Part-time as God of the Heavens

Chapter 203 Your scumbag's rank is not high enough!

As we all know, the faster the speed and the greater the mass, the greater the kinetic energy of the object.

The Batian Sword Demon Mecha weighing 100,000 tons, rushing down at such a speed, its own kinetic energy is naturally a very terrifying number.

Then, if the Batian Sword Demon Mecha is regarded as a regular block, the sea water is regarded as a large water tank, and the Nordic Kraken is regarded as a regular block floating in the water tank, try to find the collision between the two. speed?

In view of the lack of some important conditions, even if it is completed, it is just a very simple technical and physical problem, so it will not be proved and calculated here, but the result phenomenon will be directly explained.

The monstrous ocean waves spread out around the location where the two collided.

The Nordic Sea-Monster couldn't even make a shrill roar, because its mouth was blocked by a huge thing, and it stabbed straight down and pierced out!

The huge current attached to the fuselage also poured into the body of the Nordic Kraken, coupled with the high temperature and cutting ability of the plasma lightsaber itself... Under one blow, the Nordic Kraken suffered an unprecedented hit directly!

The reason why it did not die is because such a huge creature has many secondary brains that control other limbs. Although the largest brain has been completely destroyed, the secondary brain can still control some limb movements... Of course , it is impossible now, it has to survive the terrifying current attack.

The sound of the high-temperature object evaporating seawater sounded, and a large piece of seawater was evaporated into water vapor, and then liquefied into extremely small water droplets, which became a cloud of water mist, which transpired and enveloped the sea surface.

There is a smell of burnt squid in the air... This squid is still the kind that I don't know how long it has expired. The taste, mixed together, is not an exaggeration to describe it as an extremely foul smell.

The action of the Batian Sword Demon did not stop. First, he raised the lightsaber and directly broke the Nordic Kraken from a section. Then he grabbed the mouth part in the center, raised the sword and dropped it, and began to do it to the Nordic Kraken's tentacles. Trim surgery.

The so-called pruning operation is to cut off a section like a green onion.

Even the Nordic Sea-Monster has a very tenacious vitality, and there is no way to survive under Zhou Yi's means, and gradually, completely lost his life.

Still far away, the "Flying Dutchman", which was rapidly sneaking, suddenly braked sharply.

"What did you say?" Davy Jones closed his eyes and communicated with his "pet", the other Norse Siren, "Fatal danger?"

It was the Norse Siren who knew the fate of the Norse Siren that was being cut and chopped by Zhou Yi, and reminded Davy Jones.

Davy Jones was silent for a while, but in the end he went in that direction.

He was still curious about this.

What kind of existence is the person who can kill the Nordic Kraken?

Moreover, the most important thing is that, according to the information reported to him by his "pet", David Jones learned that Tia Doma was there, and that the Nordic Kraken was summoned by her!

After many years, Davy Jones has not seen his beloved goddess for a long time. Although he has lost love and hatred, he even dug out his heart so that he does not feel heartache, and even cheated on her. , but he still has deep feelings for Calypso.

So, if I can meet... Octopus Face still wants to see her.


"Now," the Batian Sword Demon lowered his head, let go of the Nordic Kraken who had not moved much and only had muscle and nerve reflexes in his hands, looked at the reappearing water man floating on the sea, and looked down, "You still have Any other means?"

"You have the capital to trade with me." Tia Doma said, "We can discuss it."

As a god, Tia Toma naturally has a high vision, but in the same way, during the time of being sealed for so many years, she gradually understands what it means to judge the situation.

Obviously, Zhou Yi, who knows how to use release magic and has such a powerful mecha, has no way to solve it in Tia Doma's current state. , the kind that outweighs the gains... At least she thinks so.

Humans, or gods, sometimes just can’t make sense just by reasoning. They just need to show their fists and show their strength in order for them to reason.

There is a saying that goes well, reading is to reason with others calmly, and martial arts is to let others reason with you calmly.

Zhou Yi released Jack on the boat, put the boat on the sea, and then retracted the mecha into the mecha storage space, and came to the boat himself.

"Boss?" Jack said suddenly.

"What's wrong?"

"That...I don't want a boat anymore, can you give me something like yours...Is it okay even if it's a little smaller?" Jack Orchid gestured, looking a little excited.

Mecha, is a man's romance!

Jack's XP was hit directly, and he saw something more attractive to him than a boat.

"Of course not." Zhou Yi decisively refused.

He really couldn't imagine what a mighty and handsome mecha would look like in Jack's hands... It's really hot eyes.

"Then how about I pay you to help me build one?" Jack still refused to give up.

Zhou Yi: "..."

Take my salary and let me build things for you?

You play the abacus really well! The real wool comes from the sheep!

At this moment, the water man incarnated by Tia Doma fell into the boat, and this time he was very honest.

"A very magical thing," Tia Toma said, "so powerful, but without a trace of magic... How did you do it?"

"The origin is nothing more than the creation of physical knowledge." Zhou Yi said, "It's very simple."

Tia Toma: "..."

Although I don't know what physical knowledge you are talking about, I know you are fooling me!

"With such power, why do you still have such a pursuit of magic?" Tia Doma asked again, seeing that this question would definitely not be answered.

"Do you think you have too much power?" Zhou Yi asked back.

"...Hahaha, it makes sense!" Tia Doma laughed, "I'm worried about my lack of power now... Then, what are the conditions of the transaction?"

"As I said, the conditions remain the same." Zhou Yi said slowly.

Although it is reasonable to say that becoming a victor should be more beneficial to him, Zhou Yi is very clear that Tia Doma's methods are not only these, but because both sides are smart and know that it is not easy to defeat That's why the other party just traded.

Therefore, Zhou Yi simply chooses a trading condition that is acceptable to both parties, hello, hello, everyone.

"Very well, I promise." Tia Toma nodded and said, "Give me his body, and I will tell you all the magic knowledge I know, and also tell you what you want to know about other gods. news."

"Contract." Zhou Yi said.

"I'm a god, I won't lie." Tia Doma frowned slightly.

"I prefer safer measures." Zhou Yi shook his head, "A contract in black and white is a guarantee for both parties, so I don't want to make a verbal promise."

"Then... Fake!" Tia Toma suddenly cursed when she was about to agree.

"Huh?" Zhou Yi raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Someone's here," Tia Toma said, "I'm going to leave for a while, and I'll come back to you when it's over!"

After all, without waiting for Zhou Yi to respond, the water man controlled by Tia Doma turned into a puddle of water, and then... poured Jack a chill again.

"This..." Jack looked down and saw that his clothes that had finally dried out became completely wet again, unable to complain, "At least she didn't slap me."

"What I'm more curious about is how you provoke him." Speaking of this, Zhou Yi suddenly became interested, while spreading out his aura of justice field to find out who Natia Doma wanted to avoid, while Ask, "Are you serious?"

"Well...I drank, and she also used illusion," Jack shook the orchid finger, "You know, she was the way she was before she was sealed, and she wanted to fascinate me and help her do things."

"You didn't agree." Zhou Yi was a little surprised.

"No, actually, I said yes, but I went back on it." Jack curled his lips.

"...As expected of you." The corners of Zhou Yi's mouth twitched slightly, "Row, go back to the boat."

This is indeed Jack's way of doing things.

After the two returned to the boat, a group of soldiers who had been so frightened finally found their backbone and calmed down.

First, the sea was suddenly frozen, and then it melted away. The sky and the earth were covered with dark clouds, thunder was everywhere, and the huge sound resounded through the entire sea, and then the terrifying waves...

For these soldiers, this scene is almost the same as the legendary sea disaster. They may believe that it is the end of the world.

In fact, if they're close... it's pretty much the same.

"Sir... Shall we set sail?" The expectant look of the adjutant of the navy made Zhou Yi wonder if he had abused them or something... But in retrospect, it seems that they were only allowed to be on the ship for a while and they couldn't eat melons. , is it just ordinary people who can't beat soy sauce?

If you want to eat melon and make soy sauce, you have to be able to do it!

While thinking about it, Zhou Yi finally knew who was coming.

Originally, Zhou Yi thought it was a god, and he noticed the fluctuations in this battle, so he woke up to check what Brabra was.

Otherwise, how could Calypso dodge so quickly?

It wasn't until Zhou Yi noticed that a ship was coming under the sea... Then he realized that Calypso was hiding from Davy Jones?

It seems that although the scumbag Calypso has a very strong kung fu, the fish pond is as wide as the sea, and the fish in it are also numerous and varied, but the professional skills have not yet been fully mastered!

How can a real scumbag hide from the fish in her own sea? Shouldn't it be cheating in front of you without any cowardice?

This wave of Zhou Yi was also misled, and some of the scumbag behaviors that later generations saw were put on Calypso... Who knew that she was not scumbag to that extent?

You scumbag's rank is not high enough!

"However, he has nothing to talk about..." Zhou Yi commanded the soldiers and crew to start the boat, and did not intend to meet Davy Jones.

There is really nothing of value in Davy Jones... Zhou Yi is still very interested in the magic that the ship can dive, but since he can make a deal with Calypso, the goddess of the sea, Zhou Yi does not believe in these magics. Know.

In front of watermelon, watermelon seeds become insignificant.

However, Zhou Yi didn't plan to find Davy Jones, but Davy Jones came to the door.

A ship broke through the sea and landed on the surface. There were countless sea creatures on it... and a bunch of crew members with all kinds of strange things growing on them.

Many navy soldiers were on full guard without Zhou Yi's order, and prepared their cannons.

As long as you are an ordinary person, you will feel threatened by this kind of strange appearance of the ship and the crew.

In fact, Davy Jones didn't know that Zhou Yi, who had just killed the Norse Kraken, was also on this ship. The only news he got from his "pet" was that the thing that killed the Norse Kraken had left. .

On the other hand, this news is also correct. After all, the Batian Sword Demon mecha has been taken into the mecha space by Zhou Yi.

Perceiving that his "reserve crew" - Jack Sparrow was nearby, Davy Jones came directly to the door.

Jack Sparrow used to work for the East India Company, but later his Black Pearl was sunk because he freed the transport slaves without permission.

Of course Jack can't live without a boat...although he basically spends most of his time looking for a boat.

So, he found Davy Jones and reached a deal with him. Davy Jones helped him pull the "Black Pearl" from the bottom of the sea, and gave him the ability to repair itself. The price is that Jack can only do ten more Captain for three years, and then Soul goes to Davy Jones' ship to be a hundred years as a crewman.

"Jack Sparrow!"

Davy Jones came to the side of the boat and looked at Jack, "Long time no see, your boat... seems to be fine?"

"I still have time!" Jack said.

"I know, so I didn't board your ship, kill you, and enslave your soul," Davy Jones said. Just, "You are nearby, have you seen a battle?"

"..." Jack tilted his body to look at Zhou Yi, his eyes seemed to be asking if he could say something.

Zhou Yi nodded slightly.

There's nothing that can't be said, anyway, the contract between Jack and David Jones will be resolved later, so it's better to do it now.

"Introduce to you, my boss, Mr. Zhou," Jack suddenly made an exaggerated salute and used an exaggerated tone, "Did you mean the big octopus just now? Yes, he killed it! "

"...Your boss?" David Jones looked at Zhou Yi, "Do you know that he still has a contract with me?"

"I know." Zhou Yi nodded and said lightly, "It's a coincidence, since we met today, let's solve this problem by the way."

ps: Tomorrow can really be a day!

Change the world now!

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