Part-time BOSS

Chapter 619 Doomsday Crisis: World Alliance

While Mo Fei continued to integrate his spirit with the Pillar of Creation, he observed the battlefield. Although he could not take action at this time, it did not prevent him from controlling the battle situation.

Observing the battlefield from a God's perspective, watching your troops fight with the influx of adventurers, and issuing some instructions from time to time, it feels like playing a tower defense game.

The battle damage has been maintained well. At least 30,000 adventurers have been wiped out so far, while the monster servant legion has suffered less than 5,000 losses, and most of them have been resurrected.

Murphy did not pile all the troops in the Doomsday Square. The main ones guarding the Doomsday Square were 100,000 monster servants and 50,000 Dragon Worshipers. Some cannon fodder was enough. The main ones who really killed the enemy were the ancient dragons and giants. Dragon Legion.

"Well done everyone, keep fighting and keep up the current pace."

Murphy looked at the surveillance screen and gave instructions, feeling calm in his heart. This kind of success was expected in Shunyi District. At least before dawn, the adventurers could not organize an effective attack.

This is indeed the case. Most players are still dreaming at this time. No one could have expected that such an unexpected gaming incident would occur in the early morning.

Hour after hour passed, adventurers continued to pour in, but the speed was not very fast. Relying on the fire suppression of the dragon army and the tactics of monster servants blocking the door, it was quickly delayed until after seven o'clock. At almost eight o'clock, as a large number of players woke up and came online, the influx of adventurers suddenly exploded.

Thousands of them appeared on the stone steps outside the door, pouring into the Doomsday Square like a tide. The casualties of the monster army instantly increased. Not only that, it seemed that these monsters would be continuously resurrected. A large number of Adventurers began to use corpse explosions, summoning skeletons, and other spells that could directly destroy the corpse. In this way, the monster's corpse could no longer be resurrected.

Nearly half of the 100,000 monster legions were killed or injured in just one hour.

Kalecgos: "Lord Dragon God, do you want to start summoning reinforcements?"

"No, wait a minute." Mo Feifeng said calmly, "The monsters can still hold on for a while, and our real enemy hasn't appeared yet."

Although the number of adventurers is staggering, the only ones who can really prevent the end of the world in terms of plot are the heroes!

Look at the time, it's time to show up.

Sure enough, with a burst of dazzling white light, an entire army was teleported to the stone steps outside the Creation Temple.

The uniformly golden armor, tall and mighty horses, exuding the light of holy light, are the Knights of the Silver Hand!

The leader was none other than Uther the Lightbringer. On both sides of him, several other leaders of the Knights of the Silver Hand were listed.

High Lord Gavinrad Doom, Herald of Light Turalyon, and Tirion Fordring!

Haha, I didn’t expect Lafayette to come too.

Uther raised the Hand of Justice warhammer high, "Dragon God Aidan, you and your evil plan are impossible to succeed. The God of Light has revealed your conspiracy to me. Prepare to face the punishment of the Holy Light, Silver Hand." Knights, prepare to fight!”

Uther led the Knights of the Silver Hand to appear on the battlefield. This dazzling light made the adventurers cheer loudly, and their originally low morale instantly soared.

"Damn, Lafayette is here too!"

"Haha, no problem now!"

"Hey, why aren't Saidan Dathrohan and Garithos here?"

"I was killed by the studio some time ago."

"Damn, these bastards."

"Make way for the NPC to come out first."

"Finally, I don't have to be cannon fodder anymore."

The adventurers almost unanimously made way for them. Uther waved his war hammer, and the Knights of the Silver Hand rolled in like a golden torrent.

"Kill those Paladins!" Murphy ordered.

The dragon group immediately swooped down, and dozens of adult dragons sprayed surging dragon breath at the knights.

However, Uther was not afraid, "Fight side by side with me, warriors of the Holy Light! Use the Holy Light to turn into solid walls and barriers to resist all evil attacks!"

Holy Light Barrier!

Several great lords raised their weapons together, and the paladins behind them did not hesitate to summon the coming of the holy light. The holy light in the sky turned into a physical barrier, shrouding the knights under a huge golden dome. , the dragon's breath fell crazily, but under the protection of the powerful holy light, it was blocked one after another.

boom! The forward of the Knights directly ran into the monster legion and knocked over a large area like a torrent.

Adventurers took the opportunity to pour in from behind.

Do these paladins still have some talent?

Aidan: "Godwin, what's going on over there? Why are the Knights of the Silver Hand coming to kill you?"

Godwin: "There's nothing I can do, boss. Uther doesn't listen to me anymore. I've already ordered the Paladins to fight the remnants of the Void. As a result, the God of Light directly gave him an oracle. Now most of the Holy Light's Vengeance Army They all left alone, but the Royal Knights of Lordaeron still listened to me. Do you need me to join the war?

Aidan: "Prepare your troops and prepare to enter."

Godwin: "Well, boss, let me tell you something. I seem to be in a hostile state with you now. Maybe if we get over, we will be famous."

Aidan: "Then submit to me and become my subordinate. In this way, your subordinate troops will be directly integrated into the jurisdiction of the Dragon Sacred Domain, and you can lead troops to participate in the war."

Without saying anything, Murphy sent an invitation directly.

Godwin received the message immediately.

[System prompt: Dragon God Aidan requires you to become his vassal. Accepting the recruitment will cause you to lose your current independent status. The forces you control will become vassal forces of the Dragon God Domain. Do you accept the recruitment?

Warning: Dragon God Aidan is the BOSS of the current version. Once you accept the recruitment, you will be converted from the hero template to the BOSS template. The forces you directly belong to will be regarded as traitors by the alliance and become monster forces.

Holy shit! Godwin was startled. The price of participating in the war was quite high. Emperor Shenwu tried so hard just to clear his name and come ashore. How could he stay in the alliance if he was directly turned into a black man?

Aidan: "What, you don't want to?"

Godwin: "Yes, Boss Aidan, I will not hesitate to be the enemy of the world for you."

He knew very well what the Dragon God's power represented. No matter how hard he was to survive in the game, it would be worse than being unable to survive in reality.

[World Announcement: King Godwin of Lordaeron leads the Royal Knights of Lordaeron to join the Dragon God camp and become the minions of the Dragon God Aidan...]


Dragon Soul—The Wrath of the Dragon Soul!


A raging shock wave hit the barrier of holy light. The powerful energy set off a huge shock wave. Adventurers and monsters from all directions were blown away. Under the bombardment of the dragon soul, the barrier of holy light also appeared. The cracks gradually disintegrated.

Click - boom!

The holy light barrier shattered instantly!

The paladins who were guiding the miracle all spat out a mouthful of blood. The more powerful the miracle, the stronger the backlash when it was broken.

Deathwing looked at the artifact in his hand with satisfaction, defeating the powerful miracle performed by the Knights of the Silver Hand with just one blow.

"Death mortal! Deal with them!"

With an order, another group of dragons swooped down and rushed toward the Paladin.

A sharp neighing sound made Deathwing's expression change. A huge eagle with a wingspan of more than 100 meters swooped down. Behind it was a huge sky cluster composed of hippogryphs, thunderbirds, and chimeras. .

A majestic figure appeared behind the holy knights who were all spurting blood because the miracle was broken.

Cenarius (Guardian of the Forest): "Warriors of the Alliance, do not be afraid, the wild demigods and night elves will fight alongside you!"

Rain of tranquility! The natural soft light in the sky turned into healing rain and fell one after another. The paladins felt physically and mentally refreshed, and the injuries caused by the backlash of the holy light healed instantly.

Uther looked behind him, and the demigod Cenarius suddenly appeared behind them. And behind Cenarius, there were Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage, Archdruid Fandral Staghelm, White Tiger Priestess Tyrande, Dryad Queen Lunala, Tauren Chieftain Cairne Bloodhoof, Sentinel General Shandris Feathermoon, Warden Maiev Shadowsong...a large group of wilderness demigods, and the endless Night Alliance Troops are constantly pouring into the battlefield.

Uther nodded gratefully, "Thank you for your respect, demigod. It seems that we will fight side by side again today. In order to prevent the evil Dragon God from destroying the world, we will kill the enemy together!"

Cenarius was also quite emotional. Who would have thought that the Dragon God who saved the world at Mount Hyjal had such an evil side. Fortunately, justice will never lack allies.

The entry of the night elves made the situation a little uncontrollable in an instant. Especially those powerful wilderness demigods, each of them is a world-class BOSS, and their strength is not much weaker than the ancient dragon.

Neltharion was so angry that he wanted to personally lead the dragons to attack, but Murphy did not panic, everything had just begun.

"Neltharion, be patient. The important thing in this war is to delay the war, not to fight to the death. You are the commander of the dragon army, so don't act rashly."

"Lisa Jess, summon the power of the storm and give them a taste of color!"

"I will obey your orders, Lord Dragon God."

Lesa Jess (Gu Long Archon): "Insignificant mortals, don't be complacent. In the face of the power of the storm given by the Dragon God, numbers are meaningless. Ring the bell of doomsday and wake up to the angry wind. In the name of Dan—the storm is coming!”

Storm Aidan - the accompanying storm that Mo Fei obtained originally, has been becoming more and more powerful as Mo Fei's strength has improved. However, due to the rapid growth of Mo Fei's strength, it has not been used in combat for a long time. But this time he couldn't get out of the final battle, and Storm Aidan finally came in handy again.

Now, with Murphy giving the power of the storm to Lesajes, she also has the power to summon this doomsday storm.

The hurricane roared in the Doomsday Square, and the strong winds rotated, forming a huge cyclone, getting bigger and bigger, gradually covering the entire Doomsday Square. This storm made it difficult for the adventurers to move, and the night elves' air force was messed up in the wind. However, the dragons were completely unaffected and took the opportunity to massacre the slowed enemies. Chimera's three heads were torn apart by the dragon's sharp teeth, and the Hippogryph turned into broken feathers and flesh under the attack of the flames and dragon thunder. , scattered in the storm.

Even a few wilderness demigods were unable to withstand the attacks of the dragons. They were defeated and had to lower their speed and seek support from the druids.

Neltharion took the opportunity to order an attack, and the dragon thunder in the sky only added to the terror of the storm.

The coalition forces of the Dark Night Alliance and the Knights of the Silver Hand were beaten back and forth, and countless adventurers also fell to the power of the dragon thunder.

At this critical moment, another army entered the battlefield.

"Storm, calm down your anger! In the name of the ancient elemental contract, retreat!"

"In the name of the ancient elemental contract, retreat!"



Many voices shouted together.

Hero Skill—Elemental Dispel!

Four or five prophets and hundreds of shamans used elemental dispersion together, and the storm began to gradually weaken, with faint signs of dissipating.

After the storm, the image of reinforcements also appeared in the eyes of the heroes of the coalition forces.

Uther was a little surprised, but Cenarius was not surprised. This doomsday storm affecting the entire world will inevitably attract all kinds of heroes.

Now it seems even the orcs are no exception.

He nodded to the young orc chief who was riding a frost wolf and said, "Young orc? Who are you? I have never seen you before?"

The prophet Drek'Thar, leading a group of shamans, calmed the storm.

Young Wolf Lord (Frostwolf Chief): "I am the Young Wolf Lord, the chief of the Frostwolf clan. I came here because of the crisis of the end. The old tribe has long been contaminated by the power of demons. Ba Dao ruthlessly refused to participate in the war and ordered the tribe not to participate in the war." Intervene, but for the safety of the world, I think we must join this fight. Now that we orcs have become a member of this world, we will also fight for this world.

So I came, and I brought the warriors and heroes of the Frostwolf clan! ” He pointed behind him.

The great shaman Drek'Thar, the high-ranking warlord King Saurfang, and the flaming sword Saint Samuro were riding wolves and following behind him. Behind the four of them were the wolf cavalry and the wolf cavalry of the Frostwolf clan. The shaman troops, it was the shaman troops led by the great shaman Drek'Thar who had just dispersed the terrifying storm.

"Thank you for your support young chief. Perhaps after this crisis is over, the tribe should change to a war chief."

The Young Wolf Lord secretly rejoiced. Cenarius was considered a big boss. With the support of the Dark Night Alliance, it would be difficult for him to compete for the position of chief of the tribe.

The key is that Ba Dao Qingqing made some stupid mistake and even banned the tribe from joining this war. Now people have lost their hearts, so why should I be polite?

The tribe is an alliance composed of major orc clans, and the orcs worship the strong. Ba Dao Qingwu is so cowardly, so he will contact other clans himself and push Ba Dao Wuqing down from the position of chief, or just follow him. "Makgora", I will be the chief by then.

Just as he was thinking happily, two more waves of armies came in from the gate.

The Young Wolf Lord looked at the two armies and saw that they were the flags of the Blood Ring Clan and the Blackstone Clan. This was convenient. He went back to the battlefield to contact them.

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