Part-time BOSS

Chapter 477 Vivian’s Principles

What a good thing.

Not only are the basic attributes ridiculously high, but the magic power is as high as 99 points, and the weapon special effects are even more amazing.

Especially the special effects of the 'Shadow of Mirgos'. You must know that the Shadow of Mirgos looks exactly the same as the main body. Raising your hand to summon a world-class third-level BOSS, who can not be afraid of this? This thing is absolutely bluffing to use.

Although the Phantom Dragon only deals 10% of its body's damage, it is still very powerful when using AOE skills and various functional magics.

The second item is a magic book.

[Dragon Magic Notes (informative book)

Learning: Let you learn skills - spell upgrade: dragon language magic.

Learning requirements: 120 intelligence points, dragon language specialization.

Item introduction: Mirgos recorded his understanding of arcane magic and dragon language magic in this notebook, which contains advanced spell-casting skills. This skill allows you to upgrade a spell you master into dragon language magic. , dragon language magic is powerful, but it also requires more mana and a longer casting time. 】

Murphy knows the power of dragon language magic very well. This thing is equivalent to a small hero skill.

Although the mana required is higher, for high-level mages, mana is not a problem at all. Learning this thing is equivalent to having an extra powerful skill. Although its value is not as good as legendary equipment, it is quite valuable. .

The third item is a blue crystal sword.

[Blue Fury (One-Handed Sword/Epic)

Attack: 33-57.

Weapon special effect 1: Azure Blade. Your attack carries 10 points of arcane damage (this damage is related to your intelligence, each point of intelligence increases the arcane damage by 1 point).

Weapon Effect 2: Arcane Fire. Summons a ball of arcane flames around you. The arcane flames will automatically attack enemies within 30 yards, causing 45 points of fire damage per second to any enemy it touches.

Item introduction: The magic sword forged from arcane crystal is attached with powerful magic damage. The sword body is light and suitable for most people. Due to its special weapon enchantment, the caster can also obtain powerful melee damage. 】

This thing is definitely an artifact of the Demon Swordsman. The higher the intelligence, the higher the damage. It perfectly makes up for the Demon Swordsman's lack of agility and strength, and his inability to hold heavy weapons.

If the intelligence exceeds 100 points, the additional damage alone will be higher than ordinary epic weapons. Although it is only an epic weapon, it is definitely the top-notch existence in the epic class.

However, this thing is not easy to get rid of. There were indeed many Magic Swordsman-type players in the early days of the game Cairn World. However, in the later stages of this type of profession, they are weak and loose, so it seems that they can only keep it for now.

The fourth item is another staff.

As expected of the blue dragon clan that guards the magic network, all the equipment that exploded was magic equipment.

[Spellweaver's Staff (Two-Handed Staff/Epic)

Attack power 32-48.

Spell power +60.

Weapon Effect 1: Energy-saving spell casting. Reduces the mana cost of casting spells by 30%.

Weapon Effect 2: Extremely effective spell casting. Spend extra mana to recharge the weapon, strengthening the power of the next spell you cast. It consumes 100 mana points per second and can be stored for up to three seconds.

Item introduction: The iconic weapon used by the Blue Dragon Spellweaver. The Blue Dragon Spellweaver is an expert in maintaining the magic network and managing arcane energy. His use of magic has reached a superb level. The Spellweaver's Staff is specially designed for Special weapons created to match their control of the magic network. 】

This thing is a little worse than Mirgos's Dragon Spine Staff, but it's still pretty good.

It can not only save mana, but also increase burst damage.

The fifth item is a blue bottle.

[Bottle of Arcane Energy (off-hand item)

Drink: Allows you to restore 100 mana points per second (this item is not limited by the cooldown time of magic potions).

Magic capacity: 3000/3000 (automatically recharges when close to the magic network node).

Item introduction: The magic container created by the blue dragon clan can directly extract magic power from the magic network for preservation. It used to be the iconic equipment of blue dragon casters in ancient times. However, due to the excessive demand for magic power by some blue dragons, their demand for arcane energy has deteriorated. Due to the unrestrained abuse of the bottle, the equipment was gradually eliminated from the blue dragonflight's standard equipment. 】

A great item to replenish your mana.

Now I no longer have to worry about lack of blue.

The next two things surprised Murphy.

[Dragonmaw Warlord Armor (Breastplate/Epic).

Armor +188.

Equipment special effects: War Supervisor. Grants the troops under your command 5 additional morale points.

Item introduction: The battle armor worn by the warlord-level generals of the Dragonmaw Clan. The Blue Dragon Legion participated in the Battle of the Dragon Islands. Although the Dragon Tribe had powerful power, it was still defeated by the power of the artifact Dragon Soul. This is Mir. The armor of an orc warlord that Goss killed during his retreat is also one of his most proud collections. 】

[Dragon Hunting Great Ax (Two-Handed Axe/Epic)

Attack power: 79-185.

Weapon Effect 1: Magic Iron Blade. Deals 175% additional damage to spell shields.

Weapon Effect 2: Dragon Hunting Sawtooth. Causes 133% additional damage to dragon creatures.

Item introduction: A weapon used by dragonmaw orcs to hunt dragons. The ax blade forged from magic iron can cut through dragon scales. It is regarded as a threat by all major dragon clans. Mirgos collected this weapon to remind himself to be wary of orcs at all times. threats. 】

Um? The Dragonmaw Orcs and the Dragon Legion actually fought, and actually won?

This surprised Murphy. Although the Dragon Soul was really powerful and had miraculous effects on dragons, the Dragon Legion combined had never defeated the Dragon Throat Legion, which really surprised him.

And judging from the description on the equipment, the Dragonmaw Orcs went directly to the Dragon Islands to hunt dragons. Are they so arrogant?

He had also fought against the Dragonmaw Orcs before, and his feeling was just like that.

I can't figure it out.

The rest are just some blue equipment, nothing too good.

Mo Fei was a little regretful that there were so many drops and none of them were usable.

It can't be said that there is none at all, the bottle of arcane energy is not bad.

It's just useless for improving combat effectiveness.

As for how to distribute——

After thinking for a moment, he made a decision.

Vivian and Asona are both his subordinates, so naturally they have to be divided among them.

Angus is from the Dragon Worship Sect, and his loyalty is difficult to guarantee, so he won't give it to him yet.

Jaina is a potential stock. If you give her some ideas, she might come in handy in the future.

After figuring out the distribution method, Murphy said.

Aidan (Leader of the Dragon Knights): "Asona, this Dragonmaw Warlord armor and this dragon-hunting ax are for you to use. I hope you can serve me well in the future and don't always think about fighting." die."

"Thank you, Lord Aidan!" Asona excitedly took over the dragon-hunting ax and put on the Dragonmaw Warlord armor, which was much better than the mammoth leather armor he wore before.

[System prompt: The loyalty of your subordinate Asona (War Messenger) has been improved and is now 85/trustworthy. 】

Aidan (Leader of the Dragon Knights): "Vivian, I leave this dragon spine staff to you to use."

Vivian stretched out her hand to touch it, but suddenly retracted it. She was shocked by the power of the staff, but there was a look of hesitation on her face.

The stronger he gets, the less she can accept it easily.

Vivian Yege (Ancient Magister): "But Your Highness Aidan, I didn't contribute much in this battle. This staff is so powerful, I'm afraid I deserve it."

Angus listened and nodded hurriedly, "Yes, yes, sir, let me use it."

He was greedy for this powerful staff shaped like a dragon's spine.

Murphy ignored him.

Aidan (Leader of the Dragon Knights): "Just take it if I ask you to. Have you not already decided to serve me? I will not treat my own people badly. With this weapon, your spells must be able to Is it better to use it, or are you still not sure about your sense of belonging in the Dragon Knights?"

Vivian took a deep breath and solemnly took the staff with both hands. Immediately, powerful arcane energy was transferred from the dragon bone to her body. A whirlwind blew out of thin air around her, and arcane energy formed. A cyclone of energy surrounded her, causing Vivian to let out a moan of pleasure. After more than 10,000 years after leaving the Well of Eternity, she finally gained enough arcane energy to satisfy her desires.

[System prompt: The loyalty of your subordinate Vivian Yege has been improved, now it is 60/obedience. 】

Murphy couldn't help but feel speechless after hearing this. This night elf mage is really cold and aloof. He only got a 20-point increase as a gift of a legendary weapon. Why is it so difficult to raise him?

The loyalty of the lord's subordinates is divided into five levels.

1-30 rebellious, 30-50 uncontrollable, 50-70 submissive, 70-90 trustworthy, 90-100 loyal.

Different loyalties will have completely different reactions to the lord's orders. In a rebellious state, there is even a high probability of leaving. Even if it is difficult to control the loyalty of 30-50, there is still a small probability of running away.

When a lord does something that his subordinates agree with, their loyalty will increase, and vice versa. Therefore, training subordinates is actually quite troublesome, and different subordinates have different personalities.

If they are not cultivated well, they may run away after being raised, and the previous investment will be completely in vain.

The easiest way to increase loyalty is to give gifts.

But it doesn’t mean that anything can be given as a gift. If you give the wrong gift, your loyalty may be lost.

Murphy thought about how giving a legendary weapon could increase loyalty to 80, but he didn't expect it to reach 60, which made him happy and worried.

The good news is that generally speaking, the slower the loyalty increases, the greater the potential of the hero.

The worry is that even the legendary weapons cannot be pulled up, so what else can I give as a gift in the future?

But with a loyalty of 60, at least you don't have to worry about her leaving.

In comparison, Azona is much easier to support, and the two epic equipment directly reached 85.

Aidan (Leader of the Dragon Knights): "Jaina, you have put in a lot of effort in this operation. Although I promised not to share the spoils with you, I am generous and will give you this staff." Well, I hope you can learn magic better.

"Me too? Thank you, Your Highness Aidan." Jaina showed a rare serious expression and carefully took the Spellweaver's Staff.

The little girl was very happy after waving her staff and throwing away a few magic spells.

[System prompt: Your subordinate Vivian Yege’s loyalty has dropped and is now 59/obedient. 】


Murphy was stunned for a moment, thinking, what the hell, are you not happy if I give Jaina a piece of equipment?

It seems that he doesn't agree with my approach.

Do you think I'm too generous?

He didn't say anything, just kept it in his mind.

Murphy turned around and looked at Angus, who was staring at him eagerly.

Aidan (Leader of the Dragon Knights): "As for you Angus, you are a member of the Dragon Worship Cult. I am afraid that I am not suitable to reward you. This will arouse the suspicion of your archbishop. He may suspect that I want to I want to bribe you secretly, I hope you can understand."

Angus was dumbfounded.


Aidan (Leader of the Dragon Knights): "Unless you have made up your mind to leave the Dragon Cult and become my subordinate?"

Angus was speechless.

Murphy knew very well that despite what Angus said and sang louder than anyone else, whether the NPC was one of his own depended on the game's judgment.

There is no such thing among his subordinate heroes now, and the opponent's identity is shown as an ally rather than a subordinate.

This shows that the other party's reliability is absolutely the lowest.

If you want benefits, fine, just pledge allegiance to me quickly and let me see how loyal you are.

[System prompt: The loyalty of your subordinate Vivian Yege has been improved, now it is 61/obedience. 】

Murphy was immediately happy, he could probably understand this Vivian's character.

He should be the kind of person who is strict and principled and likes to do things according to the rules.

It seems that I need to be more careful when dealing with this girl in the future.

Then Murphy gave three thousand gold coins to the three adventurers and added them as friends.

"You take people back to Longshang Castle. I have something else to do. See you later."

As he spoke, he transformed into a giant dragon, spread his wings, and flew into the air.

What Mo Fei wants to go to is Tongtian Peak.

The map of Ice Rift is not too far from Tongtian Peak. It is part of the Alterac Mountains and can be reached in a few hours.

As he approached the huge storm that enveloped Tongtian Peak, Murphy suddenly felt that the storm was alive!

Not only is he alive, he feels like he can communicate with the storm, just like communicating with a huge beast. This feeling has never been felt before. It seems that it must be a hidden ability gained after advancing to the Storm Dragon. .

With a thought in his mind, the storm automatically rotated out of the way, revealing an entrance like a vortex of airflow.

Murphy was a little surprised. Although he was not afraid of dragon thunder, he could still feel a hint of threat when flying in and out.

At this moment, the storm seemed to be connected to his will, which was very magical.

This is probably the effect of storm authority.

Murphy didn't hesitate and flew all the way to the top of Tongtian Peak without any hindrance. The storm surrounding him made him feel as if he had returned to his own house.

After landing in the Dragon Ceremony Hall, the mysterious voice immediately rang in my ears.

Mysterious voice: Welcome back, Dragon Eater. It seems that you have gained something new. Are you ready to execute Dragon Eater again?

Edandron (Storm Dragon King): "Yes, but before we start the dragon feast, I have one thing to ask you."

As Murphy spoke, his eyes scanned the surroundings, but suddenly stopped behind the altar.

Behind the altar is a statue of an ancient dragon, in the shape of a crouching dragon, with its body forming a half-ring, surrounding the altar.

In the past, Mo Fei didn't pay much attention to it. He just thought it should be a decorative sculpture in the Dragon Ceremony Hall. It was very reasonable to have a dragon statue in such a mysterious place.

But since he obtained the body of an ancient dragon and had the ability to turn into a stone statue, and even triggered it once during the battle, he had a trace of suspicion in his heart.

Could this thing be transformed into an ancient dragon?

But when I think about it, I think it's impossible. The ancient dragon is huge, and this stone statue is only a dozen meters long.

And there is no way this guy has been lying on the top of Tongtian Peak for thousands of years, right?

He looked away without any trace.

Edandron (Storm Dragon King): "Do you know the Disaster Dragon?"

Mysterious voice: "Disaster dragon? Of course I know. Why, did you encounter the disaster dragon? Obtain the dragon heart of the disaster dragon?"

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