Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 102 Just open it?

When Aiwass saw Bishop Mathers again, he couldn't help but be surprised by his youth.

Bishop Mathers did not wear the red bishop's robe today, but only wore a thick off-white woolen shirt with elbow pads.

With his dark brown curly hair, amber eyes, eyes and smile full of vitality and confidence, he looks like a young man in his thirties with a successful career.

Aiwass was stunned for a moment before he remembered that this was the true appearance that Bishop Mathers showed him after teaching Aiwass the fire ritual.

It was just that when they first met, the "old bishop" who looked extremely old left such a deep impression on Aiwass... He even forgot that the aging look was deliberately created by Bishop Mathers. Show Aiwass the fire ritual. When he mentioned Mathers, he would unconsciously think of "that old bishop."

Recalling Ms. Meia's appearance, Aiwass realized that Bishop Mathers and Ms. Meia were indeed brothers and sisters. They do look somewhat similar.

Bishop Mathers is forty-six years old this year, so I’m afraid Ms. Meia is not too young...

When he opened the door and saw Aiwass, Bishop Mathers was obviously stunned for a moment. He obviously sensed the depth of Aiwass' path.

"...It's really the second level."

Bishop Mathers opened his eyes wide and looked at it hesitantly for a long time before finally sighing in a low voice.

He taught Aiwass four sacred skills last week and witnessed him embark on the path of devotion.

Although it is very scary to advance to the second level in one week, the efficiency is actually understandable.

After all, Aiwass's talent is quite good, and he mastered the "Fire Sacrifice" technique in an instant. As long as he goes back and practices a little bit, and then figures out the "blessing", he can be promoted to the second level.

But the last promotion ceremony was only the day after Bishop Mathers taught him the sacred skills.

In other words, it only took Aiwass one day to complete the advancement.

Taking into account the materials and processes of the advancement ceremony, preparations need to be made in advance. Maybe Aiwass spent much less time than that.

"It's unbelievable, it's really unbelievable..."

"You can only say that I am extremely talented."

Aiwass laughed.

Mathers shook his head repeatedly and was speechless.

Mathers immediately recognized the "red-handled sword" when he saw the news in the newspaper. His first reaction was to wonder if Aiwass had already entered the path of transcendence and obtained enough fire attribute mana pool through other professions. That's why he has the magic power to drive the key and use the "Holy Sword Technique" sealed inside.

Bishop Mathers lent the key to the chapel to Aiwass at that time, just to use its "fire injection" effect to let Aiwass defend himself - it only requires a minimum of mana to activate the flaming sword, and it looks like Going up there is quite intimidating. He didn't even explain the effect of the holy sword technique that could only be used once a month to Aiwass.

Because it is impossible for a first-level priest to use the Holy Sword Technique.

So after seeing the news, Mathers' first reaction was to suspect that he had been deceived... He was even a little angry. I was planning to ask Aiwass for an explanation today.

But after seeing Aiwass in person, he realized that he had indeed misunderstood him.

...Fortunately, he hasn't explained to Sherlock or Mina why he was angry. Originally, I planned to wait until Aiwass arrived and then ask in front of them... Fortunately, I was calm enough to avoid making a joke.

Otherwise, if this matter spreads to the family, his parents and Meia will laugh at him.

But Mathers still found it somewhat incomprehensible.

——How can anyone in this world really advance in just one day?

"...You kid."

With so many complicated emotions lingering around his mouth, Mathers couldn't speak out or swallow them. In the end, he could only sigh helplessly: "You were actually pretending that you didn't learn the blessing technique at that time, right?"

"Yes, Bishop Mathers."

Aiwass certainly knew what Mathers was thinking.

He didn't expose it, just smiled and said softly: "The first time I came into contact with extraordinary power, I immediately learned the four sacred skills of the church--it would be too shocking to spread this out, and it might cause unnecessary trouble.

"You taught me the sacred skills in advance because you were in trouble. Since it is for this goal, I think I should cause as few other troubles as possible... When I first learned the 'Sacrifice of Fire', your The reaction made me realize that I was abnormal - so I deliberately did not show my blessing skills later. But in fact, I had already learned it."

Yes, I turned it on - referring to the plug-in. His talent is very strong, but it is true that he is not able to learn how to sacrifice fire in an instant. That is a miracle achieved through the power of "experience".

But if it’s open, it’s open?

Isn’t it my own experience? !

Oh, I was the one grabbing the head. That's okay.

"...You're right, Aiwass."

Mathers sighed and took Lily and Aiwass to the living room: "If someone had told me before that someone could learn the blessing technique in one day, I would have thought that he had not woken up.

"You know, you have mastered the blessing technique faster than the Eternal Pope. If you had shown this talent that day, I'm afraid I would have transferred you directly to the Theocracy... because it's up to me whether you should stay or leave. It’s something that power can decide. The Pope may personally write to His Majesty to ask for someone.”

It's just a matter of offering sacrifices to fire. Blessing is the most difficult of the sacred skills. Many apprentice priests are stuck on this issue. You may not be able to understand it in four years of college and advance to the second level. Therefore, you cannot enter the church and obtain a religious crown.

It also took Mathers a week to master the blessing technique, and this was already the fastest among the priests he knew.

How ridiculous. He once thought he was a genius, but now it seems that he is just sitting in a well and observing the sky.

"No wonder those demonologists came here to catch you."

Mathers couldn't help but sigh: "Your talent has reached this level, which is no longer normal. I feel that you may have been blessed by one of Zhu Zhu's apostles... There was a lot of movement in that ceremony, like A superior demon was summoned, and in the end the Supervisory Bureau did not find that demon - looking back now, it should be the deformed limb demon that attacked you this time.

"I was still wondering at the time... You were not a voluntary sacrifice. If you were forcibly captured and sacrificed, why could you summon a demon of this size? But now it seems that all this is very reasonable."

Mathers could only seriously remind him: "Be careful, Aiwass. Advancement too fast is not necessarily a good thing.

“The higher the energy level, the stronger the call from the path, and people will become more paranoid.

"We do have to practice the path of dedication, but I actually think... we still have to keep our true intentions. We should always leave a little leeway, and don't try our best to force promotion - in that case, we may not have any extra energy to fight against the path. The impact of the journey itself.”

The young pastor with dark brown curly hair was a little helpless: "This was originally what I planned to tell you when you reached the third level, so that you could advance to the fourth level later. Stabilize yourself a little more. realm, make more preparations.

"On the one hand, it's because the third promotion ceremony starts to become more difficult, and on the other hand, it's because you have to prepare to advance to the profession starting from the fourth level. And starting from the fourth level, the Nine Paths begin to have a significant impact on the mind. The impact.”

"Bishop Mathers," Aiwass also asked curiously, "Are you a fifth-level transcendent?"

"Actually, I am only a fourth-level 'Guardian of the Holy Sepulcher' now, but I have already reached the limit of the fourth level before I was thirty. That's why the Theocracy handed over the Candlelight Cathedral to me... Then At that time, your biological father was one of my students."

When Mathers said this, he paused slightly before continuing.

"I actually have always had a point of view. Of course, you don't have to listen," Mathers said softly. "As we all know, if your will to practice the path is not pure enough, you will not be able to advance to the fifth level. But I Do you think... if your will becomes too pure, will you still be the same as you were at the beginning?

"In the beginning, when we first embarked on the extraordinary road, we were just some passionate young people, right? At that time, could we really imagine that the future would be like this? Since no matter where we are on the road of devotion, No matter how far you go, you can help others... So is there any point in going too far?

"I was called a genius at the time. I thought I was really that powerful and powerful.

"I even had a quarrel with my parents at the time because I thought I was right - I completed the journey that they would never complete in their lifetimes in a shorter time and without even exerting much effort. But they said that I was obsessed with dedication. My understanding of the path has gone awry, and I have deviated from the path of love. How could I believe what they said?"

Mathers sighed slowly: "But as outstanding as I am, I still couldn't save your parents."

Hearing this, Aiwass perked up.

Although he had personally witnessed another version during the advancement ceremony before. But the "another possibility of history" in the dream ritual is, after all, not the real past, but just a stage script written by the Nine Pillars with reference to history.

——But Mathers is the real person who experienced it.

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