Part-time BOSS

Chapter 494 The Secret Meeting of the Dragon King

"What the hell!"

Jian Wuhen walked in the direction of Alterac City, muttering in his mouth, he was fine when he came, but he didn't expect that when he left, he turned into a wage earner who signed a contract of prostitution. What a big deal.

This trip was a shameful move.

He was feeling aggrieved. If he had known earlier, he would have avoided people in advance, or he might as well have taken action directly. There was always a chance. Now, after signing the contract of sale, he had to work for free. .

Of course Jian Wuhen is not here to investigate information, and Longshang Castle is not a forbidden area. If it is just for investigation, adventurers alone will be enough.

In fact, the real purpose of his visit this time was to find out the secret of Aidan's transformation into a dragon, and to assassinate Aidan if there was a chance.

Currently, Aidan is at the top of the list of bounties in the killer circle, with a total of three bounties, worth nearly 10 million.

Moreover, Aidan has a rich net worth and is considered to have a magical weapon with him. If he can use a knife, he will definitely make a fortune.

However, Jian Wuhen is a cautious person, and he will never take action easily no matter how great the interests are. He has been able to live in this sky world for so long, kill so many people and still live well, all because of his stubbornness.

I will never take action unless I am absolutely sure.

I have been monitoring the castle for a whole week, but I didn't dare to take action.

Aidan's blood volume is too thick. Unless he hits a fatal blow, he will be the one who dies if he misses it.

Jian Wuhen didn't like to gamble his life. He felt that the other party couldn't find him anyway, so he might as well continue to wait patiently. Unexpectedly, the other party didn't respond for seven days, and suddenly it overturned... If he had known better, he might as well have taken a gamble.

Come on, stop thinking so much and think about how to complete the tasks assigned by the other party.

Jian Wuhen felt a headache when he thought about the task given to him by Aidan, but he still had to do it no matter how difficult it was. After all, he couldn't afford the 50 million in compensation.

Of course, there is another way to clear the account. The contract stipulates that if Jian Wuhen dies during the mission, there is no need for compensation of 50 million.

But as long as there is a chance, Jian Wuhen will not give up.

By collecting money to kill people in the game, he has achieved financial freedom. For him, this account is his livelihood.

Most importantly, this role fulfilled his long-held fantasy of being a killer.

Fortunately, he has many friends, and if he asks more people, he will always be able to find a solution.

After thinking about it, I opened the private message list and messaged them one by one.

Jian Wuhen (Shadow of Death): Lao Fu, do you have the teleportation coordinates of the Dragon Islands?

Lord Voldemort (Shadow Mage): No, I don’t go to sea very often. Are you going to the Dragon Islands?

Jian Wuhen (Shadow of Death): Yes, I need to go over there to do something.

Lord Voldemort (Shadow Mage): Just ask Doufu. He often goes to sea, and he must be able to teleport to more places than me.

Jian Wuhen (Shadow of Death): Doufu, do me a favor and send me to the Dragon Islands?

Gandalf the Furious (Battle Mage): I don't have time. I'm building reputation. Besides, I don't have the coordinates. Let's look for Xinbu. She seems to be related to the Aspect Dragon.

Jian Wuhen (Shadow of Death): Sister Xinbu, help me open the door.

Xinbu (Great Elementalist): Go away, when the tribe came to attack Silver Moon City, you refused to accept the help of killing the chief. Now you think of me, it's too late...

Jian Wuhen (Shadow of Death): Captain, do me a favor and send me to the Dragon Islands, okay?

Pirate King (Captain of the Blood Ship): No problem, 2 million will be delivered to you.

Jian Wuhen (Shadow of Death): Damn, are you kidding me? We still need money based on our relationship? Besides, two million, why don’t you grab it?

Pirate King (Captain of the Blood Ship): Didn’t you charge me 800,000 last time when you killed someone for me? Besides, the place on the Dragon Islands is very dangerous. If you are not careful, the ship will be destroyed and everyone will be killed. I will risk my life to accompany you. Take the risk, charging you two million is definitely not much.

Jian Wuhen (Shadow of Death): Two million is definitely not enough, but two hundred thousand is still acceptable.

Pirate King (Captain of the Blood Ship): Get out...

After going around and talking to more than a dozen people, I finally found one who was willing to help.

Alduin (Dark Dragon): Do you want to go to the Dragon Islands?

Jian Wuhen (Shadow of Death): Yes, how about it? Can you help? You are also a dragon. It should be no problem to take me to the Dragon Islands.

Alduin (Dark Dragon): I have recently entered the game. It is inconvenient to upgrade adventurers every day, but I have a good idea. Recently, the Aspect Dragon is recruiting adventurers and heroes to help them fight. If you If you are willing to participate in the war, go to the Blue Tower to sign up, and the blue dragon there can send you there for free.

Jian Wuhen was immediately overjoyed. This was really effortless. Not only could he go to the Dragon Islands, but he also had a cover identity.

Wait a minute, is the guardian dragon recruiting adventurers and heroes to deal with that Prince Aidan?

From eavesdropping on their conversation before, it seemed that Aidan had killed many dragons from the Dragon Legion.

If it is true, then this can be regarded as important information.

Jian Wuhen immediately set off for the Blue Temple.

The Blue Tower is located in the snowy mountains north of Dalaran. It is said to be the residence of a powerful mage. However, according to players' inferences in the forum, the owner of the tower is probably a blue dragon.

Immediately, he summoned his mount and flew towards the Blue Tower.

As soon as we entered the valley, we found a large number of adventurers heading into the valley in groups.

When I arrived at the foot of the Blue Tower, I saw a mage with blue eyes, long blue hair and a blue robe assigning tasks to the adventurers. There were also a group of blue dragon guardians beside him.

The adventurer who accepted the mission went directly into the teleportation gate on the side. The white light of the teleportation kept flashing, making it look very busy.

Tras (mysterious mage), silver level 2 hero, level 72, health value 5680.

The mage in front of him was obviously not an ordinary mage, but a blue dragon.

Jian Wuhen also moved forward.

Jian Wuhen (Shadow of Death): "Hello Mage, I heard that you are recruiting warriors to go to the Dragon Islands to fight for you. I am very interested in this activity, so can you count me in?"

Tras (mysterious mage): "Mortal, I will send you there, but only the strongest warriors are qualified to serve for our dragon army. You must first prove your strength and defeat the east valley. The snow giant in there, bring its head back to me, and you will be qualified enough to join our legion."

Jian Wuhen complained secretly in his heart, saying that these giant dragons were really hypocritical.

At this time, a voice came from above.

Mysterious human: "No need, Truss. I know this man. He is a very powerful assassin and will be very helpful for this operation."

Jian Wuhen was startled. The person in front of him was dressed in a black robe, with a hood covering his face. The name on his head just said "mysterious human being". He was really mysterious.

The body exuded a strong coercion, and Jian Wuhen immediately realized that there was another dragon in front of him, and the rank was not low, definitely higher than the blue dragon mage.

The feeling of not being angry and being powerful made Jian Wuhen a little nervous.

We know each other?

"Of course, we have met before. Maybe this face can remind you of something." The man said, lifting the hood on his face.

My day! Jian Wuhen suddenly remembered, wasn't this the Black Dragon King Morpheus whom he had fought against before.

The mysterious human said, "Don't be nervous assassin, we are not enemies now, so I won't take action against you. Do you want to join the war? Why?"

Jian Wuhen (Shadow of Death): "Why else? Earn rewards and earn some plot points. It's difficult to advance to my level. Of course I can't miss this big scene."

This reason is so reasonable that even Jian Wuhen himself believes it.

Morpheus nodded,

"You can call me Morpheus."

"Morpheus? Wocao, wait a minute, aren't you the game anchor who broadcasts the massacre of the city?"

"Haha, I didn't expect you to recognize me."

"Of course I do. Let me go. Are you the King of the Black Dragon now? You're awesome. By the way, who are you going to deal with this time?"

"Don't worry, I won't make things difficult for you. It's the orcs we have to deal with."

Orcs... this information is of little value.

Jian Wuhen was a little disappointed, but after all, it could be regarded as a trend of the dragon army.

"Haha, I'm the best at dealing with orcs. I was the one who killed Orgrim, the chief of the tribe."

This can't be wrong, after all, he also participated in the killing.

"But it's not enough to be able to fight. What's important is to be obedient."

"I am responsible for recruiting adventurers and heroes. If you want to participate in the war, you must listen to my arrangements. There are some things I need your help with. Don't worry, your help will not be in vain. After the matter is completed, I can The best part of the mission reward is given out.

For those who are willing to serve me, I will never be stingy with rewards, but if they want to be my enemy, haha... As the King of the Black Dragon, you should know the consequences of angering me before I do. "

Jian Wuhen thought to himself that these words sounded familiar, and he quickly agreed, "Easy to say, as long as the money is in place and the service is guaranteed."

I never thought that being a spy would bring unexpected rewards.

With a flash of white light, Jian Wuhen was teleported.

In front of you are majestic cities, towering towers, and magnificent natural landscapes.

Dragon Throne - Thordrasus!

Jian Wuhen was startled when he saw the scene around him. There were tens of thousands of adventurers, all above level 50. There were not only humans, dwarfs, elves, but also centaurs, tauren, night elves, etc. Adventurers from the Dark Night Alliance.

Standing in the square in darkness.

There are many dragon guards around the square to maintain order, and some giant dragons in human form are issuing tasks.

Qingfeng Banhuai (Master Ranger): "I'm going, Jian Wuhen, why are you here too?"

Jian Wuhen looked back and was immediately happy to see that he was still an old acquaintance.

As the number one assassin in the game, Jian Wuhen has made many enemies and friends.

He makes friends not based on strength or status, but only based on compatibility.

Qingfeng Danhuai was originally put on the assassination list. Jian Wuhen took over the task and went to the tavern to ambush him. Unexpectedly, when he came into contact with Qingfeng Danhuai, they had similar odors and had a good conversation. Both of them are mavericks (love) The character of "Pretentious", the middle and second dimensions fit together so well that it was almost too late to meet him.

The bounty was not high anyway, so Jian Wuhen easily killed the killer who came to kill Qingfeng Danhuai, and Qingfeng Danhuai recognized him as his eldest brother.

Look at the group of adventurers gathered around Qingfeng Banhuai, who have become the guild leader again.

Jian Wuhen (Shadow of Death): "By the way, your kid actually became the president again? That's pretty impressive."

Qingfeng Banhuai (Master Ranger): "Haha, the limelight has passed long ago. Big news comes out one after another these days. Who still remembers me? Those little things have passed long ago."

Jian Wuhen (Shadow of Death): “What are we waiting for?

Qingfeng Banhuai (Ranger Master): "Waiting for those Dragon Kings to finish their meeting, I heard that they are going to kill the Dragonmaw clan this time. The Dragon Legion has released a lot of mission rewards, various prestige equipment, dragon clan exclusive materials, and even There are also mount rewards, this is a big event, I have brought all the brothers in the guild, and I am just waiting to make a lot of money. If I am lucky, I might be able to ride a dragon."

Jian Wuhen looked behind him. The huge tower towering into the clouds was surrounded by many flying dragon guards, and there were a large number of dragon guards on each floor.

There are also many adventurers who took on patrol missions and flew in the sky riding dragons.

It's so heavily guarded and very challenging.

"That sounds good. I'll join you later."

Jian Wuhen said hello, then found a place where no one was around, looked around and saw no one around, entered the shadow stealth state again, and moved up the tower.

At this moment, a pre-war meeting was taking place on the high tower.

All the five dragon kings were present, and even the bronze dragon king Nozdormu took time out of his busy schedule to participate in the meeting. However, looking at his incomprehensible expression, it always felt like he was wandering in a distant place.

The one who was speaking at this time was the Red Dragon Queen.

Alexstrasza (Red Dragon Queen): "These orcs must be wiped out. These savage beasts must not be allowed to continue to cause harm to the world."

When Alexstrasza thought about being controlled by the orc warlock with the dragon soul that day and almost being captured and used as a breeding machine, he felt a burst of anger and fear in his heart.

If she was allowed to experience that fate, she really didn't know how to face it.

Ysera was equally indignant, Kalecgos nodded slightly, and Nozdormu looked elsewhere with a guilty conscience.

Morpheus suddenly stood up.

Morpheus (King of the Black Dragon): "Your Majesty Alexstrasza, I know that your heart is full of anger, and you do have reasons to be angry, but we are the guardian dragons, shouldering the sacred mission of protecting this world. No We should let hatred consume our minds and anger distort our reason."

Alexstrasza's beautiful eyes widened after hearing this, her feelings were not like you were almost caught and used as a breeding machine.

But when I think that the other party saved me, it's hard to say too harsh words.

"The orcs must be punished."

"What you said is right, Her Majesty the Queen, the orcs must be punished, but maybe we should change the way. Although these orcs are barbaric, we have to admit that they are indeed powerful warriors. Maybe we can let them serve us and will The evils that bring harm to this world are turned into sharp blades against evil.

This is also the best way to atone for their sins. "

Kalecgos asked curiously, "Control the orcs? Lord Morpheus, how do you do this?"

Ysera (Green Dragon Queen): "And now there is the biggest question, how to defeat Nekros?"

The dragon soul has a natural suppressive effect on the four dragon clans, and even being close is enough to make them lose their resistance.

Morpheus (King of the Black Dragon): "These two questions are actually the same question. The orcs are a race that fears the strong. Only strength can make them surrender. I will personally raid Nekros and take back the dragon soul." When I defeated the most powerful leader of the orcs and cornered them, they had no choice but to surrender."

Nozdormu (Bronze Dragon King): "Be careful with the young Black Dragon King. Although the Dragon Soul will not cause harm to the Black Dragon, it is a powerful weapon in itself."

Morpheus (Black Dragon King): "It doesn't matter. This time we have the help of adventurers, as well as the assistance of heroes from the Alliance and the Dark Night Alliance. We will definitely succeed in one fell swoop."

At this moment, there was a burst of rapid footsteps outside the door.

The door to the conference room opened, and a petite dwarf loli walked out of the door.

Alexstrasza was furious when she saw Chromie coming back.

At that time, the orcs came to the door, but this person left less than ten minutes early. This coincidence was indeed a bit suspicious, but it was difficult for her to question him when the enemy was facing a powerful enemy.

Alexstrasza (Red Dragon Queen): "Chromie, how are you doing?"

Chromie (Time Wanderer): "Lethorne, Nalyss, Elastraz... they are all dead."

What! Everyone was shocked. The four ancient giant dragons jointly attacked, and they were able to overturn the car? What a joke.

Alexstrasza (Red Dragon Queen): "Has Lysajes become so powerful?"

"No, it's not Lysajes, it's Storm Dragon King Aidandron!"

"What are you talking about?" This time it was Morpheus's turn to be curious, but he didn't know about it.

Alexstrasza then told her about sending Chromie to ambush the sealed prison.

Morpheus looked shocked after hearing this.

"You mean the Storm Dragon King Aidan? That is the human prince Aidan of Alterac?"

"Yes, it is Aidan, the prince of Alterac. We have always thought that he was Lesa Jess in disguise, but it is obviously not the case. He is a dragon eater who became so powerful by devouring the power of the dragon. .”

"You said he has mastered the power of the ancient dragon? But how is this possible? The ancient dragon has long since perished."

"Strictly speaking, it's part of the ancient dragon's power."

Chromie carefully recalled the scene at that time. Because he was frightened at the time, he thought he had encountered an ancient dragon. After thinking about it carefully, it seemed that it had some characteristics of an ancient dragon.

"But now he has swallowed the dragon hearts of Lethorn and other three-headed dragons. It is said that dragon eaters can obtain power through dragon hearts. Maybe he has become a real ancient dragon now!"

As soon as these words came out, the four dragon kings all looked worried.

Only Morpheus is not very clear about the power of the ancient dragon.

"Is the ancient dragon really that powerful?"

Ysera (Green Dragon Queen): "It is very powerful. The ancient dragon once soared in the sky and ruled the world. Even the gods did not dare to provoke it easily. Even the ancient gods were afraid of the thunder and lightning of the ancient dragon."

Her voice was filled with reminiscence and yearning, as if she was recalling the glorious past.

Nozdormu (Bronze Dragon King): "Don't worry, as long as we can recapture the dragon soul, we can defeat it again. Even the ancient dragon cannot resist the power of the dragon soul and the guardian dragon, but before that , we have to make sure he doesn't get stronger."

Ysera (Green Dragon Queen): "We can notify other ancient dragons and let them hide to avoid becoming food for that dragon eater."

Nozdormu (Bronze Dragon King): "This is a way. As long as he doesn't continue to get stronger, it will be relatively easy for us to deal with him in the future. Before that, we must deal with the threat of the orcs as soon as possible..."

Jian Wuhen was hiding in the shadows, looking shocked when he heard this. Wocao, so stupid? The power of the ancient dragon? No wonder I can't hide away, no wonder that Aidandron has such a strange shape.

Yes, yes, this news is worth passing back.

Jian Wuhen: Boss, I found some information, I think you will be interested.

Aidan: Oh, tell me.

Jian Wuhen: The guardian dragon summoned a large number of adventurers to take action against the Dragonmaw Legion. Chromie reported some situations and they decided to notify the other ancient dragons to hide them and prevent you from catching them until they are solved. After finishing the Dragon Maw Legion, I will attack you again.

Aidan: I understand, continue to monitor, and notify me immediately if there is any movement.

Jian Wuhen: Then my first mission is completed, right?

Aidan: Half of it is done. When they finish dealing with the Dragonmaw Legion and prepare to attack me, notify me immediately. At that time, you will be considered as having completed the first mission.

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