Panther Commando

Chapter 622: Training purpose

Seeing how the team members fell asleep instantly, several instructors glanced at each other with smiles on their faces.

They led the training camp this time. The selection of players is secondary, and the training of players is the most important. Before coming, Wang Molin personally called Wan Lin to discuss the training.

Wang Molin said at the time: "Selecting team members is not the purpose of this training camp. If we simply select team members, we have all kinds of professional instructors, and we won't use your leopards to help us select team members."

Wang Molin paused for a while, his tone became serious, and then said: "We invite you to come, one is that you have rich actual combat experience, and the other is that you value the brave and courageous leopard spirit in you, this is not a cultivated by ordinary teachers".

"Through this training camp, our national security system wants you to help us cultivate a strong team with excellent combat literacy, indomitable progress, and no fear of all kinds of difficulties in various complex environments. I want them to become like you. , the invincible patron saint of the country who can stand up when the motherland is in danger."

After listening to Wang Molin's words, Wanlin didn't say anything for a long time. He immediately felt a heavy load on his shoulders. He answered Wang Molin loudly: "I promise to complete the task." He hung up the phone and called several instructors over.

He discussed and conveyed Wang Molin's instructions to several instructors, and then made some adjustments to the original training plan, increasing the difficulty and danger of training, and using all possible terrains and landforms to exercise the players' physique and courage, and cultivate their strong will and character to be loyal to the country and not afraid of sacrifice.

This is also why Wan Lin took the risk of letting his team members rush into the forest against a thunderstorm when he encountered a storm that day, and even took his team members into the dangerous misty valley after getting the snake treasure.

They not only need to exercise the physique of the team members, but also create conditions as much as possible to train the morale of the team members, and cultivate their resilience and strong will to resist risks in extremely dangerous environments.

Now, Wan Lin and the others saw the teammates who were falling asleep and knew that they could no longer hold on. The continuous high-intensity march and the extremely dangerous geographical environment had made these teammates extremely tired physically and mentally, and they had to get Rest, otherwise it will be difficult to continue the training later, and it also shows that after these players have experienced such a sinister environment, their psychological conditions are basically stable.

Wan Lin said softly to Xiaoya and Lingling, "You two take Xiaobai's warning, let's go out and get something to eat, and condolence to these players." He waved at Xiaohua, and took Chengru and Zhangwa away. go out.

Xiaoya and Lingling watched them walk out and walked to the entrance of the cave with their automatic rifles in their arms, leaning against the cave wall and staring at the pitch-black mountains outside.

At this time, the two of them also felt extremely tired, and everything in the Miasma Valley also made them both frightened and extremely nervous. The poisonous insects made them equally frightened and disgusted.

They are instructors and must remain calm in various situations to avoid affecting the psychology of the team members. In such a dangerous environment, they must protect themselves and the team members around them from harm, so mentally I have been in a state of high tension, but now I relax, and I immediately feel the oncoming waves of tiredness.

It was the first time they met Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa in the extremely terrifying environment of Miasma Valley. At that time, they were all very nervous, because they had to ensure the personal safety of more than 20 team members around them. If it was only themselves, They can use various means to quickly cross the canyon.

Fortunately, I survived the crisis without any danger. At the same time, I also gave the team members a rare training class, which allowed them to learn a lot of ways to deal with the crisis and accumulated practical experience. It was also a real and extremely dangerous battle. what.

The two of them sat by the cave and looked at the silent mountain forest covered with moonlight outside the cave. A burst of sleepiness strongly disturbed their eyelids. Xiaoya watched Lingling's upper eyelids keep falling, and she kept raising her hand and rubbing her eyes. Trying to keep her eyelids open, she laughed and said softly, "Lingling, did you notice that we were not affected by the peach blossom miasma in the Miasma Valley."

Lingling, who was about to doze off, heard Xiaoya's words, her head widened and her eyes widened, and she replied, "Yes, I was very puzzled at the time, why even Wan Lin couldn't hold on, but how could we both There was no response, I wanted to ask you at the time, but then I forgot all about it when I was busy."

Lingling said that she covered her mouth and laughed, Xiaoya saw Lingling's spirit, she covered her mouth and laughed, in fact, she already knew what was going on in her heart, just looking for a topic to remind herself and Lingling not to Go to sleep, they still have a vigilance mission.

Lingling stared at Xiaoya with wide eyes, and continued to ask, "Do you know what's going on, tell me quickly?" Xiaoya smiled and looked at Lingling's slightly pale face, knowing that she was extremely tired and was struggling Speak to yourself to resist the drowsiness of a powerful attack.

Xiaoya looked at the quiet mountains outside, turned around and beckoned Lingling to sit beside her, Lingling came over with an automatic rifle and sat beside Xiaoya, leaning her head on her shoulder and asked, "Are you still Didn't answer Why was it at that time?"

Xiaoya hugged the little sister lovingly and whispered, "You forgot that when we got the snake treasure, we smelled the golden treasure for a long time, and the amount of medicine we inhaled at that time was estimated to be more than the liquid medicine they drank. ".

Lingling asked in a low voice, "How is it possible, we just sucked hard for a while, and it worked so well."

Xiaoya smiled and patted her on the shoulder: "Why **** for so long, our noses are almost sticking into Snake Treasure, hehe, this kind of Snake Treasure is soft and low in density, we inadvertently inhaled so much For a long time, it is estimated that a large number of snake treasures were inhaled into our bodies, and later when we encountered peach blossom miasma, they would naturally be fine."

Lingling tilted her head for a while and said with a smile: "I said that the team members all ran over with their noses out, why did you suddenly put away the snake treasure, so you found out that the snake treasure can be sucked Come out, but, if so many people smoke for a while, maybe this piece of snake treasure is really gone, and it’s worth it for you to get the title of a stingy instructor.”

Xiaoya laughed "giggling": "If I had known that the peach blossom miasma was so poisonous, it would be better to let the team members breathe it for a while, and it would save us from being so frightened in the peach blossom miasma. Ugly title."

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