Part-time BOSS

Chapter 571 Four Gods Unite

Just when Murphy was observing the abyss fleet, the abyss fleet also discovered the Storm Dragon King fleet.

"Lord Ner'zhul... found an alliance fleet, flying the four-winged dragon flag... do you want... do you want..."

The orc sailor asked fearfully to Ner'zhul, who was suspended on the bridge, causing Ner'zhul, who was meditating in the void, to slowly open his eyes.

He has changed his appearance this morning. He has continuously absorbed the void power of the ancient gods, causing his body to undergo huge changes uncontrollably.

The originally muscular body of the orc is now extremely bloated and deformed. His body is covered with eyeballs and black and purple blood vessels. Twisted tentacles extend from between the arms, and his two legs have transformed into huge squirming muscles. The attached feet and the whole body are shrouded in a layer of void force field that looks like substance. The entire shape is twisted and disgusting and terrifying.

Ner'zhul could sense the fear and hidden disgust in the orcs' men.

In fact, even he himself hated the current ugly appearance. From a traditional orc's aesthetic point of view, this honorable suit could not be called beautiful.

Even among the abyss orcs who generally have crooked and deformed appearances, they are still the most ugly ones.

Orcs worship muscles and strength, and a strong body full of power. However, the body in front of them can only be described as terrifying and grotesque. Although it is strong, it has nothing to do with beauty, and there is absolutely nothing disturbing about it. A place of wonder and admiration.

But it's all worth it. Compared with the power you gain, being ugly is nothing.

Ner'zhul comforted himself in this way.

Moreover, when his plan is completed, when he obtains the power of all the ancient gods, gathers the power of the void into one body, and becomes the incarnation of the void, then he can freely shape this body of flesh and blood, and whatever appearance he wants. It can be pinched out.

Ignoring the fearful expression on the orc sailor's face, Ner'zhul said calmly in a strange voice, "Let me see."

He looked in the direction of the sailor's finger, and Ner'zhul thought - Eye of the Void!

A huge purple eyeball appeared out of thin air above his head, quickly zooming in on the distant scene and taking in all his sights.

"It turned out to be him! Edendron, the king of ancient dragons, defeated Gul'dan's humans!"

Ner'zhul was a little surprised that he and this guy always seemed to run into each other.

"Do you want to take action, Master?" Gujar asked eagerly on the side.

Ner'zhul shook his head, "No, there is no need to make matters worse. Stay alert. As long as they don't attack, we shouldn't take the initiative to attack."

Ner'zhul said with a sinister smile. He was very interested in this ancient dragon king. He teamed up with the Centaur King to fight him to a draw, and now he was able to defeat Gul'dan. The opponent's strength must be different. Normally, I am one step away from perfection, so there is no need to take risks.

Sooner or later, the Ancient Dragon King will pay the price for his rudeness to him.

But not now, he has obtained the power of the three ancient gods. As long as he takes the last one, he will be invincible. By that time, no one can fight against him.

The two fleets just drifted away and disappeared from each other's sight.

As soon as Ner'zhul withdrew his gaze, a deep voice sounded from behind him.

"You let that human go? Why? Why didn't you launch an attack? Don't you have a grudge against that Aidan?"

Ner'zhul glanced at Deathwing. In human form, his whole body was shrouded in the shadow of the void. His eyes were no longer as bright as hot lava, but as dark as the densest night sky.

His expression seemed unpredictable, but Ner'zhul caught a hint of emotion.

"You have a problem with that human?"

"Hmph, it's just an old hatred. It means nothing in front of the master's great cause."

Of course, Deathwing is full of hatred. He still remembers how he was possessed and played with by others. Even his son Nefarian died in the hands of the other party.

Of course he didn't care about Nefarian's life or death, but he had to pay the price for playing with the Black Dragon King's dignity.

But the hatred in his heart had to give in to the master's plan. The power of the void healed the wounds on his body and completely eroded his heart.

Although the former Deathwing was evil and crazy, he still maintained the dignity of the Dragon King, trying to fight against the whispers in his ears and the will of the abyss all the time.

But now, he has completely become a slave of the void.

"Haha, that's good. We will arrive in Ny'alotha soon. The essence of the ancient gods has finally been gathered. I think your master can't wait for this great gift."

Deathwing did not answer. His dark eyes looked into the distance. A huge roar came from the front. The whirlpool had arrived!

The fleet stopped in the vast fog and looked for the edge of the large whirlpool. A strange island appeared in front of the fleet.

The island is not big, but it is inevitably covered with jagged rocks, standing on the edge of the large whirlpool. Between the black mountains in the center of the inverted island, you can vaguely see a dark cave leading to the ground.

Over there is a secret entrance to the bottom of the sea.

When he accepted the call of the abyss, it was here that he met the ancient god N'Zoth who gave him the Blade of Xal'atath, the Dark Empire.

Now that my mission has finally been completed, it’s time to deliver the ‘mission’.

"Cho'gall, you stay here with the fleet, you guys - follow me."

Ner'zhul, Deathwing, and a group of Ner'zhul's most powerful abyss priests followed him towards the dark underground cave.

The dark tunnel is sticky and slippery. The rock walls of the cave are covered with black-green mucus. The weird protruding stalagmites are like biological tissue. Walking in this tunnel leading to the underground is like walking in the body of a monster. Inside the body, it was heading towards the bottomless stomach of the monster.

Several abyss priests exchanged glances with each other.

Players who have been able to follow Ner'zhul to this point are basically the hardcore type, either fans of horror novels or experts in horror games.

The strange scene in front of them not only did not make them sick to their stomachs, but instead made them all extremely excited.

"Let me go, this passage has such an atmosphere. The cave walls, the smell, and the decoration are so special."

"Yes, yes, it feels like exploring the Cthulhu mythology. Hey, did you hear the whispers of the ancient gods?"

"What a whisper, I didn't hear it."

"Tch, he looks like a nonsensical guy at first glance, but I heard it all. I was so excited that I even got goosebumps."

"If anyone has a psychic potion, please give me a bottle. I want to hear it too."

Ner'zhul ignored the whispers of his men. At this moment, his ears were filled with the whispers of N'Zoth.

The voice was sometimes low, sometimes whispering, sometimes full of terrifying thoughts, sometimes with a seductive whisper.

Those whispers were meaningless, no words could be heard at all, but they seemed to be communicating intimately with him and touching his soul.

Disturbing his mind, tempting his inner desires, and intimidating his will.

But Ner'zhul was extremely determined. Along the way, he had experienced so many hardships and obstacles and defeated so many terrible enemies. Nothing could shake his determination.

Control power, rather than be controlled by power. He learned this crucial lesson on the first day he became a priest of Shadowmoon.

Suddenly there was a moment of enlightenment before my eyes.

The deep tunnel finally reached its end.

What appeared before everyone's eyes was an extremely spectacular and majestic city.

From where they were, the city was extremely large, filled with grotesque megalithic buildings, weird pyramids, towering obelisks, city walls and temples engraved with strange words, making it dizzying to see.

The dark red sky makes it difficult to tell whether this is the bottom of the sea or hell.

The towering obelisk is covered with strange symbols and texts, and no one can understand its meaning.

This city seems to be deserted, but if you look closely, you can see crawling tentacles and limbs, twisted lives, and nameless creatures full of eyeballs wandering between the lifeless buildings. and in the shadows.

The whole city seemed alive.

And deep in the city, in a huge lake made of blood and lava, a behemoth like a mountain loomed in sight.

The sleeping city of Ny'alotha!

Everyone was deeply shocked!

The players even started taking photos in a hurry.

This is a mysterious map that no one has ever set foot on. Every photo can be used as a promotional poster for a horror movie.

When the group of people walked through the deserted streets and came to the lakeside under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes in the dark, they finally met the owner of the city.

The mountain-like ancient god opened its thousands of eyes and shook its thousands of tentacles. The huge thoughts made everyone breathless. Just a look made everyone seem to freeze.

However, this did not include Ner'zhul. Ner'zhul and the largest eyeball in the middle of N'Zoth's body looked at each other without fear.

N'Zoth (Old God): "Ner'zhul, you are finally here. You did a good job. I feel the huge void essence in your body, C'Thun, Y'Shaarj, Yogg-Saron, that's right. , you have obtained the essence of those ancient traitors, you are worthy of being my chosen one.

It seems that giving Xalatath the Blade of the Dark Empire was the right choice. "

Ner'zhul bowed slightly and saluted: "Of course it is correct. I have brought back their essence according to the task you gave me."

N'Zoth (Old God): "Then, give these essences to me, and I will give you powerful power, endless knowledge, and the secrets hidden deep in the void..."

Ner'zhul showed a cruel smile, "No need N'Zoth, I will get it myself.

As soon as he finished speaking, the power of void in his body was instantly released, and the powerful energy field instantly dimmed the surrounding light.

N'Zoth (Old God): "Ignorant orcs, you have no idea what a great existence you are facing. Do you think you can be fearless after defeating those weak traitors? I will make you understand. It's visceral terror.

In this awakening city of Ny'alotha, you have no hope. Come out, my servants, come out, my retinues. "

Countless twisted monsters emerged from the surrounding buildings.

Those are the Faceless Men, twisted monsters bred by the ancient gods from their own flesh and blood. They all have heads and faces similar to octopuses.

Some are tens of meters tall, with shells covered with spikes on their backs and a pair of huge crab claws.

Some are about as tall as humans, but have tentacle-like limbs, like soft-footed animals that have grown into human shapes.

They grumbled inarticulately and swarmed towards Ner'zhul and his followers.

"Stop them!" Ner'zhul immediately ordered.

The players immediately cast void magic and summoned an invisible barrier to surround them.

Ner'zhul, however, floated directly into the air and flew towards N'Zoth.

Without any fancy magic or sorcery, he directly gathered the power of the void in his body, and the phantom of C'Thun appeared behind him.

C'Thun's Death Gaze!

C'Thun's huge shadow appeared behind him, and C'Thun's huge eyeball shot out a purple eye ridge.

N'Zoth's largest eyeball also shot out a purple eye ridge.

The two void energies collided together and silently annihilated each other.

The raging power of the void poured out of Ner'zhul's body like crazy, but N'Zoth was also extremely powerful, especially in Ny'alotha, his city.

And its physical strength has an absolute advantage.

Countless tentacles swept towards Ner'zhul.

But Ner'zhul immediately released a second magic.

Yogg-Saron's Wheel of Fortune!

The violent magic was instantly awakened, and all kinds of powerful magic began to be automatically released in the air around him.

Although it could not cause fatal damage, it successfully disrupted N'Zoth's rhythm and repelled the incoming tentacles.

boom! The void barrier summoned by those abyss priests was finally broken, and the faceless men surged towards Ner'zhul like a tide.

But Ner'zhul still didn't panic, and the void energy was released, turning into a dark mist that looked like substance.

The Demonic Mist of Y'Shaarj!

The dark mist spread in all directions, and the faceless men instantly fell into madness. Their eyes glowed bloodthirsty red, and their flesh and blood began to collide and violently kill and devour each other. Flesh and blood flew everywhere for a while.

The priests of the abyss were all affected. They could barely maintain their orcish appearance, but now their flesh and blood swelled and they joined the monsters fighting each other.

"Master - don't."

The players screamed in horror, but Ner'zhul ignored them. He had already sacrificed too much for this moment, so it wouldn't hurt to sacrifice a few more.

At this moment, the scene was in chaos. Only Deathwing stood there as if it had nothing to do with him, watching the fighting around him.

"Deathwing, kill him!" N'Zoth let out a terrifying whisper.

"Deathwing, don't interfere. I can give you whatever he can give you." Ner'zhul yelled.

Continuing to pour the power of the void into C'Thun's phantom, the power of the void eye becomes stronger.

Deathwing had no intention of moving at all, "Don't worry about me, I will only serve my master."

Ner'zhul was stunned for a moment. Isn't Deathwing's master N'Zoth?

But the battle left him no time to think about it.

The power of the void was released crazily. N'Zoth's one eye could not stare at C'Thun's super big eye. The collision point of the void eye rim kept moving towards N'zoth's body.

Getting closer, getting closer.

N'Zoth's thousands of tentacles danced crazily, and thousands of eyes opened and closed crazily.

But facing the powerful power of these three gods, they can only watch death approaching.

N'Zoth (Old God): "No, Ner'zhul... you have been deceived... stop... or you will-"

boom! The scorching flames burned N'Zoth's mountain-like body, and his flesh and blood turned into charcoal under the heat of the dragon's flames.

Deathwing finally took action, but the target was not Ner'zhul, but N'Zoth.

It transformed into a dark dragon, spitting out the wild flames unscrupulously, as if venting the anger that N'Zoth had whispered in its ears for thousands of years.

N'Zoth finally couldn't resist Ner'zhul's power, and the void eye pierced through its huge one-eye, penetrating its huge mountainous body.

Ner'zhul was overjoyed. He didn't have time to think too much and immediately began to absorb the void purification in N'Zoth's body.

"Give me your power, your flesh and blood, your essence, come into my body and become one with me!"

The power of the void was frantically extracted from N'Zoth's body and injected into Ner'zhul's body.

N'Zoth (Old God): "You idiot... you were... used..."

The voice became intermittent and became softer and softer.

His huge mountain-like body gradually shriveled up, and his flesh and blood lost their vivid color, turning into black ashes and disappearing into thin air.

When the last eye slowly closed, N'Zoth was finally dead.

Maybe it will regenerate after tens of millions of years, but at least for now, it has lost its body and strength.

"Hahahaha, I finally succeeded! I obtained all the power of the void, and I captured all the ancient gods. Now I am the real god, and I am - the will of the void!"

While Ner'zhul was excited, his body suddenly swelled.

There was something about to stir within his body, and the violent force of the void seemed to tear his body apart and explode.

"No, what the hell is going on, obey me! I have obtained the power of all the ancient gods, why-"

Ner'zhul struggled to suppress the swollen and deformed left arm back to its normal size, but the power of the void immediately moved towards his right arm.

His body was constantly changing forms, and the endless power of the void was unbearable for his body, and there was a risk of self-explosion at any time.

"No, you have not obtained the power of all the ancient gods. There are not only four ancient gods, but five. There is also an ancient god-Xalatas. You have not yet obtained its power. Because of this , your body will not be able to achieve balance."

"Xal'atath? But it's dead." Ner'zhul said angrily. The Blade of Xal'atath, the Dark Empire, was made from the remains of Xal'atath.

Deathwing said calmly: "The Ancient God will never truly die. The reason why it cannot be resurrected is because its heart was taken away and sealed. As long as the Heart of Xalatath is released, Sara's Tarth's power will be reunited.

Only by absorbing Xal'atath's void essence can you truly become the incarnation of the void. "

Ner'zhul asked in confusion, "Where can I find the Heart of Xal'atath?"

"The city in the sky - Kamyatra, is a city belonging to the ancient dragon clan. Is the heart of Xalatas sealed deep in the city?"

Castle in the Sky! Ner'zhul suddenly thought, "Then go and rob, go and rob." No, he suddenly felt something was wrong. Why was everything so coincidental?

It seems that there is an invisible hand of fate driving everything.

He originally thought that the voice he came into contact with in the dark abyss was N'Zoth, but now he found that it didn't seem like it.

"How do you know this?"

Deathwing replied with a smile: "Is this important?"

This smile made Ner'zhul feel like he was being calculated.

"Say, I am your master, and you must tell the truth."

"As you wish my 'master', before being corrupted by the curse of the ancient gods, I was once a member of the ancient dragons. When the invasion of the ancient gods was defeated, Xal'atath was killed by the dragon god. Its heart is also sealed.

The Dragon God once foresaw everything in the future. The powers of the ancient gods would merge into one and become the will of the void. In order to stop this, he ordered his most loyal subordinates to bring the Heart of Xalatath to the Sky. The city was sealed.

If you want to obtain the final power of the ancient gods and truly become the will of the void, then you must capture the Heart of Xal'atath. "

Ner'zhul felt the violent void power in his body and knew that he had no choice at all.

If he cannot tame the power of void within his body, he must suppress this power all the time.

"Then so be it, Deathwing - take me to the Sky City!"

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