Part-time BOSS

Chapter 106 Leisurely Nanshan Guest (Return of the main plot, please subscribe)

The result was really disappointing. Murphy walked around the village and didn't see a single adventurer.

He had to expand the search area, and there was no one around the farmland. There were only NPC farmers, expressionless, planting in the farmland around the village.

It wasn't until he walked to the small river south of the village that he finally met a person who seemed to be an adventurer.

The man was an older uncle - or an uncle would be more appropriate. He looked to be in his fifties or sixties. He was quite kind and had gray hair. His lower body was wearing coarse trousers given by the system, but his upper body was shirtless. Revealing his naked muscles.

The strange thing is that it is only level 1 and its occupation is a hunter.

Although you can make your own face in this game, you can only adjust the original appearance, and generally no one plays the old man account, so Murphy thinks that this person is most likely an uncle in reality.

This man was sitting on a big rock by the river, holding a fishing rod in his hand. Next to him were earthworms he had caught from nowhere, and he was fishing leisurely.

There was a bonfire burning in the open space beside it.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Uncle, can we have a chat?"

Youran Nanshanke (Hunter): "Let's chat. Hey, are you a player too? The young man is quite handsome."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Yes, I am the lord of this village, Prince Aidan of Alterac, but you can just call me Aidan."

Youran Nanshan Guest (Hunter): "Oh, it turns out you are the owner of this place. I'm disrespectful. I am now your guest. If you have anything you want to ask, just ask. Brother, I will tell you everything I know. Just say whatever you have to say."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "I found that there are very few players in the village. Do you know what's going on?"

Youran Nanshanke (Hunter): "What's weird about this? Your supporting facilities are so poor. You see, if you want to buy weapons, there's no blacksmith shop. If you want to learn skills, there's no trainer. If you want to buy a blood bottle, there's not even a pharmacy. , I want to sell tools but there is no grocery store. There are too many areas in your village that need to be strengthened. If many people come, it will be haunted."

Murphy reacted after hearing this, and his heart suddenly became cold. He had vaguely noticed this before, but he always felt that when there were adventurers in the future, he could leave these things to the adventurers. However, he suddenly discovered that... Come on, I just want to keep it simple.

Think about it, who doesn't want to kill everyone in this world, enjoy grudges, defeat monsters, save the world, and experience the happiness and fun that cannot be enjoyed in reality.

How can anyone go into the game and work as a coolie to move bricks for others? No matter how realistic the game is, no one can play it. If you have such energy, you might as well move bricks in reality. At least you can make money by moving bricks in reality. Woolen cloth.

He silently calculated that a blacksmith shop, a grocery store, a pharmacy, a professional trainer, a professional trainer... To build all the supporting facilities for adventurers in the Novice Village, it would cost one or two million without even thinking about it.

And there is no guarantee that there will be any advanced facilities to be built later.

No, you can’t put any more money into it.

This is simply a krypton gold trap for game companies!

Murphy made up his mind secretly and suddenly became curious about the old man in front of him.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Then why do you stay?"

Youran Nanshanke (Hunter): "Haha, because I like purity. I want to be a hermit in real life. Unfortunately, I don't have the determination. Besides, I am too old to mess around. I originally wanted to find something like this in the game. place, but unfortunately I couldn’t find a suitable place after wandering around. Other villages are full of players, killing monsters and killing people, grabbing equipment, grabbing BOSS, and having fights in the wild every now and then. People in the city curse every day, making it a mess. of.

Of course there are uninhabited places in the wild, but most monsters live in such places. It is too dangerous for my level.

It's better here. There are no powerful monsters around, it's so clean, and there are no players to make trouble. I just go fishing, hunting, and looking at the scenery every day. It feels pretty good. Look at the snow-capped mountains. The river, that forest—how beautiful. "

Murphy looked up and saw a snow-capped mountain in the distance. It was the most indispensable scenery in Alterac. The melted snow water gathered into a stream, which is the origin of the river in front of him. The banks of the river were lush forests and grasslands. , green and vibrant in the sunshine, and the sounds of birds can be heard from time to time in the forest.

It's indeed beautiful, Mo Fei thought.

However, he had seen a lot of beautiful scenery in the game, and after watching it for a while, he didn't think there was anything special about it.

"Oh, I'm hooked!" The old man flicked the fishing rod, and a trout was caught.

Murphy suddenly felt a little strange. There was no NPC in the village who taught fishing skills. Where did this old man learn fishing?

He asked the doubts in his heart.

"Youran Nanshanke (Hunter): "Does fishing still need someone to teach you? Hahaha, this is the first time I have heard of such a thing. In reality, I like fishing, and I am self-taught, and I can still catch fish. This game is so free, I thought that it is also possible to imitate cats and tigers, and it turns out that it is possible. If you don’t believe me, give it a try. "

After saying that, he directly handed the fishing rod to Murphy, strung the caught trout with branches, put it on the bonfire and grilled it.

Murphy looked at the fishing tackle in his hand. It was obviously homemade and very simple in shape, but it had all the basic functions. The fishing rod was just a branch, the float was made of small pieces of pine, and the fishhook was made of some kind of It was made of plant barbs, and the fishing line seemed to be made from the coarse cloth given by the novice by removing the threads - no wonder the old man was shirtless.

Can you catch fish just with this thing? real or fake? But immediately Murphy realized that his question was quite silly. Didn't he just catch one? This could be regarded as breaking the rules of the system. Murphy was inexplicably shocked, and he tried to string earthworms on the fishhook.

[System prompt: You caused 1 point of damage to the earthworm, the earthworm was killed, and you gained 0 experience points. 】

Murphy: "..."

Seeing that the [earthworm] in his hand turned into an [earthworm (corpse)], Murphy felt hesitant in his heart. Could this guy be some hidden game master?

While I was thinking about it, the aroma of grilled fish filled the air.

Youran Nanshanke (Hunter): "Try it, I'm borrowing flowers to offer to Buddha."

Murphy took the grilled fish and took a bite. It tasted good. The old man obviously didn't have any cooking skills, so the food he made turned out to be decent.

"How about it, it's not bad, but it's a pity that there is no wine. Otherwise, we can make two cups together." The old man said, taking out another fish from the bag and grilling it.

Murphy thought of the two bottles of wine he bought yesterday, took them out and handed one to the old man.

Youran Nanshanke (Hunter): "Haha, the young man is very thoughtful. There is wine and fish here, it's so beautiful." After speaking, he drank half of the bottle with a gulp.

Youran Nanshanke (Hunter): "Oh, this wine is really refreshing - it has the internal flavor of Wuliangye."

Seeing him drinking happily, Murphy felt inexplicably happy. Well, at least this tavern was not built in vain.

From now on, this fiefdom will be regarded as my own resort. Don't tell me, I didn't pay much attention to it before. Now I will take a closer look. There are mountains and water around this Songmu Village, and the scenery is really good. It is a good place for leisure and vacation. place.

He sat on the grass, eating grilled fish, feeling the tranquility around him, and for a moment he relaxed for a rare moment.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Uncle, if you like it, then stay here. By the way, I have a few gold coins here. If you want to buy some food, drinks, etc., you can go to the tavern. You can also log off and rest there at night." , but there’s not much else to offer here.”

Youran Nanshanke (Hunter): "Haha, wine is enough. There are fish and meat, fine wine and beautiful scenery. What more can I ask for? Forget about gold coins and so on. I will use the fish I caught later to get them from hunting. I can sell the meat to the chef in the tavern and get a few small coins, which is enough for me.

I heard that the gold coins in this game can be sold for money, so I won’t take advantage of you. By the way, I still have a few old friends. I’m going to call them all over to get together. Little brother, do you mind? "

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "I don't mind, I don't mind. The more people, the better. Isn't it better to enjoy it alone than to enjoy it with everyone?"

Youran Nanshanke (Hunter): "Haha, thank you very much. In reality, these old buddies and I haven't gotten together for a long time. We all live in different parts of the world and have our own lives.

It would be great if I could catch fish and have a dinner together in your Pinewood Village. "

Murphy stayed by the river for a long time, chatting with the old man about life and games. He happened to have no work at the moment and was considered a semi-retired person, so he was quite sympathetic.

He also asked carefully how the old man broke through the system boundaries and could fish without using skills.

The old man didn't seem to understand how miraculous his operation was, but felt that Murphy was a little too fussy.

Youran Nanshanke (Hunter): "I don't have any tricks. How I fish in real life is how I fish in the game. It is said that there is no sword in the hand but a sword in the heart. What system and rules? I think you just think too much. , just pretend it doesn’t exist.”

Did Mo Feixin say it was that simple? He tried several more times, but couldn't succeed.

Stringing an earthworm on a fishhook will be judged by the system as an attack action, and the attack action will cause damage. The earthworm only has a pitiful 1 point of health, and will basically die if touched. Once the earthworm dies, it will become Corpses, and as we all know, corpses cannot be attacked.

The action of fish eating earthworms is actually the fish using the Devouring skill on the earthworms, but this skill can only be used on living creatures, unless it is an undead fish, which can use the Devouring skill on corpses...

Murphy knew the inner logic of this game very well. Because of this, he couldn't figure out how the old man did it.

It wasn't until the old man's family called him offline for dinner at noon that the two parted ways.

When Murphy walked back to the village, he had completely given up on developing the fiefdom.

(It’s no longer useless to deal with these, it’s better to improve your own strength quickly. Speaking of which, it’s time to start the Dragon Food Ceremony. I don’t know why. I felt disgusting when I ate the dragon heart, but in recent days, I have started to have some aftertaste. When I recall the salty blood, the firm meat, and the scalding hot texture, the more I think about it, the more salivating I feel.)

Just as he was thinking about it, Murphy suddenly received a private message from the system.

Wang Xuan: Mo Fei, are you there?

Murphy: Yes, do you have anything to do with me?

Wang Xuan: Is there anyone around you now?

Murphy: No, it’s just me.

Wang Xuan: Well, just stand still and let me get my bearings. I'll go find you.

Mo Fei stood still. After a few seconds, the white light of the positioning technique appeared on his body, and then a beam of light fell, and Wang Xuan's figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

Wang Xuan looked furious, which surprised Murphy. This was not like his usual expression.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "What's going on? You look very anxious?"

Wang Xuan (Holy Envoy of the Divine Realm): "Are you not in a hurry? There's another fucking bug. The Black Dragon Legion is going to start a civil war! If this fight happens, your vitality will be severely damaged. What if a few plot characters are killed?" It’s a bad dish. Speaking of which, you are also responsible for this.”

Mo Fei was speechless, "What does it have to do with me?"

Wang Xuan (Holy Envoy of the God Realm): "Originally, Nefarian was supposed to take over the Black Dragon Legion, but your Morpheus set up a mountain within the legion and recruited a group of black dragon lords to seize the leadership of the Black Dragon Legion. .

Nefarian has also recruited a group of black dragon lords. Now two groups of black dragons are confronting each other. The two groups of dragons are evenly matched and refuse to give in. A fight is about to begin.

This time, Deathwing must appear to calm the scene. By the way, how well have you prepared your lines? How have you figured out Deathwing's inner drama? Should we rehearse quickly first and go through the lines? "

Mo Feixin said that if you work as a BOSS, you still have to figure out the character's heart? Do you still need to prepare lines? Why don’t I know? Why don’t I just go up and be done with it?

"Well, there's no need for this. I'll just improvise when the time comes."

Wang Xuan (Holy Envoy of the God Realm): "Damn it, you haven't prepared anything, or else you can come up with an idea now - do it, it's too late! I just received a private message from the informant, and they will be there soon. The fight started.

There's no other way, just improvise on the spot, I'm counting on you, brother, don't mess with me when the time comes. "

After speaking, he grabbed Murphy's hand, and with a white light of teleportation, the two of them disappeared without a trace.

PS: The main storyline is officially back, please subscribe.

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