Parents Are Panicking About Building A Vocational And Technical College For Children

Chapter 041 Protection Bureau: We Are In Urgent Need Of Talents Like You

Human lives matter.

Jiang Che's words instantly made Lao Zhou's blood burn.

Putting the frightening scene behind him, he quickly got into work mode.

It is impossible for an excavator to take care of other positions when lifting the dome. After all, the excavator only has one bucket.

Just like a person with only one hand.

In this case, if something unexpected happened during the excavation process, it would be useless even if he could react.

It would be different if there were two excavators.

It's equivalent to having two hands, which is much more convenient.

We can help each other to lift the dome bit by bit and completely.

During the excavation process, Jiang Che maintained a high degree of vigilance throughout the entire process. With his masterful excavator skills, the dome was removed in one piece. The two buckets were like two big hands, steadily placing the dome on the ground.

Once the dome is opened, the hidden tomb comes to light.

Three heads were also exposed.

They huddled beside the sarcophagus, disgraced and panicked.

You can still vaguely see the tears on their faces.

Good guy.

Brother Zhao Xing is really 6. He has been dead for thousands of years. He scared the three young men to tears.

"Zhan Peng!"


"Wen Hui!"

"Are you guys okay?"

Ji De'an saw the three people and immediately rushed to them, asking them while brushing off the dust on their bodies.


"Lao Ji! I almost thought I would never see you again."

Zhan Peng, a thirty-year-old boy, was in shock, holding Ji De'an and crying.

"It's okay, it's okay..."

Several other people also ran over to help their colleagues out. They were really frightened for the rest of their lives.

"Thank God you're all fine."

Huang Xiaobo suddenly sat on the ground and muttered: "Fortunately you are still alive, otherwise I would never be able to forgive myself in this life."

The archaeological team members were silent after hearing Huang Xiaobo's words.

Huang Xiaobo, as the team leader, must bear the main responsibility for the collapse of the tomb.

Like he said, he was too impatient.

If I hadn't accidentally hit the load-bearing beam on the side in my rush to move the sarcophagus, how could the tomb have collapsed?

Fortunately, the three people only suffered some superficial injuries and were not seriously injured.

After sending them into the ambulance, Huang Xiaobo stood up and took the initiative to hold Jiang Che's hand and thanked him: "Director Jiang, I'm lucky to have you!"

"If it weren't for your superb excavation skills, the consequences would be disastrous!"

"I'll review it!"

"On behalf of Moyang Cultural Relics Protection Bureau, I solemnly express my gratitude to you!"

"Thank you for saving our three researchers and three families!"

After glancing at the cultural relics on the ground, Huang Xiaobo expressed his sincere thanks again.

"Thank you for rescuing these cultural relics as soon as possible. They are treasures passed down from our ancestors. Because of you, they can be seen again intact!"

Regarding the rescue excavation, Huang Xiaobo had to admire Jiang Che's prompt decision-making.

If not, now he should be digging and digging in the mud.

Dig through the porcelain pieces.

From the discovery of the tomb to the rescue excavation, Jiang Che accurately found the tomb chamber, cleaned the surrounding soil, and took out the cultural relics inside.

The whole process was neat and tidy.

Even if he were a 30-year-old archaeological expert, he would not be able to achieve such results.

Just to accurately locate it, he would have to spend at least three days investigating and surveying it before he could be 100% sure.

But what about this young man?

He used an excavator to dig open the door of the tomb with precision.


If he hadn't been the principal of this kindergarten, Huang Xiaobo would have seriously suspected that he was a gold-touching school captain.

"The leader is too praised."

Jiang Che didn't care about these vain words.

Human lives were at stake, so he had to save them. As a young man with a bloody heart, how could he just watch?

Besides, I am the director of Lebaobao Kindergarten, and there are more than a hundred pairs of eyes staring at me!

I have to set a good example!

If you really want to thank me, let’s be practical.

Keep this place clean and don't affect my continued construction of the amusement park. This is my greatest thank you.

"As long as the person is fine, these cultural relics have also been taken out. When will the sarcophagus be taken away next?"

Jiang Che asked what he was most concerned about.

Seeing Jiang Che asking so anxiously, and learning that he was building a water park, I immediately understood what he was thinking.

Summer is coming soon, and the director is in a hurry to build a water park.

"Can you give me three days? We haven't confirmed who the owner of the tomb is yet!"

Huang Xiaobo lost his previous arrogance and instead asked Jiang Che's opinion in a consultative tone.

"The owner of the tomb? I guess it is Zhao Xing."

"Zhao Xing? Zhao Xing, the fourth generation king of South Vietnam?"

Huang Xiaobo was stunned: "Real or false?"

Logically speaking, the size of the king's tomb cannot be so small.

However, he has also entered the tomb. Although the scale is small, it still has some of the necessary specifications for a king's tomb.

For example, the sarcophagus has dragon patterns carved on it.

Only the imperial family dared to carve dragon patterns on coffins. If anyone else carved dragon patterns, they would be overstepping the rules.

Could it be that you want to rebel?

"I also guessed it from the information on these cultural relics."

"Our place used to be a barbarian land, and there was only one royal family. Zhao Tuo's and his son's tombs are in Yu District, and there are only two grandsons left."

"One was beheaded and sent to the big man, and the other was killed and secretly buried."

"Whether it is true or not, you will find out when the time comes when you open the coffin and look for the imperial seal inside."

Jiang Che doesn't want to say too much. He is not an archaeological expert and is not interested in archeology.

Now, he just wants to be his garden director properly.

Build an early childhood vocational and technical college to cultivate every child into a talent.

"Director Jiang also knows about archeology?"

"Does it count if you have studied Ghost Blowing Lantern and Tomb Raider Notes a little bit?"

Jiang Che avoided answering and chose to respond mischievously.

Seeing that Jiang Che was making jokes and had no intention to continue the discussion, Huang Xiaobo gritted his teeth and said: "It's really not possible, just two days!!!"

At worst, I'll risk my life and work overtime all night long.

"The earlier we move it, the earlier the children will be able to play in the water."

Jiang Che saw that Huang Xiaobo was so smart and didn't say anything else.

They all spoke to his heart.

He is worthy of being a leader.

Just as Jiang Che turned around and was about to leave, handing the place over to Huang Xiaobo, he grabbed him.

"Director Jiang is capable of both literary and military skills. Are you interested in joining our Cultural Relics Protection Bureau?"

"Our bureau is in desperate need of talents like you!"

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