Paper Plane

Chapter 88:

After being drunk, he should have fallen asleep, but Tang Junhe was lying on the bed, tossing and turning with insomnia. Thirteen slept soundly, her snow-white belly turned to one side, rising and falling with her breathing.

Lying in the middle of the night, Tang Junhe got up from the bed, hugged Shisan who was sleeping soundly on his arm, took the sleeping pills in the medicine box with his slippers on, and took out one of the medicine boxes. Explanation—It is an anti-anxiety drug that I took before, and it has expired.

He threw the expired medicine into the trash can, lay back on the bed and continued to sleep. Under the action of the sleeping pill, he fell asleep quickly.

This sleep was very restless. He dreamed about people and things from the past, the screeching sound of brakes when Zhou Lin was hit by a car, the gangster who was doing drug dealing at the school gate, and Yang Chengchuan before he died. Staring at his empty eyes, they were like seaweeds that had been silent in the water for a long time, they were stirred up by Yang Xuan's arrival, and all of them floated up faintly, entangled him tightly, making him unable to break free no matter what .

In the early morning of the next day, Tang Junhe was woken up by the alarm clock, sat up, his head hurt like it was about to explode. The whole body was exhausted, and when he walked to the mirror in the bathroom, the person in the mirror was pale, his eyes were bruised, and the traces of hangover were clearly visible.

He splashed the water on his face, and suddenly remembered that he bent down to wash his face like this last night, and Yang Xuan was outside the door. After waking up, I remembered what happened last night, and it felt more and more like a dream.

Now that I woke up from the dream and returned to reality, thinking about the thoughts that appeared in my mind last night, I felt really ridiculous. His elder brother Yang Xuan has always been more mature than him, after ten years, naturally he will not allow the absurdity of the year to repeat itself.

Before leaving the house, Tang Junhe squatted on the ground to feed Shisan, and Mai Ze called again, jokingly asking him if he had written his thesis last night.

"It's just that Mr. Xue wants to change a few details." Tang Junhe tilted his head, clamped the phone between his ears and shoulders, touched Shisan's head, then held the phone with one hand and put it against his ear, and stood up Come and go out.

"It's awesome, you still don't forget to revise your thesis after drinking like that, how often does Mr. Xue usually pick up the skin?"

"You'll know if you come back and try it." Tang Junhe went out and locked the lock with his backhand.

"That's impossible, he has already expelled me from the teacher's door." Mai Ze heard the sound of locking the door and asked, "Are you going to work now?"

Tang Junhe let out a "hmm".

"Your brother didn't stay with you last night?"


"Ha, I feel that you are really different from ordinary brothers. Is it your own brother?"

"Same father and mother," Tang Junhe finished speaking, then asked after a pause, "Did I call him 'brother' last night?"

"Yeah," Mai Ze was a little confused, then smiled, "At first I thought you were calling me, and I wondered why you're so sensible all of a sudden."

Unexpectedly, Tang Junhe ignored the joke and fell silent instead.

"What's wrong?" Maize asked.

"Did he hear it?" Tang Junhe asked again.

"Who knows, it was not far or close at the time, what's the matter?"


It was a little late to go out. Tang Junhe took a taxi from the side of the road to the hospital. Usually, if he went out normally, he usually walked there. The distance was less than four kilometers. If he walked fast, he would arrive in half an hour. Surgeons are usually busy and don't have much time to exercise. Walking during the commute to and from get off work is considered as the share of exercise for the day.

When I arrived at the hospital, the first thing I did was to see Tang Xiaonian.

After Tang Xiaonian washed up, she was about to eat the breakfast that Aunt Zhou bought, when she saw Tang Junhe approaching, she raised her head and asked, "Walking again?"

"I came by taxi, so I went out a little late." Tang Junhe looked down at Tang Xiaonian's medical records.

"I asked you to buy a car last year, why don't you buy it? It's so inconvenient to go to work."

Tang Junhe stared at the not-so-optimistic indicators in the medical record, and said casually: "It's very convenient, and we don't live far away."

"It's not that you don't have money. You sold the house in Runcheng later, and you won't go back to live in it. It's useless to stay there." Tang Xiaonian picked up the breakfast and handed it to Tang Junhe, "You can eat this .”

Tang Junhe didn't like to hear her casually explaining the funeral, he raised his head, looked at her coldly and said, "I sold you and went back to live under the flyover?" After speaking, he took the medical records and walked out.

Tang Xiaonian hurriedly signaled Aunt Zhou to deliver the meal.

Aunt Zhou carried the breakfast and ran after her for two steps: "Doctor Tang, take your breakfast and eat it. It's not too late, I'll go buy another one."

Sitting on the hospital bed, Tang Xiaonian sighed, and whispered to himself: "Why should I go back?"

You Xin collected all the information, uploaded it to Yang Xuan from the Internet, and typed a line: "Captain, as long as a small part of the information comes, the rest is classified and will not be given."

Yang Xuan replied a few words: "Well, let me take a look first."

You Xin sent a voice message: "The amputated finger has yet to find out who the victim is, but the blood test results came out, and the victim took drugs within a month before his death. I think the suspect is likely to be related to drug dealers. "


"Zheng Rui and I recalled the drug dealers we had contacted, and we also compiled a document, but we haven't locked the target yet, you should take a look at it, Captain." After You Xin finished speaking, another document was sent.

Yang Xuan accepted it, and replied with a single word "OK".

Regarding drug dealers... Yang Xuan fell into deep thought, recalling his undercover experience a few years ago.

Tang Junhe didn't have surgery in the afternoon and went to the outpatient department for consultation. When it was time to get off work, the number of patients who came to see the doctor decreased, so he lowered his head and wrote the course of illness on the desk.

As I was writing, I suddenly thought, why did Yang Xuan appear at the hospital gate last night?

It's not the date for the stitches to be removed, and obviously I didn't come to see a doctor, so why did I come to the hospital, and I happened to meet myself who was drunk and came home late?

Just as he was thinking, another patient walked in. He regained his senses and stopped himself from thinking about it.

After coming out of the hospital, it was already dark. Tang Junhe had always been off work very late. If he hadn't picked up a cat downstairs a few months ago, he would have stayed in the hospital until ten o'clock every night before returning home.

Writing medical history, reading surgical cases, revising doctor’s orders, publishing papers… This is the advantage of being a doctor. If you don’t want to be idle, you will always have endless things to do. Tang Junhe doesn't want to let himself be idle, he needs to fill his life, the more full the better, until there is no room to think about Yang Xuan. That's the only way to worry.

When he came out of the building and was less than ten meters away from the entrance of the hospital, Tang Junhe suddenly stopped, turned around and looked in the direction behind him. Except for the doctors and nurses who just got off work, there was no one else in sight.

"Doctor Tang is leaving get off work so late again," a nurse happened to come over and followed his gaze to look back, "What are you looking at?"

"It seems like someone is following me." Tang Junhe looked in the direction of the parking lot. The street lights are bright there, but the space between the cars is dark, just perfect for hiding dirt and dirt.

The nurse was taken aback: "Huh? Who is following you?"

Tang Junhe shook his head: "It may be an illusion." But only he knows, his feeling should be right. When he was young, he was followed by Zhou Lin intermittently for six years, and he was very familiar with the feeling of being followed.

"By the way, Dr. Tang, is there any result about the broken finger yesterday?"

"Not yet." Tang Junhe withdrew his gaze, turned around and continued to walk forward. In a blink of an eye, he saw Yang Xuan not far away.

Yang Xuan was leaning against the car door, and seemed to be looking in that direction, but the next second, he looked away, straightened up and walked towards him.

"Doctor Tang, your brother is here to pick you up." The nurse looked at Yang Xuan curiously.

Tang Junhe gave a low "um" and stood there looking at Yang Xuan. If last night was a coincidence, then tonight will never be such a coincidence.

Yang Xuan walked over and said with a natural expression, "I got off work so late."

"Doctor Tang is always the last to leave, today is still early." The nurse answered.

Tang Junhe looked at Yang Xuan and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Come to pick you up."

After going back and forth, both of them looked as usual. For a while, the nurse didn't see any ten-year entanglement, and smiled from the side: "Doctor Tang, your brother is really kind to you."

Tang Junhe lowered his eyes, his thick eyelashes covered the emotion in his eyes: "Then let's go." He saw Yang Xuan holding a cigarette in his hand, which was intact and had not been lit. Is it that I didn't have time to ignite it or didn't want to ignite it at all? Tang Junhe thought of the doctor's order he had given that morning.

Once there were others standing beside them, both of them showed restraint and calmness, and neither of them wanted to reveal the secret that only existed between them back then.

On the way to the door, the nurse asked curiously, "What does Dr. Tang's brother do?"

This question was asked by Tang Junhe, but Tang Junhe didn't know about Yang Xuan's past. Sadly, he knew very little about Yang Xuan's past ten years, and he was no different from a complete stranger.

"I was in the army before." Yang Xuan's answer helped him out.

"Ah," the nurse suddenly realized, "no wonder you are so good at it."

The car temporarily stopped at the entrance of the hospital, and the nurse crossed the road. Tang Junhe stood beside the car and looked at Yang Xuan through the dim street light: "You also saw that person just now."

"Well," Yang Xuan frowned slightly, "If I'm not mistaken, that person came for you because of me."

Tang Junhe did not show surprise, and continued to ask calmly: "Why is it because of you?"

Yang Xuan looked into his eyes, and the cigarette twirled nimbly between his slender fingers: "I'll tell you when I get in the car."

Tang Junhe lowered his eyes and thought for a while, without saying much, he turned and walked to the other side of the car, opened the door and sat on it.

The car started smoothly, and the cool night wind blew in through the half-opened windows. Driving to the main road, Yang Xuan said, "Because that person is avoiding me."

Tang Junhe said after a while: "You know I'm not just asking this."

He didn't speak very clearly, but Yang Xuan understood: "When I was on mission in the army, I took a few lives and worked as an undercover agent." He drove the car and spoke slowly, "Last time That report said everything that cannot be said, it is very likely that someone recognized me and came to seek revenge."

Seeing that the red light not far away could not pass, the speed of the car slowed down, Yang Xuan continued: "The most common way to seek revenge, the first is to get revenge on yourself, and the second is to find the closest person to attack."

Tang Junhe was silent for a moment, and said, "Just like when you wanted to take revenge on Tang Xiaonian?"

red light. Yang Xuan stepped on the brakes and the car came to a steady stop. The hands that were resting on the steering wheel were suddenly clenched, the knuckles turned white, and the veins on the forearms protruded.

The numbers next to the traffic lights gradually decreased, and after a few seconds, Yang Xuan said, "Yes, that's it."

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