Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 131 Aleister’s famous scene in The Shining

Antlers fled all the way and hid back in the "storage room".

But not his storeroom, but Aleister's storeroom.

He resurrected the two remaining corpses to protect himself.

And directly petrified the door of the storage room, preparing to stay here until the end of the ceremony.

Unfortunately, the resurrected corpse is stripped of the four realms and cannot use the abilities of love, beauty, wisdom, and transcending the four realms. The two corpses should belong to "Red" and the monk, corresponding to the path of love and the path of wisdom respectively.

This means that the two corpses are only able to move.

But in fact it’s not a big problem. The door was sealed and no one would come here except the giants...and if the giants arrived, he would send the bodies over for them to eat.

"There are at most three survivors..."

Antlers murmured in a low voice: "It is impossible for Hui to survive. Then the ceremony is actually over.

"I just have to stay here and survive until the end."

No matter what, he never imagined that Mr. Gray would survive Aleister's attack.

For a demon with weak sanity, low intelligence, and prone to madness, hunting down an assassin who is fast and good at hiding is probably like a cat chasing a mouse, and it will only arouse the interest in hunting. And the Shadow Demon can also give him the ability to see into shadows... so Gray's stealth is also ineffective against him.

"I hope Hui can hold on a little longer."

Lujiao gloated and whispered: "Anyway, you young people still have many opportunities, so give this opportunity to me..."

He is truly a demon, so terrifying. he sighed.

Although in the eyes of demonologists, demons are just dangerous humanoid beasts.

But as far as other professions are concerned... at least at low energy levels, demons parasitized by higher-level demons are much more dangerous than demon scholars.

According to the demonological knowledge that Shikaku acquired from the Noble Red Society, first-level demons can exert at least one-tenth of the power of upper-level demons and one-third of lower-level demons; as they initiate battles with demons transactions, the strength they can exert will further increase.

Demons are like a good psychic container, gradually shaping their bodies into something more suitable for demons to use.

For demons, the devil is the "armor" that helps them avoid their weaknesses and the "house" that can appear in the material world without relying on a contract. It is a very valuable asset.

Unless necessary, the devil will not be willing to kill the devil he is parasitizing.

Therefore, the devil can give up his control over the body step by step and exchange for more and more powerful power through transactions. As their energy levels rise, their bodies will be continuously strengthened, and they can gradually develop skills to borrow more demonic power in advance, or permanently distort their bodies into a demon-like posture.

Until the demon scholar advances into the demon incarnation, transforms himself into a superior demon and gains immortality, in terms of pure combat power, the demon scholar can never beat the demon of the same level. Just like a lawyer, it is difficult to fight against a supervisor of the same level.

After all, the caster's combat effectiveness in early encounters is weaker.

However, as far as the relationship with demons is concerned, the relationship between demonologists and demons is always that of collaborators. Higher-level demonologists have a nearly enslaved relationship with imps and lower-level demons.

However, the devil is always at the bottom.

What they want to transcend is their own destiny controlled by the devil.

That Aleister was obviously the type to be enslaved by the Shadow Demon.

The sound Aleister made in the waiting room could not have been human. Judging from the tone and tone, it should be the movement made by the shadow demon controlling his body.

Shikaku concluded at that time that he was probably stronger than the normal demon parasitized by the shadow demon because he had no one to teach him. Probably he sold more souls in his past life in exchange for stronger strength.

According to his trading speed, it is estimated that he will be swallowed into an empty shell by the Shadow Demon before he reaches the third level.

But Antlers still underestimated him.

——When the hound appeared, Lujiao gave up the test, turned around and ran away.

Because Antlers knew the hound. That is Shadow Demon's signature attack method, and it is also the incarnation of Shadow Demon.

Antlers was friends with Vice President Boca of Lloyd's. Boka was also a member of the Noble Red Society and was the one who introduced the society to him.

Boka is a very high-level demon scholar, and Lujiao has seen him use very powerful high-level ritual spells with his own eyes.

The ritual "Bite of the Shadow Dog" is to temporarily summon the shadow demon in the form of a shadow dog, and send it back with only one attack.

The shadow dog looks like a vigorous hunting dog, but its mouth is wider than a human being, and it can devour a human being with just one bite. And if you jump up and attack, you can bring the bitten part directly back to the shadow realm of the dream world when you land. That is equivalent to directly erasing this part of the body... If you happen to swallow the whole person in one gulp, you can drag it directly into the dream world.

The biggest difference between phantom demons and races in the material world is that all phantom demons can physically enter the dream world. But it's impossible for humans - so humans will die irresistibly the moment they are dragged into the dream world.

If this blow can hit the fifth-level strong person completely and swallow him up without breaking out until he leaves, then the fifth-level strong person will also be killed by one blow.

This is a classic Transcendence Path spell.

Pay attention to the weak defeating the strong, prepare in advance to pay the cost of time and materials, bear the risk of missing a hit or failure to swallow, perform complex rituals, and gamble on the possibility of killing with one hit.

At that time, Vice President Boca made the right bet - the arbitrator who was more powerful than them all was taken away by the shadow demon and disappeared without a trace. Not even a trace was left.

If Aleister could summon the Shadow Dogs...

That shows that the power of Shadow Demon has been able to appear to the outside world through him. As a container for the Shadow Demon, but it can allow the Shadow Demon's power to flow to the outside world, it means that the container has leaked.

As a demon, he is only one step away from losing control. Those phantom eggs that are on the verge of getting out of control also look like this.

"...It doesn't matter, I will win in the end."

Antlers comforted himself.

This promotion will only hasten Aleister's death... His will has been almost worn out, and this promotion will be the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

He vaguely heard the thunder seeming to cause the knight to escape. But from Antlers' point of view, the knight shouldn't be able to escape.

The only one who can survive is myself hiding here.

So after Aleister is promoted and is completely devoured by the Shadow Demon, this ceremony will actually mean that he is the only one who wins.

The location where he is now is the storage room where Aleister first appeared. This is a perfect hiding place that the deer antlers found with great difficulty.

His judgment was simple - the Thunder's team had three players, while Aleister appeared alone. Then the storage room with two corpses must be the storage room where Aleister appeared.

This is a blind corner of thinking.

Aleister will either hunt for the knights, or he will go looking for the holy spear. When time is tight enough, no one would think of turning back. Especially the place of birth that took a long way to get around.

"Seventeen minutes left."

Lujiao murmured in a low voice: "Soon, soon..."

Although he does not have a pocket watch, as a transcendent of the Dusk Path, he is very keen on the passage of time.

"——What's so fast?"

A faint, low voice suddenly came from outside the door.

This made Antlers hold his breath for a moment.

A great sense of fear seized his heart - even though he knew that this was all just a dream, the incomprehensible yet imminent sense of crisis still made him feel suffocated instinctively.

He tried to suppress the fear in his heart and calm down.

Without saying a word and without hesitation, he raised his hand and used his remaining magic power to use the petrifying light on the door again.

——It’s hard to see clearly in this dark environment. There is a bone ring on the index finger of Antler’s right hand.

It was a magic weapon made of a baby's skull that he had personally crafted.

It allows the antlers to skip the first-level spell chanting and complete the spell casting instantly. This is why his level is slightly lower than that of Red and Thunder, but he sits in the first position.

Previously, Lujiao deliberately complained to Mr. Gray that "I don't have a bone staff" and chanted slowly and completely while petrifying the gate. Just to hide his instantaneous spellcasting ability and dig a hole for Mr. Gray. If Hui thinks he has seen his trump card clearly and plans to attack him, then he will give Mr. Gray a surprise.

Unexpectedly, Lei Lei, who had fainted for no apparent reason, suddenly woke up.

Compared with the knight and the unknown spellcaster, the thunder is much more threatening. So Antlers was forced to reveal his trump card and tried to sneak attack Thunder and instantly petrify him.

But for some reason, the Thunder reacted—not so much a reaction as a prediction.

The petrification technique is faster than a bullet, and you can no longer dodge it if you try to dodge it.

It's really strange, why did Lei Lei realize that he was going to use petrification on him?

Antlers, who was not good at fighting, couldn't figure out what flaws he had exposed. At this point, he no longer had the need to hide... All he could do was seal the door.

If the bronze door was unlocked, it would take all the strength of these strong young warriors to push it open. With the keyhole, handle, and door seam sealed by him, Aleister couldn't open the door no matter what.

As long as Aleister is disappointed, he will probably leave. After all, there was no need for him to kill himself. In fact, Aleister had successfully advanced...

But at this moment, there was a loud noise.

It was as if something had struck the bronze door—the extremely solid solid bronze door was cut through with just one blow.

——This is the door of the temple, not a pure bronze plate!

Antler's heart beat violently, and he couldn't help shouting: "Are you crazy?! This will attract the giant here!"

And Aleister's deep and sinister voice came from outside: "Then open the door, sir..."

Before he finished speaking, there was another loud noise, the ground shook and smoke and dust rose.

This time the antlers were finally seen clearly, they were huge spiral guns made of shadows. Even the blessed temple gates are unable to withstand the full force of the Shadow Fiend's attack. I'm afraid that if I try again, a big hole will be punched out.

"——You are crazy, you are such a devil!"

Antlers raised his hand without hesitation and shot the petrifying light at the hole.

However, there was no third attack.

Just when Lujiao thought he was petrified successfully. He was going to send the corpse to test it out: "Go and have a look..."

"I'm here..."

A low, hoarse voice whispered behind him and in his ear: "What do you want him to see...?"


In an instant, countless sharp spikes with barbs penetrated from the back of the antlers. The slender black thorns were hung with blood, pushing his body forward and upward into the air.


The severe pain made Lujiao's mind go blank.

He didn't even have time to figure out what was happening before he saw an extremely thick black spiral spear piercing his back, piercing his chest and abdomen, and appearing in front of him.

"Is this what you want to see?"

Shadow Demon's evil and hoarse voice sounded.

Then amidst its crazy laughter and the shrill screams of the antlers, the antlers were torn into pieces by the shadow demon starting from the limbs.

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