Panther Commando

Chapter 600: Student shock

The twelve female team members saw the two beautiful female instructors looking at them, all of them raised their proud chests as if challenging, and met the eyes of Xiaoya and Lingling, with a hint of hostility in their eyes.

Xiaoya and Lingling smiled when they saw the gazes of these little girls. They were also young girls who had not been out of school for a long time. Of course, they understood the mentality of these little beauties. They both guarded three handsome guys every day. Coach, how can you not make them jealous.

Wan Lin followed by introducing several instructors to the students, and then said: "We are soldiers, and you are also paramilitaries who want to enter this series. In the future, whether you join the national security system or the public security series, this is our guarantee. In the military category of defending the country and maintaining social peace, I don’t care what your original achievements are or what your personal background is. All the players who come here are all candidates and players who will be eliminated at any time. You are all treated equally in our eyes. No one can exceed the selection criteria we set."

When Wan Lin said this, his calm face suddenly became serious, and a sharp light flashed from his eyes, which swept across the eyes and faces of each team member.

All the team members were shocked when they came into contact with this light. They didn't expect this calm-looking little instructor to be so serious with such sharp eyes.

The light in Wan Lin's eyes disappeared in a flash, and he continued with a calm face: "This training mainly starts from physical training, skill training, psychological training, survival training, and actual combat drills. Various trainings will be carried out alternately. I hope You are fully psychologically prepared, and those who fail to meet the relevant requirements may be eliminated at any time."

"In addition, I would like to emphasize that this training is a training in actual combat environment. All situations and environments are set according to the field survival environment. You live on the edge of life and death at any time. From the moment you step into this environment, your life and death will be Relying on the sincerity and mutual assistance between teammates, those who dare to disobey military orders will be engaged in military law."

Wan Lin's tone suddenly increased, and he had already pulled out the Type 06 micro-sound pistol on his leg at some point in his hand. "Papapapapa..." A series of bullets swept in front of the players' feet, and a cloud of dust appeared. Flying straight.

"Mummy." The female team member in the front row screamed, and took a step back suddenly, with a look of horror in their eyes. None of them thought that the instructor, who was holding a real gun and live ammunition, would face them directly. Shoot at the foot.

The sound of gunfire brought these candidate team members who had just walked out of the campus into a real combat environment. As soon as they came here, they saw a few instructors eliminated a student at the first time, and the steel beating at their feet. The projectiles and the sound of gunshots close at hand, all of which have shocked every team member here.

They have already felt the majesty of these military instructors and understood that this is not just a training ground, but an actual combat environment that may be full of blood and rain at any time.

All the team members are holding the weapons on their chests tightly, their waists are straight, and they are all in high spirits. They have entered their roles and understand what kind of test they will face in the future.

When all the team members were nervous and nervous, "Xiaohua, Xiaobai" Wan Lin suddenly called out, and the two leopards who had just lay lazily on the shoulders of Xiaoya and Lingling suddenly lit up, "Bas" He jumped to the front of the team members, stretched his head and looked around at each team member.

"Hee hee hee", the team members relieved their nervousness when they saw the two lovely cats standing in front of them, and couldn't help laughing.

"I'm introducing two special instructors, Lieutenant Hua and Lieutenant Bai. I have seen the team members." Following Wan Lin's voice, the two leopards stood up, and two beams of light shot out from their eyes, one red and one blue.

"All the team members have it, stand at attention and salute." Xiaoya who was next to her suddenly ran up and shouted to all the team members.

All the team members stood on the field. They didn't realize what was going on. How could they salute the two kittens? Seeing that none of the team members responded, Liu Yong, a lieutenant of the armed police with a shocked face, responded first. He shouted loudly: "All team members, stand at attention and salute."

"Huh", all the team members raised their right hands together with their heels, and the two leopards shouted "Ow", and suddenly raised their right paws in return, with obvious dissatisfaction in their roars.

"Puchi" and "It's so cute, I really want to touch it." Several female team members in the queue would salute when they saw the two kittens, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

Wan Lin saw that the team members treated the two leopards as pets, and stomped his right foot. Behind him, a steel rod about 50 centimeters long and the thickness of a thumb, which fixed the tent, suddenly jumped out from the ground. The baby raised his foot and kicked the steel drill high to the front of the queue.

"Bite." Wan Lin shouted, two figures, one yellow and one white, flashed, and the two leopards jumped up more than three meters high. "Twice, the thumb-thick steel drill suddenly broke into three pieces.

"Ah." All the team members were frightened by this scene. A group of female team members had raised their hands and covered their mouths, lest the screams would anger this swift and violent cat, it was a steel drill made by fine steel.

The two leopards fell to the ground and stared at the team members in front of them with gleaming eyes, as if they were still angry at the group members' laughter towards them just now.

Seeing the surprised reaction of the team members, Wan Lin said in a cold tone: "I remind you, these are two active leopards in our army. They are lieutenants and second lieutenants personally awarded by the general of the Republic, and they will always pay attention to your training progress. If anyone disobeys the military order, don't blame the two leopards for showing no mercy."

After Wan Lin finished speaking, he turned around and walked back with the instructors, leaving behind a group of embarrassed students. When they first met, the instructor team gave the students too much shock.

From Hong Liang's unauthorized shooting to the sniper instructor's neat shot; then the physical fitness instructor neatly restrained the rushing Hong Liang; followed by the chief instructor, he effortlessly threw the 156-pound Hong Liang onto the helicopter ten meters away , knocked him out directly; and then to two leopard officers with military status.

Everything that happened in the blink of an eye made the training team members, who were hailed as Heaven's Favorites in the academy, feel like they were in a dream.

Wan Lin and the others walked back to the tent, and Lingling whispered, "Have you noticed? Why are all the male players so ugly, while the female players are all beautiful."

Zhang Wa said with a smile: "You don't know this, Guoan performs all the secret missions. In other words, they may be the spy characters we often see in movies in the future. You get a handsome guy. Throw it on the mission site, and before he can act, it will become the target of public criticism, how to carry out the mission, and the beautiful women are different, they can use their beauty to get close to the target mission, which is convenient for the operation.”

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