the answer from the first battalion commander and looked at the bald boy who had turned his face to stare at the second battalion commander. Everyone couldn't help but let out another burst of laughter, and a group of soldiers from the first battalion raised their hands. , pointed at the second battalion commander who was hugging Huzi and said, "Little brother, our battalion commander is right, that major scolded you for coming here." "Yes, yes, that major and that big man!"…

At this time, Wan Lin had already seen through the gaps in the crowd on the sidelines that the old general Ouyang Shan was behind the crowd, looking at the little monk with a smile on his face, and a laughing staff officer standing beside him.

Wan Lin's heart sank, and he felt fear for a while. He suddenly remembered that Li Dongsheng once told him that the commander of the Southwest Military Region was extremely protective of his shortcomings. If he really cleaned up the battalion commander of his guard regiment, he really didn't know whether the old general would be angry.

He quickly pulled the little monk's arm and said in a low voice, "Don't cause trouble for me, hurry up and follow me." He was really worried that this little troublemaker would make trouble for himself in the Southwest Military Region, and that he would be a guest here after all. After he finished pulling the little monk, he was about to walk to the sidelines.

At this moment, Hu Zi, who was hugged, suddenly pushed the second battalion commander away, and he rushed towards the field like a gust of wind. You dare to plot against me!"

Wan Lin's face sank again when he heard the boy swearing. At this time, Qi Zhijun, who was on the sidelines, put away the smile on his face. He looked at Wan Lin with a gloomy face and shouted, "Wan Lin, come down."

When Wan Lin heard Qi Zhijun's cry, he immediately understood that Qi Zhijun wanted to borrow the little monk's hand to clean up Huzi, a strong man, and let him know what someone else was!

He hesitated for a moment, then followed the gap and looked behind the crowd, just in time to see Ouyang Shan smiling and nodding to himself. He was overjoyed, knowing that the commander also wanted to see Jingheng's grandson's kung fu.

Wan Lin hurriedly looked down at the little monk and asked, "Jingheng, is the injury on his arm okay?"

He stammered and replied, "'s okay, he dares to scold us, I...I'll kick him out again." With that, he shoved the flower in his right hand into Wan Lin's arms and followed After taking a few steps back, he had already retreated to the center of the field in a blink of an eye.

Wan Lin raised his head and glanced at the strong man rushing from outside the court. With a helpless look on his face, he raised his foot and walked towards Qi Zhijun on the side of the court.

At this time, Hu Zi, who had already rushed to the side of the court, saw Wan Lin walking out of the court, and while he rushed forward, he raised his sturdy arm and pointed at Wan Lin and cursed: "Little bastard, UU reading www.uukanshu. com, don't go, I'll play two tricks with you!"

Wan Lin heard the boy's scolding, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his eyes, he stopped and looked at each other coldly. At this time, the little monk had already rushed to Wan Lin's side like a gust of wind.

Wan Lin held Xiao Hua in his left hand, grabbed the little monk's arm in his right hand and threw it back: "Back up!" He followed and took a half step forward, raising his right hand to grab Hu Zi's right wrist.

He followed his side, slammed his right hand back, and raised his left foot slightly upward at the same time, and shouted angrily, "Go away!" Hu Zi, who had just rushed in front of Wan Lin, only felt a strong force coming from his wrist. , the body flew over Wan Lin's slightly raised left leg with a bang, and with a bang, he lay down in the center of the field.

The sidelines suddenly became quiet, and everyone's eyes were on the strong man who fell from the sky, and their mouths opened involuntarily. No one would have thought that this aggressive and strong man was thrown out by the other party as soon as he rushed in front of him!

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