Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 105 Are you drunk now?

This is a truth that Aiwass did not expect at all.

But he also suddenly understood why his grandfather, who had been in contact with so many extraordinary people and had such a wide network of contacts, was going to a remote countryside to become a poor poet who was not famous and made no money...

Grandpa, he is hiding from trouble!

Aiwass also suddenly understood why his biological father and mother were on the path of devotion and the path of beauty respectively, and his adoptive father was not on the path of transcendence... He had inexplicably developed a great obsession with demonology back then.

That is the path tendency carved into the blood.

Generally speaking, the children of gifted extraordinary people will also become extraordinary people on the same path - in fact, it is not inheritance of talent, but inheritance of desire, or "debt".

If you are not talented enough, it may be a matter of luck.

But if the level has been raised to the limit long ago, but the advancement ceremony has not been carried out... the call from the path will become stronger. If an offspring is obtained at this time, the overflowing "calling" will be passed on to the offspring, and the parent generation will be liberated by this.

This is also the reason why ancient nobles would leave more heirs.

Nobles are usually high-ranking people. But they don't want to, or don't dare to continue to advance, so they need to continue to give birth to children to restore the influence of the power of the path on their souls. But if you suppress yourself for too long, the first child born is often prone to mental illness.

During the Herasl Empire, this phenomenon was called the "disaster of the firstborn" by royal scholars who had not yet figured out the principle.

Imperial scholars view this as a curse imposed by the apostles to explain why the eldest son of each family is often the most likely to inherit the family business and the most susceptible to mental illness.

Those nobles who focus on their careers and have not yet given birth to children in their thirties and forties are prone to go crazy when their first children are born; but commoners are usually fine, and if nobles get married very early, this will not happen.

The solution for scholars to solve this curse is to let the imperial nobles get married and have children as soon as possible.

If you get married soon after embarking on the path to transcendence, you will often not have to wait too long before giving birth to a child after your advancement on the path gets stuck. Although they didn't understand the principle, they finally solved the problem.

After that, children prone to madness usually came from "illegitimate children". Because early marriage can control the birth of children within marriage, but it cannot control the bloodline of children born outside marriage. If the cheating partner is also a transcendent, it is easy to get pregnant and give birth to a cursed child. Phantom eggs are also easily born in these children.

Even in the knight family, not many people know this secret. As an unofficial supernatural being, Aiwass's grandfather had no way of knowing about this. And he did not dare to advance, so his children inherited part of the urge to embark on the path of transcendence.

This is one of the reasons why Avalon's lawless ways are endless today. Once an illegal extraordinary person is discovered, he or she will be detained for a long time or even sentenced to death, but even so, they can never be killed completely.

Since Giulio is not crazy, there is a high probability that he is not the eldest son. In other words, there should be a brother or sister above him... Then Aiwass's grandfather Jacob should be very old.

"In the beginning, the Scaleless Hands was a folk ritual society. Their profession at that time was not demonologists, but 'spell mages' specializing in rituals and curses. They did not have any knowledge of demonology. ——'Demonology' is, after all, a knowledge that requires a lot of sacrifices, materials, and constant trial and error to be acquired.

"They secretly teach some ritual knowledge and use rituals to help others. They also curse and kill some corrupt judges or officials, so they have gained a very good reputation among the people.

"Later, with the sponsorship of the Star Antimony people, the remnants of Alkotos joined the 'Scaleless Hand' with the orthodox inheritance of demonology, and eventually achieved a high position."

Sherlock continued: "Anyway, everyone is an illegal transcendent who has transcended the path, and their purpose is to rebel against the royal family - most people in the Hands of Scales think this is not much different. The essence of transcending the path is rebellion by any means. , they don’t care about morals and rules. After all, demons are much easier to learn than rituals and curses...

"Later, the number of demonologists in the organization gradually surpassed that of the spellcasters. Finally, after a pure-blood giant took control of the 'Scaleless Hands' organization, the organization was renamed 'Noble Red' and all senior executives were replaced by A hybrid giant.

"Some old-time Conjuration Mages have distanced themselves from the Noble Red Society, and have quit the association and chosen to live in seclusion, including your grandfather Jacob. The professional heritage of the Conjuring Mages originally came from those who believed that demons They are despicable, dangerous and uncontrollable demonologists. Their understanding of the path to transcendence is different from that of demonologists - they believe that demons are a 'power that is easy to obtain and easy to lose', and the transcendence accomplished with the help of contracted demons is not pure. It’s not safe either.”

Sherlock said this and sneered: "According to my investigation... none of the curse masters who have withdrawn from the Noble Red Society has survived so far - their entire family died of the curse. Then there is obviously only one truth. "

"So that's it..."

Aiwass sighed.

He admired Sherlock's investigative abilities: "When did you start investigating?"

"Last Sunday."

Sherlock took a sip of wine, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and smiled smugly: "The first time they came into my sight was when Edward and I went to investigate the Sweater Brotherhood.

"In order to fill my fatal curiosity, Mr. Edward chose to lure me with other puzzles. But what he didn't expect was that I had studied psychology - the first thing that people subconsciously think of in this situation. The second topic is often related to the matter itself.

"The bait he used to divert my attention was the case code-named 'Red Stone' that the Inspectorate was investigating recently: a batch of high-power, small-sized portable alchemy bombs that were smuggled in from the Pelican Bar. Avalon.

"As far as I know, Avalon does not have the conditions to make portable alchemy bombs. Alchemy in Avalon started too late, and even the explosives used for mining and blasting have to be imported. This kind of alchemy bomb can only be A new thing made by the alchemists of the Star Antimony people. Moreover, the Pelican Bar was investigated as a 'smuggling den' on the surface, which confirms my opinion.

"So I have a bold guess. Perhaps the Noble Red Society, a civil society composed of Avalonians, was an organization supported by the Kingdom of Star Antimony from the very beginning."

"Indeed." Aiwass nodded in agreement.

"Not only that, Aiwass. I followed this point to investigate the history of the establishment of the Noble Red Society, but found that I couldn't find it. So I realized one thing - most of the Noble Red Society Changed name."

As Sherlock spoke, he crossed his legs and knocked on the table rhythmically. His cheeks were a little red, and his body leaned back proudly under the gaze of the four people: "Under what circumstances would an illegal extraordinary organization suddenly change its name?" ?Of course, one can't rule out the possibility that they suddenly went insane. But given the size of the Noble Red Society, I'm leaning toward a name change that makes sense... say a change of ownership.

"So I turned to investigate the associations of transcendental beings other than the Noble Red Association, and found the 'Scaleless Hand' that gradually disappeared fifty years ago - after my confirmation, they are the same organization. While investigating the Scaleless Hands, I noticed the name of one of the founders: Jacob Alexander, who died of typhoid fourteen years ago... Before that, I had just investigated you, Aiwass. At that time I'm very sensitive to both 'Alexander' and 'Fourteen Years Ago'.

"Yes, Aiwass...he is your grandfather. When I found out this step, the truth was easily connected in my mind."

Sherlock put down the half-drunk glass of wine in his hand, looked at Bishop Mathers, and said in a louder voice than usual: "So, I don't quite agree with your previous statement. I tend to believe that the statement produced by the Supervisory Bureau is the truth. Just hiding some facts.

"It is entirely possible that Jacob Alexander had a secret in an unpublished poem. For at that time his eldest son was dead and his second son Giulio embarked on the path of devotion. The Noble Red became Avalon The largest and only folk association that transcends the path, the inheritance of the Curse Masters has been effectively cut off.

"In other words, he had the motive to leave a secret. But I am more inclined to think that he realized that 'Alexander' was cursed, so he wanted to leave some evidence and clues. But in the end, he was discovered and erased by following the curse. Except for the evidence.

"The Iron Hook Demon can teleport following the curse - if he hides his location in some way, but is cursed through blood, it can explain why old Jacob living in a remote village was attacked, And took away all the manuscripts."

Having said this, Sherlock, who had a clear blush on his face, looked at Aiwass with his piercing eyes and said firmly: "What I said is right...Mr. Fox."

Upon hearing this, Aiwass blinked noncommittally.

He just asked: "How did you guess it?"

"It's very simple, because I guess you have been promoted to the second level. I guessed it at the right time - when I went to the Palace of Silver and Tin to pick you up, Her Royal Highness the Princess said to me, 'Fox You can put the matter aside for now. Looking back now, she should have recognized your identity at that time.

"Please don't look at me like that, Mr. Bishop, I didn't eavesdrop on your conversation. I learned it through reasoning."

After only half a glass of wine, the drunk detective was happily humming a tune.

Without waiting for others to ask for advice, he answered by himself: "You gave the key to the chapel to Aiwass, and I know this. It was you who led Aiwass into the path of transcendence. When he came home that day, I met Aiwass and saw the key in his wheelchair. I remembered it then.

"And when you saw the news, you were not shocked or surprised by Aiwass, but you were obviously a little angry. It was like you were betrayed. I guess you thought Aiwass couldn't drive the sword, so It is suspected that he is hiding another extraordinary profession.

"But when I came down, I saw you guys chatting happily and even talking about some secret past. This can only be your confirmation that Aiwass has indeed stepped onto the second level."

Sherlock smiled and said: "What I want to say is... you are worrying too much. I can confirm that Mr. Aiwass is a newcomer on the extraordinary path. He participated in the advancement ceremony for the first time a week ago and talked with me about the path of wisdom." The advancement of the Tao is the same ceremony. He is a true genius, a genius dedicated to the Tao... This is not a bad thing. It is much better than him being a genius who transcends the Tao."

——What if I am both?

Aiwass raised his eyebrows and asked in his mind.

After Sherlock recognized Aiwass, his wariness and resistance to the "fox" were immediately swept away. Rather than feeling embarrassed that he had not recognized it, he admired Aiwass's disguise.

Sherlock sighed: "If you think about it carefully, you have actually left a lot of flaws. Your understanding of poetry and poetry, as well as your playboy temperament... coupled with the fact that Her Highness the Princess favors you, I would have I should have recognized you. I was too arrogant for not recognizing you - I was too firm in my initial reasoning and denied other possibilities. My thoughts have also been affected by transcending the path."

After drinking too much, Sherlock became more and more clearly showing a cheerfulness and enthusiasm that was completely different from his usual coldness and reserve. He warmly invited: "I have an idea, Aiwass! You will definitely like that kind of adventure... When you and Haina take a vacation, the New Year is almost here, and she will definitely go home. Why don't we go back with her and investigate the real cause of your grandfather's death?"

"Haven't you already checked it out?" Aiwass asked.

"That is only second-hand information after all, Mr. Fox. You are still not rigorous enough and have overlooked some details."

Sherlock was in high spirits, and his words were full of childlike curiosity and boasting of his talents: "After all, those who can teleport are only hook demons, not real demonologists. I think your grandfather must still have left He found other clues and was not completely destroyed by the demon... After all, he also knew those demonologists and should understand their methods.

"-Why, aren't you interested in this?"

"I am indeed interested...there's just one problem, Sherlock."

Aiwass shook his head: "What should I do about Yulia?"

"Then take her with you. You are a second-level priest. And it's almost the middle of the month for your vacation. You might be promoted again. The investigation of this complex case has made me wiser. The improvement is very smooth. I feel that I will definitely touch the threshold of the third level in the next month. You are such a genius and you completed the advancement in one day... You can't be slower than me, right?"

Sherlock encouraged Aiwass excitedly, and his face turned completely red: "Third-level priest, what are you afraid of? Aren't you interested in your grandfather's secret?"

——You’re not drinking too much, are you?

Aiwass finally realized something was wrong.

This twenty-six-year-old young man is now as pure and happy as a teenager who has discovered a fun game.

If he had not embarked on the path of authoritarianism back then, perhaps Shylock would have been like this now.

Aiwass finally knew why he said he wouldn't drink anymore - he really couldn't touch alcohol.

Although the brandy is about forty degrees, the cup of hot apple brandy contains at least two-thirds of apple juice, and it is only as much as a slightly larger tea cup.

Sherlock has just drank half a cup... Can this cup have 100 ml?

This amount of alcohol is probably equivalent to pouring half a bottle of beer, right?

How could any adult drink so much? Aren't you a transcendent?

"...You better not drink next time, Sherlock."

Aiwass sincerely advised: "As for going to Yingjia Village... I think we still have to ask Senior Sister Haina, don't we?"

An update of more than 7,000 words~

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