Part-time BOSS

Chapter 257 The princes’ meeting

Even King Aiden looked relieved.

Mo Feiyou continued: "The key reason why we were unable to win the previous battle was that we did not gather all our troops, and at the same time, my father did not go into battle in person. If my father personally led the army to go into battle, morale would be greatly boosted, and we would naturally win by then. ."

"Go into battle personally?" King Aiden looked embarrassed.

Mo Fei was just thinking about how to persuade him, when one of the nobles over there came out.

"Yes, His Majesty the King should go into battle in person. Aren't you a bloodline of the King of the Mountains?"

This statement immediately received a burst of approval.

"That's right. Your Majesty, are you afraid of those orcs?"

These words immediately made King Aiden feel a little embarrassed. He was scared to death when he heard about the orc invasion. It was really difficult for him to go into battle.

But this is absolutely unacceptable. Although the countries in the alliance have become somewhat decayed after hundreds of years of peace, the martial spirit is still there. The king's appeal and sanctity largely rely on his strong personal charm and Supported by strength.

If he really admits that he is afraid of orcs, then this king will not do it anymore.

And he really couldn't do this without him. To put it bluntly, when it comes to fighting, one looks at strength and the other looks at morale. There is not much difference in strength between the Alterac Kingdom and the Frostwolf Clan, so morale is very important.

Low morale will greatly affect combat effectiveness. Once morale is too low, the unit will collapse.

But as long as the king goes to the battlefield, at least 20 more morale points will be added, and the soldiers can last longer.

The nobles questioned, and the princes began to follow suit.

Victor (Prince of Alterac): "Yes, yes, King Ryan personally went to the battlefield, dad, what's wrong with you?"

Zhu Genbao (Prince of Alterac): "That's right. Dad, you are still not a man. How can we, the mountain warriors, lose control at this time?"

God of War Lu Bu (Prince of Alterac): "Don't worry, father, I, the God of War, Lu Bu, am here, and I will never let you suffer any harm in the battle formation. I think Durotan is like a bidder, and I didn't do it last time." It’s too late to join the war, and this time we must let him get what he deserves.”

"Father! Father! Father, you must rise up!"

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, you must take responsibility."

Faced with the collective instigation of the princes and nobles, King Aiden was suddenly in a dilemma.

Aiden (King of Alterac): "But those orcs are too ferocious. Can you really defeat them? It's better to hold on to the castle and let them retreat."

Teacher Ma (Prince of Alterac): "The so-called tiger-fighting brothers go into battle as father-son soldiers. More than 20 of our brothers went up together, and each of us made him lie down with one big move."

Barov (Lord of Dalon City): "Your Majesty, don't worry, we will also lead various warriors to join the battle."

God of War Lu Bu (Prince of Alterac): "Father, don't be ignorant. If you really don't want to take responsibility, why not pass the throne to me and let me command the battle on your behalf."

Murphy was a little shocked when he saw these brothers forcing him to marry him. He couldn't stand the cowardice of this cheap dad and said a few words, but he didn't expect these brothers to be so cooperative and fight Aiden together.

These nobles are also quite powerful.

King Aiden finally had no choice now.

Aiden (King of Alterac): "Okay, I will lead the army personally, but as a king, I have to be responsible for the soldiers of the kingdom. I must not go to war easily. I must gather enough troops." "

"Your Majesty, all the troops of the kingdom have been gathered in the city, a total of 30,000 troops. Even the navy sailors have been transferred back. Where can there be any troops to be summoned?"

Aiden (King of Alterac): "You can ask each noble family to mobilize the garrison from their castle to participate in the battle, and recruit militias from various towns. Also, how are the adventurers recruiting? Send another message Wave recruitment missions, the recruitment standards can be lowered, and anyone who can hold a sword (level one or above) can participate in the battle."

Now the nobles are quitting. To put it bluntly, the castle is their lifeblood. If their castle is lost, there will be no point in winning.

"I have made up my mind. I will implement it immediately. Otherwise, I will be charged with treason. Well, today's meeting ends here."

After saying this, King Aiden left.

The nobles were silent now.

The princes all looked strange, and the atmosphere was quite subtle.


When Murphy walked out of the conference hall, he was immediately stopped by someone.

Victor (Prince of Alterac): "Okay, brother Aidan, you played well today. You finally persuaded that old loser Aidan. You don't know. He refused no matter what we said before." To participate in the war, only we brothers can go into battle, but without the king’s morale, he can’t go up, and there is no unified command when the battle begins. Now we can finally fight.”

"By the way, come to the side hall in a minute, all three of you."

Murphy exchanged glances with Darabengba and Sigret, followed Victor towards that direction, and soon came to a side hall, where more than twenty princes were actually present.

The God of War Lu Bu asked his men to guard the door, and then a group of princes gathered around for a meeting.

Darabonba (Prince of Alterac): "What's going on? Why are you still having a small meeting?"

Victor (Prince of Alterac): "Of course we are having a meeting to discuss how to fight this war. We are all brothers and players, and our interests can be said to be the same. That old guy Aiden doesn't share our hearts. , this guy has historically taken refuge with the orcs and brought disaster to the entire Alterac Kingdom.

We can't let him make the same mistake again.

Those nobles are even more selfish. They only want to protect themselves and their family's power and position. They are not trustworthy. Therefore, we brothers must discuss carefully how to perform when the time comes on the battlefield. We cannot let them sell it out, otherwise Losing the battle is a small matter, but losing the number is a big deal. My number is the money saved by returning a car to practice, so there is absolutely no room for loss. "

"Second brother is right. Anyone who can come to Alterac to be a prince has a hard time earning money. We must not let those insidious old guys harm us."

Several princes vented their dissatisfaction.

After hearing this, Murphy realized what was going on. It turned out that when the war started last time, the princes were still very motivated. They thought that if they couldn't catch up with the battle in Stormwind City, they could just wipe out the Frostwolf clan on their own land. You can earn a lot of plot points.

And there are so many lords and heroes here, so it’s hard to lose.

As a result, after going to the battlefield, I found that the morale of the king was low, and the nobles all brought their own private soldiers to work. The result was that the princes led the army to face the attack of the Frost Wolf army, and an epic hero directly led the Frost Wolf on the opposite side. The cavalry suddenly faced each other and cut down three princes in one encounter. The rest immediately collapsed as soon as they saw something bad.

Murphy also secretly sighed in his heart, these brothers are really miserable. Every time the three brothers are in Stormwind City, there are a lot of NPCs in front to absorb the damage, such as Varian, King Ryan, Lothar, and Bolvar. Dukes, all lead the way, and players can easily follow behind to earn plot points. These nobles in Alterac are so fucking cheating, they actually sell their teammates directly.

But it’s not surprising. Historically, the royal family and nobles of Alterac were just young men. King Aiden defected to the Horde, and Duke Barov defected to the Scourge. They are no match for the Dream Team from the Kingdom of Stormwind. ah.

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