Teacher Tony’s schooling experience was bumpy.

If they are learning from a master, they will start by washing their hair, then the dummies, then children, the elderly, men, women...

Slowly growing up step by step.

If they learn it in a vocational school, their training targets are old men in the park, the elderly and children in the community.

In the name of free volunteers, they are actually used for training.

This is a good thing!

Kill two birds with one stone.

The skills of the students who can come out to practice are not bad, at least they are more than enough to handle some simple hairstyles.

Jiang Che also wants to take this path.

Otherwise, he really doesn’t know where to find dozens of heads to cut for them.


working days.

Social animals are still making their final push for the weekend.

The park is full of old men and women.

Playing chess, Tai Chi, playing suona, playing erhu, sword dancing, dancing, fitness and so on.

It's impossible to tell from the outside that there are so many people in the park.

It is impossible to bring dozens of children out at once.

Jiang Che has limited energy alone and cannot take care of so many children. Moreover, there are not many people who are willing to cut their hair, so they can only choose to do it in batches.

Today, he broke into a nearby park with ten children, completely unaware that his actions would bring an unexpected wave of popularity to the park.

The children, wearing kindergarten uniforms, yellow round caps and schoolbags, lined up and followed Jiang Che.

The appearance of a group of children immediately attracted old men and women, who looked at the little ones with interest.

I wonder what they are doing here suddenly?

Spring outing?


Find a shady place.

Jiang Che arranged the stools in his hands and hung a bright and eye-catching banner between the two trees.

【Lebaby Kindergarten Free Haircut Activities】

"Kindergarten free scissors event?"

"What the hell?"

The old men and women nearby stared, unable to understand the words on the banner.

Lebaby Kindergarten.

As the name suggests, it is a kindergarten.

They also understand Yi Jian.

It means free haircuts, and there are often young guys doing free haircuts in the park.

It's not that they are illiterate, it's that they can understand the words on it when taken apart, but they are confused when they are put together.

Could it be that a kindergartener had his hair cut?

Is that guy a barber?

Are you here to cut children's hair?

I don’t understand it, I don’t understand it at all.

"Young man, what are you doing?"

A bald old man put down his flute and asked curiously.

Jiang Che smiled and replied: "We hold a charity scissor event here."

"Oh? Do you want to cut the children's hair?"

"You are a barber, right? After cutting the children, can you also give us old men and women a haircut?"

People of the older generation are used to being diligent and frugal, and they are somewhat fond of taking advantage.

Free stuff is so tempting.

For a few free eggs in the supermarket, they can travel thousands of miles and even fight to the death.

"Uncle! Me! I'm not cutting the children's hair, but the children are cutting the hair of all of us."

"I wonder if you'd like to be the first to come up and give it a try?"


The old man was dumbfounded.

Let a child cut his hair?

Can they cut it?

Although there are not a few hairs left on the top of his head, it is also the last bit of stubbornness.

What will happen if the child is given a haircut that looks like a dog?

Push a big bald head?

Who wants to be bald if he has hair?

The old man smiled awkwardly and said, "Let the kids cut it! Forget it."

"I don't want to carry a big, naked glutinous rice ball on my shoulders."

"Old Wei!"

"What are you afraid of when you're already bald like this? Let the kids get a haircut!"

The injured friend next to Lao Wei immediately stood up and joked: "If the haircut breaks, just give it a bald head and save on shampoo. You will make a lot of money."

"Old Tang, you are an immortal, you have so much hair, why don't you go? Just ask for help!"

Old Wei was not someone to be trifled with, so he just shouted back.

"I have a lot of hair, and it's not worth cutting it. But you are different. Do you have hair? You don't even have a few hairs, hahahaha!!!"

The old man named Lao Tang was also a fun-loving person, and his ridicule made Lao Wei very angry.

"You...you don't have hair! Look what this is?" Old Wei grabbed his thin hair and threw it in front of Old Tang's eyes: "Look, look, what is this if it's not hair? "

"For that matter, I lose more than what's on your forehead every day."

"Ahhhh!!! You...you...you have such a bad mouth, no wonder my son hasn't got a wife yet!!"

Seeing that he couldn't win by arguing with Old Tang, Old Wei chose to change the track and attack Old Tang.

One hit and it hits.

Sixty-year-old Tang just retired this year. He has been a leader all his life and is very proud of his life.

The only problem I have is that my son, who is nearly forty years old, has not yet married a wife.

His family has only been passed down for three generations, and it is about to end in his hands.

In order to find a wife for his son, he was worried every day!

Hearing that there were too many old men and women in the park, he sneaked in to see if he could try his luck.

See which family's children are not married and see if they can be matched.

Don’t ask for anything, woman, just run home if it rains.

Old Tang was speechless for a moment. He lost completely on this track. His opponent, Old Wei, gave birth to twins when he was twenty years old.

When he was in his early forties, Wei had two chubby grandchildren.

Later, a granddaughter was added.

People are more infuriating than people.

There's no comparison, there's no comparison at all.

Old Tang was so angry that he went crazy and chased Old Wei all over the park.

The two old men's playfulness did not bring any harm, but more and more people paid attention to this area.

Suddenly, an old man standing not far away watching the excitement came over.

He first looked up at the banner above.

Then he looked at the well-behaved child standing nearby.

As if he had made up his mind, he raised his buttocks and sat on the stool.

He looked like he was ready to die: "Come on! Grandpa will be the first to support you and serve as your guinea pig."

"Haha... It doesn't matter if the haircut is damaged. Just shave my head when the time comes."

"Summer is coming soon, isn't it cool?"

The old man looked at the children with a kind face, smiling broadly, and his eyes were full of love.

At this age, the most important thing for old men and women is not money or life, but the little ones in front of them.

After living a lifetime, fame and wealth will not be brought with you in life or death.

At their age, they naturally know that the inheritance of life is the most important thing.

This is the meaning of life.

This is the so-called generational relationship. They pay more attention to the inheritance of fire.

Although they were little ones from other people's homes, a group of children stood there waiting eagerly, looking through the autumn water.

How could he remain indifferent?

I can't do it, old man! ! !

PS: Today’s data has not changed all day. One or two flowers, one or two evaluation votes are also fine. Vote for free data. Thank you.

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