Part-time BOSS

Chapter 152 The Unbreakable Holy Alliance

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Power, do you mean Pava?"

Varian (Prince of Storms): "No, power is a very subtle thing. As a king, you must have the bloodline and reputation to unite the kingdom. As a warrior, you must have the courage and strength to defeat powerful enemies. As a leader, You must have the pride and courage to rule the heroes.

It takes a lot to hold a coalition together, and these are all part of the fabric of strength.

Unity itself is strength. This great undertaking cannot be accomplished by one person alone. Only by uniting real people with lofty ideals and gathering those truly proud heroes can we accomplish this.

I'm not talking about the luxurious nobles outside who indulge in sex and debauchery, nor the decadent royal families who do anything to fight for power. You know what I'm talking about, Prince Aidan, just like Emperor Thoradin and his family thousands of years ago. Like those warriors, only true heroes can create history, change the future, and restore the glory of the alliance.

And such people are rare in the league. I only saw three tonight, and they are all standing in this room now. "

Varian did not continue speaking, but the meaning of his words was already obvious. It was obvious that he wanted to win over Murphy and Alsace, but the hidden meaning in his words made Murphy a little unhappy, although he did not say it clearly. , but he felt secretly comparing himself to Emperor Thoradin, and Murphy and Arthas were naturally the warriors around Emperor Thoradin.

Then I wanted to laugh again. You guys really think highly of us. You are just a bronze-level hero, yet you still get such treatment.

But think about it, in the eyes of these NPCs, there is no concept of rank at all.

Varian (Prince of Storms): "Can I see that legendary sword?"

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Of course." Murphy said that he is also the future supreme king, so he shouldn't hack my weapons.

He handed the Storm Controller over, and Varian took the sword. He looked at the simple shape of the sword and the divine power emanating from it, with a look of admiration and admiration, "What a sword! It is indeed the legendary god who can control the storm." Sword, I heard that only a true hero can pull out this sword, it seems that I have chosen the right person to cooperate with."

He said and gave the sword to Murphy, and also drew his own sword from behind.

Varian (Prince of Storms): "This is the Sword of Salamane, the Risen King. I found it in an ancient elven ruins with the help of some adventurers. It was originally two swords, but after the adventurers With the help of My own people died on the battlefield. This sword is a symbol of courage and glory. Ever since I got this sword, I have always reminded myself that I must be worthy of its reputation."

Mo Feixin said that this group of adventurers were really powerful and had even figured out this thing in advance. Could it be that the great king was referring to King Wa himself?

Arthas couldn't help but pull out his 'Delight of Fire'. Although it was a little inferior in grade, it was not inferior in appearance. The three swords complemented each other and shone brightly.

Varian (Prince of Storms): "Only the truly strong are qualified to control the divine swords. These three swords are proof of our strength. You guys carry the swords with you, which shows that you are always vigilant." , and this is exactly why I came to you.

Listen to those flashy voices outside. This is the evil result of long-term false prosperity. People have forgotten what kind of world they are in.

There must be a regrouping, a coalition must be built, but it must be in the right hands. "

Arthas (Prince of Lordaeron): "Brother Varian, who is the correct person you are talking about?"

Varian (Prince of Storm): "Of course it's the three of us. I will become the king of the Kingdom of Stormwind, and you, Arthas, will become the king of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, the two most powerful kingdoms in the Alliance. If we can join forces and add the Kingdom of Alterac, we can build a truly unbreakable alliance based on the Three Kingdoms Alliance.

Only those who recognize our beliefs can join this alliance. Every member of the alliance must serve wholeheartedly to strengthen this force and protect justice and peace. There will be no intrigues and intrigues. Under the rule of a true king, this alliance will United as one, we are invincible. Only this alliance can protect the world.

So join me and let's build this new alliance together! "

Murphy was shocked. He didn't expect Varian to be so ambitious at such a young age.

Arthas was extremely excited, "Great, then count me in." Then he became a little worried, "But what if I can't become the king? After all, I have more than forty brothers above me."

"You can definitely do it. I can see that you have great potential." Varian said decisively. He indeed has the charm of a leader. Even though he is only fourteen years old, this It comes out, but it feels extraordinarily believable.

After speaking, he looked at Murphy again, "Aidan, what do you say? If you can pull out this divine sword, you must not be the kind of person who thinks about things before and after."

Murphy's heart suddenly moved.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "I also agree to join, but just talking about it is meaningless. Why don't the three of us become brothers with different surnames."

Varian (Prince of Storms): "Brothers with different surnames? What are they?"

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "This is a ritual from ancient times. It is said that Emperor Thoradin once used it to form a brotherly alliance with warriors from different tribes and never betray."

Upon hearing that this was a ceremony held by Emperor Thoradin, Varian's eyes immediately lit up, "That's right. Let's become brothers."

Arthas's eyes shone. Although he had more than forty brothers, no one had ever given him such a strong sense of identity as Varian, let alone his elder brother Aidan who had saved him.

Arthas (Prince of Lordaeron): "How should I do this ritual? Do I need to hire a priest or find a temple or something?"

Murphy shook his head: "No need to bother, just learn from me."

He raised his sword high, and Varian and Alsaishu also raised their swords. The three of them raised their swords high, put them together, and then chanted together.

"Gods above, in the name of Thoradin the Great - I am Aidan - I am Varian - I am Arthas.

Today, we become brothers of different surnames and establish an unbreakable sacred covenant. We hereby swear an oath to work together, support each other, and never betray. "

After the three of them read out loud, they suddenly looked at each other and saw each other's impassioned intentions.

Murphy smiled slightly: "Since we are brothers, let's treat each other as brothers from now on. Speaking of Varian and Arthas, how old are you two this year?"

Varian: "I'm fourteen."

Arthas: "I am twelve."

Aidan: "I'm twenty. From now on, I will be your eldest brother, Varian will be the second eldest brother, and Arthas, you will be the third eldest brother. Come on, second brother and third brother, call me big brother and listen."

Varian's expression suddenly froze, he didn't expect such a statement. "Ahem, I think we should just call them brothers. There is no need to talk about big or small."

Arthas didn't know why, "I think it's good, brother Allen and brother Varian."

Varian: "..."

Aidan: "Why, does it embarrass you so much? Well, I understand, or forget it. After all, this is an alliance ceremony once held by Emperor Thoradin. This ancient and sacred tradition may be in our This era is no longer appropriate.”

Varian: ""

Aidan: "Haha, second brother, if anything happens in the future, just tell the elder brother. As the elder brother, I will definitely help you. If the tribe invades or something, the elder brother will never stand idly by. Although he did not bring many troops this time, Big brother will definitely go into battle to help you in person!"

[System prompts; Complete the secret plot event [Unbreakable Alliance]. This plot event is a secret event and has been recorded in the entry related to the Chronicle of the Sky - The Hidden Journey. 】

Cholecystitis broke out again. I was in such a bad state that I barely managed to write a chapter. There was only one update. Sorry.

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