Part-time BOSS

Chapter 275 Deploy troops and generals

After listening to the Young Wolf Lord's tactical arrangements, Old Saurfang showed disapproval.

"The tactics sound good, but if I have learned anything from these decades of war, it is that the war will never proceed as planned. The Black Hand once had similar delusions. When he first passed through the Black Gate, he thought he could bulldoze these weak humans, but in the end, he himself died in the hands of humans.

So we must not place our hopes on our enemies who will carry out our plans. "

After hearing this, the Young Wolf Master couldn't help but feel a little unhappy. He thought to himself, "What do you know about an NPC? I've personally gone to Alterac to investigate."

I know the situation in Alterac very clearly.

But naturally there won't be such an expression on his face. Orc society respects strength. He hasn't won many achievements yet, so he has to keep a low profile for the time being.

"Then what tactics do you think should be used to fight humans - Overseer Saurfang."

Broxgar Saurfang (High-ranking Warlord): "Humph, what tactics should we use to deal with those cowardly humans? Just attack with all our strength. Facing the force of the orcs, those human knights have no chance at all. I They can be destroyed directly, just like they did under Raven City."

The Young Wolf Master was even more disapproving after hearing this. Sure enough, orcs are creatures with no brains, and the F2A tactic sounds so reasonable.

Speaking of the time he joined the tribe, he also discovered that generally speaking, there were only two main categories of orcs that were the most mainstream.

The first type is the hot-blooded and brainless reckless type. In fact, most warriors are this type. They fanatically worship courage and glory. To put it nicely, it is called brave and upright, but to put it worse, it is short-sighted. Fighting all depends on recklessness. The first warchief, Blackhand, had this kind of character.

The second type is the mysterious worshiping god stick type, such as Ner'zhul, Gul'dan, Kilrogg and the like. They like to play some witchcraft and evil arts and worship some powerful extraordinary beings, either worshiping demons, elements or evil gods. , yearning for extraordinary power.

From a modern human perspective, there are very few normal people.

Only a very small number of orcs can have strategic awareness and an overall perspective. Orgrim is one, Durotan is one, and almost no others.

This was one of the reasons why he chose the Frostwolf background, not only so that he could be Thrall's brother, but more importantly, he felt that there were indeed great opportunities for development here.

The Young Wolf Lord set his sights on Durotan, and Durotan did not disappoint him.

Durotan (Frostwolf Chief): "Necessary tactics still need to be arranged. This can effectively enhance our tactical advantage and reduce the casualties of soldiers. For the time being, we will use the Young Wolf Lord's tactic, but we must also be prepared for any possibility that may arise." Prepare a plan to deal with unexpected situations.

Those humans will not abandon this land willingly, and we must be prepared - Drek'Thar, what do you think? "

Drek'Thar glanced at everyone, with a worried look on his face, "Compared to the human army, I am more worried that humans will use extraordinary power to affect the war situation. The Storm Dragon King Ai who encountered at Tongtian Peak the day before yesterday Dandelon is very powerful, and its appearance is likely to be related to humans, maybe it will appear on the battlefield."

Durotan nodded, "This does need to be considered, but don't worry, do we also have our own extraordinary power? The Frost King has agreed to accept our call and has come to the battlefield. Those humans have been slaughtering the ice it summoned. element, so it is willing to support us in combat.

Moreover, during this time we also tamed the direwolf king and his offspring. These direwolves can also be put into the battlefield. In addition, I also found several powerful allies. "

When Durotan said this, the orcs became more curious.

During this period, Durotan traveled around with some guards every day and rarely stayed in the tribe. The Young Wolf Lord guessed that Durotan must have some kind of heroic expertise in communicating with wild monsters, maybe it is a legendary expertise, otherwise it would not be so easy. The direwolf king was immediately brought closer. After all, he was also a terrifying BOSS.

"I convinced the storm giants in the mountains to join us. These storm giants had been harassed by the Alterac people, so they were willing to fight alongside us."

The orcs were suddenly surprised. They had heard about these storm giants. They lived on the towering ice-covered peaks. Each one was seven or eight meters tall. They were powerful and could control storms. As long as there were dozens of storm giants, they could Become a powerful battlefield aid.

"There are also the frost troll tribes living deep in the valley. They have been fighting humans a long time ago and have been enemies for thousands of years. Now they are also willing to join us..."

at the same time--

Aiden (King of Alterac): "Everyone, it seems that the war has arrived. In three days we will have a decisive battle with the orcs. So tell me, how many troops do we have now?"

Victor (Prince of Alterac): "Father, the total strength of each noble family is 23,000 people. The king's army has 24,000 people. The militiamen recruited from various places also number 25,000. There are also 8,000 adventurers who have accepted the war mission, making a total of 80,000 troops."

Darkseid (Prince of Alterac): "This is the military formation map arranged by our brothers after preliminary research. Lord Barov will lead Nanhai City, Darrow City, Fort Durnholde, and Silver Blade Fort. , troops from Fort Yongton and other places guarded the left wing of the army.

Count Adalion led the troops from Raven City, Winter City, Ambition Castle, Dark Falcon Castle and other places to guard the right wing of the army.

The king's army was led by his father himself as the central army, and the militia was the reserve force, and they fought decisively with the enemy on the plains. "

As he spoke, he passed the sketched formation diagram to everyone.

There is not much room for manipulation in this formation diagram. There are only so many armies in total, and each army has a clear division into factions, so it can only be arranged in this way. There are no highlights and no flaws.

The nobles looked at it and said there was no problem.

Duke Barov (Lord of Daron City): "Your Majesty, don't worry, I will definitely guard the left wing of the army and never let the orcs break through the direction of our army.

Count Adalion (Lord of Winter City): "Your Majesty, we sons of the mountains will fight bravely and completely eliminate those orcs."

However, King Aiden felt a little embarrassed when he saw it.

My position as king is too high.

He was embarrassed to say it directly, but asked: "How many troops do the orcs have? Have you investigated clearly?"

God of War Lu Bu (Prince of Alterac): "According to our investigation, the orcs are mainly from the Frostwolf clan, with 30,000 infantry, 5,000 wolf cavalry, and 30,000 adventurers, for a total of 65,000 troops."

"What, so many!"

King Aiden suddenly had a bitter look on his face after hearing this. Although Alterac still had a numerical advantage of 80,000 to 65,000, he had seen the strong physique of the orcs today. If those orcs were as strong as he had seen before, The one that arrived was so strong, how could a human being defeat it?

In fact, Mo Fei and others have also considered this. Judging from the paper data alone, the orcs do have some advantages, but the orcs also have disadvantages, and that is the 30,000 adventurers, because they are all new players who have just entered the game. Players are generally only over ten or twenty levels, and their combat effectiveness is not particularly strong. They are completely incomparable to the eight thousand adventurers in the Alliance.

Alterac actually has weaknesses. The militia force accounts for one-third of the number. Although it is strengthened by Darabonba's 'peasant riot' expertise, it is definitely still weaker than the regular army.

So it can only be used as a reserve team.

Everyone was discussing how to fight when the time came, when suddenly a burst of cheers came from outside the door.

Aiden asked in surprise, "What happened?"

A guard came in happily and reported, "Your Majesty, Prince Arthas of Lordaeron is here."

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