Part-time BOSS

Chapter 194 Kel'Thuzad's Help (2-in-1)

As soon as the man's words came out, he immediately attracted everyone's attention.

This move is really cruel, not only for the enemy, but also for yourself.

But let's not say that if we look at the current situation and historical trajectory, this plan should be considered the best choice at the moment.

At least that's what Murphy thought. He looked closely and saw that the person speaking was Kel'Thuzad, the special envoy of Dalaran.

It turned out to be him, no wonder, Murphy thought to himself, he was probably the only one who could come up with such a cruel trick.

The others looked at Kel'Thuzad somewhat strangely.

The middle-aged uncle had an indifferent expression on his face, as if he had no idea about the amazing move in his plan.

These bold remarks immediately made King Ryan look ugly.

Abandoning one's own country, burning one's capital, moving around, and defecting to other countries, this is not something a king can do.

Ryan (Storm King): "That's enough. My ancestors left us the foundation of the kingdom. This land was obtained by my ancestors with their blood and lives. As a member of the Storm King, I must protect my land." , my people, no matter what happens, I will live or die with this city."

Kel'Thuzad seemed to have anticipated King Ryan's reaction, and just smiled disdainfully without saying anything.

Ryan (Storm King): "Abandoning the country and running away is absolutely not considered. Please continue the discussion."

Someone else suggested, "Immediately ask for help from all the countries in the alliance. Please ask for reinforcements. The alliance needs to assemble a large army. It will take at least several months to come to the rescue, but if you only send a small group of elites, you can arrive quickly."

This proposal is exactly what the title implies. Although a small group of elites cannot reverse the situation of the war, it can express the attitude of various countries. Reinforcements can at least inspire people, and the more troops the better.

King Ryan nodded, "This plan is very good. We will immediately send envoys to request support from various countries."

The special envoy of Kul Tiras suddenly said: "Kul Tiras has decided to send a fleet to support, and it will arrive within ten days."

Murphy suddenly remembered that he still had a fleet anchored in King's Harbor.

He raised his hand, "Alterac's fleet is also willing to be on standby at any time."

Varian glanced at Murphy gratefully.

Although the navy is useful, it cannot get ashore, which obviously does not solve the problem.

King Ryan also nodded: "Thank you to the two princes for their generosity. At this time of crisis, only by uniting as one can the alliance overcome this crisis."

Someone else suggested, "If the orcs want to attack Stormwind City, they must transport siege weapons to the city before they can attack the city. Not all of the enemy's millions of troops are elite. We should send elite cavalry to launch a surprise attack on the enemy's march, delaying the attack." The speed of the enemy’s advance.”

King Ryan nodded: "This is also necessary. When Duke Lothar comes back, let him lead the Storm Knights to attack, and then recruit adventurers to join the raiding team. As long as the orcs can be eliminated, I will not hesitate to reward you."

"Militia should be recruited as much as possible. The militia is not very useful in positional warfare, but if the city wall is used for defensive warfare, the militia can still be of some use."

Ryan (Storm King): "Bovar, I appoint you as the militia commander. After the meeting, the militia will be fully recruited and trained in the kingdom immediately."

After some discussion, everyone actually came up with some effective strategies.

Although it cannot completely reverse the situation, it can at least provide some effective strategies for the subsequent war.

However, the millions of orcs' army still weighed on everyone's hearts like an insurmountable mountain. To fight against such a powerful army, everyone thought hard and couldn't think of a way.

The military meeting ended soon. Time was tight and there was not so much time to waste.

King Ryan did not hesitate and immediately sent Duke Lothar to lead the Storm Knights to attack.

The powerful Storm Rider has great mobility and can easily destroy lone orc troops.

At the same time, infantry were sent to build official buildings near the bridges of several rivers to delay the orcs' attack as much as possible. At the same time, Bolvar was sent to summon the strongest men from all over the country...

Murphy, Varian, and Arthas came to a room to discuss alone.

Varian looked frustrated.

Varian (Prince of Storm): "Brother, third brother, I'm afraid this war will not end in a short time. I hope you can support me in the crisis facing the Kingdom of Stormwind."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "If you save people and lose their land, everyone and the land will survive. If you save the land and lose people, you will lose both people and land. As long as the people of the Kingdom of Stormwind are still there, the Kingdom of Stormwind will not perish. Second brother, I think You may consider Master Kel'Thuzad's plan."

Arthas (Prince of Lordaeron): "Yes, second brother, Master Kel'Thuzad is very wise, and his words should make some sense."

Varian shook his head, "It's useless. Although my father has a generous character, he values ​​the foundation of the kingdom and the glory of the king very much. He will never do such a thing as giving up the kingdom."

There was one thing he didn't say, that is, he couldn't do it. What a shame it was for a royal family to give up his own kingdom. Naturally, bystanders could easily make such suggestions, but in the situation , how can it be so easy to do.

However, he also knew that it was unrealistic to use the strength of the Stormwind Kingdom to fight against the orcs. Originally, he had placed all his hopes on adventurers, but now it seems that it is not so easy to win with adventurers alone.

But he doesn't know yet that adventurers have already appeared in the tribe. Over time, the tribe's adventurers will also grow up, and by then it will be even harder to rely on adventurers to win the war.

If things really get to that critical point, it is indeed necessary to start preparing for a rainy day.

"Brother, although giving up the kingdom is something that I can never do at the moment, I hope you can let your fleet help me transport some civilians to the north for refuge, and at the same time transport reinforcements, food, and ordnance to Stormwind City. In the next war, Stormwind City will become a powerful fortress against the orcs, and the population without combat power must be reduced as much as possible."

Murphy nodded, "No problem, are we brothers? I will help you both publicly and privately. Don't despair of Varian. We will eventually defeat those orcs."

"Second brother, I may have a way to defeat the orcs." Arthas suddenly said hesitantly.

Varian was a little surprised, "What can I do?"

"To fight against the orcs, we must have a huge army. Our biggest problem now is that the number of troops is too small. Master Kel'Thuzad once told me about a magical magic that can resurrect the dead and form an army of the undead. If this kind of magic can be popularized, maybe the situation can be reversed..."

Varian's eyes lit up, "Then what are you waiting for? Come quickly and invite Master Kel'Thuzad."

five minutes later--

After hearing Varian's intention, Kel'Thuzad nodded silently.

Kel'Thuzad (Archmage of Dalaran): "I do master a brand-new magic that has extremely powerful power. It can resurrect the dead and create powerful undead creatures. If I can master this power, I can even reverse this war. .

I call it necromancy, but the use of necromancy magic will touch many taboo things in the eyes of the world, so this kind of magic has never been popularized. Dalaran even strictly prohibits the research and use of this kind of magic. Those short-sighted and pedantic people They are deeply bound by tradition and do not dare or want to try this new thing and this fascinating power.

Prince Varian, if you are willing to fund me and help me build a Scholomance Academy in the Kingdom of Stormwind, I would be willing to teach this fascinating art to the world. By then, an army of undead will join your command. The real The undead army...

Think about it, necromancy can resurrect the dead and allow them to stand up again and continue fighting. The upcoming war between the Alliance and the Horde will inevitably produce tens of thousands of corpses. If these dead can be used, it will undoubtedly be possible. to change the situation of the war. "

Varian looked surprised when he heard this, "Is necromancy really that powerful?"

Kel'Thuzad nodded and said: "Theoretically, this is true, but to resurrect the dead requires powerful magic. To resurrect tens of thousands of undead, a large number of necromancers are needed. I can only say that this kind of magic has this potential."

"Can you show it to me?"

"Of course, but this kind of magic is considered taboo in Dalaran, and it can easily cause panic for ordinary people. It's best not to be seen. In addition, I need a few corpses as a carrier for casting the spell."

"No problem, I know a place that meets the requirements of the master."

Half an hour later, the four of them arrived at an abandoned cemetery outside Stormwind City.

This is the Unknown Cemetery. All the unknown dead are buried here. The bones that have not been collected are buried here together.

Since all the corpses were buried without anyone claiming them, no one usually came to pay homage to the deceased. But every once in a while, corpse buryers would bring new unknown corpses for burial.

The lifeless cemetery is full of dilapidated tombs and nameless tombstones. Some coffins that were not buried deeply were dragged out of the graves by wild dogs and scattered all over the ground.

Arthas was obviously a little nervous about this eerie place, and he touched the hilt of the Joy of Fire sword uneasily.

Varian paid no attention to the gloomy scene around him.

He even took the initiative and easily dug out several corpses from the graves.

"Master Kel'Thuzad, please."

Kel'Thuzad nodded and skillfully used psychic magic on a corpse that had not yet decayed. This corpse should have been a bandit's life. There were obvious sword wounds on his body. A wound penetrated the heart, and the wound was already overgrown. Got maggots.

Resurrect the corpse!

The dead man suddenly opened his eyes, and a faint blue light appeared in his white eyes. He stood up from the coffin unsteadily, making a horrifying sound from his mouth.

Walking Dead (Undead): Level 3.

Varian walked around the mummy for two steps, then suddenly swung his sword and the corpse fell down.

Varian suddenly showed a disappointed expression, "This is too weak."

Kel'Thuzad nodded, "It is indeed very weak, but this is only the most superficial application of necromancy. Next, I will show you some more advanced techniques. In the meantime, I must remind you that the following There may be some gore in the scene.”

Varian said: "Don't worry, Master Kel'Thuzad. I have traveled all over the world and have seen many terrible scenes, so feel free to do something about it."

Alsace, on the other hand, calmly took a step back and hid behind Murphy.

I saw Kel'Thuzad raising his staff, and the light of magic flashed on the staff.

Summon the skeleton!

puff! The corpse exploded instantly, and from the broken flesh and blood, a pale white skeleton warrior rose up, holding a rusty sword in his hand. He didn't know where it came from.

Skeleton Warrior (Undead): Level 18.

Varian's eyes lit up, this thing finally had some momentum.

The bloody scenes couldn't affect his mood.

"Let it attack me. I want to see the strength of this skeleton warrior."

Kel'Thuzad waved his hand, and the skeleton warrior immediately rushed toward Varian, slashing with the rusty sword in his hand.

With two clanging blows and a backhand sword strike, the skeleton warrior was chopped to the ground again and turned into a pile of bone fragments.

Varian frowned. He had to say that he was still a little weak. Compared with ordinary soldiers, he was a little worse. He could probably be compared with militiamen, but at least he had some combat effectiveness.

But just relying on this fragile skeleton to fight against the orcs? I feel like I don't have much chance.

Those orcs are all big and thick, full of brute strength, bloodthirsty and violent. These skeletons have no chance of winning unless they have an absolute numerical advantage.

"Are there any more powerful undead?"

"Of course, this is just the beginning. Get ready Prince Varian, I'm going to start a new display."

Kel'Thuzad raised his staff and cast the spell more seriously this time.

Summon the ghoul!

This time the target was the corpse of another young man. As a burst of magic power was injected into the body, the corpse suddenly began to twitch. Dark hair grew on the body, the bones made a rattling sound, and the muscles began to swell and mutate. Two eyes The palms of his hands turned into claws.

It moved slowly, as if walking on all fours.

Ghoul (undead): Level 28.

Varian's eyes narrowed. The monster in front of him was obviously dangerous. He could even feel a threat.

"Let it attack me."

"Be careful Prince Varian."

The ghoul rushed towards Varian, like a wild beast. Varian did not kill immediately, but parried and counterattacked. He tried his best to find out the combat power of the ghoul. After two or three rounds, poof With one sword strike, the ghoul was cut in half.

To Varian's surprise, the ghoul with only half of its body still tried to attack him.

Varian struck down the ghoul with one strike of his sword.

Yes, this thing has some intelligence. Although it is not high, it should not be much different from the orcs. It has some skills in fighting, and it is as brave as a crazy beast and is not afraid of death.

If there are enough of them, they can already confront the orcs head-on.

"Master Kel'Thuzad, can you create this kind of monster on a large scale? If the Alliance and the Horde fight, there will be countless corpses. If you can resurrect the city's ghouls, then..."

"I'm afraid it's not that easy, Prince Varian. Creating ghouls is a profound form of spiritualism. I can create dozens or even hundreds of ghouls at one time, but that's all."

"Hundreds of ghouls can't reverse the occupation. You said you want to establish a psychic academy? How long will it take to train a qualified psychic?"

“It may take months, or even years, but Prince Varian, if he has the right magic items or even artifacts, he can enhance his magic power and even create more powerful undead.

I have seen similar things in ancient books. It is said that in the distant continent of Northrend, there is a city of the dead hidden in the frosty wasteland, where a magical rune crown is buried. An ancient artifact known as the Crown of Dominance. Legend has it that it was created by the God of Death. The person who wears this crown will possess endless wisdom and power and be able to rule the world of the dead.

This may be just a legend, but I think any legend has its origin. "

After speaking, Kel'Thuzad looked at Varian with bright eyes, seemingly with some kind of expectation.

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