Paper Plane

Chapter 108:

After Yang Xuan left, Tang Junhe took a taxi back to the hospital alone. He deliberately transferred the night shift with others, and the plan was very thoughtful. He was on the night shift for one night, and he would sleep at home during the day, and he would see Yang Xuan when he opened his eyes again.

That night, he sat down at his desk, completed the medical records on his chest for the past half month, got up and went to the inpatient area to check the wards again, and the time passed quickly when he got busy. In the middle of the night, an emergency operation came. He sat up from the bed in the duty room and hurried to the operating room. By the time the operation was over, the sky was already dimly lit.

After dawn, Tang Junhe finished the handover work, took off his white coat and went home. When he got home, Shisan was lying on his back in the middle of the bed, the snow-white hair on his belly rising and falling with his sleeping breath. When Tang Junhe picked it up and put it aside, it opened its eyes in dissatisfaction, changed its posture and curled up into a ball.

Before going to bed, Tang Junhe looked at the weather forecast again worryingly, and after seeing it, he lost all sleepiness. Last night, it also showed that there was no rain in Weizhou in recent days, but now it is clearly marked with moderate to heavy rain today. He closed the program, and opened it again with luck, still the same result.

After staring at the weather information for a while, he sent a message to Yang Xuan and asked, "Brother, how is the weather over there?"

Yang Xuan was probably busy, and he didn't reply after a few minutes. He couldn't sleep even more, closed his eyes, and opened them to look at the screen in less than a minute.

I don't know how many times this kind of action continued. Just as he put down the phone and closed his eyes again, the phone rang suddenly. He immediately grabbed it to look, and the screen showed that the call was from Yang Xuan.

"The weather is fine." Yang Xuan said straight to the point.

"Really?" Tang Junhe's mood improved slightly, "But the weather forecast says that there may be rain today."

"This way?" Yang Xuan paused, and the next sentence sounded a little farther away, as if he was not speaking to the phone, "Is it raining today?" Then the voice returned to the clarity of the nearby, "I checked yesterday Isn't it sunny?"

"Yeah, but it changed again this morning..." Tang Junhe said, turned over, lay down on the bed, and turned his cheek against the pillow.

Another vague and unfamiliar male voice came from the phone, the voice sounded a little rough: "I checked, it is raining, and the weather forecast of the military area also said so, hey, I just said you should not leave in such a hurry, and there is no new one at home." Daughter-in-law, what are you rushing back to do?"

"How do you know?" Tang Junhe heard Yang Xuan say this, his voice was lukewarm, and he couldn't hear the tone, but he still couldn't help but blush.

"Fuck, it's true, you've only been back for a few days," the man was obviously a little surprised, "Who, it couldn't be Xiaoyou who got it?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I'll finish the call first." After Yang Xuan said this, he seemed to take a few steps in a certain direction, and then said to Tang Junhe on the phone, "It seems that there is indeed rain."

"I heard it all." Tang Junhe whispered.

Yang Xuan said, "Huh?"

"What you just said..."

Yang Xuan gave a low laugh. Through the phone, the low laugh seemed to hit Tang Junhe's eardrum directly. The voice was very close, but the distance was far away. Tang Junhe felt that he missed Yang Xuan terribly, obviously only one night later, But it seemed like he hadn't seen his brother for a long time.

He said whatever came to his mind, buried his face in the pillow, and said in a muffled voice, "Brother, I miss you so much."

Yang Xuan chuckled and said, "How many hours has it been?"

"It's been a long time..." Tang Junhe said with some concern, "Tonight's flight will not be cancelled, will it?"

"It's not that serious. It's mostly showers here." Yang Xuan said, but Tang Junhe was still worried.

He faintly felt that the flight was really going to be cancelled, so he checked the flight software every few minutes, and was relieved when he saw that it hadn't been cancelled. I repeated it countless times, and the sleepiness was completely gone, and I didn't fall asleep until the evening.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Yang Xuan arrived at the airport. Since noon, the sky has been gray, with dark clouds looming over the city.

In the evening, the raindrops really fell, and the rain was heavy and small, but it lasted for a long time without stopping.

Probably because they are not sure what the momentum of the rain is, the airline has been slow to release the flight cancellation notice, and the flight delay message continues to scroll on the screen.

Unwilling to eat, Tang Junhe hurriedly settled the dinner, and called Yang Xuan to ask about the situation there. There was the sound of pattering rain, and he could feel the sultry and humid atmosphere through the phone.

"I think it will really be cancelled," Tang Junhe said with a low mood while hugging Shisan, "Murphy's Law is always like this."

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of rain on the phone suddenly became louder. Just listening to the sound, one could imagine the scene of raindrops falling overwhelmingly.

Tang Junhe heard a light "click" from the phone, mixed with the sound of rain, it was the sound of a lighter being lit: "Brother, are you smoking?"

"Just lit." Yang Xuan bit his cigarette and said vaguely. He had been waiting inside for four hours, and now he got up and came out to get some air. He stood under the eaves of the airport exit, watching the pouring rain outside, with a slightly irritable expression between his slightly frowning brows. It's raining endlessly, maybe the flight will really be cancelled.

This kind of thought just popped up, and someone around shouted: "Look at the screen!"

Yang Xuan held his cigarette and flicked the ash into the ash trough on the trash can, then turned his face and glanced at the screen—the words "flight delayed" just now have been replaced by "flight cancelled".

"Fuck, it's really cancelled." Yang Xuan frowned and said in a low voice.

Tang Junhe asked immediately after hearing the words: "Cancelled? Has there been an official notice?"

At this time, the broadcast sounded in the hall, surrounding the inside of the airport: "Everyone, the flight cancellation notice is now being broadcast. The Meteorological Department has just issued a yellow rainstorm warning. It is expected that Weicheng and surrounding cities will continue to experience heavy rain in the next two days..."

"Does that mean tomorrow's flight is also cancelled?" Tang Junhe asked as he clenched his phone.

The irritability between Yang Xuan's eyebrows was even worse, but his tone did not reveal any clues, and he tried to slow down: "It's just an estimate, not sure. Is there an operation tomorrow?"

"Yes..." Tang Junhe answered truthfully, "I want to do a lung transplant with Mr. Xue."

"Why don't you go to bed early?"

"I thought it wouldn't be cancelled..." Tang Junhe put Shisan aside, and lay down on the bed by himself, "Brother, do you miss me?"

"I ran back and forth to three places today, and just waited for another four hours at the airport, do you want to?"

While Yang Xuan was talking, Shisan jumped down from the sofa and nimbly jumped onto Tang Junhe's waist. Tang Junhe was caught off guard by its weight, and before he had time to answer Yang Xuan, he groaned in pain.

"What's wrong?" Yang Xuan asked.

"Thirteen suddenly jumped up and stepped on me." Tang Junhe turned a hand behind his back, grabbed Shisan's front paw, and tried to pull it off, but Shisan nestled on his waist and refused to move, Tang Junhe refused. Never mind.

"Does it hurt?"

"Fortunately, it only hurts a little bit, thanks to the fact that it only weighs five catties."

The expression on Yang Xuan's face slowed down, and he wiped out the cigarette **** in his hand: "If there is no thirteen, what you said just now," he paused, his voice sounded like a faint smile, which seemed to have a deep meaning "Sounds like cheating."

"I have nothing to steal," Tang Junhe muttered, "I just want to cheat on you. Brother, what are you going to do tonight?"

"Take a taxi and find a hotel nearby. Go to sleep. I'll check the situation here tomorrow."

Tang Junhe said "Oh", but still refused to hang up the phone, and chatted with Yang Xuan, asking him about the household registration there. Yang Xuan didn't urge him to hang up at first, and chatted with him for a while, and then saw that it was almost early morning, so he let him go to bed earlier.

After hanging up the phone, Tang Junhe was in a gloomy mood, and he couldn't see any rain in Yancheng. It was the driest time of the year, but he still felt that it was very humid outside.

He turned off the light and lay on the bed. Thirteen soon fell asleep and snored slightly, but Tang Junhe couldn't fall asleep anyway. In fact, he doesn't like rain very much. In his past life, it seems that bad things will happen whenever it rains. The evening when Zhou Lin was hit to death by a car was full of dark clouds, and it was also pouring rain when Yang Chengchuan died. Thinking of the sound of crackling rain on the phone, Tang Junhe felt more anxious the more he thought about it.

In addition to anxiety, there was also panic. He couldn't help worrying that something would happen to Yang Xuan, and wanted to call him, but it was too late, and he didn't want to wake Yang Xuan up because of his unfounded anxiety.

This anxiety spread throughout his body, first his heart rate increased, and later he became restless. He realized that he couldn't go on like this. He hadn't slept all night until now, and he had to have an important operation with Director Xue tomorrow. With his current mental state, something would definitely go wrong tomorrow.

He got out of bed and looked through the medicine cabinet. The heart rate-lowering medicine had not been taken for a long time, and it had expired. He threw it aside, thinking about throwing it away when he went out tomorrow morning. Then he dug out the sleeping pills, took two pills out, and swallowed them with water .

Then he went to the closet, pulled out a black cotton coat, and carried it to the bed. This was the only thing Yang Xuan left for him ten years ago before he left. He always kept it carefully, and sometimes he would turn it out and hold it in his arms when he couldn't sleep.

At the beginning, there was still some smell of Yang Xuan on the coat. When he buried his head in it and pretended to be surrounded by this smell, he would have a long-lost sleep—that’s how he fell asleep the night before the college entrance examination of.

But later, the residual smell on the coat gradually faded, and his insomnia became more and more severe, even if he held it, it was difficult to fall asleep. But there's no denying that his anxiety symptoms and heart rate slowed down a bit when he held the coat.

Tang Junhe hugged the black cotton jacket like this, with his cheeks stuck to it, and it took a while for the sleeping pills to take effect. He hugged the jacket tightly and fell into a dark dream.

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