Part-time BOSS

Chapter 213 Paying murder to kill someone

Hellscream was startled, "You recognize me?"

Nika Black Horn nodded, "Of course I recognize you. You are the famous Hellscream. I heard that you were defeated at Dagger Ridge and then disappeared for some reason. I didn't expect you to come to Kalimdor." Haha, we are really destined to meet each other thousands of miles away. Now many people are looking for you, why are you here?"

The Battle of Dagger Ridge? Lost the battle?

Hellscream felt that his face was burning. Did he not expect that this failure would spread to Kalimdor so quickly?

"Who on earth are you! And why do you say this?"

Nicah Black Horn bowed his head and said, "As you can see, I am a tauren druid. I pick up corpses in this generation to make a living. You can think of me as a porter of nature, helping those who died in the A kind person who collects the corpses of unlucky ghosts in the desert, and picks up some ownerless equipment to make ends meet.

As for how you know this, I'm afraid you don't know, brother. This is now one of the biggest news in the gaming industry. The video of the battle has been posted all over the Internet. Tsk, tsk, tsk, 30,000 wolf cavalry troops, one The battle is completely wiped out. Brother, your military level still needs to be improved. "

Hell Roar was furious when he heard it. Although he didn't quite understand some of the words, he could clearly feel the ridicule in the other person's tone.

The Blood Roar in his hand couldn't help but be held tightly, but the Pandaman on the side hurriedly interjected.

Chen Stormstout (Panda Brewmaster): "Friend, can you tell me how to leave this desert? The two of us have been wandering around in this generation for a long time, but we seem to be lost."

Nika Black Horn (Bone Collector): "Of course, I can even fly you out directly."

“Ah, that’s really great, I must buy you a drink after we go out.

"Hahaha, there's no need to drink. Just pay for the air ticket - my service is not free."

Stormstout and Hellscream were stunned for a moment.

Hellscream (Warsong Chief): "How much money do you want? As long as you can take me back to the tribe, no matter how much money you have, it doesn't matter."

"Forget the money, give me your blood roar and I will take you out!"

Hellscream was furious after hearing this, "Delusion, Gorehowl is a weapon passed down to me by my father, and I will never give it to anyone else."

Nika Black Horn thought for a moment and looked at the Pandaren, "Then just give me your stick and wine barrel."

"Well, I'm afraid this won't work either."

The tauren spread his hands and said, "Then I can't help you. Maybe it will be easier to get it from your corpse after you are dead."

asshole! Hellscream was about to strike with an axe, but the awesome man seemed to have guessed his reaction. He jumped directly and turned into a big bird and flew into the sky, hovering above the two of them.

"Hmph, you are so reckless and impulsive. No wonder you were hung up and beaten by Varian. I really wonder if Orgrim was stupid and let you be the commander-in-chief of the army."

Hellscream was furious, "What do you mean, come down if you have the guts."

"Hahahaha, I will go down when you are dead. Don't worry. The scorching sun of Tanaris will teach you what it means to be calm. You go slowly. I will come back to see you in a few days."

After saying that, the druid suddenly flashed his wings and flew away.

Hellscream suddenly felt that his guess was not wrong, this guy was a bone-eating vulture.

In the next few days, the two met no other passers-by.

It was a long journey during the day, and they slept under the stars at night. The heat and exhaustion made both of them silent, and even the talkative Pandaren spoke much less.

Hellscream began to become agitated, but when he realized that this anxiety was pointless, he gradually calmed down.

Hellscream didn't eat anything except the wine the Ursine gave him. He gradually fell in love with this drink. It burned like demon blood, but it could make people forget their sorrows and worries.

The vulture was still circling in the sky.

Hellscream soon stopped paying attention to it. He tried to find some food in the desert. As the long journey continued, he gradually found some memories of hunting when he was young.

On the fourth day, he was very lucky to dig out a desert lizard from the desert. Hellscream was very excited to share the meal with the pandaren and had a full meal.

I have to say that the Pandaren's craftsmanship is really good. Just sprinkling some simple seasonings and then spitting out a mouthful of wine and fire made the roasted lizard taste delicious.

This meal not only gave him strength, but also gave him a little more hope.

By the seventh day, his expression was no longer manic and bloodthirsty, but had become calmer.

Walking in the scorching desert, Hellscream felt unprecedented peace in his heart.

On the ninth day, the druid finally landed again.

He landed dozens of meters away from the two of them. Instead of changing back into a minotaur, he said in bird form: "Okay, I can take you out of here, but you have to do me a favor."

Hellscream looked at the Druid coldly, calculating the distance and success rate of the shot.

The Pandaren shook his head at him, "What are you doing?"

"Kill someone for me."

"Killing people? Oh, that's a lot to ask of a winemaker."

Hellscream answered: "No problem, I can help you. Killing people is easy for me."

"No, this is not simple. You have no idea who I want to kill."

"It makes no difference. As long as I want to kill, no one will be able to live. Tell me who you want me to kill."

"Brother Xiaoma, a general of the Centaur Empire."

"Brother Ma? What a strange name, Centaur Empire? What is that? Forget it, no need to explain, take us out of this desert, and I will help you kill that Brother Ma."

Nika Heijiao looked at him warily.

"You're not going to chop me while I'm driving you, are you?"

"I won't do this. Orcs never break their oath."

The tauren nodded reluctantly, "Okay, I will trust you once, but I can only carry one person at a time. Which of you two will leave first?"

The Pandaren patted Hellscream on the shoulder naturally, "You go ahead, I still have a lot of wine, and if I keep walking, maybe I can find cactus fruit."

Hellscream hesitated - "Thank you," he said.

He never thought he would say this word, but he was truly grateful at this moment.

Hellscream climbed onto the back of the big bird, and Black Horn flapped its wings and flew up. Only by looking from the air could one understand how vast the desert was.

The big bird did not fly east, but flew all the way north. After flying for less than half an hour, the desert turned into the Gobi, and then turned into a wasteland. Although it was still desolate, you could see a lot of vegetation. , huge kodo beasts are walking on the wasteland, and twisted plants are growing wantonly.

Hellscream suddenly reacted.

"You knew we were about to come out of the desert?"

"I didn't force you."

"Humph, don't worry, I keep my word."

Finally, an oasis appeared in Hellscream's eyes, located in the wasteland, full of greenery. In the center of the oasis was a lake, and on the edge of the lake was a village.

For the first time, he thought green was so cute.

The big bird landed slowly.

This is a small village with many awesome people in it.

Walking among the tauren, Hellscream felt like a dwarf.

These tauren are undoubtedly powerful warriors, and Hellscream is quite excited to see their strong bodies. Maybe they can join the tribe. He couldn't help but think that if he could recruit tens of thousands of talented people to join the tribe, he would definitely be able to make up for his mistakes.

Nika Blackhorn brought Hellscream to the largest wooden house. The house was very simple, but after staying in the desert for ten days, it was already extremely comfortable for Hellscream. A female tauren brought a jar of water. Hellscream immediately drank heavily.

After drinking an entire jar of water in one breath, Hellscream finally felt like he was alive.

"How many talented people are there in your tribe?"

"There aren't many left." Nika Black Horn sighed and said, "Since the defeat in the Battle of the Wrath River, the tauren have been forced to disperse into many small tribes. We are hiding in Tibet, trying to avoid the centaurs' pursuit, but There are too many centaurs, and most of the tauren have been killed.”

Minotaur? It turns out that this is the name of their tribe.

"You are so powerful, how could you be slaughtered? What kind of enemies are those centaurs?"

Nika Blackhorn took out a simple map of the Kalimdor continent from his bag.

"From here to here, it is the territory of the Centaur Empire."

Hellscream looked at the outline on the map and was surprised. This centaur empire was so powerful, occupying almost one-third of the entire territory of Kalimdor.

"Are they as powerful as the Kingdom of Stormwind?"

"Much more powerful than the Kingdom of Stormwind. The Centaur Empire claims to have 500,000 string-controlling men, another 500,000 armored men, and a million cavalry, making it invincible in the world."

After Nicah Blackhorn's narration, Hellscream finally knew what happened here.

It turns out that three years ago, the Centaur tribe was just one of the many indigenous groups on the continent of Kalimdor. At that time, tauren, wild boars, centaurs, goblins, furbolgs...all kinds of creatures lived here. On this continent, although there are fights with each other, they generally maintain a balance.

Of course, there are also the most powerful night elves, who all live in the northern forests.

However, among the many centaur tribes, a chosen one appeared, a centaur khan named Emperor Shenwu.

The Divine Martial Emperor was not only of noble birth, but also had the blood of the demigod Cenarius and the Stone Mother Therazane in his body.

As an adult, he won the favor of Mother Earth and became a favored one.

He led his tribe to conquer the east and west, and soon conquered all the centaur tribes, and proclaimed himself the centaur emperor.

You must know that the centaur tribes often fought with each other, and no one was willing to obey the other. Because of this, although the number of centaurs was large, it was always difficult to achieve success, and most of the population was consumed in internal strife.

But now that many tribes have a common king, there is no longer internal strife, and they have also received the blessing of the Mother Goddess of the Earth. The reproductive capacity of the tribe has been greatly improved, and as a result, there was an immediate population explosion.

Next, naturally, Emperor Shenwu led the centaur army and began the road of conquest.

The Centaur army has a huge numerical advantage. What's more terrible is that this Shenwu Emperor is also a strategic genius. He has carried out military reforms on many Centaur tribes and taught a new set of tactics to his Centaur generals.

Originally, the centaurs were a tribal civilization, and they had no tactics when fighting. They just swarmed in. This was also a tactic common to all the indigenous races in the Kalimdor continent. Except for the night elves, who were better at using tactics, everyone did this.

But Emperor Shenwu 'invented' a set of 'Mangu evil' tactics.

This tactic is originally a cavalry tactic, but for the centaur, which combines man and horse, it is naturally a cavalry, so it is particularly easy to use.

The core of the tactic is to first pounce on the enemy, fire a volley of thousands of arrows from horseback, and then suddenly turn around and run away. While running, he keeps turning around and shooting arrows, teasing the opponent to rush towards the battlefield that he has prepared in advance like a silly dog. Therefore, it is also called "dog fighting" tactics or "pocket" tactics.

If the enemy does not move, then keep firing arrows repeatedly until the enemy is shot to death. If the enemy comes after him, the soldiers and horses will be scattered to surround and destroy him.

The centaurs' mobility and the range advantages of bows and arrows were fully utilized. Each race was defeated one after another and either surrendered or was massacred.

The tauren were originally the ancient enemies of the centaurs. In order to fight against this suddenly powerful enemy, they united with the wild boars, harpies and other forces half a year ago and fought a big battle with the army of the centaur empire on the banks of the Raging River. Unfortunately, they were outnumbered. , suffered a disastrous defeat, and now the remaining tauren are being hunted.

The Centaur Empire grew stronger and now has conquered a third of Kalimdor.

The more Hellscream listened, the more surprised he became. As a cavalry general, he was very aware of the advantages of cavalry over infantry, but he didn't know how this 'centaur' could combine a man and a horse into one.

"This pony has been leading his troops to sweep the oases and villages in the Barrens, hunting down the tauren survivors. I hope you can help me kill him, which can at least buy us some time."

"Why not just kill Emperor Shenwu?"

Nika Heijiao shook his head, "Impossible. Emperor Shenwu is the emperor of the Centaur Empire. He is extremely powerful. There is no way you can beat him."

There was another sentence he didn't say. He was a powerful player with hundreds of millions of deposits, a world-class BOSS, and the camp leader's health bonus. The health value was as high as more than 200,000, and he had millions of subordinates. Dajun, it is simply unrealistic for you to kill him.

Even if we bring the entire tribe, it will probably be difficult.

"Hmph, that's not necessarily the case." Hellscream touched Gorehowl and muttered to himself.

He has a natural confidence in things like killing people.

However, after the failure at Dagger Ridge, he didn't want to talk too much. Besides, the other party just failed him, so there was no need to work too hard.

If you kill the general, just kill the general. If the job is easier, you can return to the tribe as soon as possible.

"Okay, you can stay here tonight. I will pick up your friend first. Later, as long as you help me kill Brother Ma, I will take you back to the Eastern Continent."

Nika Heijiao said as he left the wooden house and fluttered his wings.

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