Paranormal incident investigation notes

Chapter 312 Cordyceps Sinensis

The universe is endless and the galaxies are vast.

The temporary base is located on the outskirts of the city and also has a certain amount of light pollution. But the weather is pretty good today, and you can still see a lot of stars.

Lu Ming sat on a chair on the edge of a pavilion, leaning on the back of the chair, looking up at the stars in the sky, and once again fell into deep thought.

What he was facing was exactly in the direction of the CSK-9602 galaxy.

It is of course impossible to see it with the naked eye. Even if you stand on the top of Mount Everest, cut off all light pollution and air pollution, and combined with the best weather conditions, it is impossible to see it with the naked eye. But Lu Ming still looked there intently.

He seemed to feel that a galaxy as huge as the Milky Way was quietly moving there in the vast universe more than 100 million light-years away.

It is the origin of everything.

Lu Ming sketched one image after another in his mind. There is the Magic Eye Galaxy that is like an eye, there is Professor Zhou Tianyang, there is Professor Luo Yang, there is Shu Changshan, there is Shu Yang, there is Shu Yue... There are many, many people or things that constantly appear and disappear in his mind.

He kept thinking until late at night, then shook his head, stood up, and returned to his room while stroking his head that was dizzy from overexertion.

Still nothing today.

During the day the next day, Lu Ming slept until ten o'clock before getting up.

The time we have set for closing the case and returning home is tomorrow morning.

Today is the last day Lu Ming can take advantage of.

But today, he didn't plan to think about it anymore.

"I still believe that the universe we live in must have laws, it must be understandable, explainable, and described by mathematical and physical language. We are currently unable to penetrate into the truth of the universe simply because the current scientific level is too low .

The unknowability and chaos that the Cthulhu system considers must not be the essence of the universe. It must be wrong.

Perhaps, when our technology develops to a certain level, we can look back at this matter and draw accurate conclusions easily. Only now..."

He shook his head silently in his mind.

He has accepted this ending.

He clearly realized that at this stage, it was impossible for him to complete the analysis of this incident purely by relying on logical sorting and persistence in science.

In any case, all visible crises have been resolved and hidden dangers eliminated. As for some things that are really unclear during the process, let’s leave them to be solved later. At least the result is good. Why care so much about the process, right?

So he had to put his mind down and let himself divert his attention through other things.

He took a shower, shaved and left the room.

"I figured it out, captain. Let's go back tomorrow."

Zhang Dingshan paused and said, "Okay."

This matter is settled.

Lu Ming changed the topic: "Where is He Wei?"

"It's in the kitchen. She said she would make a dish for us to try at noon, so we can consider it a celebration."

"Oh? Doesn't she only know how to eat? Can she also cook it by herself? You need to try this." A smile appeared on Lu Ming's face: "I'll go and take a look."

When I came to the kitchen, I saw He Wei busy there.

An old hen had been stripped of its feathers and its internal organs had been taken out. He Wei was holding a kitchen knife and cutting it into pieces one by one. He is skilled in knife skills and has just the right amount of force to cut off a piece immediately and neatly with one strike. Even if there is an occasional cut that cannot be cut off, the second cut will always fall exactly on the mark of the previous cut, without any mistakes.

Looks like an old chef.

"He Wei, I didn't realize it, but my knife skills are good."

He Wei, who was concentrating, came back to her senses and looked at him with some surprise: "You don't want to think about it anymore?"

Lu Ming shook his head: "I can't think of it. Just close the case."

He Wei cut off a piece of the hen with a knife, but the knife didn't come up again.

After a moment, she seemed to be talking to herself: "That's fine. We can't solve it. Let's talk about it later."

After that, she raised the kitchen knife again and continued to chop the chicken pieces while saying: "How do you call this so-called knife skill? Chopping chickens and chopping people are actually the same. They all have to pay attention to strength and accuracy. People can't chop people accurately and the force is wrong. As a result, people who don't want to be chopped to death will be killed, and people who want to be chopped to death cannot be killed. The same goes for chopping chicken nuggets. If the force is too strong, it will hurt the hand. If the force is too weak, the chop will continue and the chop will not be accurate. It’s easy to cut out the dregs and minced meat…”

Lu Ming was delighted: "How can it be the same if you chop up people and chop up chickens?"

"The nature is similar."

"Why did you remember to cook by yourself? You even got an old hen, tsk tsk."

He Wei rolled her eyes: "I've been eating in the canteen a lot these days, and I'm about to throw up. I happened to hear that the free-range old hens in Nanli Mountain are delicious, so I shouldn't try it. Don't underestimate this chicken, it costs more than four hundred yuan." Well, I found it after I asked someone from the Public Security Bureau here to look for it..."

"More than four hundred yuan? Are you crazy about being poor?!"

Lu Ming was surprised.

Ordinary white-striped chicken in the supermarket only costs 20 to 30 yuan each. It’s understandable that free-range chickens are more expensive, but more than four hundred yuan is an exaggeration, right?

"Don't think it's expensive, it's not easy to buy. More than four hundred yuan is still a friendly price. I'll ask Qing Liang later if we still have any meal subsidy left, and find a way to reimburse it."

He Wei felt a little sick.

The salary of the second action team is not low, but He Wei also spends a lot of money, and he is not willing to use the privileges like other teams, so of course he has to save some money. If it can be reimbursed within a reasonable range, of course you have to find a way to reimburse it.

Lu Ming looked at the kitchen and saw some strange fungi outside the old hens. Needless to say, they must be stewed together.

Looking to the side, Lu Ming's eyes were a little straight.

"What is this? Cordyceps? What are you doing with this?"

"Stewed chicken, it's so expensive. It cost hundreds more just for this little bit..."

"Do you still believe this?"

Cordyceps sinensis is actually a certain fungus infected with the larvae of a certain insect. In summer, it sprouts from the insect corpse. The ancients saw that the bugs were still in the winter and turned into grass in the summer, so they gave it the name Cordyceps sinensis. .

Legend has it that the price of this thing has skyrocketed as a result. But Lu Ming didn't really believe in this.

In his heart, He Wei has always been a relatively rational person, but he didn't expect to believe this thing.

"Believe it or not." He Wei shook his head: "I just want to taste it. The local famous dish, Cordyceps stewed chicken, must have Cordyceps to make that taste. Tsk, look at this, Cordyceps glabra and old hen are the same. It’s over a thousand yuan, but local restaurants only sell this dish for four to five hundred yuan, so you think it might be authentic.”

Lu Ming instantly felt it made sense.

"I asked you why you bought chickens and cordyceps today, and cooked the food yourself... Okay, I'm waiting for you. You have to taste this."

"Just wait, just two hours."

After leaving the kitchen, Lu Ming was slightly looking forward to lunch.

At noon, a pot full of cordyceps stewed chicken was brought to the table, and it was indeed fragrant. Lu Ming picked up a piece of chicken and put it into his mouth. A strange aroma immediately came out, which whetted his appetite.

He Wei took out a bottle of local specialty jujube juice, Lu Ming took out a bottle of sugar-free drink, and Zhang Dingshan's cup was filled with boiled water.

The three of them raised their glasses at the same time.

"Cheers! Let's eat!"

After one meal, Lu Ming's stomach felt full and he felt extremely satisfied.

After taking a walk to eat, the three of them separated. Zhang Dingshan continued to read books, He Wei watched TV dramas, and Lu Ming also planned to find a movie to watch.

Just kill the time, I'll go back tomorrow anyway.

Lu Ming found a comedy that he had always wanted to watch but never had time to watch. He opened it and lay down comfortably on the bed.

The plot begins.

The movie is great, the actors perform well and it's very funny. Lu Ming originally thought that he would spend this pleasant movie-watching time laughing, but for some reason, he always felt that there was something in his mind and could not focus on the movie.

I don’t know why, but the scene in the morning keeps replaying in my mind.

He Wei quickly and neatly chopped the hen into pieces, stir-fried it skillfully, added water and various fungus seasonings, stewed it and served it to the table, and everyone started eating...

Lu Ming forced these images out of his mind, forced himself to stay focused, and tried to focus on the movie, but he failed again.

Lu Ming realized something.

The human subconscious is a very strange thing. Sometimes, people have obviously given up thinking about something, but in fact, at the subconscious level, where people cannot detect it, the subconscious mind is still thinking and chewing on this matter in detail.

Sometimes the results of subconscious thinking are presented in the form of intuition, and sometimes they are presented in the form of dreams.

Sometimes people will suddenly feel enlightened, and suddenly they will understand something that may have happened a long time ago. Or sometimes people will subconsciously feel that they have forgotten something, but if they think about it seriously, they can't think of it. Getting up is the embodiment of this subconscious thinking.

Of course, sometimes the results of this subconscious thinking may be expressed in such obscure ways that it is even impossible to clearly understand what information it is conveying. But generally speaking, these things make sense and are not random.

The brain is a very magical existence. Modern science and technology's understanding of it is still very superficial, and there are still many things that are not clear about its specific operating mechanism. this moment, I always subconsciously recall the scene in the morning. Is it because my subconscious is reminding me something?

Realizing this, Lu Ming no longer resisted the distraction at the moment, but actively obeyed and accepted it. He paused the movie and began to actively recall the scenes in the morning, and carefully thought about each scene.

But...the scenes and things in the morning were all normal, and there didn't seem to be anything worthy of my attention.

He Wei always likes all kinds of food. Whenever she visits a place, she will always take the initiative to look for local specialties and taste them as long as she has time. This is normal.

I realized that the local specialties in the market were not very authentic, so it was normal to buy the ingredients and cook the food myself.

At noon, the three of us feasted on a delicious meal, which was normal.

Everything is normal.

So, what is the abnormality that arouses my subconscious alert?

Moreover, in recent days, I have been thinking hard about this case. Is my subconscious vigilance related to this case?

After all, as the saying goes, the day is full of thoughts and the night is full of dreams, and the same is almost true for the subconscious mind.


Lu Ming continued to recall carefully, and slowly, a term broke into his mind.


Cordyceps sinensis.

It is obviously the larvae of a bat moth, but unfortunately it is parasitized by the Cordyceps fungus. Afterwards, the Cordyceps fungus grows and develops inside the bat moth larvae and takes away its life. When the temperature is suitable, the Cordyceps fungus uses the body of the bat moth larvae as a source of nutrition to germinate and grow.

It was originally a bug, but then "changed" into grass.

It completes a transformation of life form in a certain sense.

Putting it into this current case, it is...

People are people. But because he saw the picture of the CSK-9602 galaxy, he mutated into a monster and also completed the transformation of life form in a certain sense.

If you think along this line of thinking, then...

Lu Ming once again began to carefully sort out all the processes and changes of this case from the beginning to the end, and used this idea and this framework at this moment to once again interpret these events from different angles.

It completely belongs to the scientific system and can be described in scientific language. It does not involve any interpretation of the so-called "Cthulhu system".

So, quietly, what had troubled Lu Ming for an unknown amount of time in the past was the last missing piece of the logical system that existed within the scientific system to interpret this incident. was quietly added.

At this moment, Lu Ming's body suddenly tensed up and his eyes suddenly opened wide. He sat up subconsciously and his heart began to beat wildly.

His hands even started to tremble slightly at this moment.

He casually pulled on his shoes and rushed out of the room.

In the previous thinking, several hours have passed quietly. It's late afternoon now.

The sun is already setting in the west and will set soon. Lights have been turned on in some places. Night will soon fall.

And...the period between get off work in the afternoon and before going to bed at night is the most active time period in a city.

After a day's work and a hard day's work, people tend to call friends, go shopping, eat, buy things, have fun...

After rushing out of the room, Lu Ming looked up at the sky and noticed that the weather tonight was slightly different from the past few days.

The past few days have been sunny with no clouds in the sky. The weather is a bit gloomy today, with clouds in the sky.

His heart beat harder and harder.

He ran a few steps and rushed to the door of Zhang Dingshan's room, slammed the door violently, and shouted wildly: "Captain! Come out quickly!"

Then, without waiting for Zhang Dingshan to reply, he immediately rushed to He Wei's room and knocked on the door again: "He Wei, come out!"

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