Part-time BOSS

Chapter 591 Gods in Reality

Pacific Ocean - Uncharted Sea:

On the vast and endless sea, a fleet of more than ten large and small ships is sailing in the vast sea. The fleet is headed by a scientific research ship with a displacement of 10,000 tons. Various advanced instruments on the ship are constantly moving Climate changes in the surrounding seas are recorded and analyzed.

Behind the scientific research ship is the flagship of this fleet, the USS San Diego aircraft carrier.

At this moment, a meeting was being held in the command room of the aircraft carrier.

"Gentlemen, relax." Looking at the officers waiting in front of him, General Carter nodded with satisfaction.

"This time we were dispatched to perform a special mission to provide escort for the Lone Star scientific research ship. I guess you must be wondering why we have to overkill and use an entire aircraft carrier formation to protect a scientific research ship. What's next? Dr. Rhine will explain it to you."

He made a gesture as he spoke, and the light in the room was immediately dimmed. An old man in a white coat walked to the stage, turned on the projector and started playing some pictures.

"This is a meteorological image captured by spy satellites in nearby waters over the past seven days, and its location is in the waters we are about to enter."

Dr. Rhine said while switching the screen.

"This is a picture of the first day. As you can see, it was calm and there was nothing unusual.

This is the scene from the second day..."

On the projector, there was a very clear storm cloud.

Everyone cheered up in surprise. Although there were no meteorological experts present, as naval officers, they still knew something about weather changes on the sea.

Usually storms will gradually form in a hot and cold environment, so they can often be predicted in advance through the changes in hot and cold airflow. Storms often take a certain amount of time to gradually take shape. A storm with a complete shape like the one on the picture will never occur in Formed in one day.

"It's strange, isn't it? The storm clouds suddenly appeared in less than 24 hours. In fact, the storm actually formed in less than an hour. It seemed to appear out of thin air without any warning and was not detected by weather satellites. Any climate change capable of producing storms, but that’s not the weirdest thing…”

Dr. Rhine pressed the remote control and the screen switched again.

"This is a satellite photo from the third day."

On the projector, the red lightning flashed in the storm, which looked very scary.

"This is the fourth day..."

This time, the storm on the screen turned into a miserable green. Dr. Rhine zoomed in on the screen, and it seemed like green flames were burning in the storm.

"This is the fifth day..."

"This is the sixth day..."

Each picture is more shocking than the last.

"We started to conduct energy detection in the area on the afternoon of the next day. In just seven days, in this unknown sea area, this sudden storm released more than five million tons of TNT equivalent energy, which is equivalent to 500 tons of energy. The power of a 10,000-ton atomic bomb.

Of course, it seems nothing compared to those super-large hurricanes that can cover an entire continent, but considering that the coverage area of ​​this storm is only less than fifty kilometers in radius, this energy is very terrifying and even stranger. The strange thing is that this storm has not shown any signs of movement for seven days, neither expanding nor dissipating.

It doesn't even move with the surrounding climate changes. Such a storm almost never occurs in the natural environment. The only reasonable explanation is that this storm was created by humans. "

These weird weather pictures and Dr. Rhine's explanation immediately aroused everyone's surprise.

"Then who created this storm?"

"No one knows, maybe it's aliens, maybe it's some kind of atmospheric phenomenon that hasn't been discovered yet, maybe it's even God's appearance... But there's another possibility, it's some kind of super weather weapon that other countries are experimenting with. .”

These words immediately caused the officers to whisper.

"Okay, Dr. Rhine, just leave it to me." General Carter looked at everyone present seriously.

"You are all elites of the navy. You should all know the significance of such a weapon. Our task today is very important. Investigate this storm and find out the truth about the formation of this storm. If it is really a weapon , we have to figure out how it works.”

At this time, the crew's voice came from the communicator.

"General, we are about to enter storm waters, please give us orders."

"All warships are on combat readiness and fighter planes are dispatched for reconnaissance. Dr. Rhine, please start the 'scientific investigation'."


At this moment, in the center of the storm in this unknown sea, Mo Fei is suspended in the sky, controlling the storm, feeling the wonderful feeling of mastering the power of heaven and earth. 1

After seven days of testing, Murphy has completely confirmed that the Dragon God's power has indeed been brought back to reality by him.

Storms, dragon thunder, evil energy, arcana...many powers were displayed one by one. In order not to be disturbed during the experiment, he deliberately traveled to parallel time and space, and then found an uninhabited and remote sea area for testing.

He even summoned a storm to cover up the traces. He didn't really care whether the cover-up had any effect. Anyway, he had become the Dragon God, so it didn't matter if he was discovered.

And it's not his original plane, so he's not afraid of any trouble.

However, the appearance still needs to be done, at least it cannot be directly seen by others.

The experiment was successful, and now he can exert the power of the Dragon God almost as freely as in the game.

However, as the joy of gaining divine power gradually faded, a question inevitably arose in Murphy's mind.

What the hell is going on with this game?

He had thought about this problem more than once in the past, but due to limited information, he was still unable to judge the seriousness of the problem.

However, now that even the power of the Dragon God has been mastered by him through the game, Murphy immediately realized that the truth hidden behind this game might be extremely shocking.

He couldn't help but think of the conversation he had with the previous generation of dragon god Yamahamut in time and space.

Although the other party did not make it completely clear, it seemed to imply that the world of the sky is a real world, but for some reason, it became a game world under the control of a game company.

Murphy suddenly thought of a type of novel he had read in the past - the fourth natural disaster.

In this type of novel, the protagonist often disguises a real world as a game, and then invites some real-life players to experience the game and achieve some of his own goals. In the game, players can often come into contact with knowledge that does not exist on earth. and strength……

Could it be said that Sky World is such a game?

No, this explanation doesn't make sense at all, why the NPCs in the game really behave like real NPCs.

Even the background of the game is still a classic IP like World of Warcraft.

There are also various systems in the game, the player's template design, the monster refresh mechanism, and even the player can become the son of a certain hero, and even the hero's thinking can be directly affected, making him completely ignore the fact that a king will have more than forty This is a very inconsistent problem for a son.

None of this can be explained by disguise.

Only real games can do this.

If Cangqiong World is a very realistic game, it can be explained, but the closer the design is to traditional online games, the harder it is to explain it with the word "disguise".

Could it be said that the game company holds the secret of creation? They created the world of Sky and then used players to gain power from the game?

But this is even more unreasonable. If you had the power to create a world, why would you open a game company and sell game helmets?

Completely unreasonable.

Murphy thought about it, and the more he thought about it, the more elusive it became. The layers of fog hidden behind the game made it completely unclear to him.

But he must figure out the answer to this question, not only for his own peace of mind, but also for the fact that he also promised Morpheus to give the world freedom.

Murphy is not the kind of person who is desperate for promises, but he is not the kind of person who doesn't care about promises. If conditions permit, he still hopes to fulfill Morpheus's last wish.

To do this, you must first figure out what kind of opponent you are facing.

Perhaps the answer can only be found out by going to the game company.

He thought about that Hall of Fame award again.

Why don't you just go get the reward and get some information?

Murphy has a deep fear of game companies.

The unknown can bring fear to people. If there is anything in this world that he cannot understand at all, it is undoubtedly the background of the game company.

Even if he became the Dragon God, he didn't dare to say that he could escape unscathed. He always felt that there was some trap and conspiracy waiting for him.

Just when Mo Fei was hesitant, his mind suddenly moved, and a message faintly came from the storm.

Murphy came back to his senses, sensed it a little, and immediately sensed the identity of the uninvited guests from the wind.

"Haha, I didn't expect it would attract attention. Forget it, it's time to leave."


"Vulture, vulture, this is the eagle's nest. Do you find anything unusual?"

"Eagle's Nest, this is Vulture 1. No abnormalities have been found. There is strong magnetic field interference inside the storm, and the radar cannot work properly, over."

"Eagle's Nest, this is Condor 2, nothing found, OVER.

"Eagle's Nest, this is Vulture No. 3..."

Several fighter planes sent out sent messages one after another. Admiral Carter looked at the light spots representing several fighter planes on the screen and frowned tightly.

"Continue to search along the predetermined route. You are approaching the center of the storm. Whatever is causing this storm is very likely to be there."

Hanks turned off the communicator and looked at the red lightning that flashed from time to time in the storm with some concern.

Flying in a storm is inherently dangerous. What makes him feel even more strange is the light of these lightnings. He has never seen this kind of red thunder and lightning.


A dazzling thunder light illuminated the clouds, and Hanks was horrified to find that Condor 2 was hit by a red lightning, and instantly turned into a burning fireball, falling towards the sea.

Damn it! He hurriedly increased his altitude, trying to avoid the dangerous clouds. Suddenly, the plane broke out of the clouds. In front of him was an open sea. The clouds formed a huge annular dome around the sea. The sparse sunlight projected from the gaps in the clouds and shone on the sea, forming a strange Tyndall phenomenon.

Hanks felt relieved. At least he didn't have to worry about lightning damaging the plane here.

Suddenly, a blip on the radar caught his attention.

what is that? He hurriedly looked in the direction of the light spot. Since the scope of the storm was not very large, at this moment, he was not too far away from the light spot. He could even see a blurry black spot visible to the naked eye.

Hanks controlled the aircraft to approach the target while contacting the mothership.

"Eagle's Nest, Eagle's Nest, this is Vulture One, I think I've found my target."

"Vulture One, what did you find?"

"It was like - oh my god, that's a guy! An Asian guy! Oh my God, he found me!"

Asian! Admiral Carter's eyes tightened.

It must be China’s secret weapon!

"Vulture One, destroy the target!"

"What, are you sure? That person can fly in the sky, maybe he is a superhero or a god or something."

No matter what that person was doing, Hanks didn't think it should be done lightly.

"This is General Carter. Soldier, don't tell me any nonsense about superheroes. No one can fly in the sky. It must be an aircraft with a humanoid disguise, or some kind of balloon or something like that. It's China’s secret weapon, we must obtain that weapon, or destroy it, and execute the order—immediately! Immediately!”

Humanoid aircraft! ? balloon? It doesn't look like it.

Hanks cursed secretly, but an order was an order. As soon as he gritted his teeth, the fire control radar locked on the target, and a missile was launched.

At the same time, two other fighter planes also launched missiles.

Um? He actually dared to take action.

Murphy couldn't help but laugh when he saw the fighting skills of firing. These guys really don't know how to live or die. If you want to die, then I will help you.

Dragon thunder!

Red lightning streaked across the sky, blasting several missiles into the air.

Then it fell towards those fighter planes in an instant.

A few seconds later, all three F35s turned into burning fireballs in the sky.

Looking at the aircraft signal disappearing on the screen, General Carter decisively issued an order for a full-scale attack.

"General, you're crazy! The enemy has technology we don't understand at all. We should retreat immediately!"

Dr. Rhine looked shocked, but Admiral Carter didn't care.

"This is a military operations doctor. You just need to provide expertise. It's my business to order things."

But they had no chance. Almost in an instant, the storm suddenly became extremely fierce. The strong wind set off huge waves, and the tens of thousands of tons of giant ships swayed with it.

What was even more deadly was the red lightning that fell from the sky. The lightning seemed to be controlled by someone and hit the fleet accurately.

The waves rolled, the dark water rolled in the storm, the storm roared and danced wildly. The sky was dark, with thunder and lightning, and red lightning tore through the darkness.

Fear grips everyone, and they are just small existences in this sea storm, at the mercy of the power of nature.

The aircraft on the aircraft carrier was struck by lightning and burst into flames.

The crew could clearly hear the explosion coming from the deck.

"We must retreat General!"

"No, our battleships are indestructible. A flash of lightning cannot sink us."


Through the glass of the bridge, in the dark clouds, dozens of green burning meteorites fell from the sky and hit the fleet, as if the end was coming.

The close-in defense gun fired intensive firepower at the meteorite, but it was meaningless against the huge stone of hundreds of tons.

boom! A meteorite fell solidly on the deck. Admiral Carter's eyes widened. He saw a huge burning hand stretching out from the smashed deck. A green hand seemed to be made of burning rocks. The monster made a terrifying roar...

When the storm finally subsided, the fleet had completely disappeared at sea.

Murphy looked at the sea with some wan interest. He thought, the so-called strongest navy in the world is nothing more than that. It feels like it is not as good as Archimonde.

Then he started his time travel and returned to his own time and space.

after an hour--

Murphy stood on the street, looking at the building across the road, but his heart no longer felt as relaxed and freehand as before.

The fleet of the Lighthouse Nation was far less nervous than the place in front of him.

Cangqiong Games, here I am again.

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