Parents Are Panicking About Building A Vocational And Technical College For Children

Chapter 113 The Cook Solves The Pig! Lila, I Don’T Want To Kill The Pig, I Want To Go Home

To pull down a fat pig weighing several hundred kilograms with your bare hands?

Children are cheering.

Troy opened his eyes and his jaw dropped to the ground at the sight before him.

Can't tell at all.

Director Jiang is too predictable, right?

These muscle lines………………suck………………

"Damn it.

Troy what are you thinking about?

Should this be the focus now?

You...are so shameless, lady, lady, do you know?"

There is no woman who does not admire strength.

When Troy saw Jiang Che rushing to save the sisters regardless of danger, his little heart skipped a beat.

My whole body seemed to be wrapped in a warm air.

That feeling is mysterious.

Director Jiang is really awesome.

The big fat pig that several people could not hold down was easily pushed to the ground by him alone.

If the strong arms hold down my body, it will be...

Troy's pretty face suddenly turned red as he remembered the scene of getting out of the car.

"Troy what's wrong with you?"

"You weren't like this when the bodyguards rescued you in the past, right?"

"Reserved, calm, ladylike..."

Troy secretly recited the meditation spell.

This is her trump card to calm down.

“Sister, sister…………

Lila, who was also frightened, was in a completely different mood than Troy.

She was excited, excited, howling...

Emotions are contagious.

When she was in kindergarten at the Royal Academy, she would maintain restraint and maintain her little lady princess persona.

But where is this place?

This is Lebaobei Kindergarten, without the broken rules of the Royal Academy.

Laugh if you want to laugh, cry if you want to cry, no one will care about you at all, tell you this won't work and that won't work either.

Lila was awakened by the cheers.

She opened her eyes and was stunned for a moment when she saw the director throwing the big fat pig to the ground.

Then he couldn't help but scream along with the children.

The feeling of letting yourself go is so refreshing.

"Director! So awesome!"

"Director, I love you."

"Director, I'm so impressed..."

The more Lila shouted, the more energetic she became, and the more she shouted, the more excited she became.

Her shouts were louder than anyone else's and louder than all the children's.

Jumping and jumping.

"Here comes the knife!"

Jiang Che shouted without looking back.

The frightened He Tao got up from the ground on his hands and knees, pulled out a sharp carving knife from the outdoor kitchen shelf, walked over in a few steps and handed it to Jiang Che.

"The director continues."

Jiang Che took the knife and saw that it was an old local brand.

It has been well maintained, and the tip of the knife is shining brightly in the sun.

Extremely sharp.

He Tao has really strong execution ability. He has a lot of advantages in being able to become an executive chef with a junior high school education.

He basically made no mistakes in what Jiang Che told him.

There are also strict regulations on the kitchen knives used by children.

This rule is simple.

All knives must be sharpened every three days.

The sharper, the better.

Some people may have questions.

Why should it be sharpened so as not to hurt children's hands?


Cutting your hands while cutting vegetables is often caused by the knife not being sharp enough.

If the blade slips when cutting meat or vegetables, it is easy to cut your hands.

Jiang Che raised his knife and slashed it along the big fat pig's neck.

The speed is so fast that people can't see clearly.

This cut the pig's trachea directly, and the big fat pig twitched a few times and could no longer make a sound.

"Director, continue."

He Tao, who was short-sighted, delivered a large stainless steel basin by express delivery.

Just wait for it.

Jiang Che nodded with satisfaction, pointed the knife edge at the big basin, flipped his wrist, and gently rotated the knife in his hand.

Pig blood spurted out immediately.


"Kill the pig! Kill the pig!!!"

"The principal battled Zhu Bajie and won!"

"There is pork to eat!!!"

"Director, Director, I love you..."

"Director, I am responsible for stewing the pig head.

"Director, I am responsible for stewing the pig's feet."

"Director, leave the ribs to me..."

"Director, I want pig offal!!!"

Other children will be scared when they see pigs being killed. Who are Le Baobao and these children?

Not bragging.

They are a group of highly skilled chefs.

They have never killed pigs, but how often do they kill fish and chickens?

To them, pigs are fattened and killed for meat.

At this time, they will not feel scared but excited, and they can instantly choose the part they like according to their own taste.

He kept yelling at Jiang Che.

Seeing the children laughing and cheering happily, Troy and Lila were stunned.

The scene where Jiang Che killed the pigs and bled them just now was really terrifying.

A live pig was killed before their eyes.

And it was in an extremely bloody way.

His little face turned pale with fright, and his legs couldn't help but sway.

The director...he is really too fierce.

There is a kind of beauty called the aesthetics of violence.

Troy had only seen it in movies, and this was the first time she had seen such an exciting scene at close range.

There was an indescribable feeling, fear and a little curiosity, and an indescribable restlessness welling up in my heart, worthy of being a pirate.

The big fat pig walked peacefully.

It only took a few seconds of pain before he was reincarnated.

A large basin of red pig blood flowed out.

This is good stuff.

After the blood has coagulated, you can make soup with the pig offal or fry it with leeks.

It has a soft texture and is known as blood tofu. It is a very delicious dish.

The most terrifying moment was over.

The hearts of the two princesses also calmed down as the pig's blood slowly flowed.

Especially Lila.

She stared at her round sky-blue eyes, and her little mouth opened wide enough to stuff an apple.

Before she could react, Wang Pingping, who was very excited, dragged her away: "Lila, let's go see if the big pig is dead."


Lila was still confused.

What's so cool about this?

Although she was thinking this in her heart, her feet couldn't help but follow Wang Pingping.


Wang Pingping squatted in front of the big fat pig, pointed at the fighter's nostrils and said happily: "Zhu Bajie is out of breath!"

Jiang Che squatted next to Wang Pingping and smiled: "I'll leave the pig's nose for you to eat."

"I don't want to eat a pig's nose! Give it to Mo Xiaobei? His nose is exactly the same as a pig's nose."

Wang Pingping rolled her eyes at Jiang Che and rejected Jiang Che's kindness.

"Then why don't you eat pig ears? After eating, your ears will become bigger, so you won't be unable to hear me when I call you next time."

Wang Pingping couldn't hear, she just pretended to be deaf and dumb.

"My ears work fine, there's no need for them."

Wang Pingping refused again.

"Then you eat rice rolls. Last time I heard your mother call you a rice roll."

"I think you are the real Fenchang, and you still have such a stupid case.

Wang Pingping's eyes rolled to the sky.

The director of the garden is really too dishonest. He didn't open the pot and picked up the pot. He was scolded by his mother just once and he heard it.

Lila was stunned for a moment while listening to the conversation between the two.

"Why do you want to eat a pig's nose?"

"You still want to eat pig ears?"

"Can pig intestines be eaten? Aren't the intestines used to hold feces?"

Lila's face was full of horror, as if she had heard something terrible and terrible.

People from the Dragon Kingdom really eat everything.

Although Lila, who understands the culture of the Dragon Kingdom, has heard about it, her identity does not allow her to eat these.

She can't finish the usual delicacies from the mountains and seas, and she won't even eat the dirty pork. Who would want to eat these?

"I'm a guest here. Let's cook the pig brain soup for Lila, right?"

Wang Pingping very generously left the most precious pig brain flower to Lila.

"Lila, do you like eating pig brains? They are very delicious and taste like ice cream."

Seeing Wang Pingping smiling and looking forward to it, Lila felt like the world was spinning, her brain was shut down, goosebumps were crawling all over her body, and her stomach was in turmoil.

It's terrible, because it's terrible.

I don't want to eat pig brains.

Lila's face turned blue and she backed away in fright.

"I do not want."

"I don't want it!!!!"

Shouting and running away.


Wang Pingping stretched out her hand to hold Lila, and pouted at Jiang Che: "Tsk, tsk, tsk... Foreign. The little golden retriever doesn't know what to buy. If she doesn't eat, I'll eat."

"Eat, eat, eat, you will know how to eat."

People are as big as little devils.

Jiang Che angrily gave her a clue: "You are not allowed to give random nicknames to your classmates. It is not polite, you know?"

"If I hear you call someone Little Golden Retriever again, do you think I'll beat you up?"

Seeing that the pig blood was almost collected, Jiang Che gave Wang Pingping a few words to ask A Tao to come over and kill the pig people together.

Wang Pingping didn't take Jiang Che's threat seriously at all.

Director Jiang has said countless times that he wants to beat himself up, but he never gets anything more than a brain breakdown.

Who is afraid of being tickled?

She turned around and went to find the little golden retriever.

The process of dehairing a pig is very stress-relieving.

Pour hot water on the pig, hold the back of the knife with both hands and pull it from back to front.

Wherever the blade passed, a patch of white and greasy skin appeared.

When shaving pig hair, one needs to be fast and the other strong. This is a physically demanding job.

Jiang Che was very fast.

In no time, a pig was shaved clean.

Hairless pigs look even cuter.

The big, slippery, white pig still looks pretty and charming.

After bleeding the pig, it is necessary to quickly disembowel it and clean out the internal organs.

Otherwise, the dirt inside will stink after a long time.

Gotta do it while it's hot.

The knife was gently drawn along the belly.

The pig's entrails instantly poured out of it.

There is no blood in the belly of the pig after bleeding, because the internal organs are very clean.

Processing the offal is not as complicated as Jiang Che doing it himself, and the five-star chef He Tao is very discerning.

He quickly pulled out the internal organs and sorted them into stainless steel basins.

After emptying out and cleaning the pig's belly, Jiang Che picked up the big fat pig weighing three hundred kilograms, folded his waist and horse, took a sip and carried the pig onto the table.

Then he quickly cut off the pig's head and divided the whole pig into two.

Just when he was about to continue his attack, Lin Yuhang emerged from the crowd and shouted to Jiang Che with an excited look on his face: "Director, director, the sword saves people... No, the sword saves pigs."

"I'll come, let me.

At this time, in Lebaobao's live broadcast room, netizens were shocked one after another and were left speechless.

…Please give me flowers…

There are so many things going on in Lai Le Baby Kindergarten these days. There are ten thousand things in my mind that I want to express quickly, but I don’t know where to start.


It was so outrageous that it shocked them for eight hundred years, no, ten thousand years.

[Is it so outrageous? A student in a small municipal private kindergarten of yours actually has a princess from the British Empire? Where do you want other kindergartens to show their shame???]

[I knew that Lebaobao Kindergarten was not simple. Is it famous now? Princesses from the British Empire also came to study. 】

[Great! It is indeed my favorite kindergarten. What is the Yingdi Princess? I decided that this is just the beginning. Maybe there will be more powerful princesses and princes to study in the future. 】

[Damn it! Princess Troy is too beautiful, right? She’s just a little silly. I’ll take advantage of Director Jiang’s pairing as you please. 】

[It is said on the Internet that Princess Troy is here to meet Director Jiang. Is it true? Xiaoxia, can you come out and take a few steps? 】

[That’s right, I’m very curious. Miss Xiao Xia takes two steps and I look at her legs...]

[It’s you, you old pervert again, you’re haunted every day, go away, go away...

[The Director’s tendons really made me cry to death, and I couldn’t help but shed tears from the corners of my mouth. 】

[The moment when you kill the pig is so cool. My boyfriend is so powerful that I want to have my head clamped by Director Jiang. 】

[I laughed my head off. Wang Pingping never disappoints me. The golden retriever always makes me laugh my head off. 】

[Wang Pingping is so funny. She is obviously a princess but she turned into a funny girl. She said the most terrible thing in that light tone, asking the little princess to eat pig brains. It's a shame she could think of it. 】

[You coquettish bitches, damn it, the father-in-law is mine, okay? Please don’t rape him anymore, he belongs to me. 】


[Princess Troy and Director Jiang look so good together. Do you think the rumors are true? Come on, bring me my U-shaped lock. I will lock these two. 】

[You really like the new and hate the old. Not long ago, you were drinking Shuangjiang. Why? Have you forgotten my little fish so quickly? 】

[So Xiao Yuer is not Director Jiang’s girlfriend? Mom! I’m in love again. Thank you Director Jiang for giving me a way to survive. 】

[I just wonder, why does Jiang Yuanzhang seem to know everything? This man is more awesome than Peng Chuanke, a big internet celebrity with millions of fans. Others are just scripts, and he just does it casually. 】

[He looks like a little fresh meat, who would have thought that he could knock down a pig with his bare hands? 】

[When he kills pigs, he is clean and tidy. He looks like an expert at first glance. He is a legendary man. 】

[I know everything, I am handsome and I can make money. How can there be such a perfect man in the world? I want to marry him as a man. 】

[Look, what is Lin Yuhang going to do? 】

Netizens in the live broadcast room suddenly became commotion.

Jiang Che handed the knife in his hand to Lin Yuhang and then he turned and left.

Since Lin Yuhang wanted to take over, Jiang Che naturally let him pass.

My body is dirty and I need to take a shower and change some clothes.

Lin Yuhang held a sharp knife in his hand and gestured at the half fan of pork.

The speed with which the knife was drawn and pulled at the pork was incredible.

A good chef is able to solve the problem of cattle.

Who would have thought that Lin Yuhang, at such a young age, would have the ability to "cook a swine".

He stood on a small bench and never stopped moving his hands.

Pull it here, cut it there, and with the help of He Tao, you can easily cut the pork into eight pieces.

Pig’s feet are pig’s feet, and pork ribs are pork ribs…………

Divide according to different parts.

The movements are silky smooth, and the entire decomposition process is orderly.

It looks like an elegant old butcher, which is pleasing to the eye and very relaxing at the same time.

There are many speed bumps for men, such as forging knives, living alone in the wilderness, trimming donkey hooves, and Odeboola bananas.

With the music, I can't brake if I put the banana on, and I can't live if I put the banana down.

Watching an old butcher kill pigs is also a hit.

no way.

This society is too impetuous, and the life and work of social animals are too stressful.

Decompressing becomes a good medicine that can soothe their tense nerves.

It would be understandable if an old butcher had this kind of knife skills, but it would be outrageous for Lin Yuhang to have a kid with this skill.

Lila was as shocked by Lin Yuhang as the netizens in the live broadcast room.

"Why is he so powerful?"

Lila couldn't help but swallow her saliva. She pulled Wang Pingping beside her and asked quietly: "How did he do it?"

"I can do it too! The principal taught us how to cook."

Wang Pingping grinned at Lila: "Do you want to learn? I'll teach you..."

"Taught me?"

Lila pointed at herself, her face turned pale instantly: " I want to kill the pig too?"


Wang Pingping raised her lips slightly and said with a serious face: "Pig killing is a compulsory course in our kindergarten. Every child must kill a pig before graduation.

"Don't you want to graduate?"

"If you don't graduate, you won't be able to return to the British Empire..."


She doesn’t want to kill the pig!

Lila was so frightened by Wang Pingping that she burst into tears.

"Sister, sister, I don't want to kill the pig, I want to go home..."

Sorry, something urgent happened today and I owe you a chapter. I will make up for it tomorrow.

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