Part-time BOSS

Chapter 147 The Art of Slang

On the way to the palace, Murphy and Lothar exchanged polite greetings and told them about the pirate attack.

Anduin Lothar (Captain of the Knights of the Storm): "What? Lordaeron's envoy fleet was attacked by a pirate fleet!" Anduin Lothar looked shocked, "It's so surprising that such a thing would happen. This cannot be tolerated, and the majesty of the Alliance must not be offended. Please rest assured, I will ask His Majesty the King to send a fleet to search north, and I will never allow those despicable pirates to run wild.

Please rest assured that as long as you enter Stormwind City, you will never encounter danger again. The soldiers of the Storm Knights will definitely protect your safety. Please come with me. "

The group of people followed Lothar and walked towards the city. Murphy observed the streets of the surrounding cities as they walked. It seemed that the orcs had not yet invaded on a large scale. The city scene on the surrounding streets was still calm. Businessmen who were doing business entered the city. Farmers who come to sell their crops, arrogant nobles and knights.

Of course, there are also adventurers who can be seen everywhere, walking in and out between the blacksmith shop and the tavern, shouting on the street as if no one else is around, casting magic, and even directly putting up flags to duel.

Seeing the large group of people in the envoy, the adventurers cast curious glances one after another and started talking a lot. It felt a bit like a soy sauce party in reality.

Soon the envoy entered Stormwind Fortress. Like Alterac, the palace of Stormwind Kingdom can also be regarded as a huge fortress castle, with towering walls made of rock and tower-shaped buildings.

The group of people was sent to rest in a palace near the sea of ​​the fortress.

Lothar (Chief of the Knights of the Storm): "Please take a rest. I will arrange for two envoys to meet with His Majesty the King tonight. The alliance meeting will officially begin after the envoys from Quel'Thalas arrive. It is expected to be tomorrow or It will be held the day after tomorrow. Your Highnesses, the two princes, are satisfied with the environment here. If you need anything, you can ask the attendants."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "I am very satisfied with this place. Please convey my gratitude to His Majesty the King. I will meet with His Majesty the King tonight with Prince Arthas."

When Sir Lothar left, Murphy immediately called an attendant, took out a gold coin from his pocket and threw it over.

"Your Highness, I can't..."

"Haha, don't be nervous. I'm not trying to bribe you, I just want to inquire about the situation. Apart from us, who are the envoys of other kingdoms? This must not be sensitive information."

Seeing that what he was asking for was just this kind of ordinary information, the attendant immediately breathed a sigh of relief and introduced the relevant information to him without hesitation.

This time, the special envoys sent by various countries are quite distinguished.

The envoy of Gilneas is a guy that Mo Fei doesn't recognize. It's not clear whether he is a player or an NPC based on his name.

The special envoy of Dalaran was the Archmage Kel'Thuzad, which surprised Murphy because he didn't expect it to be this guy.

The special envoy of the Ironforge Dwarf Kingdom is Prince Thorin Bronzebeard. Hearing this name, he probably sounds like a player.

The special envoy of the Kingdom of Stromgarde is Princess Catherine Trollbane.

"Wait a minute, who do you think is the special envoy of the Kingdom of Stromgarde?"

"Princess Catherine Trollbane, what, does His Highness know this lady?"

Mo Feixin said that they were not only acquaintances, but also old friends. By the way, he seemed to have a box of dragon eggs in her hand. He would have to find time to complete the task later and get the dragon eggs back.

Dragon eggs are a good thing. If you put them in the hands of the BOSS, they can hatch a black baby dragon, or they can be transformed into a black dragon. If obtained by an adventurer, you can get a rare pet called a black dragon baby. If you have the right technology, , can even catalyze the birth of black young dragons and form a dragon knight army.

Murphy had previously packed these dragon eggs into a box and given them to Catherine, in order to prepare them for his new account. But isn’t Princess Catherine a commoner model? Has it advanced?

At night, Murphy and Alsace dressed up and came to the palace. The two walked into the king's hall. King Ryan sat on the throne, waiting for the arrival of the two with a kind face.

The attendant read the names and titles of the two people loudly - Prince Aidan from Alterac and Prince Arthas from Lordaeron.

Lion Wrynn (Storm King): "Welcome to Stormwind City, two princes. I heard that you encountered pirates at sea. I am very uneasy. It will be really disturbing if you two are harmed because of my invitation." It's a pity, but fortunately, the two princes were blessed by the gods and arrived safely. I am very happy."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Yes, Your Majesty, those pirates are extremely vicious, and they seem to be specifically trying to kill Prince Arthas. They even united with Naga, murlocs, and terrifying ocean beasts. Fortunately, Our fleet happened to encounter him, and after a bloody battle, Prince Arthas was finally rescued. Unfortunately, Lordaeron's envoy fleet was completely destroyed, and hundreds of loyal and brave soldiers perished in the sea."

King Ryan looked solemn and sighed, "The situation in the alliance has been very bad in the past two years. The orcs have invaded, the dragons are ready to move, cultists who believe in evil gods are everywhere, and now even the pirate Naga has become restless.

Every time I think about this, I feel that a terrible evil force seems to be rising. This time I convened the alliance meeting, hoping to unite all parties and form a powerful coalition to jointly fight against the growing opposition to the alliance. I have an ominous premonition that evil forces are about to rise and a terrible disaster is coming. In these troubled times, only by uniting can we overcome the difficulties together.

What do the two princes think of my proposal? "

Mo Feixin said yes, King Ryan, he was very eloquent, and there was really nothing wrong with what he said. 'For the sake of the alliance', 'in order to deal with the growing threats', he would never mention the orc invasion.

Put the orc invasion together with dragons, evil cultists, pirate naga, etc. In this way, the alliance is not formed for the Kingdom of Stormwind, but for the entire alliance.

To be honest, if we look at the history of later generations, regardless of whether King Ryan's words are alarmist or not, they can be regarded as far-sighted. However, he still remembers the purpose of his coming, which is to wait and see what happens and wait to reap the benefits. Besides, Ultra The Rank Kingdom's strength is second to last in the entire alliance, and is only slightly stronger than the dwarf forces. It's better not to cause trouble.

He looked at Alsace and thought, didn't your father tell you about this? You should go up.

Alsace looked serious at this moment, with a mature expression that a twelve-year-old boy should not have, "Uncle Ryan said it makes sense. My father has always felt that the alliance needs a leader, a strong one." A strong core is the only way to unite all the scattered forces.

He had always wanted to meet with Uncle Ryan, but unfortunately he couldn't get away. The Kingdom of Stormwind was too far away from Lordaeron and the northern countries. Otherwise, with Uncle Ryan's assistance, the coalition would have been easily established. Well, Uncle Ryan thinks so. "

King Ryan was slightly stunned, seemingly a little surprised by Alsace's words, but Murphy was even more surprised.

What Arthas said was not that he was too far away to meet. He was clearly talking about "You are outside the Alliance and the Kingdom of Stormwind, and you don't listen to my leadership in Lordaeron. Why should I help you? If you want help, Then just respect me as the boss honestly, and everything will be easy to talk about. 】

The so-called 'Uncle Ryan's assistance', since it is assistance, then the one who holds the dominant position must be Lordaeron.

If this was said by an old politician, there would be no problem. It is surprising that a little kid in Alsace can have such a high level of political consciousness.

King Ryan sighed: "I have always admired the wisdom of King Tenaris. Lordaeron is undoubtedly the most powerful pole in the alliance. It is precisely because Lordaeron maintains the balance in the north that those who The enemies of the alliance dare not act rashly.

It's a pity that Lordaeron is too far away from the south. Obviously, I don't know much about the complex environment faced by the Kingdom of Stormwind. Now the invasion of the orcs is imminent. After the orcs are defeated, maybe I can have time to visit Lordaeron and King Tenaris. Have a meeting, discuss the future of the alliance with your father, and express my respect. "

King Ryan also had something to say, [Lordaeron is so far away from you, how can I easily surrender to you? Why don't you help me defeat the orcs first, and then I will reciprocate the favor. 】

However, his words were quite ambiguous and smooth. The so-called 'discuss about the future of the alliance and express my respect' can be barely understood to mean that I am willing to treat you as the boss. However, if it is interpreted literally, I am just being polite to you. Also makes sense.

Arthas was not fooled at all, "Uncle Ryan's words made me feel very happy. Before he left, my father told me that if necessary, Lordaeron's army could be used to assist in defense and jointly fight against the orc invasion. Of course, , due to the lack of supply points and logistical support, in order to better fight against the orcs, it is best to get the assistance of local residents.

And considering the terrifying number of the orc army, it is best to establish a sufficiently stable rear base.

Lordaeron can land in the West Wilds by sea, but this will inevitably lead to conflicts with the local militia. Therefore, we hope to obtain His Majesty's authorization to allow the local lords to temporarily accept the command of the Kingdom of Lordaeron. "

[It’s not impossible to help fight the orcs, but if you can score points in a territory as big as your Kingdom of Stormwind, I think the Western Wilderness is good. Why don’t you give me the Western Wilderness, and I’ll help you fight the orcs together. 】

Although King Lion nominally rules the entire Kingdom of Stormwind, the Kingdom of Stormwind is a feudal society, and most of the land is granted to noble lords. Tenaris is directly eyeing the granting power of these lords, and wants these lords to accept Lordan. Lun's command is equivalent to letting these lords switch to Lordaeron, which is the foundation of the kingdom's rule.

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