Panther Commando

Chapter 597: training base

After the two leopards had eaten the two big fish, they all straightened up with satisfaction and burped comfortably. They turned their heads and saw Wan Lin and the others were bending over to clear the weeds on the ground. In front of Wan Lin and the others, they showed their sharp nails on their four claws and ran quickly on the grass. In a blink of an eye, they cleared a large open space, like two fast-propelled weeders.

Lingling and Xiaoya looked at the two tireless leopards excitedly, stood up and clapped their hands, the two running leopards turned their heads to look at the two, grinned and screamed at Wanlin and the others in dissatisfaction. , ran in front of the two of them and pushed them to one side with their heads, as if to say: You still need your eldest lady to join in this work, they are really ridiculous, go up, we will clean up in a while...

At this time in the morning, the sun in the sky scatters warm rays of light, shining on the yellow weeds by the lake, reflecting the faint golden yellow, with the undulating phosphorescence in the lake and the distant mountain scenery, forming a Beautiful mountains and lakes.

With the addition of two leopards, the clean-up work progressed quickly. After more than an hour, several people had cleared an open space of several hundred square meters by the lake.

Several people were sweating on their heads, and the heat generated after the activity made several people take off their training uniforms, leaned back on the collected weeds, and enjoyed the warm autumn sunshine.

At this time, a huge roar of helicopters came from the direction of the forest, and several people all stood up. A group of migratory birds in the woods was startled by the huge roar, and screamed "chirp" and rose into the air, followed by the finished glyphs of the three helicopters. Jumped over the treetops and flew here.

Several people looked closely, one was the police helicopter that sent them, and the other two were dark green military transport helicopters.

Wan Lin and the others understood that due to the need to ensure the logistics and ammunition supply for this group of people and more than 20 students, a helicopter could not transport them all. They must have temporarily borrowed two transport helicopters from the Southwest Military Region. .

Three helicopters landed on the open space they had just cleared in Wanlin. A group of students in their twenties and wearing black police uniforms jumped out of the helicopter one after another. Everyone was fully armed, carrying different guns. Carrying a large equipment bag.

"Assemble, look to the right... Look forward..., take a rest, stand at attention." An armed police lieutenant jumped out of the helicopter and shouted loudly, and a group of people quickly formed two teams and stood in front of the helicopter.

When the armed police lieutenant saw the team lined up, he turned around and ran to the group of Wan Lin to stand at attention and salute. He glanced at the few instructors who were wearing only green woolen underwear, especially when he saw the two beautiful female instructors Xiaoya and Lingling. For a while, he didn't know who to report to now.

Wan Lin smiled at a few others, took a step forward and said, "I am the chief instructor Wan Lin of this training camp", "Wow, so young", "So handsome" The female students who lined up behind suddenly exclaimed in surprise. Voice.

Wan Lin glanced through the armed police lieutenant in front of him and scanned the lined up students with a smile. He was surprised to find that the gender ratio of the twenty-four students was actually one to one.

At this moment, the eyes of a group of male and female students were strikingly the same. The eyes of the male students were all fixed on Xiaoya and Lingling, who were holding Xiaohua and Xiaobai. She's beautiful, hehe"..., all eyes were fixed on the beautiful faces and plump **** of the two of them, wandering up and down.

The eyes of a group of female students were all on Wan Lin, Chengru, and Zhang Wa, and they kept murmured, "It's so handsome to be an instructor at such a young age", "Look at that figure, it's so stylish", "Hee hee." Hehe, I really want to go up and touch it.” The laughter and admiration, several female students giggled and pushed each other.

The lieutenant of the armed police heard the voice behind, frowned and suddenly turned around, shouting to the students who were whispering behind him: "Stand at attention."

The team members quickly tensed their faces and stood at attention again. The lieutenant saw that all the team members closed their mouths, turned around and reported loudly to Wan Lin: "Report to the chief instructor, Lieutenant Liu Yong, an instructor of Public Security University, led the twenty-four training team members to report to you. Report." He said, raising his hands in salute.

Wan Lin raised his hand to return the salute, walked to the front of the training team, looked at the energetic team members carefully, and said with a smile, "Disband, remove the supplies, and set up the tent."

"Yes!" The team members shouted and ran towards the helicopter. There were bursts of low voices of discussion and laughter as they ran.

Wan Lin shook his head and walked back to Liu Yong, Lieutenant of the Armed Police, and asked, "Have all the supplies been shipped according to the list?" Liu Yong replied, "Yes, I borrowed two helicopters from the Southwest Military Region this time, otherwise I would have to make several trips. , I'm here to assist you as a life coach."

Wan Lin reached out and shook his hand. He turned around and introduced Cheng Ru and the others. Liu Yong looked at them in amazement.

Before he came, he only received a notice from the Public Security University. He knew that the training was conducted by several active-duty special soldiers sent by the military to serve as instructors. He did not know the detailed identities of these instructors, but he did not expect to be such young soldiers. .

Because Wan Lin and the others didn't wear coats, Liu Yong couldn't tell how many rank they were, but seeing how young they were, their rank probably wouldn't be too high. It was probably similar to him, at most a captain.

Liu Yong then introduced their logistics staff this time. They also brought field cookers and a responsible for the food of the entire team.

When a few people heard that they were still bringing cooks to the training camp, they couldn't help showing surprised expressions on their faces.

Their military special forces training camp has never enjoyed such treatment. They all bring some field rations, and after eating, they will find a solution in the field.

But if you think about it carefully, these people will basically perform tasks in cities in the future, unlike their field troops, who will face various complex terrains and harsh living conditions.

A group of young team members were laughing and joking. They took out various supplies from the helicopter, and piled up a hill next to the helicopter. Another group of team members were setting up several field tents on the side.

Wan Lin took a few people to the front of the house to take a look. Seeing that the supplies were mainly living supplies and various ammunition, he nodded and said to Chengru and the others, "Let's put up our own tents." With individual tents.

Armed police Liu Yong said quickly, "No, we have brought you three tents this time, two for your male and female instructors to rest, and one for command."

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