Panther Commando

Chapter 853: fire line reinforcements

Abu's two brothers had already threw away the empty automatic rifles on the way to retreat according to Wei Chao's order, and they were not used to using the pistols on their legs, but the bow in their hands was the weapon they were most familiar with. So the two took out their bows and arrows at the same time.

Xiao Li was sitting weakly under the tree with his back against the big tree, holding the pistol in his left hand, and staring at the other side with blank eyes.

At this moment, a few people saw three figures suddenly flashed out of the darkness from the side of their eyes, and rushed to the shore in a blink of an eye. Surprised, the long arrows of the two brothers immediately aimed at the three of them. When the bowstring was drawn, the arrow was about to be released. Xiao Li's pistol was also raised and aimed at the three of them.

But the three people in front of them didn't even look at them, and suddenly jumped to the bank and knelt on one knee, pulled the gun bolt with a "crash", and pointed the gun directly at the hillside where Wei Chao and the others were.

At this moment, Xiaoya's crisp voice suddenly sounded in Xiao Li's earphones, "Don't worry about your back!" Xiao Li quickly put down the pistol, "My own!" He shouted at Brother Abu, but he was weak. The shouts had long been drowned out by the huge waves on the shore.

At this time, the Abu brothers on the shore already felt that the other party was their own, otherwise they would pounce on them and not attack them. Instead, they aimed their guns at the opposite bank, and the two suddenly raised their bows and arrows upwards.

At this moment, a faint flame suddenly appeared from the muzzle of the gun in the hands of one black shadow, and the gun muzzles of the other two shadows also shot out two tongues of flame.

Abu and the others turned their heads to look at the other side, and saw that Wei Chao and Brother Feng Yu had already rushed under the stone wall. And several figures that appeared behind them were falling down in the rain of bullets. They were overjoyed, knowing that their own people finally appeared at a critical moment! The Abu brothers quickly put away their bows and arrows, and stood under the rope bridge to meet the brothers who were crossing the river.

Immediately after them, they saw a figure with one hand held high and slid along the rope bridge quickly. Abu's eldest brother hugged Wei Chao, who was sliding over with one hand pulling the sling, and just put him on the shore, The three shadows at the back have already rushed over quickly.

Seeing that Feng Yu and the three of them landed safely, Wei Chao ordered in a low voice: "Cut off the rope bridge immediately and withdraw!" Brother Abu carried Xiao Li under the tree and turned around and ran towards the mountain in front of him. Abu's little brother was limping. The crutches followed behind them. Brother Feng Yu quickly pulled out his saber and chopped it on the rope. In a blink of an eye, he cut off the three rope bridges. He turned around and supported Wei Chao and ran to the few people who were kneeling on the shore and attacked.

Wei Chao and a few people ran to a few shadows, only to find that apart from Xiaoya, the other two were Bao Ya and the sniper Wen Meng. Yu Wenfeng grabbed the machine gun in Xiaoya's hand and shouted loudly: "Wei Chao is injured, you take them to retreat" before he finished speaking, the machine gun in his hand had already rang.

Xiaoya quickly put the two machine gun magazines at Yu Wenfeng's feet, pulled out a roll of bandages from the first aid kit, turned around and looked at Wei Chao. Seeing that his left hand was tightly clutching the middle of his right arm, he quickly went over and wrapped the bandage tightly. Tied to his wound, he pulled Wei Chao's left arm on his shoulder and ran back. She can't care about healing him now, so she can only tie the wound to stop the bleeding.

Yu Wenyu took a few steps over Xiao Wang who was supporting Abu's little brother running forward, ran to Abu's big brother who was running wildly with Xiao Li on his back, grabbed Xiao Li, carried him on his shoulders and ran forward quickly.

The two machine guns on the shore were ringing intermittently. Bao Ya turned his head and saw that Xiaoya and the others had disappeared in the dark night. He shouted loudly at Yu Wenfeng and Wen Meng: "Withdraw!" Wen Meng and Yu Wenfeng got up and walked towards After running, Bao Ya's machine gun continued to sound.

Bao Ya's machine gun bullets swept the corner of the opposite hillside. A dozen or so enemies behind the corner were hiding behind the hillside, and no one dared to show their head forward. In front of them lay the corpses of four or five companions, and several people were densely packed with bullets. Kong was shocked. From the sound of the gunfire, they already knew that the two light machine guns on the opposite side were facing the foot of the mountain in front of them.

A dozen of their companions were running down the mountain on the side of them, preparing to bypass the blocked foot of the mountain from the foot of the mountain, and board the opposite hillside to fight back against the opposite bank.

Bao Ya hit the opposite side a few more times, and ran back with a machine gun. An enemy heard the gunfire on the opposite side stopped, and immediately stuck out half of his head from the hillside to observe the situation on the opposite side. As soon as he stretched out his head, he saw a flash of fire on the other side, and he fell backwards on his back.

The rest of the people quickly supported his leaning body, only to find that a hole had been drilled in his forehead, a stream of viscous liquid was gushing out from both sides of his head, and his eyes were gray and turned up. write.

"Sniper!" Ji ** was startled, and immediately threw down the body of her companion and leaned against the hillside tightly. This was the sniper on the opposite side staring here. In the dark night, they were looking at the wind and rain on the distant mountain. The swaying tree shadow in the middle has a feeling of being stared at by the sniper's pistol. Every pursuer has a cool feeling in the heart, and quietly leans his body tightly on the hillside, lest the terrifying sniper The bullet went through his own head.

Bao Ya just ran away with a machine gun, when he saw a flash of light behind a tree in front of him, and knew that it was Wen Meng's sniper rifle firing. He quickly ran to Wen Meng and Yu Wenfeng's side, turned around and took a look behind him, and saw only the roaring and rolling river behind him, and there was no enemy chasing at the foot of the mountain.

He knew that under the muzzle of the Wenmeng sniper rifle, there would be no enemies who would dare to show their heads for the time being, and he coldly called out: "Withdraw!" Several people turned and chased after Xiaoya and the others.

After a the dozen or so enemies who bypassed the foot of the mountain from the side finally reached the hillside behind the stone wall. There was no response from the other party, and it was estimated that the other party had already evacuated from the other side.

Immediately they straightened up from the hillside and ran quickly to the river. The pursuers who had been blocked at the foot of the mountain saw their companions showing their heads, and rushed from the foot of the mountain to the rock wall on the shore.

When they got to the stone wall, they searched the surroundings carefully. They saw three ropes floating with the river on the big trees on the edge of the stone wall. They finally understood that the other party used these three thin ropes to cross the turbulent river.

At this time, a few people on the side dragged a few corpses out of the tent on the hillside. They couldn't help shivering when they saw the **** appearance of several sentries.

In their hearts, they are wondering, who are these people? Not only the marksmanship is like a god, but also the attack is so ruthless! The two corpses whose necks were almost cut off by Xiaohua and Xiaobai made them shudder even more.

Everyone turned their heads to look at the other side in unison, and they knew that that was where the other side disappeared. The mountain forest opposite looked particularly dark and heavy in the dark night, and it seemed to carry a deadly atmosphere.

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