"Young man, what story do you want to tell?" Lin Zihua stretched out her arm and wrapped her arms around Meng Yang's neck.

"Um, what I want to tell is a ghost story that my roommates and I experienced personally." Meng Jiang got out from under Lin Zihua's arm awkwardly, and Lin Zihua didn't pay attention to him anymore, just like a smile He glanced at him nonchalantly.

Meng Jiang coughed slightly, straightened out his clothes, and began to tell the story: "In other words, I am a clinical major in undergraduate, and I specialized in clinical anesthesia when I graduated.

Well, as you all know, we have a lot of opportunities to come into contact with dead bodies when we study medicine. Especially when I was in the master's degree, I followed my supervisor to practice in the Union Hospital affiliated to our medical school. It is also common to unplan corpses. Well, to be professional, it is also common to sleep with human bones. "

Meng Jiang slapped his hand and continued: "You want to ask me if I believe there are ghosts in this world? Before, I would reply without raising my eyelids. I would rather believe the man’s broken mouth than in this world. There is a ghost. But this view was ruthlessly broken when I was in the second year of my master's degree.

The story happened..."

"Woo~~~" there was a faint resentment, the tactful ghost sound that only appeared in the Liao Zhai, the whimper sounded after Meng Yang's voice. In an instant, everyone's necks stiffened and their backs became cold.

"Pop!" A clear applause made everyone tremble.

"Sister! I'm dubbing him again! Don't you realize that my dubbing is true, is it just right?" Liu Yunhui touched the back of his head, looking at Liu Mengqi with aggrieved expression.

Everyone was saying something in their hearts: good fight!

Damn, I scared the baby to death! In this similar passage to the underworld, an adult who has passed a year pretends to be a young man telling a ghost story, and a bad boy who has not grown his hair is called scaring people, what a hell!

"Ahem, let me continue. The graduate dormitory of our medical school is a quadruple room. There are four canopy beds in the more than ten-meter room, with people sleeping on the upper bunk, and our wardrobe and desk below. There is no sleeping on the upper bunk here. Brothers. It is ourselves that sleeps on the upper bunk.

Of the four people in the dormitory, only one has the same major as me, but belongs to a different laboratory. And the other two dear friends, one is surgical and the other is neurology. Our usual relationship is not bad or not, because everyone is busy, either stuck in the laboratory or staying in the hospital. There is no time for girlfriends to make friends. How can we have time to contact roommates?

One day, the guy from the surgery went back to the dormitory more than two o'clock in the morning..."

Liu Yunhui, who was beaten by Liu Mengqi, had already leaped away from his sister and approached Meng Yang, "Wait, there is no curfew in your dormitory? Can you go back to the dormitory in the early morning?"

"The curfew is something that only happens in high school, isn't it? We have graduated, and we can be regarded as unpaid staff. We usually not only do experiments and have to work overtime, but we also often go to the hospital for internships, you think, the busiest But it's not us. So there is a night shift in the graduate dormitory, no matter how late you go back, just say hello."

"You are really free!" Liu Yunhui looked envious.

"What's this? Looking at freedom, in fact, we didn't enjoy it at all. We were exhausted every day. If you want to sleep late, you can't sleep. Who wants to go back to the dormitory in the middle of the night because of unpaid work. Oh, also It can’t be said that there is no salary, we still have subsidies, but they are very pitiful."

"That's what I said." Liu Yunhui nodded in agreement. If it wasn't for playing truant, going to an Internet cafe, etc. to be late to the dormitory, even if there was no curfew, it would be meaningless.

"I said, is it interesting for you to discuss the curfew in the dormitory now? There are no universities or graduate students to study for you. The college of the base, you are all over-aged."

In the third year of the last days, all bases opened academies. This college is divided into three parts, the College of Arts, the College of Martial Arts, and the College of Ability.

The Faculty of Liberal Arts integrates all the knowledge from elementary school to university in order to avoid the gaps in human heritage. If you want to do in-depth research, you can join the various research institutes of the base.

And the martial arts academy and the ability academy are naturally based on the research and practice of ancient martial arts and abilities. The college's enrollment targets are children between five and fifteen years old.

"Oh!" Liu Yunhui sighed long. "When I was in school, I always thought about playing truant and going to Internet cafes to play games. I was most afraid of the stool in the classroom. Sitting on it would make me uncomfortable. Now, I don't have to sit on it. But I started to miss the feeling of sitting in the classroom."

Liu Mengqi looked at the figure of the younger brother in front of her, with some emotion, as if her younger brother was going to grow up too.

"I also feel that the sofa in the laboratory is quite comfortable to sleep on. Only when I lose it, I know to cherish it, and it's too late to regret it.

Okay, let’s start telling the story now. My roommate, Song Ningchen, will return to the dormitory at two o’clock in the morning..."

"Wait, your roommate didn't go back to the dormitory until so late, how did you know? You don't sleep?"

Meng Jiang stopped and stared at Liu Yunhui angrily, and said angrily: "Boy, can you stop interrupting all the time, the good story atmosphere has been ruined by you!"

"Okay, I won't ask any more, I'll ask questions when you finish talking!" Liu Yunhui raised his hand and made a zipper motion on his mouth, saying to shut up.

Meng Jiang hummed and turned his head back and continued: "Coincidentally, I drank too much soup that night, urinated urgently and went to the toilet. He came back after climbing into bed and not falling asleep. As usual, everyone comes back late. It was all about washing and sleeping quietly, which would disturb others. At most, he turned on the phone and waited for the lighting. But when he returned to the dormitory that day, he sat at his desk without saying a word.

If he doesn't sleep, I can't sleep. I always feel that after he washes up and lie down on the bed, my heart is at ease. Well, this is also obsessive-compulsive disorder. I was lying on the bed with my eyes open, waiting and waiting, half an hour later, he still didn't move. I just wanted to ask him what he was doing and why he still didn't sleep? I just raised my head and looked at him diagonally below! Guess, what did I see? "

Meng Jiang raised his hand to cover Liu Yunhui’s mouth, stopped him from speaking, and continued: “That guy is sitting down there, you think, there is no light in the dormitory, the voice-activated light in the corridor is also off, and the table under the bed The front is very dark, but I can see clearly, his face is white as paper, his eyes are hollow, and he stares blankly in the direction of the balcony.

I was stuck in my throat when I wanted to ask him what's wrong, and I couldn't ask no matter how hard I tried. It's not that I'm timid, it feels like a force stuck in my throat, preventing words from coming out of my throat. I couldn't make a sound at all. Fortunately, I was still able to move, so I reached out and grabbed Zhong Feng, who was sleeping with my head. "

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