Part-time BOSS

Chapter 585: The Curse of the Well of Eternity (Additional update for the Alliance Leader, Heroic He

While the battle between the heroes on the ground and Archimonde was in full swing, in the sky, a storm dragonfly was slowly flying across the battlefield, flying silently through the forest.

On the back of the storm dragon, three mini-figures only half a meter tall looked at the battle below with solemn expressions.

"They are at war with Archimonde! Maybe we should help them!" Thrall couldn't help but said.

Jaina shook her head, "They have no chance of winning. Only we can save the world! Don't look, the World Tree is ahead!"

Arthas also agreed: "Jaina is right. Didn't the crow sage say that we are the only ones chosen by fate? Look!"

The majestic World Tree came into view for the three of them. It was over a thousand meters high and reached into the sky.

The huge shadow cast by the canopy of the towering giant tree also allowed the three people to sneak in unnoticed.

The Storm Dragon swooped down and landed on the grass at the foot of the World Tree. The three people on its back jumped off one after another.

As Jaina dispelled the shrinking magic on the three of them, the three returned to normal human size.

"Hurry up, we don't have much time to waste, the Well of Eternity is here."

Jaina quickly came to the foot of the World Tree, and in the shadow covered by the huge root system, there was a charming arcane light.

Alsace looked around warily, "It's strange, there are no guards here?"

Jaina explained, "It's not surprising that the night elves regard magic as poison and believe that the Well of Eternity is a curse. They believe that this power will corrode the soul and bring despair and disaster. They are not willing to get close to it at all. Besides, they also want to He tried his best to prevent the Well of Eternity from being discovered, so he would not deliberately place guards at all. Anyway, no one knew that there was such a place under the World Tree.

If Illidan hadn't revealed this secret, even we wouldn't have known about it. "

Jaina said as she walked briskly towards the lower part of the spreading stem. When the three of them walked into the shadows and entered under the World Tree, they finally saw the scale of the Well of Eternity clearly.

The area of ​​the Well of Eternity is not large, about the same diameter as the World Tree, but it is extremely deep. The lake sparkling with arcane light can't be seen to the bottom at a glance, like a bottomless abyss.

Looking towards the bottom of the lake, it feels like facing the sea.

"I can feel the energy contained in this lake. My God, it is so vast, so deep, and so powerful. If those old men in Dalaran knew about it, they would be jealous of me. The power of the Sunwell is as powerful as eternity. There is no comparison to the well."

Jaina's whole body was shaking with excitement, and her eyes were shining.

Having so many adventures with Aidan also made her full of yearning and hope for power.

Only with strong power can you control the world! Lord Aidan, you taught me this, now let me surpass you!

Jaina took out the Titan relic with great expectation.

Thrall was a little worried, "Jaina, are you sure you want to do this?"

Arthas was also a little nervous: "Yes, Jaina, can you really withstand such a powerful energy?"

Jaina rolled her eyes at the two of them, "Not sure, but do you have any better ideas? Besides, I can use the magic network to build an arcane circuit to store the absorbed energy. Don't worry! Since Aegwynn can, I That’s okay!”

She said she was confident, but the flickering eyes betrayed her inner nervousness.

But the arrow has to be fired when it is on the string. This opportunity may only come once in a lifetime.

Jaina pointed the Mirror of Norgannon at the Well of Eternity.

Suddenly activate this ancient Titan artifact.

Buzz! A ripple immediately appeared on the lake, and the water shimmered and swirled, forming a huge vortex.

The surging arcane energy was instantly separated from the lake water and poured into Jaina's body crazily. The disk shone again, and Jaina was also glowing.

Her long golden hair danced wildly in the wind, and her robes rustled. She was surrounded by a huge vortex of arcane energy. The powerful energy fluctuations made Arthas and Thrall retreat, unable to even open their eyes. open.

"Such a powerful power, yes, that's it!" Jaina shouted excitedly and with some fear, her eyes filled with blue magic light.

Energy continued to pour into her body, her little feet left the ground, and her body slowly floated.

The influx of arcane energy became stronger and stronger, and even formed a visible energy flow, completely linking her to the Well of Eternity.

"Jaina, your face!" Thrall suddenly exclaimed.

Arthas also noticed that there was a crack-like wound on Jaina's white porcelain doll-like skin, and arcane energy shone with dark blue light from the crack.

Although it is very shallow, it is clearly visible.

"Stop, you will collapse!" Thrall yelled.

"No, it's not enough. I haven't absorbed the power of the Well of Eternity yet. I can still persist!"

Jaina shouted stubbornly, and her voice seemed to echo.

Arthas and Thrall looked into the lake together. The arcane energy in the lake was still surging and had not diminished at all.

God knows how much arcane energy is contained in the Well of Eternity. If this continues, sooner or later he will explode and die.

"Stop it! Now!" Alsace yelled.

Jaina turned a deaf ear, but she was a bit ruthless. The more critical moments came to this, the more determined she became. In order to gain strength, she was willing to risk everything.

With the influx of magic power, even her skin gradually began to glow, turning into a translucent blue, and her brilliant blond hair turned into a blue-purple due to the rendering of magic power. There were more and more cracks on her face, and they gradually appeared. Full body.

"Damn it!" Arthas suddenly roared and grabbed the edge of the Mirror of Norgannon.

Sal saw it and pushed forward, grabbing the mirror from the other side.

Suddenly, arcane energy began to pour into the two bodies.

This reduced the energy pouring into Jaina's body, and finally allowed her to regain some sanity.

"Damn, what are you two doing? Let go, you don't know magic, you will die if you continue like this!" Jaina shouted anxiously.

"If you want to die, let's die together!"

"That's right, we can't let you take risks alone as a girl!"

"Hell!" Seeing the cracks appearing on their faces, as if they were about to explode and die at any time, Jaina finally decided to let go.

However, it was only then that she discovered that the disk could not be closed, and the energy flow was too huge and beyond her control.

"Oh, there seems to be some trouble. I can't stop."

"Then blow it up. I'll shout one, two, three, and we'll do it together."

"That would be dangerous."

"Then do you have a better idea?"

"one two three!"

Arthas suddenly swung his sword, Thrall chopped down his battle ax, and Jaina also knocked her staff hard against the disc.

boom! The platinum disk shattered instantly, and as the energy was interrupted, a huge energy impact blew the three of them upside down and fell to the ground.

After a long time, the three of them groaned and got up from the ground.

They looked at each other and suddenly laughed together.

It took a long time for the three of them to stop. Jaina was angry and moved at the same time.

"You two idiots, why do you do this?"

Alsace said: "This beautiful thing of saving the world cannot be done by you alone."

Sal nodded in agreement, "That's right - well, did we succeed?"

"Not even close!"

Jaina looked regretfully at the Well of Eternity. The energy in the lake was still terrifying. The three of them together may not have absorbed even one-tenth of the energy, but there was nothing they could do. The Well of Eternity had accumulated it for ten thousand years. The powerful magic power is not something that a mortal body can withstand.

She was a little scared. If the two people hadn't intervened in time, she might have really exploded at this moment.

"What should we do?"

"It doesn't matter, that's it. Although I haven't absorbed all the energy of the Well of Eternity, I can feel that the arcane energy I just absorbed is already very terrifying. Maybe even the guardian may not have the magic power I have now. I feel that I Unprecedentedly powerful!”

Jaina said confidently, and with a wave of her hand, a vortex of arcane energy immediately emerged around her, and even her eyes shone like blue stars.

The surging magic power surrounded her, giving her a feeling of omnipotence, but deep inside, she felt a sense of emptiness for some reason.

Feeling a little flustered for no reason.

She tried hard to suppress this panic and forced a smile.

"It's okay for you two, right? Can you use this energy?"

Thrall shook his head, "I can use this energy to cast elemental magic. There is no difficulty in this."

As soon as he stretched out his hand, the power of fire, earth, storm, and water flow surrounded him.

Arthas scratched his hair. He knew nothing about magic, but - "Well, I feel like I can use this power to strengthen my body."

He closed his eyes and meditated for a moment, then suddenly opened his eyes and waved his arms.

Arcane energy flowed on the surface of his body like electricity, stimulating every cell and drop of blood.

The Song of Ice and Fire in his hand also emitted a dazzling light, as if echoing the energy in his body.

Seeing the changes in her two friends, Jaina suddenly smiled.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go save the world together!" Jaina waved her staff and led the way outside.

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