Part-time BOSS

Chapter 485: Meeting at Blackstone Mountain

Two giant dragons landed on Shadow Island one after another.

'Netherworld Death Dragon' Fresanks headed straight for his lair as soon as he landed on the ground. Shadow Island is a small island. There are no towering mountains or deep caves for it to make a home. The so-called lair is just on the main body of the island. It's just a big hole dug out of the limestone, not even a copy.

Fresanks did not accumulate a lot of treasures like ordinary dragons and enslave a large group of monster servants to decorate their appearance.

All it has is a group of naturally derived undead monsters wandering around the island. There are only some golden pearls, ocean stones and the like used to decorate the cave. Although they are worth some money, compared with other dragon lairs Obviously not worth mentioning.

In addition, there are a lot of beds made of cobblestones. Dragons like to sleep on gold coins not only out of love for money, but also because they don’t like too soft ground. The colder and harder it is, the more comfortable it is to sleep on. .

However, the sight in front of him made Fresanks' long-dead heart become furious. The undead outside the cave were slaughtered, and fragments of skeletons and zombies were scattered everywhere. The entire cave was in a mess.

All the pearls and gems that could be dug were dug out. Even the pile of pebbles used as a bed was dug up in a mess, probably because they suspected that there were treasures hidden underneath.

"They destroyed my dragon's nest!" Fresanks roared, "What a bunch of bastards. I should have stayed and fought with them to let them know how powerful the 'Netherworld Death Dragon' Fresanks is." , let them witness the truth of death! Witness the horror behind the shadow!"

I didn't cause trouble and didn't attract people, so I just stayed on the island as a "dead house dragon". However, a group of mortals came to my door and tore down my nest. I couldn't bear it. I couldn't bear it.

Lesajes stood outside the cave disapprovingly, "But at least you are still alive."

"Hmph, even if we fight, I won't be afraid of them!"

"Come on, Boleleus has been killed, what can you do."

"Poleus has fallen?" Fresanks turned his head in disbelief. Back then, in the Sky City, Boleleus was a very popular figure.

"Yes, there are Ankarad, Eranikus, Mirgos..."

A disdainful expression appeared on Fresanks's dragon face, "Mirgos is a waste. He completely abandoned his fighting skills in order to study dragon language magic. It is not an injustice to die at the hands of a mortal.

Eranikus was not much better, a follower who followed Ysera all day long.

Ankarad is even more of an idiot. He has a huge body but only knows how to eat all day long.

But Boleleus...well, you're right, I may indeed be no match for that person.

But if you can fight alongside me, why should we be afraid of a mere group of mortals and a dragon eater? When did our ancient dragon clan fall to this point? "

Lysajes snorted disapprovingly, "I have no interest in fighting with the Dragon Eater. So what if I win? It won't help my plan at all. Instead of doing this, I would rather let him cause some trouble for those traitors. As long as Manipulated properly, he will be my key to freeing my two remaining brothers."

This time it was Fresanks' turn to laugh disapprovingly, "Have you still not forgotten your whimsical plan? That prophecy might have been concocted by Galakrond as a strategy to stabilize the dragon's heart. Unfortunately, in the end it was It failed. The moment the Dragon God fell, the ancient dragon clan was destined to split.

Besides, if you want to destroy this world, it’s just you? "The tone was a bit unserious.

"That's right, it's up to me!" Lesajes said proudly. Without any warning, a whirlwind suddenly hung out of thin air in the cave. The wind surrounded Fresanks like a living creature, and the huge force blew it directly. Lifted up.

"This, this is impossible!" Fresanks felt the strong wind surrounding him in disbelief.

He looked at Lesajes again, but the other party didn't make any move at all.

But the strong wind surrounding him couldn't be faked. The air from all directions continued to squeeze towards the center. Fresanks' half-undead body made a violent creaking sound, which frightened it into hurriedly shouting, "Stop!" This madman."

Lesajes stopped, and with just a thought, the wind disappeared. Fresanks fell to the ground, staggered, and got up in a rather embarrassed manner.

Lesajes looked down at it, "Feel the power of this storm, this meticulous control. I have completely mastered the mystery of the storm. Over the past tens of thousands of years, I have understood the laws and authority of the wind. This world Everywhere is filled with air, and the flowing air is wind,

As long as I flap my wings, I can set off a storm. If I exert this ability with all my strength, it will be enough to set off a storm that will destroy the world. This also means that I can use this power to control everything. Destroying the world is just a matter of my thoughts.

But I must complete the destruction as stated in the prophecy. Everything in the prophecy will surely come true. Only in this way can the Dragon God be resurrected.

Several of my brothers must be released. When they release the Frost Disaster, Fire Disaster, and Earth Disaster one by one, I will set off a doomsday storm and welcome the return of the Dragon God.

The ancient dragon clan will rise again, and we will regain the lost immortal body and return to the city in the sky. "

There was enthusiasm and anticipation in her voice, and Fresanks was a little infected.

"I have forgotten the past scenery of the Sky City. If I can see the ancient dragon soaring in the clouds again, towering over the world, maybe I can give up the fate of death."

"I promise, we will take everything back, come with me." Lesajes tempted.

Fresanks did not answer immediately. He had lived on Shadow Island for tens of thousands of years, absorbing the power of shadow every day. His body had gradually become undead, and his mind was not immune to the influence of this power.

In his view, death is the destined destination of all things, and Fresanx turned into a pessimistic dragon, silently waiting for the moment his fate ends on this island.

However, when Lysajes told her plan, he was indeed a little moved.

"Are you sure you can control that Dragon Eater? If his power is really that powerful, how can you ensure that he will release your brother according to your plan?"

Lesajes raised her head confidently, "Because I can hear all their voices, and the wind will bring me the information I need to know. I have said before, this world is full of air, Wherever there is air, there is wind, and wherever there is wind, there are my eyes and ears.”

She closed her eyes as she spoke and listened to the sounds brought back by the wind. Even though the Storm Dragon King fleet had sailed far away, all the sounds seemed to be close at hand.

"Captain, where are we going next? Back to Alterac?" Azona asked with some lack of interest.

The undead he killed on Shadow Island really didn't make him want to fight enough.

Jaina suggested, "Why don't you go to Kul Tiras, Prince Aidan? My father will definitely welcome your arrival and will welcome you with the most solemn etiquette."

"Your father should be leading the fleet to fight against the tribe now, right?"

"Then there is my mother, and my dozen brothers and sisters."

Murphy shook his head, "No, my goal has not been achieved yet. Now is not the time to relax. According to this information, most ancient dragons have their own lairs and armies. After all, there are still a few lone dragons, and their whereabouts are either It's mysterious, or the trace is hard to find. Now that the Netherworld Death Dragon Fresanks is missing, it seems that we can only start from the sealed prison. Only the two ancient dragons in the sealed prison will not hide. Let's go to Blackstone Mountain. ."

Vivian said worriedly, "Blackstone Mountain? Sealed prison? But sir, aren't you worried that the target will be intercepted again? Just like last time."

Murphy smiled and said, "Don't worry, the reason why we were intercepted last time must be because someone in the castle leaked our information, but no matter what method the enemy used to find out the information, now we are on the vast sea, and the other party cannot May be aware of our action plan.

The only thing the other party knows is probably the information that we set off for the Shadow Road.

In fact, coming to Shadow Island was part of my plan. The other party knew that we were going to Shadow Island, so they took Fresanks away in advance, which proved my suspicion.

To the northwest of Shadow Island is the Wind God's Throne, which is less than a day's journey away. Even if the other party predicted it, they must have thought that we would go to the Wind God's Throne next.

But I didn’t do what he wanted. We took a detour back to the Eastern Continent, bypassed Stranglethorn Valley, landed on the east coast of the Eastern Continent, and went straight into the Blackstone Mountains. We eliminated the ancient dragon in the sealed prison before the mysterious man could react. Fall, as long as you move fast enough, that mysterious man will never be able to react..."

Lesajes opened her eyes with a funny expression on her face. Prince Aidan still had some brains. He knew that he was being watched and even came up with a counter-operation.

Unfortunately, what the other party didn't know was that he was not relying on spies or insider tips, but the power of the wind.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel a little proud.

Humph, you Storm Dragon King and Storm Demon Dragon don't even have the power to control the wind. You deserve to be my scapegoat.

"Fresanks, they are going to the Blackstone Mountains next to open the sealed prison of 'Desolate Frost' Willanoz. I must take action one step ahead to rescue Willanoz. You have to come with me. What? There are many dangers in Blackstone Mountain, maybe you can help."

Fresanks hesitated, but finally nodded.

"I will go with you."

The two giant dragons flew towards the Black Rock Mountain one after the other.

Murphy would never have thought that the other party used his best storm power to predict his movements in advance.

There was nothing that could be done about it. Lysajes had lived for tens of thousands of years, and his mastery of the power of the storm was beyond his comparison.

Even with divinity, in the final analysis, Murphy still relies on how to play according to the rules of the game.

But this did not prevent him from reacting to it. Murphy could feel that his every move seemed to be monitored.

He couldn't figure out how the other party did it, and he couldn't tell who the spy was.

But precisely because of this, he found the other party's flaw.

If he didn't think about it, he just didn't think about it. Murphy immediately came up with an off-board trick.

There is a way of delivering messages that the other party will never be able to detect.

Mo Fei directly opened the private message list. No matter what method the other party used to monitor him, it was absolutely impossible to monitor the private message channel.

Opening up the friend list, Mo Fei directly clicked on the black shadow's profile picture.

"Shadow, I have a task for you. Send me a letter. Make sure you do it well for me."


Three days later——

"This is Blackstone Mountain."

In the sky, Lysajes said to Fresanks.

Two giant dragons soared in the sky. Lesajes' control of the wind was indeed exquisite. She could actually wrap a cloud around the two dragons, perfectly covering her body, and there was no need to worry about being discovered.

Flying silently over the Black Rock Mountains, the pitch-black mountains stretch for hundreds of kilometers, with volcanoes rising one after another between the mountains.

The sky is covered with thick black clouds. They are not ordinary dark clouds, but volcanic clouds formed by thick smoke that has been spewing out for thousands of years.

The sun obscured by dark clouds also made it easier to sneak in secretly.

Two giant dragons landed in a volcano crater and turned into two human forms.

Lysajes' human form is as formidable as her dragon form. The dragon horns on her head are flashing with lightning, her skin is close to azure, and her eyes are blue, also flashing with lightning. She is not like other dragons who deliberately cover themselves. The characteristics of dragons, or the power they control, are used to disguise their identities.

Lesajes showed off her powerful side in a completely flamboyant way.

Fresanks is much more low-key. The Netherworld Death Dragon's human form looks like a necromancer, wearing a black robe, but the face under the hood has a withered face and green eyes.

The two stood on the ridge looking for the entrance, but unexpectedly discovered an army marching between the mountains.

It was an army of orcs, marching down the hillside towards another volcano.

"Hey, what's going on with those people?" Fresanks asked. As a dead dragon, he knew nothing about this world.

Lysajes took a look and shook her head, "That's a race that calls themselves orcs. They come from another world and are at war with humans. Don't pay attention to them. The war between those mortal races is meaningless. Wait until the end. That's when they realize how ridiculous their behavior is."

Grom suddenly stopped, turned his head suddenly, and looked towards a mountain peak on the right, but all he could see was the diffuse volcanic clouds and the dark mountain.

"What's wrong, Grom?" Ba Dao Qingqing stopped immediately.

"I just felt like someone was watching us."

Ba Dao Qingwu suddenly became nervous, "Is it an enemy?"

"Probably not. I didn't feel any killing intent."

"Then don't worry about it. It's important to execute our plan. As long as we forge the artifact, we will be invincible. I hope those Dark Iron Dwarves are as skilled as Red said, but don't waste my materials."

Although the Void Crystal was successfully purified with the power of the Sunwell, how to forge this artifact is still a problem. There is no way, the orcs' forging technology is still too poor, and at most they can create legendary weapons like Blood Howl. That’s all.

If you want to make the Void Crystal into an artifact, you must find professional help.

Historically, Ashbringer was forged by Magni Bronzebeard, the dwarf king of Ironforge.

Now that the tribe is at war with the Alliance, of course you can't ask them for help. Fortunately, there is not only one group of dwarves. The black iron dwarves in the Blackstone Mountains are also experts at forging. The king of the black iron dwarves, Emperor Thaurissan, even used magic. Perfectly integrated with forging technology, he is the best candidate to create this artifact.

And what’s even better is that because these Dark Iron Dwarves believe in Ragnaros (or can be said to be enslaved by Ragnaros), Ba Dao Ruthless used the tribe’s shaman to successfully establish a line with these Dark Iron Dwarves, using five bottles of The price of water from the Sunwell was in exchange for helping to create this artifact.

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