Parasitic Cultivator, I Know Everything

Chapter 109: emergency report

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At this moment, only Li Huanhuan was left in the book hall. She stood there, and finally tilted her head in confusion.

Why did that person help her just now?

It doesn't make sense...

Thinking like this, she folded back the silver needle in her sleeve.

Just now, she was also ready.

If Zhao Xi's slap hits hard, she raises her hand and is ready to hit her hard!

Of course, Li Huanhuan really wanted to do it, and he would never go for someone's life——

After many days of anatomical experience, she and Wang Hao understood many structures of the human body.

To this day, Li Huanhuan also knows which parts will kill people. What other parts... no matter how tossed, no one can die.

And at this moment, the silver needle in her hand.

It was Wang Hao who made it for him and her.

Lightweight, sharp, and sewn into sleeves.

"Walking outside, it's inconvenient for you to be a weak girl after all... If someone bullies you, just fight back appropriately. If something goes wrong, I'll take care of it."

Wang Hao's words were still lingering in his mind.

Li Huanhuan is naturally unforgettable.

It shouldn't be a big deal to just stab someone, right?

She tilted her head, and before she thought about it, Gu Qingqing's maid had already approached from the door.

"Miss Li, it's dinner time, come quickly."

Li Huanhuan complied, cleaned up briefly, walked out the door, and moved into the path.

Next door is Gu Qingqing's mansion.

After entering the entrance, Li Huanhuan saw that Hong Er was practicing boxing.

In the main hall, Qian Fang had already taken his seat. At this moment, he was frowning into a ball, as if he was looking at some letter.

The little old man kept sighing in his mouth, and his eyebrows were about to fall out of worry.

"Old Qian, don't sigh... Miss will come over for dinner later."

Under the reminder, Qian Fang's brows trembled slightly. He put away the envelope, and as soon as he sat upright, a person came out of the door.

Cotton flannel, light makeup.

It was Gu Qingqing who had already changed into winter clothes.

With a three-point smile on her face, she watched everyone take their seats, and finally turned her eyes around and landed on Li Huanhuan.

"Miss Li, you better sit here."

Gu Qingqing said, and pointed to her side.

Hearing this, everyone present was slightly condensed. Just because for the children of the aristocratic family, this order of seating...

But there is a big point.

Close to the door, is inferior. Usually it's the doorman's position.

The upper class, located on both sides, is the position of the red second and the personal servant.

And it seems like Qian Fang, sitting beside Gu Qingqing's right hand, is the meaning of his cronies.

This time, Gu Qingqing suddenly opened her mouth and motioned Li Huanhuan to step forward, precisely to make her sit on the left side!

The sudden change made everyone a little stunned, but before anyone could react, Gu Qingqing got up and dragged Li Huanhuan to his seat.

"Miss, this..."

Hong Er and the maid didn't quite understand, but Qian Fang seemed to understand something at this moment, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

After pressing Li Huanhuan to the left seat, Gu Qingqing took her seat slowly.

The main household entered the table, and everyone moved chopsticks.

During this period, Gu Qingqing also served Li Huanhuan with a lot of side dishes, which made the latter a little flattered.

"I, I, I... myself, can clip."

Just looking at the stuttering that got better, he turned it back again.

After the five flavors of the meal, after a while, everyone was full. It was also at this moment that Gu Qingqing put down his chopsticks and asked Li Huanhuan.

"Miss Li, I don't know what your master has been doing these two days..."

This question made Li Huanhuan's whole body tense slightly. She is by no means a child who doesn't know the importance of it. Although she can't read Gu Qingqing's words at this moment, she is always right to treat each other with caution.

"Master, he is experimenting, making... records."

Gu Qingqing just nodded in understanding, and after a while, she seemed to have made a decision and said again.

"Then I don't know when your master was at home? I have an important matter, and I have to come to the door to discuss it with your master."

Is there anything that needs to be discussed by Gu Qingqing?

Li Huanhuan couldn't understand, but at this moment, he had to bite the bullet and reply.

"I, I, I can't do it, Lord."

She was really nervous, she was speechless, and even held back a few tears at this moment.

Gu Qingqing saw it in his eyes, and could only open his mouth, laughing dumbly.

"You misunderstood. I'm looking for your master just to discuss something... By the way, Lao Qian will also be with me at that time."

"After class today, when you go back, let's talk to your master by the way. When he is free, Mr. Qian and I will come to the door."

Li Huanhuan's meal was not tasteful.

Seeing her walking back to the study hall in a daze, Qian Fang sat on the spot, although his face was expressionless, he opened his mouth and said again.

"Miss, do you want to understand?"

Gu Qingqing picked up the hot tea just brewed, she held it in her hand, warmed it up, and there was a slight smile on the corner of her mouth.

"The situation is stronger than people, it's all like this... Naturally, it's not the time for me to be brave."

She paused slightly, then added is it going to be a war, Chamber? "

The latter nodded sullenly, sighed softly, and finally spread the letter in his hand on the table.

"Our Gu family has spies on the front line, and there was an emergency report just yesterday..."

Gu Qingqing put down the warm teacup, stretched out her hand, and took the yellowish, curly hair, and even a little bloodstained letter into her hand.

put it in front of you.

The content above is very simple, just a few simple words.

But it fell into Gu Qingqing's eyes, but she couldn't help clenching her fists.

'The soil monkeys invaded, there were internal ghosts, and the front line collapsed. ’

"The three cities on the border of Muyun, Tianyan, Yigu, and Jinghuan, have all fallen. ’

'Without ten soldiers left, they fled and died. ’

The writing on the letter is scribbled and the ink is deep. It's just a few simple glyphs, and the connotations revealed in them are moving people's faces.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by both Android and Apple. 】

Muyun Border Pass was penetrated.

What this means, perhaps ordinary people do not know.

But Gu Qingqing knew it.

She sighed lightly and released her hands, and the letter fell back to the table again.

"Qian Bo, the border has been broken, so there is no hope?"

How could the latter not know what Gu Qingqing was thinking, and the little old man's face was even more bitter and sad at this moment, so he could only reply softly.

"Miss, I know what you're thinking. But the states are similar, but in the final analysis..."

Frontiers are dangerous places with heavy troops.

If these places are breached, there is usually only one result.

"Muyun, you are going to die."

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