At this moment, several hours have passed since the last time the monster inhaled isobutylene gas. During this time, experts saw that the monster was obviously in a restless state.

Analogous to humans, its current state can probably be regarded as a drug addiction.

If you are a human and enjoy the feeling that comes from the devil and transcends physical limits, then your only goal for the rest of your life will be to pursue this feeling, and nothing else will matter. They will no longer pay attention to morality, propriety, justice, integrity, past ambitions and ideals, family and friends, or even their own corruption.

Even if the next moment is death, I have to take a puff at this moment before talking about it.

In order to raise drug funds, a son hacked his parents to death, a husband hacked his wife to death, and a mother sold her son. There are countless human tragedies.

Now, the hood filled with isobutylene gas is right next to it. As long as it surrenders, the hood can be placed on its head immediately, allowing it to inhale the gas that makes it extremely comfortable. And if it doesn't give in, the high-purity oxygen and electric shock, coupled with its own inner desires, will make it more painful than falling into hell.

In this situation, a human being, even one whose willpower is ten times stronger than the strongest person, would immediately succumb. But this monster...

"It's trying to kill itself!"

one expert exclaimed. Zhang Dingshan frowned slightly, and immediately several heavily armed soldiers broke into the room and installed more fixtures on it.

"You can't even die without my consent. Either answer my questions or suffer torture. It's your choice."

The monster still showed no sign of surrender. Only the constant twitching and the slight creaking sounds from the twisted bones showed the immense pain it endured.

Zhang Dingshan shook his head and left here without wasting any more time.

The attempt to open a breakthrough from the monster ultimately failed.

At this moment, there is not much time left. At the human hospital, Shu Changshan was still in a coma with no sign of waking up.

At this time, Lu Qingliang sent a request for a temporary meeting. Lu Ming perked up.

Lu Qingliang usually wouldn't do this if there were no emergencies. And now that he has done this, does that mean he has discovered something?

The four people once again gathered in the virtual conference room. Sure enough, Lu Qingliang said quickly: "There is a clue from the data analysis of the folk customs and customs survey around the Aliyah Mountains and Luogu Plain where Nero Specialism once existed. I think it may be of some use to the curse on Shu Changshan at the moment. .”

Lu Qingliang paused and uttered two words: "Blood exchange."

"Change... blood?"

"This is relevant information, take a look."

Lu Qingliang uploaded a document. Several people downloaded it and started viewing it.

Lu Ming saw that this information was a folk tale. This story is taken from the oral narration of an old man in a village in the Aliyah Mountains. The old man said that this story was told by his parents when he was a child.

At the same time, several other elderly people in the village also said that they had heard this story when they were children.

And, this story is also recorded in an ancient book obtained from a folklore researcher in Luogu Plain.

Thus, the fact that this story was obtained through several different sources at the same time shows that, at least at some time, the story was indeed widely circulated.

This means that it has a certain value.

The story goes like this.

In ancient times - the specific year is unknown, there was a monster outside the village. This monster has a translucent body, a huge head and sharp claws. It always holds a drum in one hand and a stick made of human leg bones in the other hand. Whenever it sees a person approaching, it will beat the drum. And those who hear the sound will have their souls taken away by it and become its slaves from then on.

The souls of woodcutters who collect firewood, hunters who hunt, farmers who farm, merchants who sell goods, and even passers-by who get lost in the mountains and forests are all lured away by it.

For a time, people in the village were so panicked that they didn't even dare to go out.

Some people were so hungry that they wanted to go into the mountains to hunt and pick fruits, but they never returned. People in the village were even more frightened. Someone organized strong men to go into the mountains to kill the monster, but still no one could come back. Even those who tried to leave the village and flee to the mountains had their souls snatched away by monsters as soon as they left the village.

Several people starved to death in the village. Just as people were desperately waiting for death, a group of knights patrolling the territory came to the village. One of the most heroic, handsome, and tallest people was the son of the Lord Viscount. He is also the captain of this team of knights.

When the viscount's son heard about this, he was very angry and led his knights to kill the monster. But they didn't expect that those people whose souls had been seduced by the monster before would actually risk their lives to protect the monster. The knights couldn't bear to kill these people and had no choice but to retreat.

At night, the resourceful captain set out again. When there were few people around the monster to protect him, he suddenly jumped up from the ground and pierced the monster's heart with a sword. The monster roared and fell to the ground dead, and the people's souls that were taken away also returned to their bodies and regained consciousness. Only the knight captain was cursed by the monster because he killed it, and fell into a coma.

The knights escorted the captain, left the village with the thanks of the villagers, and returned to the Lord Viscount's castle. The viscount was very sad to see his only son in a coma, so he invited a wizard to treat him.

It only took one glance for the wizard to recognize that the knight captain was cursed. But he was in trouble.

He said that a person who was born in the same year, same month and same day as the knight captain needed to voluntarily sacrifice himself to exchange blood with the knight captain, that is, to put his own blood into the knight captain's body, and to put the knight captain's blood into his own body, so that Once it does, the curse can be transferred from the Knight Captain to another person, and the Knight Captain can survive.

As for the person who has endured the curse, there is no choice but to die.

The kind-hearted Lord Viscount couldn't bear to use this method. So he issued a notice in the territory to collect other ways to treat his son.

But other wizards and doctors couldn't do anything. The knight captain was dying. The good Lord Viscount's hair also turned white.

At this time, someone in the village that was infested by monsters also heard about it. A young man in the village discovered that he happened to be born in the same year, month and day as the knight captain. So he decided to go to the castle and use his own blood to save the life of the knight captain.

His parents tried to stop him, but he severely reprimanded him. He said that the entire village was saved by the knight captain. The knight captain was about to die because of us. As a conscientious person, how could he survive in vain?

The parents lowered their heads in shame. People in the village collected some money and food and gave them to him, and he set off and rushed to the viscount's castle.

The kind-hearted Lord Viscount couldn't bear to see him die and rejected him. But the young man was very determined and declared that if he did not do this, he would be killed on the castle. In desperation, the viscount and the wizard could only agree to him.

The wizard first prayed to the gods and received help from the gods. Then, during the ceremony, the wizard first drew a little blood from the two people, smoked them with the smoke of burning a kind of grass, and observed whether the two bloods could blend.

After realizing that the blood of the two people could fuse, the wizard used a hollow thin bone to connect the knight captain's blood vessels flowing with bright red blood to the young man's blood vessels flowing with dark red blood, and then used another thin bone to connect them. The knight captain has dark red blood flowing in his veins and the young man has bright red blood flowing in his veins.

The two people's blood began to mix with each other. Your blood flows into my body, and my blood flows into your body.

After this continued for a period of time, the wizard observed the two people and confirmed that the blood exchange had been completed, then removed the thin bones and stopped the bleeding of the two people. At this time, the knight captain's complexion had improved a lot, and the young man was already very weak.

The kind-hearted Lord Viscount ordered the servants to give the young man the best treatment and brought the best food and wine. The young man refused. He said that the lord would even sacrifice his own son to protect the people in his territory. It is natural for him to dedicate his life to save the knight captain. This is his duty and responsibility. The food and wine do not belong to you.

The viscount, the wizard, the servants, and the common people were all moved to tears by the young man. At this moment, a ray of light suddenly fell from the sky and enveloped the young man.

In the light, the young man's face became visibly rosy, and his originally weak body began to become stronger. Then the light disappeared and the young man regained his health.

The viscount, wizard, servants, civilians and others all knelt on the ground. Afterwards, the wizard announced that it was the young man's loyalty that moved the gods, and the gods used their power to lift the curse that was transferred to the young man and restore him to health.

At this time, the knight captain also woke up. When he found out what happened, he accepted the young man into his own knights, made him a noble knight, and found him a beautiful wife.

When the young man's parents heard about this incident, they jumped into the river and committed suicide in shame. The young man stayed in the castle, followed the knight captain, and began to fight to protect the territory. Later, because of his outstanding performance, he also received a title, became a distinguished baron, and had his own territory. Their family lived happily ever after.

The story ends here.

Lu Ming frowned into a frown.

Frankly, this story isn't really that good. It's not that it's a story, but the metaphors and symbols behind the story really made Lu Ming, who had received a modern education, feel uncomfortable.

In this story, the viscount is kind, the knight captain is heroic, the wizard is wise, the villagers are weak and ignorant and can only accept protection, the young man is loyal, and the parents who try to dissuade him from being loyal to the lord are despicable, even Yu committed suicide by jumping into a river out of shame. The young man was rewarded by the gods for his loyalty and the curse was lifted.

In this way, the true meaning of this story with strong political meaning is very clear. It is nothing more than telling the commoners and poor people to keep their own integrity, be loyal to their lords, and be ready to sacrifice their lives for the lords at any time. Only in this way can they be rewarded by the gods. Otherwise, they are bad. It's just despicable, it's damnable.

Lu Ming had no intention of criticizing the values ​​​​in this story. He only noticed one detail in the story.

Blood exchange can transfer the curse from one person to another.

The cultural background of this story is the Aliyah Mountains and the Valley Plains where Cthulhu culture is relatively strong. The formation of local culture was deeply involved in Nero's special religion.

It was precisely because he saw the classics of Nero's religion that Shu Changshan knew that the mysterious existence in his dream was the "Light Chaser", and he later communicated with the Light Chaser. At the same time, based on the knowledge obtained from the Light Chaser, we accurately found the place where the monsters held the ceremony.

From this point of view, blood transfusion may really be a method worth trying.


There was silence in the temporary conference room.

The four of them realized a problem at the same time.

Doing so carries great moral risks.

After all, even if the story is true and the blood exchange is really effective, then while saving Shu Changshan, another person will definitely die. And we can't expect that a god will really come out at that time to lift the curse and usher in the best of both worlds.

Even if we search among death row inmates who have gone through legal trials and been sentenced to death—assuming that such death row inmates really exist, the moral hazard involved still cannot be eliminated.

The values ​​​​upheld by human beings do not allow this kind of thing to exist.

After a moment of silence, Zhang Dingshan said resolutely: "There is no need to consider the moral risks involved in this matter. The significance of the existence of morality is to ensure a better existence of civilization. If civilization is harmed because of morality, it is to sacrifice the fundamentals. Civilization is higher than Morality.

At the current stage, at least judging from the existing clues, Shu Changshan is extremely important. We need to make sure he wakes up as soon as possible.

At this moment, there is only one question we need to consider, that is, whether this method is really effective. "

Lu Ming said: "We cannot be sure whether it is effective. However, now we can know whether this method is harmful."

It's simple, just let the doctors at the human hospital evaluate it.

The results of the doctor's team's assessment came quickly. Just as Lu Ming had expected, the conclusion was that this move would not cause Shu Changshan's physical condition to get worse, but it would not get better either.

Within the scientific system, and in the eyes of doctors, this makes no sense.

But from the perspective of the Cthulhu system, doing so may make the situation better.

In this case, the choice is very simple.

Give it a try.

It's best if it works. If it doesn't work, we won't lose anything.


Lu Qingliang seemed a little hesitant at this moment.

He whispered: "The intelligence support team reminded me to pay attention to the possibility that Shu Changshan is an 'undercover' on the monster side."

There was silence in the video conference room. The next moment, Zhang Dingshan, Lu Ming, and He Wei all looked at him strangely.

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