Paper Plane

Chapter 118:

It took a while to recover from the excruciating pleasure, Yang Xuan pulled out from Tang Junhe's body, pulled down the hem of the white coat piled up on his waist, then turned him over, and carried him back to the table Sitting, Tang Junhe put his arms around Yang Xuan, leaning limply on him.

The screen on the table lit up for a moment, Yang Xuan reached out and took a look at the phone, the screen first displayed the chat interface with Ren Zekai, Tang Junhe finally replied "No, but my boyfriend will".

Ren Zekai quickly replied: " you have a boyfriend?"

There was no news after that. Yang Xuan turned off the screen, put the phone back on the table, inserted his fingers into the hair behind Tang Junhe's head and rubbed it twice.

Tang Junhe lay on Yang Xuan's shoulder and didn't want to get up. It wasn't until Yang Xuan carried him into the bathroom and took off the dirty white coat that he was wearing that he straightened up and said, "Mr. Xue will expel me from the division if he finds out door."

Yang Xuan lowered his head to adjust the water temperature of the shower, and smiled when he heard this.

"This duty room was specially assigned to me by Director Xue to write my thesis." Tang Junhe said. At that time, he was going to do experiments, perform operations, and write papers. He often stayed in the hospital all night and did not go home. Give him the duty room.

"Brother, am I too depraved..." Tang Junhe leaned on Yang Xuan to reflect on himself, and whispered after a few seconds, "But falling in love is much more interesting than writing papers."

The hospital in the early morning is the quietest time of the day. After the nurse signed, the two took the elevator downstairs. Yang Xuan stood against the elevator wall, and Tang Junhe stood in front of him. Because he was a little sleepy, he leaned over and wiped his face. Buried on Yang Xuan's shoulder.

The elevator door closed and opened, and a person walked in behind. Tang Junhe didn't want to get up, he thought a little waywardly, since he turned his back to the people behind him, no one should recognize him.

But Yang Xuan pinched his finger at this moment, and then Yang Xuan's voice sounded above his head: "Director Xue."

Tang Junhe was stunned for a moment, and immediately raised his head after reacting, let go of Yang Xuan's hand, turned around to face Xue Yuanshan and said, "Teacher Xue."

Xue Yuanshan nodded and said, "I didn't go back until so late."

"I rested in the duty room for a while," Tang Junhe lied a little guilty, "wait for my brother to come and pick me up."

"The two brothers are reconciled?" Xue Yuanshan asked again.

"Hmm." Tang Junhe said, he actually didn't remember mentioning his relationship with Yang Xuan to Xue Yuanshan.

Xue Yuanshan laughed twice, then turned to Yang Xuan and said: "At that time, when I performed surgery on you, I couldn't even hold the scalpel steadily. I scolded you before calling you his brother."

Coming out of the elevator, Tang Junhe breathed a sigh of relief. Xue Yuanshan didn't see the clue, so he wouldn't drive him out of the division. To be honest, he still enjoys the operation process very much. In terms of enjoyment, it is probably second only to falling in love with Yang Xuan.

But what happened that night still had some impact on Tang Junhe.

Tang Junhe went to work the next day and performed an alveolar resection operation on a boy aged seventeen or eighteen. Before the operation, he had done disinfection work and entered the laminar flow operating room wearing a hand-washing suit. When the nurse came over to put on a sterile suit for him, His eyes fell on the boy lying on the hospital bed.

The nurse was about 1.6 meters tall, and her line of sight was exactly at the same level as Tang Junhe's shoulders. The neckline of the hand-washing clothes was loose, and Tang Junhe was thin, so the nurse lowered her eyes slightly, and saw the faintly visible chest under his hand-washing clothes a small trace of it.

Dark red, looks very ambiguous. Like hickeys.

The nurse's mind suddenly exploded, but she remained calm and helped him put on the sterile gown quickly.

Gossip in the operating room always spread quickly. On that day, a shocking piece of gossip was quietly discussed in the thoracic surgery room: Dr. Tang actually had sex!

Dr. Tang obviously lives for surgery and lives for papers. He can't understand such mundane things as falling in love. How can he have a **** life?

The nurse who witnessed the hickey on Dr. Tang's chest swore, "It's definitely a hickey, I can't see it wrong!"

"Perhaps a burn?" another guessed.

But then the person next to her patted her away and said, "What's the fuss about a good-looking person having sex?"

"The point is not the **** life, but the hickey marks. Dr. Tang looks serious, and he might have a good time in private..."

"Doctor Tang is obviously just a coward. He also has tattoos. I heard he got them in high school."

"That's right, when Dr. Tang got off work yesterday, he was dressed so boringly!"

"But Dr. Tang was called to the hospital for an operation last night, and he and his brother came to get me to sign in the early morning..." The nurse on duty last night interrupted at this moment.

When the others heard this, they fell into deep thought. After a while, one of them sighed quietly: "Dr. Tang's night life is really difficult... Could it be that little wild cat in his family has become a sperm?"

Because of this sentence, "The little wild cat in Dr. Tang's family has become a genius", this sentence quickly spread in private, and the spread was wide, spanning several parallel departments.

Tang Junhe went to the operating table the next day. During the operation, everyone was in a cold sweat. After the most tense stage passed, the operation was successfully completed. When the suture work was performed, several people joked as usual, and the tense atmosphere in the room suddenly disappeared. no deposit.

Deputy Chief Physician Sun Lianqi is an expert at speaking yellow accents, and has a close relationship with the nurses in the department. He is known as a friend of women. In the past few days, he has also heard the gossip about Tang Junhe .

The nurse in the operating room winked at him secretly. Sun Lianqi held a scalpel and said to Tang Junhe who bowed his head to suture: "I heard that Doctor Xiao Tang picked up a little wild cat to raise?"

Tang Junhe was very focused on sewing, and he said "hmm".

The equipment nurses present and the interns who observed the operation all suppressed their laughter.

Sun Lianqi then said slowly: "I also heard that your little wild cat has recently become a sperm?"

Tang Junhe heard that there was something in Sun Lianqi's words, and looked up at him, but saw that everyone else was struggling to hold back their laughter. Although he probably guessed the meaning of these words, he was still a little confused.

Could it be that the nurse who asked him to sign that day guessed what happened in the duty room?

Tang Junhe felt that the eyes of the doctors looking at him were a little strange, with a kind of kind ridicule in them. He didn't feel disgusted, but he really wanted to know the truth behind it.

Before getting off work, Xiao Song came over to ask him to sign. While no one else in the office was around, he asked in a low voice, "Have you guys been discussing something lately?"

"What are you discussing?" Xiao Song pretended to be stupid.

Tang Junhe had no choice but to point out: "What little wild cat has become a spirit..."

Xiao Song laughed out loud, but did not answer.

Tang Junhe could only hold down the list and not give it to her: "Say it quickly."

Xiao Song smiled for a long time before holding back: "Doctor Tang, the neckline of the wash clothes is a little low."

Tang Junhe looked at her.

"So, some traces are easy to see."

When she said this, Tang Junhe suddenly understood, and the hickey on his chest was seen. He blushed instantly.

"Doctor Tang, Shan Zi." Xiao Song reminded him.

"Oh." Tang Junhe hurriedly let go, in a rare panic, his usual composure was gone.

At night, Yang Xuan was leaning on the bedside, reading the case materials sent by the police force. Tang Junhe dishonestly touched his abdominal muscles with his hands, and then wiped the gun and let it go. Yang Xuan closed the laptop and put it aside, pulled him over and kissed him.

After they were done, Thirteen suddenly meowed beside him.

Tang Junhe immediately thought of the sentence in the hospital and couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Yang Xuan asked.

"Brother, I saw the hickey on my chest." Tang Junhe raised his upper body slightly, pointed to his chest, "it's here. Then they all said..." He buried his face in Yang Xuan's chest and laughed Can't stop.

Yang Xuan pinched his chin and urged, "Hurry up."

"They said," Tang Junhe shrugged his shoulders with a smile, "they said that the little wild cat in Dr. Tang's house has become a sperm..."

He himself laughed vigorously, and a few seconds later, he heard Yang Xuan laughing a few times on top of his head.

He finally had enough laughs, got up on his stomach and looked at Yang Xuan: "Brother, they are talking about you..."

Yang Xuan pinched his face with a smile: "Little bastard."

Tang Junhe reacted quickly, looked at him with a smile and said, "You are my brother and I am a little brat, so what are you?"

Yang Xuan reached out and took the cigarette case and lighter from the bedside, and said without changing his expression, "I'm a big bastard."

The author has something to say

I plan to write the ending together and put it up, no matter how much it is, I will put it in the next chapter...

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