Passersby Through the Cannon Fodder of the End Times

Chapter 309: The future can be expected

"You can't say that. We used to live in the world and were called superhuman beings outside the world. It's because no one is stronger than the big families who avoid the world. But now it's different. Everyone can practice. There are a lot of people, and there are countless ancient warriors. How do we maintain the title of superior?"

"Are we cultivating not to be called an expert?"

"That was not what I meant."

"Then what do you mean?" The fourth elder and the fifth elder argued.

"Well, what the four elders mean is that people who can practice with us now are everywhere. And now the zombies, mutant animals and plants outside are their cultivation resources. And those of us who live in the world, will People who lag behind because of their cultivation resources. By that time, we will not be able to escape the world," the patriarch said in a deep voice.

"Patriarch, hasn't the family already sent out a lot of juniors? We can also go out to find resources for cultivation. Why should we contact the upper class of the country?" The Eighth Elder asked puzzled.

"The juniors in our clan have sent back a lot of news. Among them, Daxia Kingdom is pursuing zombies with all its strength. And this zombies are also divided into territories. We all know that these zombies are the source of crystal nuclei. It is a resource for cultivation."

"Isn't that there will be no zombies in the future? They clean up the zombies, and then go to clean up the mutant animals and plants, then where do we go to find resources for cultivation in the future?" Six elders asked not calmly.

The patriarch waved his hand and said calmly: "It's not as easy as you think. With the current strength of human beings, it would be good not to be crushed by mutant animals and plants. Look, when the Qinglong base faces the tide of mutant sea beasts, it must be a nationwide one. Force to contend.

The reason why several big families of ours are discussing to contact the leaders of the country, no, there is no country now, contact the leaders of the base. It is because we are worried that after the zombies are cleaned up, the major bases will carve up their territories. A certain territory belongs to a certain base alone, and becomes a place for them to cultivate and cultivate resources. "

Everyone understands that the various forces in the Great Xia Kingdom divide the territory and resources, and the hidden family will also have to share a piece of the pie.

The patriarch looked at the great elder and asked, "Great elder, what do you think?"

The elder stroked his beard and said: "The world has changed, and the family is born sooner or later. The ancient family... said that something big is going to happen..."

event? What's the big deal? Is there anything greater than the last days? Everyone dared not doubt the news of the ancient family. The ancient family is handed down from Tianjimen. Before the outbreak of the end times, everyone was warned. If another major event does happen again, wouldn't mankind be extinct?

The heavy topics in the Evasion family did not affect Ye Qingyu and the others who were drifting on the sea. Because there was a mental superpower on the cruise ship, neither Shen Ye nor Ye Qingyu entered the space, but sat in the room to practice, watching the jade slips.

Ye Qingyu's mental power swept towards the island from time to time, confirming that nothing unexpected happened.

These mutant turtles are not only long-lived, their endurance is too terrifying, three or four hours! An idea flashed in Ye Qingyu's head. I wonder if the people who developed ‘Viagra’ have noticed sea turtles?

After mating, mutated female turtles climbed up to the beach. They first dig a large hole with their forelegs at a depth equal to the height of their body, lay down in the hole, and then alternate with their hind legs to continue digging deeply.

In a short while, under the mutated female turtle's butt, a "egg pit" with a diameter of half a meter and a depth of about one meter was created. Lay the eggs in the pit. Afterwards, the mutant female tortoise covers the pit with sand and leaves the beach to return to the sea.

At this time, there were already many mutant turtle eggs in the beach on the island.

These mutant turtles have all the water system abilities. The legendary sacred beast Xuanwu has an attribute of water. These turtles should be regarded as the offspring of countless generations of Xuanwu. Even if they passed countless generations, they still haven't changed their attributes.

The excitation of supernatural powers is composed of many factors. The organism itself is the internal cause. The aptitude and potential of the organism accounted for most of the reasons for what kind of abilities to stimulate. The fall of the meteorite caused the change in the magnetic field and energy of the Shenluxing star is the external cause of the stimulus, and it is also an opportunity.

Ye Qingyu held the jade slip in his hand, thinking, what about the emergence and disappearance of the spiritual root?

It is aura, heaven and earth aura.

The jade slip said that spiritual roots are born of monks, and the attributes of spiritual roots in the body of a baby who fall to the ground are already destined. The only thing that is uncertain is the purity of the spiritual roots. Therefore, from the birth of a baby to the age of five, it is a period of stable spiritual root growth.

Testing the spiritual root at the age of five, the fate of the monk's life has been set for more than half. Comprehension, chance, etc. can determine the fate of a monk.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth nourishes the monk's body, generating spiritual roots from generation to generation. Parents have good spiritual roots, and children are more likely to inherit from their parents' superior spiritual roots. And the little baby is receiving the nourishment of this heaven and earth spiritual energy when it is probably still embryo.

The heaven and earth are full of spiritual energy, the more babies with better spiritual roots will be born. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is thin, and the spiritual root aptitude of monks will be inferior to one generation. Until the spiritual energy disappeared, the spiritual roots of human beings were also wiped out in the long river of history.

Now that the end of the world is coming, this is a cataclysm for mankind, and it is also a great opportunity for mankind. Human beings can continue to practice after a different method. Can it be considered that the soup is changed without the dressing? The supernatural energy on this planet will not disappear. If it is passed on from generation to generation, can it be ushered in the glorious era described in the jade slip?

Cut the world with one sword, and cut the mountains and rivers with one sword. Shou and Tianqi are among the immortal class.

Yes, it will definitely happen, and the future of mankind can be expected.

There was a knock on the door. Both Shen Ye and Ye Qingyu took the jade slips back into space, knowing that it was time to act.

At this time, their cruise ship was pushed by Xiaoyuer and approached the island again.

"Mutated cancer crabs are all gathered in the center of the island. There are one late-stage seven, two middle-stage seven, four early-stage seven, and thirty-six of the sixth-level. One hundred and nine of the fifth-level. Only. There are nearly four hundred of level four." Luo Feng did not introduce the level four or lower, because everyone understands that there will only be mutant cancer crabs of level four and above. Because people below level 4 can't control the size of their bodies.

If these mutant giant crabs dig out all the mutant turtle eggs in the beach after the mutant turtles are gone, their strength will definitely increase!

Several people and beasts stared at the small island not far away. At this time, there were not many mutant sea turtles on the beach of the island. The rest are powerful ones. There are nineteen of the seventh-level ones, and the sixth-level ones are almost gone, but there are also twenty-five, all of which are late-level six.

Several people are eager to try, and the time for desperately digging eggs is about to come.

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