Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 118 The soldier is dead

Although the Silver Crowned Dragon is the pillar god of the authoritative path, he also possesses some powers and qualities that transcend the path.

In other words, in ancient times when there was no professional inheritance, it was very reasonable for any extraordinary person to possess multi-path power.

The nine paths inherently represent nine attitudes toward life, nine world views, nine personalities, and nine tendencies.

No path is absolutely correct, and few people can only walk on one path and never deviate from it.

The career system that was born in the past two thousand years has brought a more stable inheritance and promotion path to extraordinary people. In fact, it has also allowed people to subconsciously follow the path and gradually purify their personalities.

But in fact, moving forward on one path does not mean abandoning the characteristics of other paths. Or it can be said the other way around - if a person is completely incompatible with other paths, it does not mean that he will definitely be able to go very far on this path.

The ultimate goal of "purifying thinking" is actually because of one's own lack of talent, so one focuses more energy on one path in order to go faster and further.

But after some people realize that this can lead to faster promotion, they force others to also purify their path, otherwise it will be difficult to go further when they are young enough - after all, the level of the path when they are young will directly determine their career, income and The rest of life. Everyone wants to live a better life, and they don't hesitate to change themselves for this.

When advancement on the road becomes utilitarian, the average age of extraordinary people at each level will decrease year by year. But in fact, there are still only so many people who can reach the fourth level or above. Because the higher you go, the more difficult it becomes.

In less extreme situations, each transcendent should have the adaptability of multiple paths - not to adapt himself to the path, but to gain the power of all paths to adapt to him. Therefore, they should have many low-level abilities, but few can be promoted to high levels... This is the talent of normal people.

As a modern transcendent, Haina feels unable to understand this ancient concept of transcendence.

Haina was so shocked that she couldn't even speak: "The Silver Crowned Dragon, the Crowned Lord... are they also transcendants?

"Is it possible for a mortal... to become a Pillar God?"

"It's not a transcendent, but it has the characteristics of transcending the path," Aiwass corrected calmly, "And becoming a Pillar God, there is actually no insurmountable gap. As we all know, mortals can become Tiansi, and As long as they are Tiansi, it is theoretically possible to become a pillar god. The reason why they have not become a pillar god is just because they are not strong enough and have not gone far enough on the nine paths.

"We have been taught many times in school that the Nine Pillars God is not the manager of the path, but just the forerunner of the path... But obviously, senior sister, you do not understand the true meaning of this sentence. In the final analysis, it is actually There are only nine great powers without owners in this world, and the corresponding nine highest positions... Regarding this, this knowledge will be taught in the textbooks of our seminaries.

"The reason why the nine-pillar gods are the nine-pillar gods is because they have gone the furthest on this path currently, so this path is named after their direction, and everyone else must follow their principles.

"But as long as other Tiansi can go further than the Pillar God, this path will change its owner and change its name. There is no need to kill the Pillar God - from the era after the existence of writing, the Pillar God has changed its owners. Three times, they were [Cicada Slough], [Forbidden Fruit] and [Kingdom]. The only thing that humans have experienced is recorded in human history. This third event five hundred years ago. The first two were caused by dragons and elves respectively. witness."

"...Aiwass, where did you learn all this... secrets like this?"

Haina couldn't help but tremble all over.

She clearly had trouble digesting this forbidden knowledge.

She suddenly said: "Grandpa Jacob once told us the legends of the great warriors in ancient times... I also wondered why there are no warriors in modern times..."

"Although the nature of power and authority are similar, the directions are different. Therefore, after the Silver Crown Dragon came to power, the old professions of 'Warrior', 'Berserker', and 'Fighter' declined."

Aiwass did not answer her first question, but skipped it and answered the next question: "The power they already have will not disappear, but they will not become stronger through their original profession. But they One can easily switch to the authoritarian path without losing much power.

"In the end, the 'berserker' became the bound, the 'warrior' became the guardian, the 'swordsman' became the overseer, the 'fighter' became the captor, and the 'challenger' became the 'squire' Officer'. The Lawyer is a brand new profession, so there is no advancement. Among the professions on the path of power five hundred years ago, only the light cavalry has not changed, but the original advanced 'knight' has become an 'air cavalry'. And the knight It becomes a class in Avalon."

Among them, guardian, bound person, captor, and attendant are not common professions in Avalon.

Because as long as you learn legal knowledge and practice swordsmanship and riding skills at the same time, you will definitely advance to become an inspector; if you don't learn riding skills, you will be a lawyer; if you don't learn the law, you will be a light cavalry.

This is what Aiwass said, mystical knowledge may contaminate a person. The advanced requirements of many professions, in addition to possessing a certain mysterious skill, also specifically require "not to possess a certain skill."

Therefore, as long as you are an extraordinary person with official background, you can only become one of these three professions.

"What about advanced professions?"

Although Haina was very frightened after hearing this, and even her whole body was shaking, her curiosity became stronger: "Where are the inspectors and arbitrators?"

"Do you really want to listen?"

Aiwass raised his eyebrows and replied casually: "If I remember correctly, the inspector should have been called the 'ombudsman', and the arbiter was the 'dictator'."

Compared with lower-level professions, upper-level professions that are closer to the path have very obvious changes. It's like a knight on a horse turned into an aerial cavalry riding a gryphon.

But for extraordinary professions such as "Overseer" and "Dictator" that have disappeared, it is still possible to find their abilities in tantric books. This is a very typical "lost skill".

In fact, when Aiwass first played this game, he had the same doubts as Haina.

Although he doesn't like to play warriors, generally speaking, every game should have a "warrior" profession.

There are priests, monks, and paladins on the path of devotion, mages on the path of wisdom, assassins and hunters on the adaptive path, knights on the authoritative path, and warlocks on the transcendent path...

——But why are there no warriors?

And judging from various historical records and ancient legends, there were clearly warriors in this world before.

So Aiwass could only understand that it was probably because times had changed.

Today, those extraordinary people on the balanced path have developed a variety of inventions and discoveries in the new era - steam engines, diesel engines, generators, electric lights, telephones, microorganisms, periodic tables of chemical elements, film, pens, trains, Bicycles, toilet paper...

In this prosperous era where everything is possible and full of vitality, warriors wielding swords and guns may no longer be popular. The existence of extraordinary beings will cause wars between countries with similar levels to be too intense, and the huge differences between individual extraordinary beings will make the war situation uncontrollable, which will instead lead to the birth of an era of peace.

It wasn't until much later that Aiwass realized that it was not the warriors who had been eliminated, but the extraordinary profession of "warrior" that had disappeared.

It is also "strength", but brute force and power are also different.

——After the era of authoritarianism arrives, the warrior is dead.

From this perspective, Jacob is really amazing.

He may not have grasped the whole truth, nor did he understand the nature of the Tao and the Pillar Gods, but he was at least aware of the existence of the Supreme Heaven. In Avalon, the existence of the Old Pillar God is undoubtedly forbidden knowledge.

However, he only escaped from the Noble Red Society after taking control of the Scaleless Hands.

Perhaps these secrets were obtained by Jacob from Noble Red.

Although Aiwass's words tell the secrets of the authoritarian path, they contain knowledge beyond the path. He can inspire a high-ranking transcendent on the authoritarian path to directly change to the transcendent path, and may even drive him crazy directly; he may also inspire a person who originally did not have the nature of the transcendent path to enter the transcendent path.

However, in Aiwass' view, it is actually better to say this kind of thing sooner rather than later.

It is probably for this reason that Jacob uses fairy tales to tell it to children who have the ability to transcend the path.

The longer and higher you go on the authoritarian path, the more you regard the authoritarian path as the criterion of your life and believe that this path is absolutely correct, the more likely it is that your worldview will collapse as a result.

Who knew that the pillar gods of the authoritative path relied on the power beyond the path to be promoted to pillar gods?

There is such a risk in walking a single path alone. No path is wrong, but in fact no path is absolutely correct... Even the path of devotion has its dark spots.

These secrets and words that Aiwass has mastered are his extremely sharp weapons.

In the end, Haina was in a trance for a while before she recovered. She finally left Aiwass's dormitory with the letter Aiwass wrote to Sherlock.

"...However, Haina actually recovered so quickly."

He was a little surprised.

Aiwass thought she might lose control and faint, or lose consciousness and spend the night in his dormitory. He was ready to let Lily pack up a guest room for Haina.

Does this mean that her talent for the transcendental path is actually higher than that of the authoritarian path?

She was only twenty-two years old and already halfway through the third level of the authoritarian path. This is undoubtedly genius.

But now her talent beyond the path may be higher than the authoritarian path.

This made Aiwass a little interested.

Could such a genius really die in a country-destroying disaster so easily?

Or should I say, she actually appeared in the game.

It's just that at that time, her name was no longer Haina, and she was not walking on the path of authoritarianism. That's why Aiwass didn't recognize her?

My routine is basically back to normal, and my out-of-circle level is now level three! (cheer)

I went to bed at ten o'clock yesterday and got up at half past five today——

This time we are real human beings (wiping away tears)

——Cat Terry becomes human!

This way I can go out and get a haircut. I was severely allergic to pollen in the spring and couldn't go out. After publishing the book, my schedule was messed up. I didn't get a haircut for four months. Now my hair style is almost the same as that of Ishigami Yu. I'm a very good artist...

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