Part-time BOSS

Chapter 112 The unsatisfactory ingredients

Facing these young black dragons, Murphy felt much more relaxed.

He randomly ordered a black dragon.

"You, what is your ability?"

"Lord Neltharion, my major is Shadow Flame."

"Shadow Flame? Why not dragon flame? You young people now, none of you have learned well, and you just add some messy abilities to the dragon's breath. I tell you, this is not the right way. The flame must be pure, so that it can have power……"

"Lord Neltharion, there is no way around this. Now more and more mortal mages are beginning to learn protective magic such as flame protection wards and flame resistance. Simple dragon fire can be easily restrained, so... "

"Hmph, you are just making excuses for yourself. If you train hard enough, even the flame protection barrier cannot withstand your dragon fire. Today's young dragons only want to take shortcuts... I don't want to talk about you. "

In terms of damage alone, the damage of Flame Dragon's Breath is much higher than that of Shadow Flame Dragon's Breath. The only problem is that Flame Dragon's Breath is easily restrained by protective magic, but he still has physical skills, so Shadow Flame Dragon's Breath Mo Fei doesn't think much about it. need.

The young black dragon dared not speak out in anger, so he could only shut up.

"What about you, what is your major?"

"Lord Neltharion, my major is dragon language magic. I can..."

"Okay, okay, needless to say. Today's young dragons are just doing some frivolous things. Magic is useless. Good health is the king. They are just doing some things that are not available. Magic is just a bunch of nerds. The blue dragon did it, we black dragons just need to learn how to transform into human form.

If magic is really useless in a fight, you still have to be strong. "

"Lord Neltharion, the blue dragon uses arcane magic, which is different from dragon language magic..."

"Well, are you questioning me?"

"Of course not, of course not."

"Hmph, that's pretty much it - you, what did you learn?"

"Lord Neltharion, I major in dragon martial arts. Look at my muscles. It's not bad."

The black dragon was indeed much thicker than the other black dragons. It raised its claws and made a claw-gripping motion. The muscles on its arms bulged, and they were clearly visible through the dragon scales. It felt a bit like a muscular Tyrannosaurus. This claw If he keeps shooting, he must have tens of tons of power. Unfortunately, what Mo Fei lacks most is physical skills.

"Hmph, you have strong limbs but a simple mind, and you have a rude face. Go back."

The muscle tyrant returned to the team with an aggrieved look on his face.

Murphy called out another young black dragon.

"What do you practice?"

"My major is the power of control."

"It's useless to just learn something. The Dragon Warlord will naturally be responsible for controlling the subordinates. What we, the Black Dragon Clan, are pursuing is individual strength. Do you know the strength? - Pava, without Pava, no one will fear you. There is If you have Pavard, you will have everything. Alas, you have disappointed me so much. Your generation is the worst generation I have ever led."

After a while, he succeeded in making the young black dragon start to doubt Long Sheng.


"You, what's your major?"

"Lord Neltharion, my major is dragon roar."

"Dragon roar? You mean the roar of fear?"

"Of course not. Today's adventurers have become smarter. There are always a few spellcasters in the team who can relieve fear, as well as various equipment that are immune to fear. It is difficult for fear roar to have much effect. My dragon roar It takes the bombardment route, which can directly launch sonic attacks and cause impact damage. You see——

The black dragon walked between a group of trees - roar!

The shock wave spread in all directions, instantly knocking the surrounding trees upside down.

"If the dragon roar is concentrated in one direction, it can also knock away enemies in front of it, increasing the range and power. However, it needs to be used in combination with some special words in dragon language. Look, sir - Vosloo!"

Boom, a sound wave blasted out towards the face, and the trees in a straight line were knocked around, as if a monster was crossing the border, and a passage was suddenly blasted out.

I bet, this move is very creative. Can you cultivate dragon roar to this level? How amazing is it? Murphy was a little excited. How about letting go of the flames and having fun with the whole dragon roar? I don’t know if I can eat it.

Wait a minute, if he knows how to do things like this, he must be a player.

Murphy glanced at the black dragon's name - Alduin?

I think you are really a player. Since you are a player, it is not easy to start.

"Whose subordinate are you?"

"I have worked under Lord Morpheus before. I admire him very much. When he was live broadcasting... ahem, I mean he was so domineering when he fought. I have admired him for a long time."

Hey, he's actually his little fanboy... Then don't do anything.

"Well, you did a good job. Your research on dragon roars is very creative. What our black dragon clan needs most is an ambitious young dragon like you with ideals and creativity."

After thinking about it, it was rare to meet a fanboy. Murphy waved his claws at the young dragon.

Promotion of the secondary dragon clan - the young dragon's black light flashed and he was directly promoted to a higher level. This time, Mo Fei used a small promotion and only rose to a small level.

Anyway, if you don't use it, it's useless. I'm afraid I won't have many opportunities to use the skill of Dragon Clan Promotion in the future. It would be nice to get some benefits if I have the opportunity.

Alduin was overjoyed. This was a wave of benefits for nothing. Now he had another BOSS skill.

"Thank you, Lord Neltharion!"

Murphy looked at the last young black dragon again.

This time, the young Black Dragon took the initiative to introduce him without him opening his mouth.

"Lord Neltharion, my major is Dragon's Breath Flame."

Mo Feixin said that there was finally someone taking the right path.

"Give me a squirt and see."

"It's my lord!" The young black dragon looked quite excited. With Alduin's previous experience, he was very much looking forward to gaining Lord Neltharion's appreciation.

Taking a deep breath, he spurted out a dragon's breath with all his strength, and a red hot dragon fire spurted out. The trees in the path instantly turned to ashes. As he sprayed, he turned the faucet, and the flames rolled across the forest in front of him. The young black dragon sprayed for seven or eight seconds before stopping.

The flames burned a fan-shaped blackened area in the forest.

Mo Fei was amazed in his heart. This guy's dragon fire training is pretty good. He was a dragon fire major last time. He is considered an expert in this field. He knows the effects of dragon breath and its true power very well.

The breath of an ordinary young dragon can at best burn trees into charcoal. After burning, most of the burning trees will remain. It looks lively, but in fact it is a reflection of the lack of power of the flames.

And this young dragon burned it with a breath of dragon's breath, and the trees were directly burned to ashes, without even any flame left, indicating that the damage was too high, and all the flammable materials were burned out at once.

This guy's dragon breath is definitely supported by a special talent. Not only does it cause high damage, but it also seems to have a spell penetration effect. In this way, even if the enemy has fire resistance, it can still cause considerable damage.

You are the one.

He looked at the head of the black dragon.

Arandel (Black Dragon Flameweaver), the third-level skeleton BOSS, is level 48 and has a health value of 44,500.

"You guys, please step back. You stay, I have something to say to you."

When the other dragons left with envious eyes, Murphy looked down at the little black dragon in front of him.

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "Your name is Arandel, right."

Arandel (Black Dragon Flameweaver): "Yes, Lord Neltharion."

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "I want you to go to Alterac in three days. At midnight, go to the ruins of Prestor Castle to find something, a legendary sword. Remember Come on, this thing is very important. It is related to the future of my black dragon clan. You must find it.

After the work is completed, I will personally promote you to a higher level - a big promotion, and will also entrust you with important tasks. But be careful, no dragons can know about this matter. You must go alone when you act, and you must be secretive. understand? "

Arandel (Black Dragon Flameweaver): "Yes, Lord Neltharion, I understand."

"This mission is very dangerous. If you don't want to go, you can just say so. I will consider sending other dragons to go."

"I am determined, don't worry, Lord Neltharion, I will not disappoint you."

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "By the way, tell me what other skills you have. Let me see if you are qualified enough to complete this task. This task may be dangerous. If you If you are not strong enough, it is better not to die."

Naya Randall hurriedly tried his best to express, "Lord Nesario, I am not afraid of danger. In addition to practicing the flame dragon breath, I also mastered the basic combat skills of the dragon clan. My dragon language magic is not very good, but For some special reasons, I have mastered the ability to summon the fire element."

"Huh? Summon the fire element?"

"Yes, in order to increase the power of dragon's breath, I once went to the volcanoes of the Red Flame Mountains to practice, and accidentally swallowed the elemental crystal core of an elder of the fire element. As a result, the power of dragon's breath was improved, and I obtained the ability to summon fire. Elemental abilities.”

Is there such a thing? It's a bit magical.

"Then you recruit one and let me see."

Arandel (Black Dragon Flameweaver): "The spirit of fire from the elemental plane, I summon you in the name of Arandel and come to this world!"

A ball of flame emerged out of thin air, like a floating fireball. The fireball gradually expanded, growing limbs made of flames, and finally turned into a large fire element more than three meters high.

Fire element, level 38, elite, HP 8500.

Mo Feixin said that no wonder this guy's dragon breath is so powerful. It's a bit tricky now. The fire element does very high damage. The most disgusting thing is that it usually self-destructs when it dies. It's very powerful. It seems that I have to go back and find someone who knows how to banish. A mage with magic skills, or get two chapters of dispersal scrolls.

Neltharion (Black Dragon King): "Well, not bad, I am very satisfied with your strength. Then I will leave this task to you. Remember, you must not take anyone with you."

Arandel was extremely excited when he heard this.

"Ah, great Lord Neltharion, I will not let you down."

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