Part-time BOSS

Chapter 574 The Call of Destiny

Murphy's troops were quickly assembled. The Dragon Knights had always used a strategy of elite troops, and the size of the troops was not large. Even if they were deployed this time, they would only have more than 5,000 troops.

There are 1,000 dragon-riding sky patrollers, 1,000 dragon-equipped heavy cavalry, 1,000 dragon-blooded giant warriors, 500 storm priests. In addition, there are 2,000 dragon knights as a reserve force.

Considering that the Sky City is in the sky, Murphy is not prepared to bring all the troops there, but since the guardian dragons have brought a large number of ground troops there, Murphy must make more plans.

Even if it's just to support the scene, he still needs to bring some. In addition, he must explain to other leaders about his departure.

Murphy came to the coalition headquarters halfway up the mountain. At this moment, the leaders of the three major camps and almost all the heroes who came to participate in the war gathered here.

Mo Fei walked through the crowd, came to the sand table, and went directly to Emperor Shenwu.

"Brother Shenwu, lend me two of your airships."

Emperor Shenwu was a little surprised, "Why do you want an airship?"

Mo Fei said lightly: "To fight against Archimonde, our current strength alone is not enough. A more powerful force must intervene. I already have a feasible plan, but it requires several flying vehicles." Come transport troops to complete an important mission."

The master of deceit activates——

Of course, Murphy's words were not meant for Emperor Shenwu, but for other plot characters in the headquarters. Now that the army is approaching, he has to find some excuse to leave.

Otherwise, I won’t be able to explain it in face.

Besides, he wasn't lying. If Murphy could really ascend to the Dragon God, then he was completely confident that he could do it alone with just Archimonde.

Malfurion couldn't help being shocked when he heard this, "Sir Aidan, you want to leave? Why, isn't the power of the Ancient Dragon King enough?"

Murphy shook his head, "Not enough! Archimonde is far more powerful and dangerous than you think. He has conquered countless worlds in these ten thousand years, and his power has grown far beyond yours." I can't imagine that his power far exceeds any enemy we have faced in the past. Even the Lich King Gul'dan is just a tool of the Burning Legion, so I must go on this trip. This is the only way. , Only then can we have full confidence in achieving the final victory.”

Everyone's expressions were a little solemn. As the King of Ancient Dragons, Mo Fei spoke with a convincing momentum. Originally, everyone was very confident about beating up Archimonde, but when Mo Fei said this, they all felt a little unsure. stand up.

Emperor Shenwu secretly sent a private message to Murphy.

Emperor Shenwu: Brother Aidan, are you telling the truth?

Aidan: Of course it's true. The Lich King is so difficult to defeat, but it's not like you haven't beaten it before. He's only the second level of Destruction. Archimonde has already reached the fourth level of Destruction.

Emperor Shenwu (King of the Centaurs): "Okay Aidan, I'll lend you three airships. Go back quickly. If you come back late, be careful that Archimonde will be destroyed by me alone. You won't be able to drop the equipment when the time comes." That’s enough.”

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "Hahaha, for sure, don't worry, brother Shenwu, I won't miss a battle like Archimonde's."

After speaking, he looked at Godwin again, spreading his hands with an expression of "you understand".

Godwin had no choice but to say, "Okay, I can lend you my Holy Light, but don't break it. That thing cost me a lot of money."

Mo Fei naturally agreed.

With these three airships and the empty ship Holy Light, it is almost enough.

As for the ruthless sword, forget it. Although the orcs also have airships, they are all cheating products made by goblin engineering. They might explode while flying. He doesn't want to give away the troops he has worked so hard to save.

The Holy Light airship can carry 500 people, and the three airships can each carry 200 people. The total strength of 1,100 troops is enough.

Murphy immediately mobilized his troops and prepared to set off. He brought 800 dragon-blooded giant warriors, led by Asona, 200 storm priests, led by Angus, and 1,000 dragon-riding sky patrollers, led by the four disaster dragons. , and brought Vivian Yege with him to provide assistance.

As for the other heroes he knew, Murphy didn't bring any of them. The battle in Sky City is very crucial and very private. Players will not worry even if they are familiar with him. Only these heroes and soldiers that he can fully control can Absolute trust.

As for the remaining troops, Murphy handed them all to Roland's leadership and stayed at the camp on Mount Hyjal to prepare for the war.

After loading the ground troops into airships and airships, and escorted by a thousand dragon-riding sky patrollers, Murphy immediately took his expeditionary force and flew into the sky.

The ancient dragon's wisdom records the location and coordinates of the Sky City, so Mo Fei does not need to search for it deliberately.

Like a familiar road, it points directly to the unfamiliar sea area in the west of the Kalimdor continent.

Looking at the airship and the army of dragon knights that were gradually moving away, everyone was speechless. The biggest thigh was missing before the fight started, which was not good.

The atmosphere was somewhat heavy.

Emperor Shenwu comforted everyone.

Emperor Shenwu (King of the Centaur): "Don't worry, Aidan will come back sooner or later. A BOSS as big as Archimonde and a plot event of the level of the Holy War on Mount Hyjal are probably rare to encounter once in three to five years. I know very well how difficult it is for legendary heroes to advance, and he will never miss it.”

Ba Dao Qing Wu (tribal chief): "You're right. Besides, what if we don't have Aidan? We have so many heroes here, there are only five or six legendary heroes, and there is only Archimonde. I think it can be treated as a wild hero." Just beat the BOSS, let’s just form a group of heroes, use the tank to heal and add DPS to pump hard, and that’s it.”

Godwin (King of Holy Light): "Hahaha, that's good. I will be responsible for increasing the health when the time comes. Which of you will be the main tank?"

As soon as these words came out, the room fell silent for a moment.

The Lich King can kill people, but Archimonde... Who the hell would dare?

This game is not like those pure numerical games in the past. It has a beheading setting. As big as Archimonde, I am afraid that even a small mountain can be flattened with one fist. All kinds of evil magic are not the same. Just kidding.

Everyone looked at each other in shock, no one wanted to make this move.

Finally someone couldn't stand it anymore.

Furious Gandalf (Battle Mage): "Damn, they are a bunch of cowards. One Archimonde scares them away. How can you survive fighting Sargeras from now on? If no one comes, then I will be the main tank!" "

Morgan Lisa (Grand Arcanist): "But you are a mage?"

Furious Gandalf (battle mage): "So what if you are a mage? I will let you know what a true melee mage is!"

Lord Voldemort (Shadow Mage): "You'd better stop blabbering. I think it's better to let the NPC be the main tank. By the way, didn't Cenarius say he was resurrected? Let him tank Archimonde. This guy is a Demigod, his blood is very thick.”

The players were noisy, but Tyrande pulled Malfurion aside.

Tyrande: "My dear, maybe we should consider 'that' plan proposed by Emperor Shenwu."

Malfurion hesitated for a while, "But - it shouldn't be the case. With so many heroes gathered here, no matter how powerful Archimonde is, he can't be our opponent. Besides, the teacher has been resurrected. If he takes action, …”

Malfurion didn't say the second half of the sentence, mainly because he had too high hopes for Cenarius last time, and he was dying before he even reached the battlefield, which made him feel a little unsure.

Tyrande said, "Are you prepared? If the World Tree is destroyed and the power of the Well of Eternity is controlled by Archimonde, then everything will be over."

Malfurion hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded, "Okay, I will prepare everything. If the coalition forces really can't resist, I will summon the ancient elves to join the battle, but I don't think this will be used." plan."


The sky was filled with dragons, like a moving dark cloud.

The sound of dragon wings flapping the air was like a storm, and the scales of thousands of giant dragons flashed with colorful lights in the sun.

It's like a gorgeous aerial performance.

This is the sky above the Endless Sea. After the failure of the conflict with the Storm Dragon King, after a few months, the dragon army finally set out collectively again.

Although the guardian dragons suffered heavy losses in the previous conflicts, especially the death of a large number of ancient dragons, which caused a lot of losses to the dragon army's strength, after all, the family's great cause and great heritage still existed. At this time, all the troops were dispatched, and several The scene of thousands of dragons swarming in action is extremely spectacular.

There are not only a huge air force, but also a large number of ground troops. The Blue Dragon clan uses magic to create a large number of floating force fields, carrying a large number of orc warriors and dragon guards, like invisible spaceships, flying among the dragons. Followed behind, being dragged forward by the dragons in the air.

And flying at the front of the legion are naturally the five guardian dragons.

Ysera (Green Dragon Queen): "The City in the Sky is in this direction. We should be there soon. Alas, I haven't returned to this hometown for a long time."

Alexstrasza (Red Dragon Queen): "Yes, it seems like it was a lifetime ago, Nozdormu - since we left the Sky City, how long have we not returned to Kamyatra?"

Nozdormu (Bronze Dragon King): "Thirty-six thousand, seven hundred and twenty-four years, nine months and eighteen days."

Nozdormu is indeed the guardian of time, and he blurts out precise numbers.

"It's been more than 30,000 years. The storm there must have dissipated." Alexstrasza said uncertainly.

The dragons flew higher and higher, gradually getting away from the ground, and continued to climb toward high altitudes, as if they were about to enter space.

Flying higher and higher, the clouds were constantly being thrown downward, and finally entered a calm and windless airspace.

(Coming soon!)

Did the first generation dragon kings think so.

Another cloud layer passed through, and suddenly, a huge storm suddenly appeared in front of the dragons.

The storm was so huge that it covered most of the field of vision, appearing in front of us like a sky and the sun. The dark storm went straight into the sky and connected with the dark sky. The thick clouds made the sky look like a deep hell, red. The lightning flashed silently in it, containing terrifying power.

Kalecgos exclaimed, "Oh my God, that is!"

As a 'young' dragon king who was 'only' more than 20,000 years old, this was the first time for him to see such a spectacular sight.

The Red Dragon Queen let out an annoyed roar, "Damn it, the storm is still there!"

"What's going on with this storm?"

Faced with Morpheus's inquiry, Alexstrasza explained helplessly.

“The sky city of Kamyatra, the hometown of the ancient dragon clan, and the residence of the dragon god, is in the depths of the storm.

More than 30,000 years ago, the power of the Dragon God surrounded the city. When the city was in danger, the storm barrier surrounding the city would be automatically activated. It was a direct manifestation of the Dragon God's power, and the It is a destructive force originating from before the birth of the universe.

When the Sky City was attacked by the ancient gods from outside the world, the Dragon God led us to fight against the ancient god Xalatath and activated the power of this storm. Later, the Dragon God fell, but the storm remained. , it will automatically attack all life forms except ancient dragons. I originally thought that this power had already faded in these tens of thousands of years, but I didn’t expect that there would be no change at all. "

Morpheus couldn't help but feel shocked after hearing this. Is this the power of gods?

"Can't we force our way through? How powerful is the dragon thunder in the storm?"

Alexstrasza thought for a moment, "Of course you can force it through, but that will inevitably cause heavy casualties, especially the young dragons..."

Alexstrasza looked worriedly at the group of dragons behind him. The power of the dragon thunder could be barely tolerated by an adult dragon. Although it was also dangerous, as long as he was not too unlucky and was hit continuously, he could still rely on his strong physique. He had to force his way through, but an ordinary young dragon would probably die if it was hit by a dragon thunder.

The young dragon is not much better. At most, a few dragon thunder shots are enough to kill him.

Not to mention those orcs and dragon soldiers standing on the floating force field.

If this large army forced its way through, I'm afraid they would lose at least half of their strength.

Nowadays, the Dragon Legion is no longer what it used to be. The heavy casualties caused by several consecutive conflicts have greatly damaged the strength of the Dragon Legion. The current legion has already accounted for 70% of the strength of the five dragon legions. Young dragons and young dragons They are all the successors of the Dragon Legion, and the loss is also very distressing.

After this operation is over, I am afraid that I will have to spend some time to have children.

Kalecgos (King of the Blue Dragon): "Morpheus, are you really sure of ascending to the Dragon God? If you fail, the lives of countless compatriots will be wasted..."

Not only will there be heavy casualties in the process of entering, but the interior of the Sky City may also be full of dangers. There will be a battle after entering. If the Ascension Dragon God is okay, if it is not possible to ascend, then you will have to go through some twists and turns when you come out.

It would be fine if we succeeded in consuming so many troops, but if we failed, we would lose all our money.

"I can definitely succeed, and I must succeed! This is my destined mission!"

Morpheus said decisively.

Ysera was a little confused: "Why do you have to be so desperate? Are you willing to give up even the responsibility of protecting this world? Maybe we can discuss it in the long term..."

Ysera was very opposed to this plan. She had planted the World Tree with her own hands, and she had carefully cared for it. She had watched the World Tree grow, and she had the closest relationship with the night elves.

Now that the demon army is approaching the city, she has to leave the World Tree and come to the Sky City, a place that makes her feel sad and scared.

At this time, facing the threat of the dragon thunder storm, he was the first to retreat.

Mo Fei suddenly smiled, and his smile was extremely cold. He seemed to be explaining to the four dragon kings, and he seemed to be mumbling to himself.

"Protect this world? Haha, that is just an empty slogan and a false lie.

You have all been deceived. You know nothing about the truth of this world. This so-called world is nothing more than an invisible cage. We are all prisoners in this prison, without exception.

Do you think you are fighting against the devil? Fight against the evil god? Against the elemental lords? Fight against those terrifying entities that threaten the safety of this world?

No, your enemies are far more than that, they are more terrifying than you imagine, they are everywhere, they cannot be defeated, even if they are killed ten thousand times, they will come back again, they are not afraid of death, there is no Mercy, no mercy, and most of the time, you can't even notice they're there.

This battlefield is destined to fail, and in the end you will have nothing, only lies and despair.

This world will be completely destroyed, in the most brutal way.

Do you think the losses suffered by the Dragon Legion in the past few years were a tragedy? No, the real tragedy has not happened yet, but it will be soon, soon...

No one can stop this from happening - except me, and only me.

So I must get the power of the Dragon God! "

The four guardian dragons exchanged glances with each other. Morpheus's words made them a little confused, but they also felt a shudder. The terrifying truth hidden in those words seemed to be very close, but they could not break through it.

Ysera whispered: "Then we don't have to act at this time. First help the night elves defeat the demon army, and then--"

"No, we only have this one chance. Don't forget, the Ancient Dragon King Aidandron is also trying to seize the power of the Dragon God. He is constantly increasing his own strength and gaining more authority. Once he succeeds, we will lose the last hope.

Only now, attracted by the Burning Legion, will he stop. Only then will we have the opportunity to complete the prophecy first. This is our only chance.

You have all heard the prophecy. The storm of doomsday is coming, and no one will be spared. Only the Dragon God can save the world, and for this only hope, no matter how big a sacrifice you make, it is worth it, no matter whether you or not Follow me and I will continue to move forward. Even if I am the only one left, I will complete my mission. "

Morpheus's voice was filled with an indescribable determination. He did not wait for the replies of the four dragon kings, and roared directly at the dragons behind him.

Morpheus (Black Dragon King): "Black Dragon Legion - Advance!"

The Black Dragon Legion responded with a burst of dragon roars, and then, under the leadership of Morpheus, flew towards the huge storm.

"Nozdormu, is what he said true?"

Although she hated her brother who liked to make secrets, Alexstrasza couldn't help but ask.

Nozdormu did not answer, but turned around and let out a dragon roar before flying directly into the storm.

"It seems we have no choice." Alexstrasza sighed, and also roared commands to the dragons behind him, followed by Ysera.

The dragons responded one after another, following their king and flying into the unfathomable terrifying storm.

Keep moving forward.

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