Part-time BOSS

Chapter 541 The Guardian’s Test

The Eternal City—Dalaran:

Ever since the coalition forces failed in the Battle of Death Beach, the mages who participated in the battle brought back terrible news. After learning that the Lich King's ultimate goal was Dalaran, the atmosphere in Dalaran had become extremely solemn.

Antonidas, the chief of the Roland Council, summoned all the archmages and council members to discuss plans to fight against the Scourge.

Full mobilization was completed in a very short period of time.

Recruiting a large number of mercenaries from various countries once again expanded the size of the Violet Knights, and even hired the Griffin Knights from Eagle's Nest Mountain at a large price.

Hordes of adventurers abounded, and the wealth that Dalaran had inherited for thousands of years was put to perfect use at this moment.

Now the entire city of Dalaran has turned into a huge magical fortress, with countless soldiers and resources being continuously transported into the city and transformed into military strength and defense systems.

The wilderness and forests outside Dalaran extend into the city.

However, as a magical city, Dalaran still relies on its powerful mage army the most.

To be precise, they are the archmages who have mastered the supreme arcane power.

At this moment, in the conference hall of Violet Castle, the archmages of Dalaran gathered here.

Hundreds of powerful mages are witnessing a major event that can change the history of the world of the sky - the New Guardian Plan.

Three years after the last Guardian Medivh disappeared, Dalaran finally made up his mind to create a new Guardian to fight against the Scourge and the increasing evil forces.

Protecting this world also protects Dalaran's position as the core of continental power.

However, with such a powerful power, the guardian cannot be easily entrusted to anyone. With the lessons learned from Aegwynn and Medivh, this time the guardian has become particularly cautious.

Antonidas was dressed in a gorgeous robe and stood in the center of the venue. Behind him were thirteen powerful mages and candidates for the Guardian.

Antonidas glanced at the many candidates one by one, and all he saw were extremely confident faces.

"Candidates, welcome to the Violet Council. You are all an outstanding group of mages in Dalaran, right? Each one has powerful power and sufficient qualifications, but there can only be one guardian. This is a group of mages. It is a supreme honor and an arduous task. If you want to become a guardian, you must complete three difficult tests. This process will be very dangerous and may even lead to death. I hope everyone is mentally prepared. If If you are not willing to take the risk, please quit immediately, this is your last chance."

None of the thirteen candidates present retreated. Are you kidding me? This is the power of the Guardian. According to legend, it is an invincible existence that can defeat Sargeras alone.

Becoming a Guardian means turning a bicycle into a motorcycle. From then on, you will become a man of the hour in the game. Kings and lords are nothing in the face of the power of the Guardian.

As long as you get this status, you will be prosperous.

Looking at the determined expressions of everyone, Antonidas nodded with satisfaction, "Very good, it seems you are all ready."

"Then, I will announce your first test."

"The Scourge is about to attack Dalaran. We must strengthen the city's defense force. The first test is to summon, create and control a powerful summoned creature to become the guardian force of Dalaran. This summoned creature must It must be controllable, must be able to exist for a long time, and must be powerful enough to exert great power in the coming war.

You have three days to complete this task. You can ask for help or even spend money to buy it. As long as it meets the above criteria, the council will finally select the top seven to enter the next stage. Okay, now go and complete your task. Mission now! "

Summon creatures?

After hearing the content of the first test, everyone had different reactions. Different schools of thought had different research and development on summoning techniques, so naturally there were differences between high and low.

Some schools are extremely good at it. For example, the Elemental School is very good at summoning elemental creatures. The magic of 'summoning water elements' most commonly used by mages was developed by the Elemental School. In addition, there are many variants, including various elemental creatures. However, The water element is the most stable and therefore the most common.

The Arcane School is much worse in this regard. The most commonly used summoning spell is to use arcane energy to create arcane servants. This thing is a completely artificial magical creature. It is more controllable, but its combat effectiveness is very low. Relatively limited.

A few arcane masters can summon arcane elements from the magic network, but this thing is something that can only be encountered but not sought.

Of course, it is theoretically possible to create a magic puppet, but this thing is extremely expensive. If you want to create a very powerful giant puppet, you will have to spend a lot of money.

Both the Necromancy School and the Fel Energy School have certain advantages in this regard. However, these two schools are currently semi-forbidden subjects. There are many people who study them secretly. But openly summoning a powerful undead or demon to interact with each other may be a problem. It's not very suitable. The key is that neither the undead nor the demon are very controllable, and it's easy to mess up.

The School of Shadows isn't much better.

Astromancers are good at summoning exotic monsters from the star world, but they are also more dangerous. Who knows what they can summon.

But no matter what, everyone had some ideas, and the candidates who received the mission left one after another.

Morgan Lisa frowned as she walked out. Her main profession is Grand Arcanist, and she works part-time as an elementalist, but elemental magic can only be considered a part-time skill. Summoning a fire elemental elder is already the limit. Elemental creatures of this level have arrived. There are simply high-level soldiers on the battlefield, which is not enough to look at.

If you want to be in the top seven, the fire element elder cannot do it.

Fortunately, she had many friends, so she hurriedly sent a message to Murphy.

Morgan Lisa: Aidan, the first test mission of the Guardian has been released. It requires us to summon or create a summoned creature. Can you help us think of a solution?

Aidan: Are you summoning a creature? Haha, that’s a coincidence. I happen to have a perfect target, a Fire Demon Lord, the world’s third-level BOSS, which should meet your requirements.

Morgan Lisa was pleasantly surprised after hearing this, Lord of Fire? This thing is a big killer on the battlefield, so it is definitely enough.

But she immediately ran into trouble again.

Morgan Lisa: Summoning elemental creatures requires elemental essence as a sacrifice, right? If you want to summon the Fire Demon Lord, you must at least be at the level of [Heart of Elements]. This thing can only be exploded by lord-level elemental creatures. Now it has a price but no market, which is not easy to deal with.

Aidan: Don't worry, I just have a copy to play, and it's 100% able to produce the Heart of Elements. Come and assemble at my place.

So lucky? Morgan Lisa was so pleasantly surprised that she teleported away without hesitation.

Looking at the candidates leaving one after another, Antonidas smiled with satisfaction. The Guardian Plan was a brilliant move he came up with, and he was very proud of this plan.

Mages have great power, but are often too smart and selfish to give away their power and wealth easily.

Dalaran is a permanently neutral city. The mages who come here to study come from various kingdoms and forces. It is difficult for them to devote all their efforts to fighting for Dalaran.

There must be enough temptation. No matter who becomes the guardian in the end, at least this test will definitely add a large wave of defense power to Dalaran.

There are three tests like this, enough to gather Dalaran's strength to fight against the Scourge.

Suddenly, he frowned slightly.

An uninvited guest broke into the magical enchantment of the Violet Castle.

The visitor didn't seem to have any intention of hiding it. A raven slowly landed in front of Antonidas and transformed into the image of a mysterious wizard.

"Who are you? A mysterious wizard who dares to break into the Violet Castle. You'd better have a reason to convince me, otherwise - my magic will kill you..."

"Tear it into pieces, right? I understand, I understand." Medivh said calmly, "The world is about to be destroyed, the tide of darkness has descended again, the end of Dalaran is coming, and I have brought an opportunity for redemption. Here is the reason Is it enough?"

Antonidas looked at the strange attire of the person in front of him in amazement. He had some guesses in his heart, but he was not sure. After all, he had never seen Medivh.

"Please tell me carefully."

Half an hour later——

Damn it, these stupid mages have been blinded by their own power. They have been contented for too long and have completely forgotten the cruelty of this world.

Thinking that they can control everything with the power of magic, alas, their efforts will eventually turn into a futile struggle.

Medivh soared in the sky, looking at the brightly lit city of Dalaran, but there was no wonder or excitement in his heart. The huge legions and massive soldiers were meaningless to him. There was only prophecy and the power of fate. Only then can all the truth be revealed.

But this result has actually been expected. Mortals are only mortals after all, and they cannot see the truth of fate.

Maybe he really should listen to Aidan and go find the Prince of Alsace.

No matter what, there is always a glimmer of hope.

Medivh thought as he flew in the direction of Gilneas.

Rudy Town——

“Hail to our savior!

Ms. Gianna!

Prince of Alsace.

And our warrior Thrall! Oh yeah! "

"Oh yeah! Hats off to our heroes!"

The militiamen and the surviving townspeople let out deafening cheers. After a day and night of fierce fighting, they finally succeeded in conquering Rudy Town, rescuing the survivors, and completely eradicating the overflowing undead here.

Many surrounding towns were relieved of the threat of natural disasters.

At this time, people gathered in the town hall and cheered and paid tribute to the three heroes with cheers and wine.

All the militia captains and mercenaries who participated in the battle sincerely admired these three leaders. Although they were young, their strength and commanding ability completely surpassed that of their King Blaine.

The banquet was still going on, but the three of them secretly stayed on the balcony, looking at the night outside in trance.

"Okay Arthas, I haven't seen you for two years and your strength is getting stronger."

"And you Thrall, I didn't realize you were so strong. How about it? It feels pretty good." Jaina patted Thrall on the shoulder jokingly.

"haha, yes."

Thrall said, but his heart was extremely entangled. It was really ironic that he was an orc but became a human hero.

But I have to say that this feeling of saving the world was really good, so much so that for a while he almost forgot about his revenge for killing his father and his identity as the son of Durotan.

Suddenly, he raised his head as if feeling something. In the night, a black shadow slowly passed across the sky.

"What did you see?"

"It's nothing, it's probably just a bird."

Medivh looked at the three people below, using the power of stargazing to observe the fate of the three people, but there was a look of shock in his eyes.

He originally wanted to observe Prince Arthas to see if he had the potential of the prophesied child of destiny.

Unexpectedly, he felt the powerful power of destiny from all three of them.

Originally, he just had the mentality of giving it a try, but now he is completely convinced that any one of these three people has the potential to become the child of destiny.

When three children of destiny come together, they hit the jackpot.

"Aidan is right! Those who can save the world must be these three people." At this moment, he completely believed Murphy's words.

The only question now is, how to guide them to save the world?

Now that we have it, let’s use the Dreaming Technique to contact them first, but who should we contact first?

Medivh was originally worried about not being able to find the Children of Destiny, but now he is troubled because there are too many Children of Destiny.

Meanwhile - Alterac City:

"Hurry up Morgan Lisa, I'm waiting for you."

Looking at Morgan Lisa, who finally arrived, Murphy greeted loudly.

Morgan Lisa glanced at the people sitting in the palace and was immediately shocked. There were more than a dozen heroes gathered in the conference room in front of her, all of them were top-notch beings.

The last time I started was at the gold level.

There are also several adventurers, all of whom are the presidents of the top adventurer guilds. With such a luxurious lineup, what kind of dungeon are they trying to conquer?

She silently found a seat and sat down, feeling touched in her heart. Aidan was so kind to her and put so much effort into her mission!

She didn't know how to express her gratitude for a moment.

Murphy did not expect that Morgan Lisa would have so many inner activities.

This time in the dungeon strategy operation, he rarely showed the attitude of a professional player, not the King of Ancient Dragons.

He has scouted it before. Throne of the Wind God is a 250-player difficulty legion-level dungeon.

As the king of the wind element, Al'Akir is the weakest of the four elemental kings, but he is also a world-destroying first-level BOSS, and the difficulty is absolutely terrifying.

In the past, he would never dare to do it easily.

The biggest problem in playing dungeons in the past was the inability to enter the dungeon space in BOSS form. Although he was very strong in hero form, he lacked the crushing ability to control the overall situation.

But now that he has mastered the power of the two major powers, this is no longer a problem. With the power of the magic network to protect him, even if he cannot win, he is confident that he can escape unscathed.

The reason why they want to attack the Wind God Throne is of course not to help Morgan Lisa complete the task. The real purpose is to create authority.

Although Murphy is ready to use the sea of ​​brothers tactics to deal with the Lich King, you still need to be tough, and in the end, strength will speak for itself.

So his goal this time is to kill Al'Akir, the king of wind elements, seize the power of the storm, strengthen his storm authority, and prepare for the decisive battle with the Lich King.

On the other hand, he also promised to summon Laglios to the material plane.

To summon elemental creatures, you need elemental essence. To summon the Fire Demon Lord, you need a powerful elemental core. Killing Al'Akir can just give you a wave of materials.

Finally, this plan also has a third function, helping Morgan Lisa complete the first step of the Guardian mission.

It just so happens that her mission is to summon powerful summoned creatures.

It can be said that it kills three birds with one stone.

Although he was very confident in his own strength, in order to ensure nothing went wrong, Murphy still issued a summons order to summon a group of the most powerful heroes and adventurers to fight together.

Nowadays, the power of the Ancient Dragon King has been known to the world, coupled with the series of names created by Mo Fei in the past, Alterac Lord Protector, Storm Dragon, Ancient Dragon King... his appeal can be said to be perfect.

So when they heard that Mo Fei wanted to open up the Wind God Throne, people immediately responded.

Murphy even had to pick and choose, and finally selected twelve heroes. Counting the four disaster dragons and himself, there were seventeen heroes in total.

In addition, there is a group of top adventurer players to fill the remaining population gap.

Although adventurers are not as powerful as heroes, the good thing is that they are not afraid of death. Some tasks that require death can be left to adventurers.

Now, it's time to lay out tactics.

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