Thank you all, there are no more chapters of 400. After all, I still haven’t written 400 chapters haha...

There are many problems with this book, and there is nothing I can do about it. It is the first time I write a book at the starting point. If there are pitfalls at the starting point, if I don’t step through them myself, how will I know where I should step on them?

Well, the result is that my book almost trampled all the pitfalls at the starting point. The tomb jumping area jumps sideways repeatedly hahaha...

Well, this book really started high but then started low. Some friends also said that it started but ended at the end, and there were many oolong incidents in the middle. It felt like the collapse was very complete. My mentality was also not good in the middle. I thought about it many times... …

Haha, just kidding, I said it too, what the hell kind of eunuch does a dignified seven-foot man become?

It was already terrible. If I didn’t finish it, my brothers would really poke me in the back. Even if there were only a dozen or twenty people reading it, I still had to finish it for them.

Let’s talk about the problem. I have analyzed the reason for the problem. It is probably because I wrote very little in the past and it was in the later stages. Some friends also said that I was okay in the early stage of writing 700-800,000 words, but then something went wrong. There's nothing I can do about it. In the past, I might just write less than a million words and no one would read it, no one would follow me, and no one would give me feedback. I just wrote whatever I wanted, which led to me not knowing it. Is it right for me to write like that, is my thinking correct...

The price for going your own way is an avalanche.

I feel like I will feel better after writing this book. I understand the rights and wrongs of the plot, and know which direction to go in. The same problem will never appear for me a second time, so these problems will not appear in the next book. It's a crime, I said.

(It may also be a slap in the face, after all, this book has slapped me in the face too many times, hahaha...)

Of course, there is no lack of passion...

As for me, I can be considered a passionate author. For me, creative passion is quite important. I may lose it in the later stage, but I really haven’t convinced anyone in the early stage...

In the later stage, the results will not be good, and the passion and enthusiasm will obviously be lost, which will lead to a vicious cycle, getting worse and worse. This is my problem and has nothing to do with anyone else. I should also reflect on how to maintain my enthusiasm for my works. This is what I need to learn.

There is also an update, and I don’t know why I feel that my memory has deteriorated seriously in the past two years. In the past, it was not a problem for Wan Geng to follow the plot, but now Wan Geng actually has a headache. Sometimes it feels like it is really just to make up the word count, which is quite uncomfortable. ; Therefore, if the next version is released, the update may have to be slowed down, focusing on quality rather than quantity.


it's over.

It's over.

In any case, Gu Huaian's story comes to an end here.

Maybe it's a little rushed, and I might add some extras later, but in short...

Now, it's over.

There is actually a lot I want to say at this moment, but in the final analysis, I still want to talk about Shang Zhuoyan...

Shang Zhuoyan, a woman who almost ruined Gu Huaian and this book.

She is willful, annoying and lovable, like an addictive poison. It is always easy to write about her. She is vivid and vivid, and you know what she should be without you having to think about it. What expression is what reaction...

No matter how many people criticize her, at least she is very real. She is definitely the type that many boys will like. She is lively, cute and active. When she likes you, she only has love in her eyes and just wants to be with you.

I said not to write about her bringing the baby back home, and many people scolded me for being a slap in the face. But in fact, she just brought the baby back and did not "return". Moreover, what disgusted the brothers was only the Shura field and not the bringing the baby back. I omitted what should be omitted. , the problem is not big, I don’t break my promise, this wave is also a forced respect, hahaha...

In short, because of her willfulness, she basically ruined most of everything in and out of the book, and I was forced to finish the book in the dead of winter. I chose to bear the coldness of winter alone, and then think about what to do. Only by kneeling and licking can I retain some people who will read my next book...

Haha, just kidding.

I am never afraid that no one will read my books. Before I started this book and before I came to Qidian, my colleagues all said that Qidian was difficult and difficult, and it was as difficult as hell. But didn’t I still order thousands of books?

Along the way, there have been controversies and scandals everywhere. In the new book issue, there was an LV4 author who had written five or six books and came to the book review section to make a fuss hahaha...

I wonder how that brother would feel if he knew I was at LV5 in one month. Is he sad or jealous?

Before the labor and management came to the starting point, they crushed dozens of them, what the hell...

No one can deny the achievements of this book. We are all true and have not falsified a single point. For this, I am grateful to you and feel somewhat proud.

A wolf travels a thousand miles to eat meat, and a dog travels a thousand miles to eat shit. Those who know how to write, those who can write, will have food wherever they go, and there will be support no matter how they write. As for me, I hope that what I can retain everyone is not feelings, but The quality of the book is why I didn’t keep it when people left it later. If no one comes to read the next book because of me, it doesn’t matter.

As you said, reading books and pictures makes you happy. If it makes you unhappy, you can leave at any time. The fault is all mine. I admit it and I accept it. This is what I should do.

Today, I still can’t guarantee that the next book will be better than this one, but at least there will definitely be progress. And I also need to take advantage of the end of the year to find some time to settle down and read more books. I haven’t read a book for a long time. If I don’t read it again, I really won’t be able to write.


Okay, I guess my brothers won’t like it either. Anyway, the next one will be released after the Chinese New Year. It will still be explosive and it will still catch your attention from the first chapter.

Finally, I would like to say that this book is not fictional, but adapted from a true story in a parallel world. This is the kind of life Gu Huaian and the others live in the parallel world, that’s it!

OK guys...

The road to the rivers and lakes is far away, so leave it alone;

The mountains are high and the rivers are far away, we...

See you later!

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