Part-time BOSS

Chapter 165 Our MVP jumped back

"Hey, what's wrong with your hair?" Murphy asked with a deliberately surprised expression.

"Forget it, I had a fight with a damn black dragon and burned my hair." Morgan Lisa said with a look of dismay on her face.

"Do you need me to help you deal with that black dragon? And Varian, I think he will be happy to help."

"No need, I'm afraid you can't help much with this matter. As for Varian, he still has to deal with the orcs."

"I don't think the orcs are anything to be afraid of. As long as the alliance unites, we can definitely defeat them - you say so, Varian."

Varian suddenly showed a proud expression, "Humph, it's just a group of orcs. As long as I lead my army out, they will never come back."

"Tsk tsk tsk, you are so confident. Do you have any special experience with orcs?"

"Those orcs are indeed savage and brutal, fierce and strong, but they lack wisdom and do not understand tactics and strategies. They only know how to charge mindlessly. As long as they are prepared and take advantage of their tactics, it is not difficult to defeat them. Let me tell you, back then I But in the dark swamp, I encountered hundreds of thousands of people..."

The two chatted for a while, and seeing that Murphy had no intention of leaving, Morgan Lisa had no choice but to leave first.

When Morgan Lisa left, Varian immediately stopped talking.

"Thank you Aidan, that woman is really troublesome." He said with a headache, "I would rather face the orc army than face that woman's entanglement."

Is Mo Feixin that exaggerated? After all, she is also a beauty, but Varian is probably too young to understand adult things.

"Don't tell me, I think you two are a good match, and she's not bad looking either."

"Hmph, I won't think about this now. Before the threat of the orcs is solved, I won't waste time on these boring things. Besides, even if I want to save my kingdom, my own strength is enough. How can I rely on it? Marriage is such a boring method.

Speaking of the orcs - I received intelligence this morning that the orc army is about to launch an attack on our world. I need you to support me and convince my father to send out the army. "

"Of course, we are sworn brothers, I will definitely help you, but don't worry, I think someone will provide you with an opportunity today."

At nine o'clock, as the special envoys from various countries entered the venue, the meeting finally began.

As usual, the Lion Kingdom read an opening statement, which was nothing more than a scene of unity and friendship within the alliance in the face of crisis.

King Ryan had just finished his opening remarks and was preparing for the meeting. Before Varian could speak, Morgan Lisa stood up first.

"Before discussing today's meeting, there is someone I would like to introduce. She has brought a very important message. Perhaps everyone present has heard of her name. She is - the conqueror of demons and the guardian of the world. The most powerful magician in history, the mother of the guardian Medivh—Ms. Magna Aegwynn!"

boom! The door to the conference room was slammed open, and silver-haired Aegwin strode in.

Everyone's eyes were immediately attracted by her appearance.

Although she is nearly a thousand years old, the silver-haired Aegwynn is still astonishingly beautiful. Time has not left any traces on her body. She still looks young, like a girl, with only those eyes that exude arcane light. , the wisdom and power contained in her make people realize that she is a legendary figure.

King Llane and Duke Lothar stood up and bowed. King Llane, Duke Lothar, and Medivh were childhood friends. They had also met Aegwynn when they were young, and when they met Aegwynn, they would also call her aunt. of.

However, Aegwynn, who looked as young as a girl, looked at each other as middle-aged uncles, and the two of them felt a little embarrassed.

Aegwin didn't pay any attention to these common etiquette. He just waved his hand casually and walked to the conference table.

She glanced at everyone present with solemn eyes.

"I bring you terrible news. My son, Medivh the Guardian, has fallen."

What! Everyone screamed in surprise.

The team is about to start. Are you telling us that the strongest main force on our side has jumped back? This is a bit scary.

Originally, everyone still had the mentality of just watching the fun and not taking it too seriously. Anyway, no matter how hard it is, there are guardians who will take care of it. If all countries unite, they will not get away with it.

But now that even the people in the background are jumping the gun, how can we watch the excitement leisurely and contentedly?

Aegwin ignored everyone's complicated mentality and kept talking to himself about what happened.

Aegwynn (Guardian of the Star World): “I don’t know since when, the soul of the Demon King Sargeras has possessed Medivh, constantly bewitching him and corrupting him.

Now that Medivh's mind has been completely controlled by the Demon King, he has completely become our enemy. The arrival of the orcs into this world is what he did. The Dark Portal is about to open, and the orc army is about to arrive in this world. You You must be prepared, everyone, a dark tide is about to flood the world. Only by uniting can the alliance have a chance of winning. "

"Ms. Aegwynn, don't make any conclusions yet. Maybe it's just a misunderstanding. I think we should discuss it in the long term."

A special envoy still wanted to delay the matter. After all, if this matter was really admitted, then the countries in the alliance would also have the responsibility and obligation to support the Kingdom of Stormwind.

Aegwynn snorted coldly, "Enough, you short-sighted mortals. The horn of destruction has sounded, and the army of demons and orcs is about to arrive, but you are still plotting for your own interests. I protect the world." Over the past millennium, I have seen too many dark and terrifying things, but nothing poses a greater threat to this world than your inner desires."

Varian (Prince of Storms): "There is no need to anger Ms. Aegwynn. We have already prepared for this crisis. I have issued a summons to the adventurers. My powerful adventurers and I will crush those orcs. You Just have to wait and see.”

Aegwin was a little speechless after hearing this, and thought to himself, where did you get the confidence from a little brat? Your father wasn't even born when I was going around fighting demons.

A powerful adventurer? What adventurer can defeat an army of orcs and a demon king? Those losers who are greedy for money can just beat the goblins and kill two ogres.

Aegwynn had experienced countless adventures back then, and she had also seen a lot of so-called "adventurers". They were nothing more than a group of mercenaries, explorers, tomb robbers, etc. What kind of skills could they have.

Aegwynn (Astral Guardian): "You have no idea what you're talking about kid."

Varian (Prince of Storms): "Of course I know what I'm talking about. I've witnessed a lot of darkness and terrible things with my own eyes. I dare say more than most people here have ever seen. Maybe not as much as you have seen." Many, but I also understand the cruel truth hidden in this world.

I once led adventurers to defeat an army of 100,000 orcs, and I will still win this time. In fact, my people have told me the news in advance that the orc army is about to attack, and the Dark Portal will open again, and the time is Three days later. "

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